Under The Red Sky
This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular stereo Dylan albums. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections. This page is incomplete - more entries required. For releases of this album in CBS/Columbia multi-packs, see International Album Releases (Regular) - Multi-Packs. |
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existing entries, please let me know!
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see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the
dealers on my Trading page for assistance!
Revised 06 January, 2025.
Out-takes from this album have been officially released as follows:
The Bootleg Series Vol. 8 - Tell Tale Signs: Rare And Unreleased 1989-2006 (2008): Born In Time (original version from Oh Mercy - two alternate takes); God Knows (original version from Oh Mercy).
Vinyl and Tape Releases
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia C 46794 (USA), 11 Sep 1990:
Thanks to Marc Matsumoto, Gerd Rundel and T. J. Jenkins for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - promo stereo cassette release, Columbia 46794 (USA), Aug/Sep 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - commercial stereo cassette release, Columbia CT 46794 (USA), 11 Sep 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia C 46794 (USA for Canada), 11 Sep 1990:
Columbia C 46794 (USA for Canada) - detail of rear, scan
by Gerd Rundel
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, Columbia CT 46794 (Canada), 11 Sep 1990:
The cassette comes with a long multi-folded insert with the song lyrics similar to the US cassette release above. The outside of the unfolded insert has following differences from the US release:
- Canadian copyright text as shown
- "DOLBY SYSTEM logo" and text is red
-"46794" on bottom right of the outside of the unfolded insert is missing
The cassette is transparent smoked grey with no country of origin, although it has a different text layout from the US cassette release. There are no paper labels.
Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo test pressing, CBS 4671881 (UK), Aug 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS 467188 1 (UK), Sep 1990:
This album comes with a lyrics inner sheet and late 1980s/1990s style red CBS labels. Orpheas Zoupanos has a copy with a gold embossed promo stamp on the rear sleeve. The record labels do not have a country of origin, probably because the record was now made in Holland, not England.
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Orpheas Zoupanos for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - promo stereo cassette release, CBS 467188 4 (UK), Sep 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, CBS 467188 4 (UK), Sep 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 467188 1 (NL), Sep 1990; Columbia 467188 1 (NL), 1991:
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, CBS 467188 4 (NL), Sep 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS 467188 1 (Spain), Sep 1990:
CBS 467188 1 (SE) (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, CBS 467188 4 (Spain), Sep 1990:
The insert for this cassette release was printed by Indugraf, Madrid. The CBS Spain address is Paseo de la Castellana 93, 28046 Madrid. The cassette is light grey with black text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels.
Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS 467188 1/Bonton 710023-1331 (Czechoslovakia), 1990:
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Lukáš Berný for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP release: CBS/RTVL LL-1958 (Yugoslavia), 1990:
Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release: CBS/RTVL KL-1958 (Yugoslavia), 1990:
Thanks to Tommy Lidgren for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS 467188 1 (Greece), Sep 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, CBS/Uzelli 467188 4 (Turkey), 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS 467188 1 (Australia), Sep 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - promo and commercial stereo cassette releases, CBS 467188 4 (Australia), Sep 1990:
CBS 467188 4 (Australia) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Stuart
Moore (promo release variants 1 and 2 - grid pattern for variant 1,
smooth for variant 2)
The CBS Australia promo cassette has a unique yellow insert, blank on the inside, with a slogan "For Your Ears Only" (presumably a reference to the 1981 James Bond film "For Your Eyes Only" and hit theme song by Sheena Easton). The cassette looks the same as the commercial cassette. Stuart Moore has two copies with the same insert, the only difference being that the first cassette has a grid pattern at the bottom as shown in the detail scan like the commercial cassette but the second cassette does not. The commercial Australian release has a three-fold insert and a clear cassette with white text printed directly on to it, there are no labels. Stuart's commercial copy with a sticker on the front of the outer case has the same inserts as the commercial copy but the cassette itself is the same as that of the second promo copy.
Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, CBS 467 188-4 (Singapore), 1990:
This cassette release bears no manufacture or marketing information anywhere. However, the front of the case is embossed with "SPVA", the Singapore Phonogram Videogram Association, and this release is similar to other Singapore cassette releases listed here. There is a long folded insert including the song lyrics. The cassette is off-white with black text, there are no paper labels.
