: International Album Releases (Regular) - 2000s Multi-Packs

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This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released multi-packs of regular stereo Dylan albums. These are listed here to save multiple entries on each album page. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site.

These pages are still incomplete - if you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 06 January, 2025.

"Bob Dylan x2" - 2CD set, Columbia 499858 2 (Europe), 2000:

Columbia 499858 2 (Europe) - front of slipcase, scan by Juergen Flicker
This set dated 2000 was bought by Juergen Flicker in Austria. It is the same as the 2002 French set listed below.

Thanks to Juergen Flicker for information and scans.

Columbia 499858 2 (Europe) - rear of slipcase, scan by Juergen Flicker

"The "Q" 5 Star Reviews Vols. 1-3" - 3CD multi-packs, Columbia 5016212/5016222/5016232 (UK), Jan 2001:

QBox2Front2.jpg (26110 bytes)
Columbia 5016222 (UK) - Q Box 2 showing sides and special price label (€24.99), scan by Éamonn Ó Catháin
Seizing a marketing opportunity presented by the issue of the "Q" magazine supplement "Q Dylan" in Sept 2000, Columbia UK released three volumes in this series, each comprising three regular Dylan albums in their normal packaging inside a unique slipcase reproducing the text of the "Q" 5 Star reviews on the rear sleeve. The albums were not remastered. The volumes, each costing £24.99 at the time of release, are:

Vol. 1: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, Bringing It All Back Home and Highway 61 Revisited

Vol. 2: Blonde On Blonde, Blood On The Tracks and The Basement Tapes (with The Band)
Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for the information that the version of Blonde On Blonde in this pack (Columbia CDCBS 22130) is the "short" version (71:29) with some tracks truncated. For more information, see Blonde On Blonde Rarities.

Vol. 3: Desire, Oh Mercy and Time Out Of Mind

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Éamonn Ó Catháin for information and scans.

QBox1Front.jpg (28451 bytes)
Columbia 5016212 (UK) - Q Box 1 front scan by Hans Seegers
QBox1Back.jpg (36792 bytes)
Columbia 5016212 (UK) - Q Box 1 rear scan by Hans Seegers
QBox2Front.jpg (27939 bytes)
Columbia 5016222 (UK) - Q Box 2 front scan by Hans Seegers

QBox2Back.jpg (36588 bytes)
Columbia 5016222 (UK) - Q Box 2 rear scan by Hans Seegers

QBox3Front.jpg (28746 bytes)
Columbia 5016232 (UK) - Q Box 3 front scan by Hans Seegers

QBox3Back.jpg (32213 bytes)
Columbia 5016232 (UK) - Q Box 3 rear scan by Hans Seegers

"60th Birthday Collection" - Limited Edition 6CD Boxed Set, Columbia MAI 01 2001 (Switzerland), May 2001:

Columbia MAI 01 2001 (Switzerland) - front of box, scan by Mark Webster
This "6CD Box Set in limitierte Auflage {Limited Edition]" contains:

The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (Columbia CD 32390)
Highway 61 Revisited (Columbia 460953 2)
John Wesley Harding (Columbia 463359 2)
Blood On The Tracks (Columbia 467842 2)
Oh Mercy (Columbia 465800 2)
Time Out Of Mind (Columbia 486936 2)

Thanks to Stuart Sonshine for information and to Mark Webster for the scan.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Box Set" - 3CD set in slipcase with bonus disc "Bob Dylan: Live & Rare", Columbia C5K 86024 (Canada), Jul 2002:

GHPackCdn.jpg (39601 bytes)
Columbia C5K 86024 (Canada) - front of slipcase, scan by Gerd Rundel

This set, originally released in the USA in 2001, was released in Canada to mark Bob's Canadian summer tour, Aug 2002, and has the three Greatest Hits titles plus a bonus disc. It's shown in detail on the 2002 page.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scan.

