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Audio: International Album Releases (Regular)

Bringing It All Back Home - CD releases

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Another Side 1964
Another Side Of Bob Dylan (1964)

This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular stereo Dylan albums. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections.

For LP and tape releases of Bringing It All Back Home, click Up.

For releases of this album in CBS/Columbia multi-packs, see International Album Releases (Regular) - Multi-Packs.

Highway 61 Revisited 1965
Highway 61 Revisited (1965)

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 16 September, 2024.

Original CD Releases

"Bringing It All Back Home" - CD release, Columbia CK 9128 (USA/Canada), late 1980s/mid 1990s:

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - front of long box, scan by Hans Seegers

First US copies of this CD came in a long box. The front insert is a single folded card. Wil Gielen has a copy of the US release imported into Japan with an obi from the Shinseido record store chain. The obi has price ¥1,408 (cheaper than the equivalent Japanese release, but accompanied by the Japanese characters for "excluding tax"). This means it was imported into Japan after the introduction of sales tax in 1989. The inserts and CD appear to be exactly the same as the illustrated US release, with the difference that the imported CD is missing the text "DIDP 070393" below the catalogue number to the right of the centre hole as shown. The "DIDP" number (Digital Identification Popular) is a code used by Sony DADC (Digital Audio Disc Corporation) on CDs pressed in Terre Haute, IN, or one of their other CD plants in the USA, from 1983 onwards (Classical CDs had "DIDC"). It's not present on this CD, which probably means that it was either manufactured by Sony in Japan, or at another US CD pressing plant under contract from Columbia.

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - rear of long box, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - outside of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - inside of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - copy imported into Japan, front with obi scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Hans Seegers ("DIDP 070393")

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - copy imported into Japan, obi scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - copy imported into Japan, rear insert scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - copy imported into Japan, outside of front insert scan by Wil Gielen (with barcode as above)

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - copy imported into Japan, CD scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia CK 9128 (USA) - copy imported into Japan, detail of CD scan by Wil Gielen (no DIDP number)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Wil Gielen for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - CD release, Columbia CK 9128 (Canada), late 1980s (two releases):

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - front scan by Keith Schweiger (first release - compact disc logo on right)

These Canadian copies did not have a long box and are missing the barcode on the left of the outside of the US front insert. The rear inserts and the insides of the front inserts are the same for both releases, but the outsides of the front inserts are very different. The front of Keith Schweiger's insert has the compact disc logo on the right, but on the front of Moise Potié's insert it's on the left! The rear of Keith Schweiger's insert has the two photos repeated from the inside, but the rear of Moise Potié's insert has the tracklist and the photo of Dylan at the piano. Both rear inserts have CBS Records Canada information and a price code printed vertically.

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - rear insert scan by Keith Schweiger (both releases)

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - detail of rear insert, scan by Keith Schweiger (both releases)

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - outside of front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger (first release)

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - inside of front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger (both releases)

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - CD scan by Keith Schweiger (first release)

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - front scan by Moise Potié (second release - compact disc logo on left)

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - outside of front insert, scan by Moise Potié (second release)

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Keith Schweiger (both releases)

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - CD scan by Moise Potié (second release)

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Moise Potié (second release - "MADE AT SMC")

Columbia CK 9128 (Canada) - detail of rear insert, scan by Keith Schweiger (both releases)

Both CDs have the upside-down triangle to the right of the centre hole, added to LPs, cassettes and CDs after Biograph in 1985 and the DIDP number "070393". Moise Potié's CD has "MADE AT SMC" (Sony Music Canada) below the Columbia logo to the left of the centre hole. Keith Schweiger's CD does not have this text, which probably means it was made outside Canada, in the USA or even in Japan.

Thanks to Moise Potié and Keith Schweiger for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - CD releases, CBS/Sony 28DP 1028 (Japan), 26 Aug 1987; CBS/Sony CSCS 6011 (Japan), 1 Jun 1990; Sony Records SRCS 9243 (Japan), 1 Feb 1997:

CBS/Sony 28DP 1028 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Wil Gielen

The 1987 Japanese first CD release (28DP 1028) has a green and white obi in the "CBS CD ROCK 100" series with price ¥2,800. It had a 32-page stapled booklet.