Thanks to Augie Krater for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, Columbia/CBS 4CX 00018 (India), 1990:
This release came in an unusual one-piece plastic case similar to the packaging of a VHS tape. It was made by CBS Gramophone Records & Tapes (India) Ltd, of Bombay (now known as Mumbai). Lars M. Banke's copy has what looks like a tab with "Sony" on the right edge of the insert. The cassette is an unusual translucent black plastic with text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels. Barely visible in Augie Krater's scan of the insert (in the box to the left of the price of 45 rupees) is a stamped packaging date of 1 July 1992. The cassette may not have been actually released in India until that year. The corresponding panel on the insert of Lars' copy does not have a stamped date.
Thanks to Lars M. Banke and Augie Krater for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS ASF 3340 (South Africa), 1990:
CBS ASF 3340 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS ASF 3340 (Zimbabwe), 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP, Discos CBS 188.110/1-467188 (Brazil), Sep 1990:
Sergio Mariano Romay has a promo copy in the same sleeve as the commercial copy with a gold embossed CBS promo stamp on the rear with text "AMOSTRA INVENDÁVEL [SAMPLE NOT FOR SALE]". The record has the same orange/yellow Discos CBS labels as the commercial copy without any promotional text. The promo copy is accompanied by a promotional letter written in Portuguese, with a review of the album highlighting the guest artists. The promo record copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - 188110 1-467188 (P) 1990 AL-46794, Side 2 - 188110 1-467188 (P) 1990 BL-46794. Ger Hemel has a promo copy similar to Sergio's but with a red promo stamp on Side 1 with Portuguese text "PROMOÇÃO INVENDÁVEL [PROMOTION NOT FOR SALE]"
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara, Sergio Mariano Romay and Ger Hemel for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, Discos CBS 88.110/4-467188 (Brazil), Sep 1990:
Discos CBS 88.110/4-467188 (Brazil) - cassette spine
scan by Sergio Mariano Romay
"Bajo El Cielo Rojo [Under The Red Sky]" - test pressing, promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia 70.153/1-467188 (Argentina), 1990:
Test pressing:
Promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases:
Columbia 70.153/1-467188 (Argentina) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel
García Jara (promo and commercial releases)
Sergio Mariano Romay has a red folded promo leaflet or handbill advertising the album. The promo release shown has a yellow CBS promo stamp on the rear sleeve, plus the extra text "DISCO PARA DEMOSTRACION - VENTA PROHIBIDA" on the labels. There was no lyric insert or inner sleeve with the promo release. The records have orange US-style Columbia labels with the logo repeated in a ring round the circumference. The record of Manuel's commercial copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 70.153/A, Side 2 - 70.153/B.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara, Sergio Mariano Romay and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.
"Bajo El Cielo Rojo [Under The Red Sky]" - stereo cassette release, Columbia 170.153/4-467188 (Argentina), 1989:
Columbia 170.153/4-467188 (Argentina) - cassette leader
tape scan by Sergio Mariano Romay ("CBS")
This Columbia cassette release comes in a black plastic "CBS" outer case, and also has "CBS" on the leader tape. It has a folded insert with the Columbia logo, which is also on both sides of the cassette. The album title on the front is in Spanish only, while the vinyl release has the title in both English and Spanish. As on the vinyl release, the song titles are translated into Spanish on both the insert and the cassette, with the English titles on the outside of the insert only. The cassette itself is buff, with red text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels.
Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, CBS 8438-4 (Uruguay), 1990:
The cassette is white with
paper labels with black text. Again, the text is only in English (except the copyright text).
“AGADU” (the name of the Uruguayan copyright organisation) is now present. The
folded card insert was printed in Uruguay by FIMASA and the cassette was made by
Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - stereo cassette release, Editions CADIC CA 1913 (Algeria), 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - compact stereo cassette releases, Original Tapes 168 (Poland)/Unidentified Label 389A (Poland)/Sawiton 139 (Poland)/Kaso 113 (Poland), 1990:
Original Tapes 168 (Poland) - cassette insert (inside is blank) |
All these cassettes are unauthorised, so full details are in Questionable Releases. Thanks to Lars M. Banke for the loan of the cassettes to scan. Thanks to Dag Braathen for the scan of the Kaso cassette insert. |
Unidentified Label 389A (Poland) - cassette insert (inside is blank) |
![]() Kaso 113 (Poland) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Dag Braathen |
CD and MiniDisc Releases
"Under The Red Sky" - CD release, Columbia CK 46794 (USA), 11 Sep 1990:
Sergio Mariano Romay has a copy bought in Argentina with a "CBS INTERNATIONAL" sticker over the barcode on the rear.