3CD multi-packs, Columbia (Austria for Europe), 2002:

DylanFr3CDsets.JPG (69239 bytes)
Photo of all four sets by Hervé from France
The four sets shown each come in a slipcase with 3CDs. The albums included are illustrated on the cover on the right hand side of each slipcase. The sets are made in Austria for distribution in Europe. France has different releases, see below.

Columbia 509638-2 (Austria for Europe) - picture from www.eil.com

Columbia 509 639-2 (Austria for Europe) - picture from www.eil.com

Columbia 509636-2 - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (CD 32390), The Times They Are A-Changin' (CD 32021), Another Side Of Bob Dylan (CD 32034)

Columbia 509636-2 (Europe) - front of slipcase scan by Manuel García Jara
These three Columbia CD releases are the same as the separate CD releases of the albums.
Columbia 509636-2 (Europe) - rear of slipcase scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia CD 32390 (Europe) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CD 32390 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia CD 32390 (Europe) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia COL 32021 (Europe) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia COL 32021 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia COL 32021 (Europe) - CD scan by Hans Seegers
AnotherSideCD.jpg (14035 bytes)
Columbia CD 32034 (Europe) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CD 32034 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CD 32034 (Europe) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 509637-2 - Bringing It All Back Home (CD 32344) note the title is not Subterranean Homesick Blues!, Highway 61 Revisited (CD 460953-2), Blonde On Blonde (CD 463369-2)

Columbia 509638-2 - Blood On The Tracks (467842-2), Desire (CD 32570), Street-Legal (COL 494788-2, this is the remastered release)

Columbia 509639-2 - Infidels (460727-2), Oh Mercy (465800-2), Time Out Of Mind (486936-2)

In all cases the CDs and album fronts would appear to be the current European versions (not the US CD cover where it differs). Éamonn Ó Catháin informs me he's seen a copy of the fourth set that clearly displays Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde On Blonde on the spine!

Thanks to Hervé from France, Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and pictures.

"3 CD Originaux [3 CD Originals]" - four 3CD sets, Sony Music (France), 2002:
These sets are the same as the sets above, but with a unique slipcase for the French market. The CDs in these sets were made in Austria, with the slipcases being printed in France.

Sony Music SMM 504560 2 (France) - scan by Hans Seegers
SMM 504560 2 - The first 3CD set contains The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (CD 32390 as above), The Times They Are A-Changin' (CD 32021 as above), Another Side Of Bob Dylan (CD 32034 as above). The three albums are therefore the same as Columbia 509639-2 above.

SMM 504561 2 - Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited, Blonde On Blonde

SMM 504562 2 - Blood On The Tracks, Desire, Street-Legal (not illustrated - scan required!)

SMM 504563 2 - Infidels, Oh Mercy, Time Out Of Mind

Thanks to Hervé from France for the information, and Hans Seegers for further information and scans.

Sony Music SMM 504561 2 (France) - scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music SMM 504562 2 (France)

Sony Music SMM 504563 2 (France) - scan by Hans Seegers

"Bob Dylan x2" - two 2CD sets, Sony Music (catalogue numbers?) (France), 10 Oct 2002:

Picture from www.amazon.fr
Set 1 - Bob Dylan and The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.

Set 2 - The Times They Are A-Changin' and Another Side Of Bob Dylan.

Picture from www.amazon.fr

"Serie 3 Pak" - 3CD set, Columbia 5099708606923/133867 (Brazil), 2003:

Columbia 5099708606923 (Brazil) - slipcase front - picture from www.eil.com
This pack contains Blonde On Blonde, Blood On The Tracks and Time Out Of Mind. Blonde On Blonde and Blood On The Tracks are the old CD versions now replaced by the hybrid SA-CD releases.

Thanks to Alexandre Froemming for information about this release.

Columbia 5099708606923 (Brazil) - picture from www.eil.com

"Bob Dylan Revisited: The Remasters" - hybrid SA-CD 15 title boxed set (16 hybrid SA-CDs), Columbia CXH 90615 (USA), 16 Sep 2003/Columbia 514738 6 (UK), 27 Oct 2003/Sony (catalogue number?) (Japan), 17 Dec 2003:

Columbia CXH 90615 (USA) - box and 15 albums in digipaks - picture from www.amazon.com

All the individual hybrid SA-CD titles have been added to the appropriate album page in this section.