The 1990 Japanese CD release (CSCS 6011) has a four-page insert plus an insert which folds out. The obi is black and white with a "Nice Price" logo and price ¥1,800. Wil Gielen has a promo copy with a silver CD with black test, while Han's Seegers' commercial copy has a black CD with silver text.

The 1997 Japanese CD release (SRCS 9243) has a "Super 1600 Nice Price" red obi with black/yellow/white blue text with price ¥1,600.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Wil Gielen for information and scans.

CBS/Sony 28DP 1028 (Japan) - obi scan by Wil Gielen

CBS/Sony 28DP 1028 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen

CBS/Sony 28DP 1028 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen

CBS/Sony 28DP 1028 (Japan) - obi scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records CSCS 6011 (Japan) - rear insert with promo sticker, scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records CSCS 6011 (Japan) - rear insert promo sticker, scan by Wil Gielen

CBS/Sony CSCS 6011 (Japan) - obi scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Records SRCS 9243 (Japan) - obi scan by Wil Gielen

CBS/Sony CSCS 6011 (Japan) - outside of booklet, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony CSCS 6011 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS/Sony CSCS 6011 (Japan) - black CD scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Sony Records SRCS 9243 (Japan) - sealed front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Records SRCS 9243 (Japan) - sealed rear with obi, scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Records SRCS 9243 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records CSCS 6011 (Japan) - promo silver CD scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records CSCS 6011 (Japan) - detail of promo silver CD, scan by Wil Gielen

"Subterranean Homesick Blues [Bringing It All Back Home]" - CD release, CBS COL 62515 2 (NL), late 1980s; Columbia CDCBS 62515 (Australia), 1990s; CBS CDCBS 32344 (Austria for Europe), early 1990s; Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe), mid-1990s/early 2000s:

CBS COL 62515 2 (NL) - front of booklet, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS COL 62515 2 is the first release in Europe and has the alternative title as do the Dutch LP releases. The inserts were printed in Holland, but the CD itself was imported from Japan as Europe had no Sony CD pressing plant at that time (one was later built in Austria). The circumference of the CD states: "MANUFACTURED BY CBS/SONY INC. IN JAPAN. This release has an 8-page booklet with "01-062515-10" on the rear of the front insert. This catalogue number is also printed on the inside of the rear insert.

CBS COL 62515 2 (NL) - rear of booklet, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS COL 62515 2 (NL) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

CBS COL 62515 2 (NL) - detail of inside of rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS COL 62515 2 (NL) - CD scan by Hans Seegers (made in Japan)

CBS CDCBS 32344 (Austria for Europe) - outside of front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger

CBS CDCBS 32344 (Austria for Europe) - rear insert scan by Keith Schweiger

CBS CDCBS 32344 (Austria for Europe) - CD scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CDCBS 62515 (Australia) - CD scan by Hans Seegers (made in Australia)

Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe) - rear insert scan by Keith Schweiger (1990s release)

Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe) - outside of front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger (1990s release)

Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe) - CD scan by Keith Schweiger (1990s release)

CBS CDCBS 32344 (Austria for Europe) - inside pages of front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe) - front with "Nice Price" sticker, scan by Keith Schweiger (2000 release)

Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe) - rear insert scan by Keith Schweiger (2000 release)

Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe) - reverse of rear insert (under clear CD tray), scan by Keith Schweiger (2000 release)

Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe) - CD scan by Keith Schweiger (2000 release)

Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe) - insert front scan by Keith Schweiger (2000 release)

Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe) - insert rear scan by Keith Schweiger (2000 release)

CBS COL 62515 2 (NL)/Columbia CD 32344 (Austria for Europe)  - photo by Éamonn Ó Catháin (Tower Records, Dublin, Feb 2012)

The album with this title and catalogue number was also released in Australia after the CBS/Columbia name change in 1991 with the Dutch inserts but with an Australian pressed red CD - this is comparatively rare. The CD was mastered by DADC Australia.

CBS CDCBS 32344 was made in Austria for the European market. It has a CBS "Nice Price" catalogue as part of the front insert booklet. Two releases of Columbia CD 32344 are shown, one from the 1990s and one from 2000. The front inserts and CDs are the same but the rear inserts are completely different. The 2000 release has a "Nice Price" sticker and an insert showing Bob Dylan albums including the latest 2000 compilation, The Best Of Bob Dylan Vol. 2.

CDs with both titles are still on sale in Ireland in Feb 2012 and on www.amazon.co.uk in Oct 2013 - thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for the photo!