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - CD releases, CBS 467188 2 (Austria for Europe), 10 Sep 1990; Columbia 467188 2 (Austria for Europe), 1991:
CBS 467188 2 (Austria for Europe), 10 Sep 1990:
The front insert is a stapled twelve-page booklet. The producer's name "Jack Frost" (a pseudonym for Bob) is misspelled as "Jack Forst" on the CBS CD, which is silver with red panels and black text.
Columbia 467188 2 (Austria for Europe), 1991:
The Columbia release has a slightly different front insert, with the album title in red, and a redesigned CD text layout with seven song titles beneath the centre hole instead of six - the producer information is now missing. The front insert is again a stapled twelve-page booklet. As far as I know, this is the release on sale today.
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for scans of the Columbia European release.
"Under The Red Sky" - MiniDisc release, Columbia 467188 3 (Austria for Europe), mid 1990s:
Thanks to Ger Hemel for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - CD releases, CBS 467188 2 (Australia), 10 Sep 1990; Columbia 467188 2 (Australia), 1991:
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Stuart Moore for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - gold CD release: Columbia/Sony Music 19439757622 (Australia), 3 Apr 2020:
This 2020 gold CD release still has the same booklet the same as the original Australian release above. The new rear insert now has "Sony Music" plus the latest logo and the new barcode, with catalogue number "19439757622" on the spine. The gold disc still has "467188 2" in the inner ring. The CD appears to have the layout of the European Columbia disc above credited to Hans Seegers, although there may be an Australian issue with that design which is not yet listed. The red vertical bar on the CD has "Distributed in Australia by Sony Music Entertainment Australia Pty Ltd."
Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.
"Under The Red Sky" - promo and commercial CD releases, CBS/Sony CSCS 5270 (Japan), Sep 1990:
I assume there is a later Sony Music release - scans required.
"Under The Red Sky" - CD release, CBS 700.546/2-467188 (Brazil), 1990:
"Under The Red Sky" - CD release in card sleeve, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697742502CD3 (Austria for Europe), 26 Jul 2010:
This release comes as part of a 3CD set Original Album Classics: Bob Dylan containing three not as yet remastered albums: Empire Burlesque (1985), Down In The Groove (1988) and Under The Red Sky (1990). As the price per set is only £8.99 it's very unlikely these have been remastered now. Other artists in this series include Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Patti Smith and Jeff Buckley. The three albums are in card sleeves inside a CD-width slipcase. The individual albums are numbered 88697742502CD1, 88697742502CD2 and 88697742502CD3.
The picture on the front of the slipcase comes from 1986's Hard To Handle video of Bob live with Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, see VHS & DVDs 1980s.
Thanks to Steven Jump of Badlands for the information.
"The Complete Album Collection Vol. One" - 47CD boxed set, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691-92431-2 (USA), 5 Nov 2013/(Europe), 4 Nov 2013; USB stick, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88883-77314-5 (USA), 5 Nov 2013/(Europe), 4 Nov 2013:
This massive set is the latest in a series of "Complete Columbia Album Collections" featuring artists such as Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck and even Blue Oyster Cult. The CD version of the set includes 41 Dylan albums in card sleeves, 14 of which have been remastered for this project, plus a 2CD set of previously released non-album tracks entitled Side Tracks. The albums exclude all compilations and The Bootleg Series sets, but do include the deleted 1973 Dylan album, also see 1973, and the extra 2CD set Side Tracks includes one side of the 1971 single George Jackson (Acoustic version), R-0085, see 1971. The set is therefore listed in 2013. The set also includes a hard cover book with extensive new liner notes and previously unseen photos.
All the CDs come in card sleeves. The European sleeves are made of thicker card than the US sleeves, but they are otherwise identical, so are not shown. The catalogue number on the sleeve is "88691924312JK32" plus "DISC 36". This album has been remastered, so is the twelfth Dylan album remastered for this project. The CDs are different in detail, the US Under The Red Sky CD has catalogue number "88691924312D36", whereas the European CD has catalogue number "88691924312-36". The European CD was made in the EU (probably Austria). The US and European copyright details are printed at the bottom of the Bob Dylan CDs, and round the circumference for The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan onwards, so I haven't shown them for the later CDs.
For more details of the set, see International Album Releases (Multi-Packs) 2010s.
Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
A Flying Pig production
Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain
with them.
Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.