"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: 1975-76 - Singles & EPs with "Hurricane"

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This page contains all rarity items (7" stereo singles and two EPs) released in 1975 and 1976 with versions of Hurricane from "Desire" split over two sides. Some items just contain the first part.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 22 January, 2025


"Hurricane (Full Length Version)" - stereo/mono 7" promo singles, Columbia 3-10245 (USA), Nov 1975:
These promo singles had the full-length song, a mono version on one side and the regular stereo album version from Desire on the other side, both 8:34. These Nov 1975 singles precede the release of the album, which was on 5 Jan 1976.

R-0448 Hurricane (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy) - full-length mono version (8:34)

There were two main releases - the first has ZLP 160777 (mono side) and ZSM 160778 (stereo side) below the catalogue number 3-10245. The second has ZLP 160777-2 (mono side) and ZSM 160778-2 (stereo side) below the catalogue number. Variant 1 has "HURRICANE" as the title on both sides, variant 2 has "HURRICANE (PART I)" on the mono side and "HURRICANE (PART II)" on the stereo side incorrectly, although both sides are correctly timed at 8:34.

First release (ZLP 160777/ZSM-160778):

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo sleeve 1A front, rubber-stamped "DEMONSTRATION - NOT FOR SALE" - scan by Hans Seegers

Stefan Haras has a copy with "DEMONSTRATION NOT FOR SALE" rubber stamped on the front sleeve in a different position from the stamp on the front of Hans Seegers' similar copy. The record is the second release variant 1B (mono/stereo) with "DJ RESERVICE" on the labels listed below. Stefan says that the stereo side actually plays mono and the mono side actually plays stereo! I do not know if this is a common fault.

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) - detail of promo sleeve 1A front, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo sleeve 1B front, rubber-stamped "DEMONSTRATION - NOT FOR SALE" in different position - scan by Stefan Haras

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) - detail of promo sleeve 1B front, scan by Stefan Haras

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo first release (ZLP 160777) - scan by Hans Seegers: mono side R-0448 (variant 1)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo first release (ZLP 160777) - scan by Hans Seegers: detail of mono side R-0448 (variant 1)

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo first release (ZSM 160778) - scan by Hans Seegers: stereo side (not rarity, variant 1)

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo first release (ZLP 160777) - scan by Hans Seegers: mono side R-0448, incorrectly titled "HURRICANE (PART I)" (variant

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo first release (ZLP 160777) - scan by Hans Seegers: detail of mono side R-0448 (variant 2)

HurricaneUSStereo2.jpg (20556 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo first release (ZSM 160778) - scan by Hans Seegers: stereo side (not rarity), incorrectly titled "HURRICANE (PART II)" (variant 2)

Second release (ZLP 160777-2/ZSM-160778-2):

HurricaneUSPromoFront1.jpg (26970 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo sleeve 2 front, printed "Demonstration - Not For Sale" - scan by Hans Seegers

There are three sub-variants of the second release variant 1 with the song title listed as "HURRICANE" on both sides with "DJ RESERVICE" or "SPECIAL RUSH RESERVICE" above the catalogue number on the right of the centre hole. This text is missing from both sides of second release variant 2.

Columbia 3-10245 (USA)- detail of promo sleeve 2 front, scan by Hans Seegers

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo sleeve 2 rear - scan by Hans Seegers (same printed "Demonstration - Not For Sale")

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZLP 160777-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: mono side R-0448, "DJ RESERVICE" above catalogue number on right and extra black dot above the centre hole (variant 1A)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZLP 160777-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: detail of mono side R-0448 (variant 1A - "DJ RESERVICE" above catalogue number on right, variant 1B is similar)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZSM 160778-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: stereo side (not rarity), "DJ RESERVICE" above catalogue number on right and extra black dot above the centre hole (variant 1A)

HurricaneUSMono3.jpg (21856 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZLP 160777-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: mono side R-0448, "DJ RESERVICE" above catalogue number on right (variant 1B)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZLP 160777-2) - scan by Stefan Haras: mono side R-0448, "DJ RESERVICE" above catalogue number on right (variant 1B also)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZSM 160778-2) - scan by Stefan Haras: stereo side (not rarity), "DJ RESERVICE" above catalogue number on right (variant 1B)

HurricaneUSMono4.jpg (23607 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZLP 160777-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: mono side R-0448, "SPECIAL RUSH RESERVICE" above catalogue number on right (variant 1C)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZLP 160777-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: detail of mono side R-0448, "SPECIAL RUSH RESERVICE" above catalogue number on right (variant 1C)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZSM 160778-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: stereo side (not rarity), "SPECIAL RUSH RESERVICE" above catalogue number on right (variant 1C)

HurricaneUSMono6.jpg (20974 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZLP 160777-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: mono side R-0448, incorrectly titled "HURRICANE (PART I)" (variant 2 - "RESERVICE" text missing)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZLP 160777-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: detail of mono side R-0448 (variant 2" - "RESERVICE" text missing)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo second release (ZSM 160778-2) - scan by Hans Seegers: stereo side (not rarity), incorrectly titled "HURRICANE (PART II)" (variant 2 - "RESERVICE" text missing)

For world-wide commercial releases in 1975 and 1976 with Hurricane split over two sides of a 7" single (Part I = R-0126,  Part II = R-0127), and alternate versions of Hurricane Part I (R-0126) with a swear-word bleeped (stereo = R-0441, mono = R-0525), see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Stefan Haras for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)" - 7" mono/stereo promo singles, Columbia 3-10245 (USA), Nov 1975:

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single - front scan by Hans Seegers ("Demonstration - Not For Sale" in top left-hand corner)

These two different singles with the same sleeve (promo sleeve 2 above) have the same catalogue number as before but only the first part of the song on each side, both stereo and mono! A swear-word is bleeped for "radio-friendly" play.