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Keith Schweiger for information and scans.

"Subterranean Homesick Blues [Bringing It All Back Home]" - CD releases, CBS COL 465417 2 (Austria for Europe), early 1990s; Columbia COL 465417 2 (Austria for Europe), 1997:

CBS/Columbia COL 465417 2 (NL) - front scan by J Silver Hertford (both releases)

CBS/Columbia COL 465417 2 (NL) - outside of front insert, scan by J Silver Hertford (both releases)

CBS COL 465417 2 (NL) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers
(early 1990s release)

CBS COL 465417 2 (NL) - CD scan by Hans Seegers
(early 1990s release)

CBS COL 465417 2 (NL) - detail of CD, scan by Hans Seegers (early 1990s release)

Columbia COL 465417 2 (NL) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

Columbia COL 465417 2 (NL) - CD scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

CBS 467391 2 (NL) - CD scan by Billy Bolley (1990s multi-pack release)

CBS 467391 2 (NL) - detail of CD, scan by Billy Bolley (1990s multi-pack release)

BobVol2NLBoxFront.jpg (28133 bytes)
Columbia 467391 2 (NL) - box front and side scan by Éamonn Ó Catháin (1990s multi-pack, first variant)

Columbia 467391 2 (NL) - box front and side scan by Kenneth Robson (1990s multi-pack, second and third variants)

These releases again have an 8-page booklet, this time with "01-465417-10" on the rear of the front insert. The CDs were manufactured in Austria, while the inserts were printed in Holland, from where they were distributed throughout mainland Europe. They were also exported to Australia!

This album with the same title was included in Bob Dylan Volume Two, a 1990s 3CD set with three individual CDs in a card box containing Subterranean Homesick Blues [Bringing It All Back Home], Highway 61 Revisited and Nashville Skyline. All three CDs had the "CBS" logo and the same catalogue number, 467391 2, and were made in Austria. There were three variants of this set with different front and rear card box designs (the second front comes with two different rear designs). For more details of the set, see International Album Releases (Multi-Packs) 1990s.

Scott Bauer has a copy of the Columbia version of this release, bought in the USA as an import with the alternative title and a red Sony "Nice Price" sticker on the front. There is a white sticker with red lettering on the back that says "Made in the U.K." - this is incorrect!

Thanks to Hans Seegers, J Silver Hertford, Éamonn Ó Catháin, Kenneth Robson and Billy Bolley for information and scans, and to Scott Bauer for further information.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - CD release, Columbia CK 09128 (Australia), late 1980s:

Columbia CK 09128 (Australia) - outside of front insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia CK 09128 (Australia) - inside of front insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia CK 09128 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia CK 09128 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

The front insert of this release with the US catalogue number is a single folded card, with the liner notes and three pictures on the inside. The CD has no country of origin.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - CD release, Columbia CDCOL 38801 (South Africa), 1994:

Columbia CDCOL 38801 (South Africa) - reverse of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers
This release had an 8 page booklet and a silver CD with black/red text.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Columbia CDCOL 38801 (South Africa) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CDCOL 38801 (South Africa) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

"Bringing It All Back Home" - CD release, Sony Music CD 116 (Hong Kong), 2000:

Sony Music CD 116 (Hong Kong) - obi scan by Hans Seegers
Unlike previous Dylan albums from Hong Kong, this release is official. It has a full-sized card obi. It has a 10 page booklet. There is a mistake on the inside of the rear insert where it says "Produced by John Hammond" - it correctly says "Produced by Tom Wilson" on the front insert booklet.

The CD is white with blue/black text.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Sony Music CD 116 (Hong Kong) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music CD 116 (Hong Kong) - outside of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music CD 116 (Hong Kong) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music CD 116 (Hong Kong) - inside of rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers (detail)

Sony Music CD 116 (Hong Kong) - inside of rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Remastered CD Releases (2003 onwards)

"Bringing It All Back Home" - advance promo CD-R, Columbia/Sony Music Studios CH 90326 (USA), 28 Jun 2003:

Columbia/Sony Music Studios CH 90326 (USA) - promo insert scan by Hans Seegers
This CD-R for radio play only comes in a clear plastic wallet with a Sony Music Studios, New York, single-sided paper insert dated "June 28, 2003". I assume because it was sent to radio stations the CD-R has only the CD layer of the hybrid SA-CD release below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Columbia/Sony Music Studios CH 90326 (USA) - promo CD-R scan by Hans Seegers

"Bringing It All Back Home" - hybrid SA-CD releases, Columbia CH 90326 (USA/Canada)/Columbia 512353 6 (Europe), 16 Sep 2003:
Bizarrely, the SA-CD release of Another Side Of Bob Dylan is Columbia CH 90327/512354 6.