Columbia CH 90615 (USA) - box front with sticker - scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia CH 90615 (USA) - box end with illustration of "audition tape" - picture from www.amazon.com

Columbia CH 90615 (USA) - box opposite end with 2nd illustration of "audition tape", scan by Franck Faugere

Columbia CH 90615 (USA) - alternate sticker scan by Gil Lamont

Columbia 514738 6 (UK) - box front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 514738 6 (UK) - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Columbia CH 90615 (USA) - contents of box - picture from www.amazon.com

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Franck Faugere, Gil Lamont and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Greatest Hits Volumes 1-3" - 4CD set, Columbia Legacy C4K 090556 (USA), 23 Sep 2003

Columbia Legacy C4K 090556 (USA) - front of box, scan by Jack from Canada
This four CD set in a book-style box was released in the USA in Sep 2003. It contains the three US Greatest Hits volumes.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information about this set and Jack from Canada for scans.

Columbia Legacy C4K 090556 (USA) - rear of box, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia Legacy C4K 090556 (USA) - inside of box (front), scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia Legacy C4K 090556 (USA) - inside of box (rear), scan by Jack from Canada

"The Bootleg Series Box Set" - boxed set, Columbia (catalogue number?) (USA), 20 Apr 2004:

This item may include all the Bootleg Series releases so far, in which case it will have nine CDs in the box. More information required!

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information about this set.

"2 CD Originaux [2 CD Originals]" - 2CD set, Sony Music (catalogue number?) (France), 20 Sep 2004:

Picture from www.amazon.fr
This set contains Blonde On Blonde and Highway 61 Revisited. I assume the CDs are the new remastered releases.

"3 CD Originaux [3 CD Originals]" - three 3CD sets, Sony Music (catalogue numbers?) (France), 20 Sep 2004:
These sets are the same as three of the four 2002 French sets above, again with new unique slipcases for the French market. The CDs in these sets were made in Austria, with the slipcases being printed in France.

Picture from www.amazon.fr
Set 1- The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changin', Another Side Of Bob Dylan

Set 2 - Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited, Blonde On Blonde

Set 3 - Infidels, Oh Mercy, Time Out Of Mind

Apart from The Times They Are A-Changin' I assume the CDs are the new remastered releases.

Picture from www.amazon.fr

Picture from www.amazon.fr

"Bob Dylan: The Collection" - 3CD set, Columbia C3K 92645 (USA), 13 Jul 2004/Columbia 517852 2 (Austria for Europe), 8 Nov 2004:

Columbia 517852 2 (Europe) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 517852 2 (Europe) - rear scan by Hans Seegers
Collection2USFront.jpg (47799 bytes)
Columbia C3K 92645 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada
Collection2USInside.jpg (92578 bytes)
Columbia C3K 92645 (USA) - inside scan by Jack from Canada
Collection2USBack.jpg (44083 bytes)
Columbia C3K 92645 (USA) - rear scan by Jack from Canada
This set contains Oh Mercy, Time Out Of Mind and "Love And Theft". I assume Oh Mercy is the 2004 remastered CD release (the CD layer of the 2003 hybrid SA-CD release). Time Out Of Mind has not yet been released in a remastered form and the CD layer of "Love And Theft" did not have to be remastered for the 2003 release. The US set is in a book-style digipak, the European release is in a box with the three albums in jewel cases.

The front photo appears to be unique to the set. The sticker is the same for both the US and European releases.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Tim Dunn, David Plentus, Éamonn Ó Catháin and Jack from Canada for information about these sets. Thanks to Hans Seegers and Jack from Canada for scans.