R-0525 Hurricane (Part I) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): radio station edit (3:45) with swear-word bleeped (mono version)

R-0441 Hurricane (Part I) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): radio station edit (3:45) with swear-word bleeped (stereo version)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single rear - scan by Hans Seegers

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single first release: mono side (ZSP 160779, R-0525), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single first release: detail of mono side (ZSP 160779, R-0525), scan by Hans Seegers

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single first release: stereo side (ZSS 160783, R-0441), scan by Hans Seegers

HurricaneUSPart1BleepMono2.jpg (22162 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single second release: mono side (ZSP 160779-2, R-0525), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single second release: detail of mono side (ZSP 160779-2, R-0525), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single second release: stereo side (ZSS 160783-2, R-0441), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo single second release: stereo side (ZSS 160783-2, R-0441) with sticker and date stamp, scan by François Guillez

François Guillez has a copy of the second release with a radio station sticker and a stamped date of "JAN 30, 1976", which may mean that this promo was released later than Nov 1975.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and François Guillez for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial singles, Columbia 3-10245 (USA), Nov 1975 (two pressings):

HurricaneUSFront.jpg (27695 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single - front of sleeve scan by Hans Seegers (all variants)

All the commercial singles shown were in stereo and had the song split over the A- and B-sides. They have the same catalogue number as the promo singles with the full-length mono version of Hurricane (R-0448) and the first part of the song only, for those see above.

R-0126 Hurricane (Part I) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): A-side of single (3:45), swear-word not bleeped (stereo version)

R-0127 Hurricane (Part II) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): B-side of single (4:57) (stereo version)

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single - rear of sleeve scan by Hans Seegers (all variants)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) - jukebox strip scan by Jürgen Wasser

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single A-side (R-0126) - scan by Hans Seegers (first pressing)

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) copy in generic Columbia sleeve - scan by Kenneth Robson (second pressing, variant 1)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single A-side - detail scan by Hans Seegers (first pressing, "ZSS 160781" - B-side is "ZSS 160782")

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single A-side,  - detail scan by Hans Seegers (first pressing, "Engineered by Don Meehan" not present)

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single B-side (R-0127) - scan by Hans Seegers (first pressing)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single A-side (R-0126) with promo sticker - scan by Rod MacBeath (second pressing, variant 1)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) detail of commercial single A-side with promo sticker (R-0126) - scan by Rod MacBeath (second pressing, variant 1)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single A-side (R-0126) - photo by Pete Jones (second pressing, variant 1)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single A-side - detail scan by Hans Seegers (second pressing variants 1 and 2 - "ZSS 160781-2" - B-side is "ZSS 160782-2")

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single A-side - detail photo by Pete Jones (second pressing, variant 1 - "Engineered by Don Meehan" still not present)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single B-side (R-0127) - photo by Pete Jones (second pressing, variant 1) 

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Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single A-side (R-0126) - scan by Hans Seegers (second pressing, variant 2)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single A-side - detail scan by Hans Seegers (second pressing, variant 2, "Engineered by Don Meehan" added)

HurricaneUSLabel2B.jpg (22994 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) commercial single B-side (R-0127) - scan by Hans Seegers (second pressing, variant 2, same as second pressing, variant 1)

The US commercial single came in a sleeve without text on the front or rear and three label variants:

Jürgen Wasser has a copy with a jukebox strip. I don't know which variant this is.

Unusually, Kenneth Robson's second pressing, variant 1, copy came in a generic Columbia sleeve, not a picture sleeve. Both Pete Jones and Terry Harvey have copies of second pressing, variant 1, with Engineered by Don Meehan" not present on the A-side. Rod MacBeath has a copy of second pressing, variant 1, used as a promo with a sticker on the A-side. It surprisingly came in the Jan 1976 UK CBS 3878 sleeve shown below.
Columbia 3-10245 (USA for UK) commercial single front with UK MPCS and CBS stickers - scan by Magne Karlstad (with second pressing, variant 1 record)
Rod MacBeath also has a second pressing, variant 1, copy exported to the UK with a shaped yellow CBS sticker covering "Columbia" which came in a plain white sleeve. Magne Karlstad has a similar copy in the US sleeve with a front CBS sticker and a UK M.P.C.S. (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society) import sticker showing that royalties have been paid and the import is legal. The record has the samed shaped yellow CBS stickers and is again second pressing, variant 1.      
Columbia 3-10245 (USA for UK) detail of commercial single front with UK M.P.C.S. sticker - scan by Magne Karlstad
Columbia 3-10245 (USA for UK) detail of commercial single front with CBS sticker - scan by Magne Karlstad
Columbia 3-10245 (USA for UK) commercial single rear scan by Magne Karlstad (with second pressing, variant 1 record)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA for UK) commercial single A-side with CBS sticker (R-0126) - scan by Magne Karlstad (second pressing, variant 1)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA for UK) commercial single B-side with CBS sticker (R-0127) - scan by Magne Karlstad (second pressing, variant 1)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA for UK) commercial single A-side with CBS sticker (R-0126) - scan by Rod MacBeath (second pressing, variant 1)

Columbia 3-10245 (USA for UK) commercial single B-side with CBS sticker (R-0127) - scan by Rod MacBeath (second pressing, variant 1)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson, Pete Jones, Terry Harvey, Jürgen Wasser, Rod MacBeath and Magne Karlstad for information and pictures.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial single, Columbia 3-10245 (Canada), Nov 1975:

Columbia 3-10245 (Canada) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
Like the US commercial singles the Canadian single came in a sleeve without text on the front or rear and with the song split over the A- and B-sides.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Columbia 3-10245 (Canada) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 3-10245 (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0126)

Columbia 3-10245 (Canada) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0127)

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial singles, CBS 3841 (NL), Nov 1975:

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CBS 3841 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (first variant, red text)

The Dutch sleeve occurs in four sleeve variant versions shown here. It has "BOB DYLAN" and "HURRICANE" on the front and rear and "HURRICANE" occurs in one of four colours. Stefan Haras has a copy in the first variant sleeve with "HURRICANE" in red. More rear sleeve scans required. As far as I know all the records are the same.