Columbia CH 90326 (USA/Canada):

Columbia CH 90326 (USA) - front of digipak with album-specific sticker, picture found on eBay by Éamonn Ó Catháin
This release is housed in a two-fold digipak and contains a CD version and SA-CD versions in stereo and 5.1 surround sound. The inside of the digipak has two unpublished pictures of Bob from 1965. There is an 8-page booklet with the original sleeve notes and more unpublished pictures of Bob from 1965. The SA-CD design reproduces the Columbia US "360º SOUND" stereo vinyl label used in 1965.

Columbia CH 90326 (USA/Canada) - outside of digipak (my copy)

Columbia CH 90326 (USA/Canada) - detail of outside of digipak

Columbia CH 90326 (Canada) - detail of rear of booklet

Columbia CH 90326 (USA/Canada) - inside of digipak showing CD tray (no cut-out on left)

Columbia CH 90326 (USA/Canada) -
outside of 8-page booklet

Columbia CH 90326 (Canada) -
hybrid SA-CD

Columbia CH 90326 (USA/Canada) - detail of outside of digipak

My copy is from Canada. The booklet for the Canadian release has been printed in Canada. This release also has the sticker shown for The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan on the outside of the shrink-wrap. The CD was sourced from the USA. Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for finding the US copy with album-specific sticker on eBay.

Columbia 512353 6 (Europe):

512353 6 (Europe) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
All American and European editions of Super Audio CDs are almost identical but they have some differences as listed below.

Columbia 512353 6 (Europe) - detail of rear of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512353 6 (Europe) - outside of digipak, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512353 6 (Europe) - detail of outside of digipak, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512353 6 (Europe) - hybrid SA-CD scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512353 6 (Europe) - outside of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512353 6 (Europe) - inside of digipak with cut-out on left, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512353 6 (Europe) - detail of hybrid SA-CD, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512353 6 (Europe) - detail of outside of digipak, scan by Manuel García Jara

There is a different catalogue number (on the spine and on the CDs), some text at bottom of rear of the digipak, the European copyright logos ("SACEM"/"BIEM") on the CDs and the copyright text in the circumference. The inside of the digipak has a cut-out on the left edge for removing the disc, not present on my Canadian copy.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - hybrid SA-CD release, Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA), 2012:

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - front of card sleeve with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - outside of unfolded card sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - outside of unfolded card sleeve, scan by André Wilbers

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - detail of rear of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - SA-CD scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - inside of unfolded card sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - inside of unfolded digipak, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - outside of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - pages 2-3 of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - pages 4-5 of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - pages 6-7 of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - pages 8-9 of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - pages 10-11 of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - detail of rear of digipak, scan by Manuel García Jara ("No. 00112")

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2096 (USA) - detail of rear of digipak, scan by André Wilbers ("No. 01343")

This hybrid SA-CD release of this album is in stereo only, not 5.1 surround sound as on the 2003 Columbia hybrid SA-CD release. It comes in a folded card sleeve with a 12-page booklet. Manuel's copy shown is numbered "00112". André's copy shown is numbered "01343". There is also a Mobile Fidelity high quality recording released on heavyweight vinyl playing at 45 RPM, which means that it is a 2LP set.

For the Mobile Fidelity 2016 mono SA-CD release, see International Mono Releases.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin, Manuel García Jara and André Wilbers for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - remastered CD releases, Columbia CK 92401 (USA/Canada), 1 Jun 2004; Columbia 512353 2 (Austria for Europe), 29 Mar 2004:

Columbia CK 92401 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada
This release at mid-price is in a standard jewel case and consists of the remastered CD layer only of the 2003 hybrid SA-CD release above. The front CD insert booklet is essentially the same as the SA-CD booklet shown above. The European release is made in Austria.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for scans of the Canadian release and to Tom Willems for the scan of page 7 of the European booklet, shown on right. Note the top right picture of Bob with Tom Wilson from the US and European SA-CD booklets has been replaced by a picture of Bob alone.