Columbia 517852 2 (Europe) - front sticker scan by Hans Seegers (US is the same)

"Bob Dylan Album Collection" - 14CD boxed set, Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan), 18 Aug 2004/23 Sep 2004:

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - front of box with fold-down flap, scan by Gerd Rundel
The fourteen remastered CDs (the CD layers of the hybrid SA-CD releases, see above) were released in Japan in "LP-style" packaging on 18 Aug 2004 and 23 Sep 2004. They are in card sleeves with reproductions of the original Japanese obis. The boxed set that holds all the albums is much smaller than the 2003 box because these are in card sleeves, not digipaks. To get the box you had to buy all the albums and then collect all fourteen black triangular price tokens from the right-hand bottom corner of the sticker on each album.

All the individual remastered titles have been added to the appropriate album page in this section.

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - rear of box, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - picture from www.hmv.co.jp ("FRONT" and "BACK" incorrect)

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - rear, top and left spine box, picture from www.eil.com

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - all albums, picture from www.hmv.co.jp

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - left spine of box with fold-down flap, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - right spine of box with fold-down flap, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - sticker from each album, scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - albums picture from www.eil.com

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) - lyrics under lid of box, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP 369-382 (Japan) -detail of price token from sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Yoshihiko Satake and John Moore for information and to Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for further information and scans. This is the only official Sony Music box, the two boxes shown below come from the Disk Union record store chain.

"Bob Dylan Paper Sleeve Collection" - Limited Edition 7CD sets in box, Sony Music/Disk Union (no catalogue number) (Japan), 2004-2005:

Picture from www.eil.com
This set of albums in a limited edition glossy card box contains seven Dylan albums in paper/thin card LP reproduction sleeves with obis from the remastered series issued in Japan in 2004.
Box front scan by Hans Seegers

Box rear scan by Hans Seegers

Detail of box spine, scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music MHCP-369 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers with top obi and sticker

Sony MHCP-370 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-372 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-373 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony MHCP-374 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony MHCP-375 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Apparently if you bought seven albums from the remastered series from the Disk Union chain of record shops in Japan, you received the free box. The box shown has the cover of the US mono Highway 61 Revisited (Columbia CL 2389, see Mono Album Releases), another box was available with 10 CDs and the cover of The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, see below. Each of the individual albums in this set is illustrated on the appropriate page of International Album Releases.

Wil Gielen has heard about two boxes with different contents, one with the seven albums above and the other immediately below. The second box notified to me by Wil Gielen has these seven albums:

Sony Music MHCP-376 (Japan) - front with side obi and sticker (my copy)

Sony MHCP-377 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with side obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-837 (Japan) - front with top obi and sticker (my copy)
The albums in this box advertised at www.eil.com are: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, Bringing It All Back, Highway 61 Revisited, Blonde On Blonde, Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (from Sep 2005 and not in the box above), Planet Waves and Blood On The Tracks. Gerd Rundel has a copy of this box with the same seven albums.

Box spine scan by Gerd Rundel

Inside of box, scan by Gerd Rundel (second selection including MHCP-837)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan: The Collection" - 3CD boxed set, Columbia 517847 2 (Europe), 22 Nov 2004:

Columbia 517847 2 (Europe) - picture from www.amazon.co.uk
This set in a box contains the three mid-1960s albums of Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde On Blonde. I assume they are all the 2004 remastered CD releases.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information about this set.

"The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan Box Set" - Limited Edition 10CD set in box, Sony Music/Disk Union (no catalogue number) (Japan), 2005:

Front of box, scan by Gerd Rundel

Spine of box, scan by Gerd Rundel

This set is similar to the ones listed above and comes from the Disk Union record store chain in a white glossy card box illustrated with the front and rear artwork for the first US stereo release of The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, Columbia CS 8786. The ten albums included are illustrated below in card sleeves reproducing the original LP sleeves with obis inside clear plastic wallets and are held inside a white card drawer.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel and John Moore for information and scans.