The 2019 Sony Music Holland 2CD release Top 40 Bob Dylan, is a Dutch Top 40 Singles Collection containing Hurricane (Part I), but the version there is timed at 4:06, with the final harmonica passage and longer fade-out of the full length version of the song added to R-0126! This has therefore been allocated a new R-number and is listed separately in 2019.

CBS3841NL2.jpg (28864 bytes)
CBS 3841 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (second variant, dark red text)

CBS 3841 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (second variant, dark red text)

CBS 3841 (NL) - A-side scan by Stefan Haras (R-0126, all variants)

CBS 3841 (NL) - B-side scan by Stefan Haras (R-0127, all variants)

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CBS 3841 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (third variant, orange text)

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CBS 3841 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (third variant, orange text)

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CBS 3841 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (fourth variant, pink text)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Stefan Haras and Peter Coulthard for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial single, CBS 3841 (France), Nov 1975:

CBS 3841 (France) - actually third Dutch variant, orange text, front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 3841 (France) - actually third Dutch variant, orange text, rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 3841 (France) - detail of rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 3841 (France) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0126)

CBS 3841 (France) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 3841 (France) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0127)

This French 7" single comes in a Dutch sleeve, the third variant above with orange text, printed in Holland. The record itself was made in France. For some reason there is a gap in French 7" single releases in 1975, in that there were no single releases from Blood On The Tracks or The Basement Tapes, and this is the only French single released from Desire. (The French releases of Blood On The Tracks, Desire and Hard Rain were made in Holland.)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" promo and commercial singles, CBS S 3841 (West Germany), Nov 1975 (two releases), re-released late 1970s:

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - front scan by Tom Willems (promo release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Tom Willems (promo release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Tom Willems (promo release - "MADE IN GERMANY")

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Tom Willems (promo release, no "LC|0149" capsule)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Tom Willems (promo release, no CBS logo)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Tom Willems (promo release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of front, scan by Tom Willems (promo release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (first commercial release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (first commercial release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (first commercial release, again no "LC|0149" capsule)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (again no CBS logo)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (first commercial release)
HurricaneGerFront.jpg (31919 bytes)
CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - front scan by Stefan Kraft (all commercial releases, same both sides)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Manuel García Jara (second commercial release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (second commercial release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (second commercial release, again no "LC|0149" capsule)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (second commercial release with CBS logo)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Manuel García Jara (second commercial release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of front, scan by Stefan Kraft (all commercial releases)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Manuel García Jara (third commercial release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (third commercial release)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (third commercial release with "LC|0149" capsule)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (third commercial release again with CBS logo)

CBS S 3841 (West Germany) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Manuel García Jara (third commercial release)

The West German promo rear sleeve is generic without text, see 7" Single Sleeves. The commercial sleeve has the additional words "PART 1 + 2" below the red song title on the front. The commercial rear sleeve is the same as the commercial front. There were three commercial releases: the first two do not have an "LC|0149" capsule on the record labels. The first commercial release record has labels with the same text layout as those of the promo release - these labels do not have the CBS logo included in the circumference text. The second commercial release labels have new circumference text including the CBS logo as shown.

The commercial single was re-released in the late 1970s in the same sleeve but with one minor record label difference - it now has "LC|0149" in a capsule printed to the right of the centre hole below the "GEMA" logo. The circumference text is the same as that of the second commercial release including the CBS logo.

Thanks to Tom Willems, Stefan Kraft, Manuel García Jara and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial single, CBS 3841 (Spain), Nov 1975:

Huracan7SpainFront.jpg (23656 bytes)
CBS 3841 (Spain) - front scan by Magnus Sjöberg (both variants)
The song title is translated into Spanish as "HURACAN": The rear sleeve has the song lyrics in English. The record was made in Spain by Discos CBS S.A., Madrid, and has orange/yellow CBS labels. Like the Italian and Japanese singles below, the English lyrics have "South Africa" instead of "South America". The Spanish lyrics are correct!

The record has orange/yellow CBS labels. Ger Hemel has a copy in the same sleeve with a small variant on the B-side only. To the right of the centre hole it has just "(P) 1975 CBS" instead of "(P) 1975 CBS, Inc." as on the B-side of Magnus Sjöberg's copy.

Huracan7SpainBack.jpg (39450 bytes)
CBS 3841 (Spain) - rear scan by Magnus Sjöberg (both variants)

CBS 3841 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Magnus Sjöberg ("SOUTH AFRICA")

Huracan7SpainSideA.jpg (20383 bytes)
CBS 3841 (Spain) - A-side scan by Magnus Sjöberg (both variants - R-0126)

CBS 3841 (Spain) - detail of A-side, scan by Magnus Sjöberg (both variants - "FABRICADO EN ESPAÑA POR DISCOS CBS S.A.")

Huracan7SpainSideB.jpg (20101 bytes)
CBS 3841 (Spain) - B-side scan by Magnus Sjöberg (variant 1 - R-0127)

CBS 3841 (Spain) - detail of B-side, scan by Magnus Sjöberg (variant 1 - "(P) 1975 CBS, Inc.")