Columbia 512353 2 (Europe) - front scan by Tom Willems

Columbia CK 92401 (Canada) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CK 92401 (USA) - CD scan by Augie Krater

Columbia CK 92401 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CK 92401 (Canada) - inside scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia 512353 2 (Europe), page 7 of SA-CD booklet, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia 512353 2 (Europe), page 7 of 2004 booklet, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia 512353 2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Tom Willems

Columbia 512353 2 (Europe) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia 512353 2 (Europe) - inside scan by Tom Willems (different pictures from Canadian release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Tom Willems and Augie Krater for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - hybrid SA-CD release, Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan), 22 Oct 2003:

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - front of digipak with obi, scan by Wil Gielen

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information about the Japanese release and to Wil Gielen and Keith Schweiger for scans. It has a white obi with black/blue/red/pink text and price ¥2,520 (¥2,400 before tax), plus two stapled booklets, one of eight pages and one of 24 pages. The release date is "03-10-22" (22 Oct 2003). The original release date is "65-3-22" (22 Mar 1965) and the withdrawal date is 04-4-21" (21 Apr 2004). As well as the commercial release, a promo copy is shown with a yellow numbered promo sticker on the rear of the digipak, and the text "SAMPLE LOANED" in the clear centre of the CD itself.

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - obi scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - outside of digipak, scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - inside of digipak, scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - rear of digipak with obi, scan by Wil Gielen (commercial release)

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - rear of digipak with promo sticker, scan by Keith Schweiger (promo release)

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - detail of promo sticker on rear of digipak, scan by Keith Schweiger (promo release)

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - hybrid SA-CD scan by Keith Schweiger (promo release)

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - detail of hybrid SA-CD, scan by Keith Schweiger (promo release)

Sony Music MHCP 10003 (Japan) - hybrid SA-CD scan by Wil Gielen (commercial release)

"Bringing It All Back Home" - remastered promo and commercial CD releases, Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan), 18 Aug 2004:

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - front with sticker and top obi, scan by Jack from Canada (promo and commercial copies)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - front sticker scan by Wil Gielen (promo and commercial copies)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - front of card sleeve, scan by Wil Gielen (promo and commercial copies)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - rear of card sleeve with sticker, scan by Wil Gielen (promo copy)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - rear sticker scan by Wil Gielen (promo copy)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial copy)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - front of Japanese language booklet, scan by Jack from Canada (promo and commercial copies)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) CD scan by Wil Gielen (promo copy)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - detail of CD, scan by Wil Gielen (promo copy)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - CD scan by Jack from Canada (commercial copy)

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - unfolded obi, scan by Wil Gielen (promo and commercial copies)

The Japanese CD only release comes in a card sleeve reproducing the LP sleeve with a top orange and white obi with price ¥1,890. Wil Gielen's copy is a promo, with a yellow rear sticker and text "SAMPLE LOANED" at the centre of the CD itself.

Thanks to Wil Gielen and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - Blu-spec CD release, Sony Music SICP 20217 (Japan), 26 Aug 2009:

Sony Music SICP 20217 (Japan) - front of sealed copy, scan by Wil Gielen
This release is on a Blu-spec CD, an audio-only disc which is presumably intended to be Sony's new high quality audio format. The copy shown is still sealed, with a blue and white obi with price ¥2,500 (¥2,381 before tax). The release date is shown as "09-8-26" (26 Aug 2009), the original release date as "65-3-22" (22 Mar 1965) and the withdrawal date as "10-2-25" (25 Feb 2010). It's not actually a Blu-ray disc as it says on the sticker, but it is made using Blu-ray technology.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Sony Music SICP 20217 (Japan) - rear of sealed copy, scan by Wil Gielen

"Bringing It All Back Home" - Blu-spec CD2 release, Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan), 6 Mar 2013:

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - sealed copy with obi and sticker, picture from cdjapan.co.jp
This 2013 release is one of five Dylan albums in the new "Blu-spec CD2" format, replacing the Blu-spec release from 2009 above. The CD has a blue/white obi with price ¥1,890 (¥1,800 plus sales tax). The release date is 6 Mar 2013 and the withdrawal date is 5 Sep 2013.