Contents of box in drawer, photo by Gerd Rundel

Open end of box with drawer, scan by Gerd Rundel

Rear of box, scan by Gerd Rundel

Box with open drawer, photo by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP-369 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers with top obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-370 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Album sticker sheet, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP-371 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-372 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-373 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-374 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-375 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with top obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-376 (Japan) - front with side obi and sticker (my copy)

Sony Music MHCP-377 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with side obi and sticker

Sony Music MHCP-378 (Japan) - picture from www.eil.com with side obi and sticker

"Complete Vinyl Replica Collection" - 19CD boxed set, Sony Music MHCP 380 (Japan), 22 Mar 2005:

Sony Music MHCP 380 (Japan) - front of box with obi, scan by Gerd Rundel
This sturdy card box has an obi with price ¥60,000 and date "05.3.22" (22 Mar 2005). The obi is tightly fitted and impossible to remove without tearing it. The catalogue number "MHCP 380" on the obi is actually the same catalogue number as Slow Train Coming. The rear of the box illustrated all 18 albums included (Greatest Hits Vol. II is a 2CD set) and says that this is a limited promo edition of only 100 copies, and on the bottom of the box there is a sticker saying this copy is No 099/100. All the CDs are in card sleeves reproducing the LP sleeves with obis. The CDs, all from the Sony Music Japan MHCP series, come in an illustrated pull-out drawer and there is room for five more.

Sony Music MHCP 380 (Japan) - rear of box with obi, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP 380 (Japan) - front of box with partly opened drawer with CDs at side, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP 380 (Japan) - left side of box, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP 380 (Japan) - right side of box with front of opening drawer, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music MHCP 380 (Japan) - inside of opening drawer with CDs, scan by Gerd Rundel

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scams.

"Bob Dylan: The Collection" - three 3CD boxed sets, Columbia/Legacy (USA), 5 Apr 2005:

Columbia/Legacy C3K 93973 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com
The first set comprises The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changin' and Another Side Of Bob Dylan.

The second set comprises Blonde On Blonde, Blood On The Tracks and Infidels.

The third set comprises John Wesley Harding, Nashville Skyline and New Morning.

Thanks to Alexandre Froemming and Tim Dunn for the information.

Columbia/Legacy C3K 93991 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com

Columbia/Legacy C3K 93992 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com

"Bob Dylan: The Collection" - four 3CD sets in card boxes, Columbia/Legacy (USA), Sep 2005:

Columbia/Legacy C3K 94973 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com
These four sets in jewel-case sized card boxes with new catalogue numbers represent yet another repackaging of these albums! The covers have the same designs as the box and book-style sets above.
  • Columbia C3K 94973: Blonde On Blonde, Blood On The Tracks, Infidels (as C3K 93991 above)
  • Columbia C3K 94974: Nashville Skyline, New Morning, John Wesley Harding (as C3K 93992 above)
  • Columbia C3K 94975: The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changin, Another Side Of Bob Dylan (as C3K 93973 above)
  • Columbia C3K 94976: Oh Mercy, Time Out Of Mind, "Love And Theft" (as C3K 92645 above)

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information about these sets.

Columbia/Legacy C3K 94974 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com

Columbia/Legacy C3K 94975 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com

Columbia/Legacy C3K 94976 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com

"Bob Dylan: The Collection" - multi-album collection for download, Apple iTunes Online Music Store (USA/UK), 29 Aug 2006:

Picture from the iTunes Online Music Store found by Éamonn Ó Catháin
This exclusive download for $199 includes all Bob's studio and live albums plus 42 rarities! The UK price is £169. In addition to the 42 rarities this set also includes the long-deleted 1973 Dylan album, see 1973.

Full details will be added to Online Performances (Other).

Thanks to Artur Jarosinski, Harold Lepidus, Éamonn Ó Catháin and Jean-Pol Hiernaux for information.