CBS 3841 (Spain) - fake front scan by Stefan Haras

CBS 3841 (Spain) - fake rear scan by Stefan Haras

Asylum 45-1469 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 4603 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 3841 (Spain)
- B-side scan by Ger Hemel (variant 1 - R-0127)

CBS 3841 (Spain) - detail of B-side, scan by Ger Hemel (variant 2 - "(P) 1975 CBS")

The apparently attractive sleeve for the Spanish Hurricane single above is really a blatant fake. The "No. 1 in USA" logo (printed, not a sticker) is actually taken from Asylum Spanish singles like the Eagles example shown. The real CBS Spain "NO. UNO EN USA" logo is shown on a Spanish Chicago single. The Hurricane single actually only reached #33 in the USA, although the Desire album did reach #1 (and was sold in Spain with this logo on the front sleeve). Thanks to Manuel García Jara for the information and the Eagles/Chicago scans.

Thanks to Magnus Sjöberg, Manuel García Jara, Stefan Haras and Francisco Fernández for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial single, CBS 3841 (Greece), Nov 1975:

CBS 3841 (Greece) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 3841 (Greece) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 3841 (Greece) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 3841 (Greece) - A-side in CBS Greece sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 3841 (Greece) - detail of CBS Greece sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

This single has orange/yellow CBS labels and comes in a generic CBS Greece black/grey sleeve. The song title is given as just "Hurricane" on both sides.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" promo and commercial singles, CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan), Nov 1975:

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - front scan by Ronald Born

This single had the lyrics on the rear sleeve in English and Japanese. There was a promo single with white CBS/Sony labels and commercial versions with regular orange labels. The promo single came in a blue generic CBS/Sony sleeve, see 7" Single Sleeves.

Like the Spanish and Italian singles, the lyrics have "South Africa" instead of "South America".

The first commercial single has the same text as the promo single, but the second commercial single has "Engineered by Don Meehan" added above "Produced by Don DeVito" below the centre hole.

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - rear scan by Ronald Born

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - detail of rear, scan by Ronald Born ("South Africa")

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Ronald Born (promo single)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - detail of A-side, scan by Ronald Born (promo single)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Ronald Born (promo single)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - detail of B-side, scan by Ronald Born (promo single)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Ronald Born (commercial single variant 1)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - detail of A-side, scan by Ronald Born (commercial single variant 1, same as promo single)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Ronald Born (commercial single variant 1)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - detail of B-side, scan by Ronald Born (commercial single variant 1, same as promo single)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Wil Gielen (commercial single variant 2)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - detail of A-side, scan by Wil Gielen (commercial single variant 2)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Wil Gielen (commercial single variant 2)

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - detail of B-side, scan by Wil Gielen (commercial single variant 2)

Thanks to Ronald Born and Wil Gielen for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" promo and commercial singles, CBS BA 222184 (Australia), Nov 1975, re-released ca. 1976:

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - front scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

The Australian single was released twice in the same sleeve, first with the 1960s-style orange label design, and then with the 1970s-style orange/yellow label design. Promo and commercial copies of each release are shown. Early Australian release labels like both shown had the text "MADE IN AUSTRALIA BY A REGISTERED USER OF THE TRADE MARKS" without a CBS copyright. This is because up to 1977 all Australian records were manufactured by the Australian Record Company (Pty) Ltd. (A.R.C.) on behalf of CBS, as shown on the rear sleeve of this single. A.R.C. changed its name to CBS Records Australia Limited on 17 Oct 1977, and after that date the labels have longer bottom edge text which includes CBS copyright information, not shown here.

The first record shown is a first release commercial copy with promo stamp ("NOT FOR SALE") on the A-side only, the sleeve is the same as shown. The B-side does not have a promo stamp, but the text below the centre hole is slightly higher than that of the first release commercial copy B-side.

The next record has orange/yellow labels, and this time has the same promo stamp on the rear of the sleeve and also on the A-side. Again, the B-side does not have a promo stamp but again has the variable text in a slightly different position from that of the second release commercial copy B-side. This time the text is lower than that of the commercial copy, e.g. in my copy the text "(P) 1975 CBS Inc." at top right is aligned with the second "R" of "RECORD" in the circumference text; on the commercial copy the text  "(P) 1975 CBS Inc." is aligned with the first "R" of "RECORD".

"Hurricane" Australian songbook - scan by Stuart Moore

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - A-side with promo stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0126, first release)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0127, first release)

HurricaneOzLabel1.jpg (20381 bytes)
CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0126, first release)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0127, first release, lower text below "CBS" logo than on promo copy)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - rear with promo stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - detail of rear with promo stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara (second release, stamp on A-side is the same)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - A-side with promo stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0126, second release)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0127, second release)

HurricaneOzLabel2.jpg (22249 bytes)
CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0126, second release)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (first release)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (second release)

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0127, second commercial release, higher variable text than on promo copy)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Stuart Moore and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" stereo single, CBS BA 461648 (New Zealand), Nov 1975:

CBS BA 461648 (New Zealand) - A-side scan by Dag Braathen (R-0126)

Thanks to Bill Hester for information about the New Zealand release, CBS BA 461648, which has orange CBS labels with "MADE IN NEW ZEALAND BY A REGISTERED USER OF THE TRADE MARKS" at the bottom, and to Dag Braathen for scans. This single comes in a CBS sleeve, not in a picture sleeve like the Australian release.
CBS BA 461648 (New Zealand) - detail of A-side, scan by Dag Braathen

CBS BA 461648 (New Zealand) - B-side scan by Dag Braathen (R-0127)

"Hurricane (Parte I)"/"Hurricane (Parte II)" - 7" promo and commercial singles, Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina), Nov 1975:

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

These singles have orange/yellow Discos CBS labels. The promo release has printed text on the labels in the top left-hand corner which says "DISCO PROMOCIÓNAL - PROHIBIDA LA VENTA" ["PROMOTIONAL RECORD - SALE PROHIBITED"]. It also comes in an orange/white CBS Argentina sleeve with a similar stamp: "DISCO PARA DEMOSTRACION - PROHIBIDA LA VENTA" ["DEMONSTRATION RECORD - SALE PROHIBITED"]. The promo record labels have just "45 r.p.m." to the left of the centre hole under the "ESTEREO" text. The commercial record labels have the playing times ("3:45" and "4:57") under the "ESTEREO" text, with "45 r.p.m." printed further to the right. Both the promo and commercial records have stamped matrix numbers: Side A - ASS 2516, Side B - ASS 2517.