Translation of Japanese text front sticker by Ben Backhurst from Tokyo Music Japan: "To celebrate the anniversary of Legacy Recordings there will be a prize draw. 3 people will receive high performance Sony headphones. 300 people will receive an exclusive mug. The closing date is 31 August 2013. For details please check the website. This sticker is the proof needed to enter the completion, and will not be reissued."

Thanks to Wil Gielen, Éamonn Ó Catháin and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan by Manuel García Jara

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - outside of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - front sticker picture from cdjapan.co.jp

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - front of obi scan by Manuel García Jara

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - rear of obi scan by Manuel García Jara

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - Blu-spec CD2 scan by Manuel García Jara

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - detail of Blu-spec CD2, scan by Manuel García Jara

Sony Music SICP 30026 (Japan) - detail of rear insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

"Bringing It All Back Home" - remastered CD release, Sony Music SICP 5271 (Japan), 21 Dec 2016:

Sony Music SICP 5271 (Japan) - front with obi, picture from www.fannabee.com
This stereo CD release in the "Special Selection 1000" series has a red and white obi with a release date of 21 Dec 2016, a withdrawal date of 20 Jun 2017, and price ¥1,080 (¥1,000 plus 8% sales tax). There is a gold sticker on the front with Japanese text "Nobel Laureate in Literature".

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information.

Sony Music SICP 5271 (Japan) - rear picture from www.fannabee.com

"Bringing It All Back Home" - remastered CD release, Columbia 512353 2 (Austria for Taiwan), 2004:

Columbia 512353 2 (Austria for Taiwan) - front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers
This CD is actually the 2004 European remastered release made in Austria packaged with an obi in Chinese and English for the Taiwanese market. There is also a release of Highway 61 Revisited in the same "Rock 'N' Roll Fame of Hall" (LOL!) series with the same colour obi. This is #5.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Columbia 512353 2 (Austria for Taiwan) - rear with obi, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 512353 2 (Austria for Taiwan) - detail of obi, scan by Hans Seegers

"Bringing It All Back Home" - remastered CD release, Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/6 (NL), 20 Apr 2009:

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/6 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems
This remastered CD release in a card sleeve is part of the 10CD boxed set The Bob Dylan 60s Collection made by Sony Music in Austria for the Dutch newspaper "De Volkskrant" to mark Bob's Apr 2009 shows in Holland. For the boxed set, see here.

Thanks to Tom Willems for information and scans.

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/6 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/6 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2 (NL) - box front scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2 (NL) - box rear scan by Tom Willems

Various Artists - "American Legends: La Discothèque Ideal En 20 Albums Originaux [American Legends: The Ideal Discothèque In 20 Original Albums]" - 20CD boxed, Sony Music (catalogue number?) (France), 31 Oct 2011:

Picture from www.amazon.fr
Thanks to John Willy Bakke for information about this French 20CD boxed set. Bob's contribution is Bringing It All Back Home. I assume this is the 2004 remastered CD release shown on the right. The 20 albums selected are listed below.
Columbia 512353 2 (Europe) - front scan by Tom Willems
  1. Bruce Springsteen Nebraska
  2. Bob Dylan Bringing It All Back Home
  3. Miles Davis Kind Of Blue
  4. Leonard Cohen Ten New Songs
  5. Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison
  6. Elvis Presley From Elvis In Memphis
  7. Jeff Buckley Grace
  8. Patti Smith Horses
  9. Lou Reed Transformer
  10. Joan Baez Live
  11. Dennis Wilson Pacific Ocean Blue
  12. The Byrds Turn! Turn! Turn!
  13. Jefferson Airplane Surrealistic Pillow
  14. Santana Abraxas
  15. Iggy & The Stooges Raw Power
  16. Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble Texas Flood
  17. Sly & The Family Stone Stand!
  18. Carole King Tapestry
  19. Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell
  20. Chet Atkins & Mark Knopfler Neck And Neck

"The Complete Album Collection Vol. One" - 47CD boxed set, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691-92431-2 (USA), 5 Nov 2013/(Europe), 4 Nov 2013; USB stick, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88883-77314-5 (USA), 5 Nov 2013/(Europe), 4 Nov 2013; Sony Music SICP 30471-30520 (Japan), 26 Mar 2014 onwards:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691-92431-2 (USA/Europe) - front of CD box (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312JK5 (USA/Europe) - front of card sleeve (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312D5 (USA) - CD5 (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312D5 (USA) - detail of CD5 (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88883-77314-5 (USA/Europe) - top of USB box (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312JK5 (USA/Europe) - rear of card sleeve (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312-05 (Europe) - CD5 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312-05 (Europe) - detail of CD5, scan by Manuel García Jara