Picture from the iTunes Online Music Store found by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

"Bob Dylan x2 Platinum" - 2CD set, Sony Music 82876780412 (Canada), Oct 2006:

Sony Music 82876780412 (Canada) - front of slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada
This 2CD set in a slipcase contains Bob Dylan and The Times They Are A-Changin', the two 2004 remastered CD releases. The illustration of the Bob Dylan sleeve omits the song titles.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and to Jack from Canada for further information and scans.

Sony Music 82876780412 (Canada) - rear of slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada

"Bob Dylan x2" - 2CD set, Sony BMG 82876827452 (Australia), 2006(?):

Sony BMG 82876827452 (Australia) - slipcase front scan by Stuart Moore
This 2CD set in a slipcase contains John Wesley Harding and Nashville Skyline. It's unusual in that Nashville Skyline is the 2004 remastered release, Columbia 5123462000, but John Wesley Harding is the original Australian release, Columbia CDCBS 63252. For both, see International Albums (Regular).

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Sony BMG 82876827452 (Australia) - slipcase rear scan by Stuart Moore

"Definitive Collection" - 3CD set, Sony BMG (no catalogue number) (India), Jun 2007; Sony Music 88697 64722 2 (India), 2009?:

Front of box, scan by Fred Muller (2007 release)
This set of three remastered albums in a plastic box was manufactured in Mumbai (Bombay), India. It contains Blonde On Blonde (CGK 00841), The Times They Are A-Changin' (CK 08905) and Desire (CK 33893). There is a four page insert with information about the albums (the fourth page is blank). The albums are not named on the exterior packaging or the CDs, just on the insert pages. Keith Schweiger's later release is from Sony Music and has a revised design on the rear of the box including the new Sony Music logo introduced in 2009.

Thanks to Fred Muller, Keith Schweiger and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Rear of box, scan by Gerd Rundel (2007 Sony BMG release)

Sony Music 88697 64722 2 (India) - rear of box, scan by Keith Schweiger (later release)

Sony BMG CGK 00841 (India) - insert scan by Fred Muller

Sony BMG CK 08905 (India)- insert scan by Fred Muller

Sony BMG CK 33893 (India)- insert scan by Fred Muller

Sony BMG CGK 00841 (India)- CD scan by Fred Muller (CD1)

Sony BMG CK 08905 (India)- CD scan by Fred Muller (CD2)

Sony BMG CK 33893 (India)- CD scan by Fred Muller (CD3)

Detail of rear of box, scan by Gerd Rundel (2007 Sony BMG release)

Sony Music 88697 64722 2 (India) - detail of rear of box, scan by Keith Schweiger (later release)

Spine scan by Gerd Rundel (2007 Sony BMG release)

Sony Music 88697 64722 2 (India) - spine scan by Keith Schweiger (later release)

"Bob Dylan x3" - 3CD set, Sony-BMG (no catalogue number) (Austria for Europe), 1 Oct 2007:

Front of slipcase, scan by Manuel García Jara
This set contains the great mid-1960s trilogy, Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited, Blonde On Blonde with a different slipcase from the same sets above.
Rear of slipcase, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512353 2 (Europe) - front scan by Tom Willems

Columbia 512353 2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Tom Willems

Columbia 512353 2 (Europe) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia 512351 2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512351 2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Columbia 512351 2 (Europe) - CD scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 512352 2 (Europe) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512352 2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 512352 2 (Europe) - CD scan by Keith Schweiger

The three CDs are the remastered 2004 versions in jewel cases.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information about this set and to Manuel García Jara, Tom Willems, Jean-Pol Hiernaux, Gerd Rundel and Keith Schweiger for further information and scans.