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - brown sleeve scan by François Guillez (promo release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - A-side in CBS sleeve with promo stamp, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (promo release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - detail of CBS sleeve with promo stamp, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (promo release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - detail of A-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (promo release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - detail of B-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (promo release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - A-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (commercial release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - A-side with R-0126, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - detail of A-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (commercial release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - B-side with R-0127, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Discos CBS 22.808 (Argentina) - detail of B-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (commercial release)

François Guillez has a promo copy in the brown CBS sleeve shown.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Sergio Mariano Romay and François Guillez for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial single, Discos CBS 30037 (Bolivia), 1975:

CBS 30037 (Bolivia) - front scan by Hans Seegers (with tape round three sides)
This very rare single also has orange/yellow Discos CBS labels and was pressed by Heriba Ltda of Bolivia on behalf of Discos CBS. The sleeve is made of thin paper and has what looks like a jukebox label on the rear. As well as sticking brown tape round three sides of the sleeve, the original owner has written his name on both sides of the sleeve and both labels! Sergio Mariano Romay has found another copy without the tape, the rear sticker and the handwriting!
CBS 30037 (Bolivia) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (with tape round three sides and sticker)

CBS 30037 (Bolivia) - front photo found by Sergio Mariano Romay (without tape)

CBS 30037 (Bolivia) - rear photo found by Sergio Mariano Romay (without tape and sticker)

CBS 30037 (Bolivia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (with writing)

CBS 30037 (Bolivia) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 30037 (Bolivia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (with writing)

CBS 30037 (Bolivia) - A-side photo found by Sergio Mariano Romay (without writing)

CBS 30037 (Bolivia) - B-side photo found by Sergio Mariano Romay (without writing)

For a 1971 Bolivian EP, see International 7" Singles & EPs 1971. For a 1979 Bolivian 7" single with two tracks from Slow Train Coming, see International 7" & 12" Singles 1979. For a 1984 Bolivian single with two tracks from Infidels, see International Singles: Singles & EPs 1984-86.

Thanks to Francisco Lima and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and photos and to Hans Seegers for scans.

"Hurricane" - 12" acetate from "The World Of John Hammond" radio programme, Columbia (no catalogue number) (USA), broadcast 13 Dec 1975:

HammondAcetate75.jpg (10410 bytes)
Label in centre of acetate, scan by Hans Seegers
R-0132 Hurricane (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy) - live from the John Hammond tribute programme, WWTW TV, Chicago, IL, 10 Sep 1975, this is a splice of two performances

This acetate is completely plain with just a white typewritten sticker above the centre hole. CBS UK were going to issue this live version as one side of a 12" single, but it never happened, unfortunately.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.


"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial single, CBS/Columbia CSR 0934 (Peru), early 1976, reissued mid-1976:

CBS/Columbia CSR 0934 (Peru) - insert scan by Manuel García Jara
This incredibly rare single is actually in a generic sleeve with this monochrome insert (blank on the other side). The bottom text is "Fabricado por Industria Sono Radio S.L., Industria Peruana". The record has orange CBS/Columbia labels and the song titles are translated as "Huracán I" and "Huracán II". There were two releases, the one shown in early 1976 with the insert and one without the insert in mid-1976.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS/Columbia CSR 0934 (Peru) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0126)

CBS/Columbia CSR 0934 (Peru) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Columbia CSR 0934 (Peru) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0127)

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane" - radio station promo 7" stereo single, S CBS 3878 (UK), 16 Jan 1976:

CBS3878UKA.jpg (28556 bytes)
S CBS 3878 (UK) - promo A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0441)
CBS3878UKB.jpg (28681 bytes)
S CBS 3878 (UK) - promo reverse A-side scan by Hans Seegers (album version)

S CBS 3878 (UK) - FRONT scan by François Guillez (R-0441 - commercial copy with promo sticker)

S CBS 3878 (UK) - A-side scan by François Guillez (R-0441 - commercial copy with promo sticker)

S CBS 3878 (UK) - B-side scan by François Guillez (commercial copy with promo sticker)

"Hurricane" UK songbook - scan by Stuart Moore

R-0441-2 Hurricane (Part I) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): radio station edit (3:45) with swear-word bleeped (stereo version)

Unusually both sides of this promo single had the large "A" that usually denoted the A-side for DJs, so CBS UK had classified it as a double A-side. It had the full-length album version on the reverse A-side (playing at 33⅓ rpm). Thanks to Geoff Lambourn for noticing "ALLEN" in the vinyl after the matrix numbers on the reverse A-side. This means the record was mastered by Allen Landau, CBS UK mastering engineer between 1972 and 1978.

Hans Seegers also has a UK white label promo with the mono Hurricane (Part I), (R-0525), on the A-side (ZSP160799) and the stereo Hurricane (Part I), (R-0441), on the reverse (ZSS160783). This is the same as the 1975 US Columbia promo with the same numbers - see above.