This massive set is the latest in a series of "Complete Columbia Album Collections" featuring artists such as Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck and even Blue Oyster Cult. The CD version of the set includes 41 Dylan albums in card sleeves, 14 of which have been remastered for this project, plus a 2CD set of previously released non-album tracks entitled Side Tracks. The albums exclude all compilations and The Bootleg Series sets, but do include the deleted 1973 Dylan album, see 1973, and the extra 2CD set Side Tracks includes one side of the 1971 single George Jackson (Acoustic version), R-0085, see 1971. The set is therefore listed in 2013. The set also includes a hard cover book with extensive new liner notes and previously unseen photos.

All the CDs come in card sleeves. The European sleeves are made of thicker card than the US sleeves, but they are otherwise identical, so are not shown. The catalogue number on the sleeve is "88691924312JK5" plus "DISC 5". The CDs are different in detail, the US Bringing It All Back Home CD has catalogue number "88691924312D5", whereas the European CD has catalogue number "88691924312-05". The European CD was made in the EU (probably Austria). The US and European copyright details are printed at the bottom of the Bob Dylan CDs, and round the circumference for The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan onwards, so I haven't shown them for the later CDs.

For more details of the set, see International Album Releases (Multi-Packs) 2010s.

Picture from www.amazon.com
Thanks to Sonny Boy McFitzson for news that The Complete Album Collection will be released in Japan in four decade-related parts, with the intention to release them all in 2014. The first part, called Dylan '60s, will be released by Sony Music Japan on 26 Mar 2014. The Blu-Spec CD2 specification CDs come in card sleeves with printed inner sleeves and "SONY MUSIC" instead of "COLUMBIA" on the discs, which are numbered SICP 30471 to SICP 30481 (Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, not included in the US and European sets, is included here as SICP 30479). Side Tracks, to be released at the same time, is SICP 30519-20. All the sleeves will have orange top obis similar to the 2004 Japanese release in card sleeves. The 2013 remastered Bringing It All Back Home will be SICP 30475 - more details will be added when available. It will almost certainly be the same as the 2013 Japanese Blu-spec CD2 release, Sony Music SICP 30026, see above.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for the picture of the 1960s decade set from www.amazon.com. Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - remastered CD in book, Sony Music/Legacy/Altaya (no catalogue number) (France), 7 Nov 2013:

Front of book/CD - photo by Hervé from France
This French language book with CD is the fourth of a new series of books with CDs from publisher Altaya in association with Sony Music/Legacy called "L'Intégrale Bob Dylan [The Complete Bob Dylan]". This book and CD cost €8.99. The series was discontinued after four issues.

Thanks to Hervé from France and Michel Pomarede for information and pictures.

Rear of book/CD - photo by Hervé from France

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 - Bob Dylan 1965-1966 The Cutting Edge Collector's Edition" - 18CD set, Columbia/Legacy (catalogue number?) (USA), 6 Nov 2015:

Photo from bobdylan.com
This 18CD set includes all the studio takes recorded by Bob in 1965 and 1966 including all the previously released tracks of this album. Ben Rollins says in the book with the 18CD set: "released masters have been remixed in order to fit the sound of the way these alternate takes are presented... raw, immediate, unvarnished, unpolished". The remastered stereo versions of the album tracks for Bringing It All Back Home occur on the 18CD set as follows:

Subterranean Homesick Blues (CD1, track 24); She Belongs To Me (CD2, track 2); Maggie's Farm (CD2, track 9); Love Minus Zero/No Limit (CD1, track 20); Outlaw Blues (CD1, track 27); On The Road Again (CD2, track 16); Gates Of Eden (CD2, track 19); Mr. Tambourine Man (CD2, track 23); It’s All Right, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding) (CD2, track 18); It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue (CD2, track 24); Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream (intro with laughing - CD1, track 5, complete take - CD2, track 4).

Thanks to T J Young for information.

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Another Side 1964
Another Side Of Bob Dylan (1964)

Bringing It All Back Home 1965
Bringing It All Back Home (1965)

Highway 61 Revisited 1965
Highway 61 Revisited (1965)

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A Flying Pig production

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