"Discografía Oficial Completa [Complete Official Discography]" - special offer 54CD set from Spanish newspaper "El Periódico de Catalunya", Columbia/Sony BMG (various catalogue numbers) (Spain), 22 Oct 2007-27 Apr 2008:

ElPeriodicoSp.jpg (33480 bytes)
Picture from "El Periódico" web-site
Thanks to Jan Zoltoski for news that the Barcelona newspaper "El Periódico de Catalunya" is publishing a set of 30 Bob Dylan CDs in weekly 15 bound book-style 2CD packs. This set was published in conjunction with the Spanish publication of "Letras [Lyrics]" in English and Spanish by Editorial Global Rhythms. Each book has unique cover photos and an illustrated Spanish language book, containing excerpts from the Spanish translation of "Chronicles" and "Lyrics". Each weekly 2CD book costs €9.95. The sets are numbered individually - for example the second set is numbered Columbia/Sony BMG 08697 193412. The CDs are in pockets inside the books, but inside scans are not shown for brevity. The CDs have a unique design - the CDs from set 2 are shown for example.

For more information, see .

"El Periódico" 02 - Blonde On Blonde/The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (CD2 of 3) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 02 - Blonde On Blonde/The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (CD2 of 3) - rear of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 02 - Blonde On Blonde/The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (CD2 of 3) - detail of rear of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Sony BMG 08697 193412 (Spain) - CD1 scan by Manuel García Jara (Blonde On Blonde)

Columbia/Sony BMG 08697 193412 (Spain) - CD2 scan by Manuel García Jara (The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3,CD2 of 3)

The weekly 2CD sets are in bizarre combinations of albums, splitting up original sets, so that an original studio album is teamed up with a compilation, a live album, a disc from "The Bootleg Series", or another studio album that seems unconnected. The pairs are as follows:

"El Periódico" 01 - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan/The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (CD1 of 3) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 02 - Blonde On Blonde/The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (CD2 of 3) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 03 - The Times They Are A-Changin'/The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (CD3 of 3) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 04 - Bringing It All Back Home/The Bootleg Series Vol. 4 - Live 1966 (CD1 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

Periódico" 05 - Highway 61 Revisited/The Bootleg Series Vol. 4 - Live 1966 (CD2 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 06 - Bob Dylan/The Bootleg Series Vol. 5 - Live 1975 (CD1 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 07 - Blood On The Tracks/The Bootleg Series Vol. 5 - Live 1975 (CD2 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 08 - Another Side Of Bob Dylan/The Bootleg Series Vol. 6 - Live 1964 (CD1 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 09 - John Wesley Harding/The Bootleg Series Vol. 6 - Live 1964 (CD2 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 10 - Desire/The Bootleg Series Vol. 7 - No Direction Home (CD1 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 11 - Self Portrait/The Bootleg Series Vol. 7 - No Direction Home (CD2 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 12 - New Morning/Hard Rain - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 13 - New Morning/Bob Dylan At Budokan (CD1 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 14 - Planet Waves/Bob Dylan At Budokan (CD2 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 15 - Street-Legal/Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid OST - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

27-28/10/2007: The Freewheelin Bob Dylan/The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (CD1 of 3)
3-4/11/2007:     Blonde On Blonde/The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (CD2 of 3)
10-11/11/2007: The Times They Are A-Changin'/The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (CD3 of 3)
17-18/11/2007: Bringing It All Back Home/The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 (CD1 of 2)
24-25/11/2007: Highway 61 Revisited/The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 (CD2 of 2)
1-2/12/2007:     Bob Dylan/The Bootleg Series Vol. 5: Live 1975 (CD1 of 2)
8-9/12/2007:     Blood On The Tracks/The Bootleg Series Vol. 5: Live 1975 (CD2 of 2)
15-16/12/2007: Another Side Of Bob Dylan/The Bootleg Series Vol. 6: Live 1964 (CD1 of 2)
22-23/12/2007: John Wesley Harding/The Bootleg Series Vol. 6: Live 1964 (CD2 of 2)
29-30/12/2007: Desire/The Bootleg Series Vol. 7: No Direction Home (CD1 of 2)
5-6/1/2008:       Self Portrait/The Bootleg Series Vol. 7: No Direction Home (CD2 of 2)
12-13/1/2008:   New Morning/Hard Rain
19-20/1/2008:   Nashville Skyline/Bob Dylan At Budokan (CD1 of 2)
26-27/1/2008:   Planet Waves [Bob Dylan & The Band]/Bob Dylan At Budokan (CD2 of 2)
2-3/2/2008:       Street-Legal/Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid OST