François Guillez has a copy of the commercial single as below, probably the first variant, with a promo sticker on the front sleeve at top right and the same promo sticker covering "CBS" on each side of the record.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Stuart Moore and François Guillez for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane" - 7" commercial singles, S CBS 3878JB/S CBS 3878 (UK), Jan 1976:

Hurricane7UKFront.jpg (23201 bytes)
S CBS 3878JB (UK) - front scan by Kenneth Robson (all variants)

All singles listed are in stereo and contain this rarity on the A-side.

R-0441-3 Hurricane (Part 1) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): radio station version with swear-word bleeped (stereo version)

On the commercial single, the B-side was always the full version of Hurricane, playing at either 33⅓ or 45 RPM. Detailed information provided by Hans Seegers, to whom I'm extremely grateful.

HurricaneUKLabel1A.jpg (22025 bytes)
S CBS 3878JB (UK) - A-side (R-0441), scan by Hans Seegers (both variants, plays at 45 RPM)
HurricaneUKLabel1B.jpg (21643 bytes)
S CBS 3878JB (UK) - B-side (full Hurricane even though it says "Part II"), scan by Hans Seegers (both variants - variant 1 plays at 45 RPM as listed, variant 2 plays at
33⅓ RPM)

S CBS 3878JB (UK) - A-side (R-0441) with sticker and added text, scan by Tom Willems (variant 1)

S CBS 3878JB (UK) - B-side with sticker and added text, scan by Tom Willems (variant 1)
HurricaneUKLabel2A.jpg (24061 bytes)
S CBS 3878 (UK), first variant - A-side (R-0441), scan by Hans Seegers
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S CBS 3878 (UK), first variant - B-side (full Hurricane), scan by Hans Seegers
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S CBS 3878JB (UK) - rear scan by Kenneth Robson (all variants)
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S CBS 3878 (UK), second and third variants - A-side (R-0441), scan by Hans Seegers
HurricaneUKLabel3B.jpg (23030 bytes)
S CBS 3878 (UK), second and third variants - B-side (full Hurricane), scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2 plays at
33⅓ RPM as listed, variant 3 plays at 45 RPM)
HurricaneUKLabel4A.jpg (26404 bytes)
S CBS 3878 (UK), fourth variant - A-side (R-0441), scan by Hans Seegers
HurricaneUKLabel4B.jpg (26575 bytes)
S CBS 3878 (UK), fourth and fifth variants - B-side (full Hurricane), scan by Hans Seegers
HurricaneUKLabel5A.jpg (24164 bytes)
S CBS 3878 (UK), fifth variant - A-side (R-0441), scan by Hans Seegers

S CBS 3878JB (UK) - two variants:
Presumably the "JB" stands for "Jukebox", although the singles don't have open centres as expected.
A-side label says: "HURRICANE (Part I)" and plays at 45 RPM. Swear-word bleeped.
B-side label says: "HURRICANE (Part II)" this is not true, it plays the full-length version at 45 RPM which is stated on the label.

The 2nd variant is visually exactly the same (except for matrix numbers) but:
A-side label says: "HURRICANE (Part I)" and plays at 45 RPM. Swear-word bleeped.
B-side label says: "HURRICANE (Part II)" this is not true, it plays the full-length version at 
33⅓ RPM although "45 RPM" is stated on the label.

Tom Willems has a copy of S CBS 3878JB (variant 1) with a sticker with "FVH" over the "CBS" logo,  large "A" and "B" above the text lines to the right of the centre hole, and a large "698" above the song title on the A-side only. The letters and numbers have been added with Letraset. This has presumably been customised by a collector, rather than a radio station or library.

S CBS 3878 (UK) - first variant:
Overall length of "BOB DYLAN" on left is 20 mm.
A-side label says: "HURRICANE (Part I)" with LP credits, 45 printed in large numbers. Swear-word bleeped.
B-side label says: "HURRICANE" with LP credits,
33⅓ printed in large numbers. "Full length version" on right.

S CBS 3878 (UK) - second variant:
Second variant: Overall length of "BOB DYLAN" on left is larger at 28 mm
Label A states: "HURRICANE (Part I)" without LP credits, 45 printed in small figures. Swear-word bleeped.
Label B states: "HURRICANE" without LP credits,
33⅓ printed in small figures. It omits "Full length version" on right.

S CBS 3878 (UK) - third variant:
The third variant is again only identified by matrix numbers:
Overall length of "BOB DYLAN" again 28 mm
Label A states:" HURRICANE (Part I)" without LP credits, 45 printed in small figures. Swear-word bleeped.
Label B states: "HURRICANE" without LP credits,
33⅓ printed in small figures. This is mislabelled, because it plays at 45 rpm! It omits "Full length version" on right.

S CBS 3878 (UK) - fourth variant:
Overall length of "BOB DYLAN" on left is 20 mm.
A-side label states: "HURRICANE (Part I)" without LP credits, 45 printed in large figures. Swear-word bleeped.
B-side label states: "HURRICANE" without LP credits,
33⅓ printed in large figures. 'FULL LENGTH VERSION' on right (I have a copy of this one!)

S CBS 3878 (UK) - fifth variant:
Overall length of "BOB DYLAN" on left is 20 mm
A-side label states: "HURRICANE (Part I)" with LP reference, 45 printed in large figures. Swear-word bleeped.
B-side label is the same as the previous single.

Thanks to Kenneth Robson, Hans Seegers and Tom Willems for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane Part II)" - 7" commercial single, CBS 3878 (Italy), Jan 1976:
This single is the same as CBS 3841, released in Nov 1975 in Holland, West Germany and Spain. The UK single S CBS 3878 is completely different, see above.

CBS 3878 (Italy) - front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0126-2 Hurricane (Part I) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): A-side of single (3:45) with swear-word not bleeped

R-0127-2 Hurricane (Part II) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): B-side of single (4:57)

This single had two different sleeves, one with folded-over flaps on the rear (illustrated), and one with folded-under flaps (not shown).

CBS 3878 (Italy) - front with sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 3878 (Italy) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 3878 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers ("South Africa")

CBS 3878 (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0126, wrongly timed at 5:14)

CBS 3878 (Italy) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0127, wrongly timed at 5:39)

CBS 3878 (Italy) - A-side with sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (R-0126)

Thanks to Paul Shenton for spotting that the lyrics on the rear sleeve have "Rubin's in South Africa fighting for his name" instead of "South America" in the sixth verse, like the Spanish and Japanese singles above! Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay a copy with stickers from magazine "Omaggio Music" on the front sleeve and A-side and also for the information that Hurricane Carter indeed fought in Argentina before going to jail. Dylan refers to the fight that Rubin "Hurricane" Carter starred in the city of Rosario (Argentina, province of Santa Fé) on August 5, 1966. This was Carter's last fight. He was defeated by the Argentine Juan Carlos Rivero (born in the province of Córdoba). "Two months after the triple murder in a bar in the town of Paterson, New Jersey, and his arrest for some hours as a suspect in the crime, Carter landed in Rosario to face Juan Carlos Rivero from Córdoba. The result was not expected by the American, possible challenger to the middleweight world title. He lost on points after ten intense rounds". For Argentinean promo and commercial singles, see above.

Thanks to Terry Harvey for spotting that the A-side is timed at 5:14 and the B-side at 5:39, totalling 10:53. The correct track times are as listed above and on other worldwide singles, totalling 8:42.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin, Sam C. Visser, Hans Seegers, Sergio Mariano Romay and Terry Harvey for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial singles, CBS 3841 (Portugal), Jan 1976:

HurricanePortFront.jpg (29131 bytes)
CBS 3841 (Portugal) - front scan by Hans Seegers

HurricanePortBack.jpg (14530 bytes)
CBS 3841 (Portugal) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

HurricanePortInsert1.jpg (39421 bytes)
CBS 3841 (Portugal) - front of insert scan by Hans Seegers (story of Rubin Carter in Portuguese)

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CBS 3841 (Portugal) - rear of insert scan by Hans Seegers (lyrics in English)

HurricanePortLabel.jpg (20929 bytes)
CBS 3841 (Portugal) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0126, variant 1)

CBS 3841 (Portugal) - detail of A-side, scan by Ronald Born (variant 1 - top line above circumference text))

CBS 3841 (Portugal) - front of "promo" copy, scan by Michel Pomarede

CBS 3841 (Portugal) - rear of "promo" copy with sticker, scan by Michel Pomarede

CBS 3841 (Portugal) - A-side of "promo" copy with sticker, scan by Michel Pomarede

CBS 3841 (Portugal) - A-side scan by Ronald Born (R-0126, variant 2)

CBS 3841 (Portugal) - detail of A-side, scan by Ronald Born (variant 2 - all lines alongside circumference text)

CBS 3841 (Portugal) - B-side picture from www.discogs.com (R-0127, variant 2)

The front Portuguese text says: "Quem tem medo de Rubin "Hurricane" Carter? [Who is afraid of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter?]". This single came with an insert with the story of Hurricane Carter in Portuguese and the lyrics of the song in English. (The lyrics correctly have "South America"!)

Ronald Born has a copy where the copyright information is placed slightly differently to the left of the centre hole and the "(P) 1975" is in a different typeface.

Michel Pomarede has what purports to be a radio station promo copy bought on eBay. The sleeve is of thick card and slightly yellowing. The front sleeve has a completely different photo of Rubin Carter, not used anywhere else worldwide, and lacks the Portuguese text. The rear sleeve is similar to that of the commercial copy but does not have folded-over flaps and opens at the top, not the side. The A-side has what looks like the variant 2 label design and a white promo sticker. This copy also comes with the double-sided insert shown. The authenticity of the sleeve is questionable although the record is almost certainly official (even if the promo sticker is not).

CBS 3841 (Portugal) - front of fake sleeve and A-side, picture from eBay

Manuel García Jara has found a second copy with a fake sleeve. This time there is a "promo" stamp on the rear with "OFERTA VENDA PROHIBIDA [BID SALE PROHIBITED" but no promo sticker on the record, which also looks genuine.
CBS 3841 (Portugal) - rear of fake sleeve with "promo" stamp and B-side, picture from eBay

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Ronald Born, Stefan Haras and Michel Pomarede for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - 7" commercial single, CBS 45-7568 (Mexico), Jan 1976:

CBS 45-7568 (Mexico) - front scan by Hans Seegers

In common with other Mexican Dylan releases, the title is translated into Spanish - this time as "Huracán". This single was previously listed for Nov 1975, but the record labels are clearly dated 1976. There is also a folded lyrics insert with the lyrics translated into Spanish. "South America" is correct (see comments for 1975 Spanish single and 1976 Italian single above)!

CBS 45-7568 (Mexico) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 45-7568 (Mexico) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers "HECHO EN MEXICO [MADE IN MEXICO]"

CBS 45-7568 (Mexico) - lyrics insert photo by Francisco Fernández

CBS 45-7568 (Mexico) - detail of lyrics insert, photo by Francisco Fernández ("SUD-AMERICA"

CBS 45-7568 (Mexico) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0126)

CBS 45-7568 (Mexico) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0127)

CBS 45-7568 (Mexico) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers "HECHO EN MEXICO [MADE IN MEXICO]"

Thanks to Brian Ojalvo for information and to Hans Seegers and Francisco Fernández for information and pictures.

Bob Dylan - "Hurricane (Part I)"/Bruce Springsteen - "Born To Run" - 7" jukebox single, CBS YD 452 (Italy), Jan 1976:

CBS YD 452 jukebox single (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0126)

R-0126 was also issued as the A-side of an Italian jukebox single with Bruce Springsteen's Born To Run on the B-side.

R-0126-3 Hurricane (Part I) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): A-side of single (3:45) with swear-word not bleeped

CBS YD 452 jukebox single (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (no Dylan)

CBS YD 452 jukebox single (Italy) - jukebox strip scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Peter Schoefboeck for information and to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Mais 4 Hits Internacionais [4 More International Hits]" - stereo 7" EP, CBS 56487 (Brazil), 1976:

CBS 56487 (Brazil) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 56487 (Brazil) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 56487 (Brazil) - first promo copy with stamp on A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (includes R-0126, B-side is the same as the commercial release)

CBS 56487 (Brazil) - second promo copy with stamp on B-side, scan by Hans Seegers (no Dylan, A-side is the same as the commercial release)

CBS 56487 (Brazil) - commercial release, A-side scan by Hans Seegers (includes R-0126)

CBS 56487 (Brazil) - commercial release, B-side scan by Hans Seegers (no Dylan)

R-0126-4 Hurricane (Part I) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy) (3:45), swear-word not bleeped (stereo version)

The other artists on this 4 song EP are Janis Ian, The Isley Brothers and The Manhattans.

Hans Seegers has three copies of this EP: a promo copy with a stamp on Side A, a second promo copy with a stamp on Side B, and a regular copy.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Mozambique" - 7" stereo singles in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 13-33324 (USA), Nov 1976, re-released 1978, 1987, late 1980s, 2006; Columbia 13-33324 (Canada), 1997:

Columbia 13-33324 (USA), Nov 1976, re-released 1978, 1987, late 1980s, 2006:

HurricaneHOF1.jpg (21499 bytes)
Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - A-side of Nov 1976 release, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0126)

R-0126-5 Hurricane (Part I) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy) - A-side of single (3:45) with swear-word not bleeped
The B-side was the regular album track from Desire.

François Guillez has a copy of the Nov 1976 release with a red sticker obscuring "COLUMBIA HALL OF FAME" on both sides. This must be because it was exported to Europe.

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - B-side of Nov 1976 release, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - A-side of Nov 1976 release with sticker, scan by François Guillez (R-0126)

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - B-side of Nov 1976 release with sticker, scan by François Guillez

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - jukebox strip for Nov 1976 release, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - front of 1976 release sleeve, scan by André Wilbers

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - rear of 1976 release sleeve, scan by André Wilbers

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Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - 1978 label variation by Hans Seegers (A-side, R-0126)

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Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - 1978 label variation by Magnus Sjöberg (B-side)

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Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - rear sleeve of Collectables Records late 1980s re-release with Hurricane/Mozambique jukebox strip, scan by Hans Seegers

HurricaneHOF3.jpg (21538 bytes)
Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - A-side scan of 1987 re-release by Manuel García Jara (R-0126)

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - B-side scan of 1987 re-release by Manuel García Jara

HurricaneHOF4.jpg (21531 bytes)
Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - Collectables Records late 1980s re-release, A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0126)

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - Collectables Records late 1980s re-release, B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - 2006 A-side scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (R-0126)

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - 2006 B-side scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

The 1978 US single reissue has with the catalogue number and credits in a white box. This single was re-released in 1987 with the same catalogue number with a different label and sleeve design. The Columbia "Hall Of Fame" singles were re-released in the late 1980s by Collectables Record of Narberth, PA, using a unique sleeve - the record label itself is grey and has the "Collectables" logo added on the left. Hanns Peter Bushoff has a mint copy of the US single with red labels released in 2006. It has a plain white sleeve.

Columbia 13-33324 (Canada), 1997:

Columbia 13-33324 (Canada) - scan of A-side of 1997 re-release by Hans Seegers (R-0126)

This single was also released in Canada in 1997 with a completely new label design.

Columbia 13-33324 (Canada) -  scan of B-side of 1997 re-release by Hans Seegers (not rarity)

For locations of other "Hall Of Fame" singles: those containing rarities, those in mono, and those in stereo, see "Hall Of Fame". For Hall Of Fame and Collectables Records 7" sleeves, see 7" Single Sleeves.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Magnus Sjöberg, Hanns Peter Bushoff, André Wilbers,"Jack Frost" and François Guillez for information and scans.

Various Artists - untitled compilation EP, Express Songs EXP.160 (Thailand), 1976:
This stereo EP was legal in Thailand at the time of release, but there is no association with Columbia. These Thai releases are extremely rare and sell for very high prices.

Express Songs EXP.160 (Thailand) - front scan by Hans Seegers

The A-side of this EP has Nights On Broadway by The Bee-Gees and Country Boy by Glen Campbell. Bob's contribution is two rarities on the B-side (the tracks have been copied from an official single, so the song is split, even though it doesn't need to be on an EP!).

R-0126-6 Hurricane (Part I) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): A-side of single (3:45) with swear-word not bleeped

R-0127-3 Hurricane (Part II) (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy): B-side of single (4:57)

Express Songs EXP.160 (Thailand) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Express Songs EXP.160 (Thailand) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

R-0126 can also be found on the following compilations:

CBS 10º Aniversario. 10 Años de Éxitos [CBS 10th Anniversary. 10 Years of Hits] [Various Artists] - 3LP/3 cassette sets, CBS Spain, 1979
Do You Remember - 7" single in retrospective series, CBS Holland, 1982
Ad Bouman's Goud Van Oud [Ad Bouman's Gold From Old] [Various Artists] - Sony Music Media Holland 3CD set, 1997.

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