Thanks to Arie de Reus for information that the El Periodico 2CD sets continued after the original 15 to make 27 sets in all (54 CDs). The new sets are as follows:

Periódico" 16 - The Basement Tapes (2CD) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

9-10/2/2008      The Basement Tapes [Bob Dylan & The Band] (CD1 & 2 of 2)
16-17/2/2008    Slow Train Coming/Before The Flood [Bob Dylan & The Band] (CD1 of 2)
23-24/2/2008    Saved/Before The Flood [Bob Dylan & The Band] (CD2 of 2)
1-2/3/2008:       Infidels/Real Live
8-9/3/2008:       Empire Burlesque/Dylan & The Dead [Bob Dylan & The Grateful Dead]
15-16/3/2008:   Knocked Out Loaded/Good As I Been To You
22-23/3/2008:   Shot Of Love/World Gone Wrong
29-30/3/2008:   Down In The Groove/Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (presumably the UK tracklist)
5-6/4/2008:       Oh Mercy/MTV Unplugged
12-13/4/2008:   Under The Red Sky/More Greatest Hits (CD1 of 2, again presumably the UK tracklist)
19-20/4/2008:   Time Out Of Mind/More Greatest Hits (CD2 of 2, again presumably the UK tracklist)
26-27/4/2008:   "Love And Theft"/Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. 3

"El Periódico" 17 - Slow Train Coming/Before The Flood (CD1 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

Periódico" 18 - Saved/Before The Flood (CD2 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 19 - Infidels/Real Live - front of book, scan by Hans Seegers

"El Periódico" 20 - Empire Burlesque/Dylan & The Dead - front of book, scan by Hans Seegers

"El Periódico" 21 - Knocked Out Loaded/Good As I Been To You - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 22 - Shot Of Love/World Gone Wrong - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 23 - Down In The Groove/Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

"El Periódico" 24 - Oh Mercy/MTV Unplugged - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

El Periódico" 25 - Under The Red Sky/More Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (CD1 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

El Periódico" 26 - Time Out Of Mind/More Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (CD2 of 2) - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

El Periódico" 27 - "Love And Theft"/Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits III - front of book, scan by Manuel García Jara

The albums missing that make the Complete Official Discography title misleading were Dylan (1973), Biograph. and the Dylan 3CD set released in Oct 2007. The full set in the box shown above includes the Spanish translation of "Chronicles", "Letras [Lyrics]" in English and Spanish, plus all the album sleeve notes.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for further information and scans.

Bob Dylan x2: Time Out Of Mind/"Love And Theft" - 2CD set, Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Europe/Canada); Columbia 88697162052 (Australia), end 2007:

Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Europe) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Europe) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Europe) - CD1 scan by Tom Willems

Columbia 88697145152 (Europe) - disc photo by Éamonn Ó Catháin

Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Europe) - CD2 scan by Tom Willems
TimeLoveCanFront.jpg (25712 bytes)
Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Canada) - front of card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada
TimeLoveCanCD1.jpg (22122 bytes)
Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Canada) - CD1 scan by Jack from Canada
TimeLoveCanCD2.jpg (19461 bytes)
Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Canada) - CD2 scan by Jack from Canada
TimeLoveCanFront2.jpg (32456 bytes)
Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Canada) - front of "sliderpack" with card tray pulled out, scan by Jack from Canada
TimeLoveCanBack.jpg (21286 bytes)
Sony BMG/Columbia 88697145152 (Canada) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada
TimeLoveDuoAusSlipcaseFront.jpg (25188 bytes)
Columbia 88697162052 (Australia) - front of slipcase, scan by Stuart Moore
TimeLoveDuoAusBack1.jpg (45200 bytes)
Columbia 486936 2 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore
TimeLoveDuoAusCD1.jpg (21503 bytes)
Columbia 486936 2 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore
TimeLoveDuoAusFront1.jpg (38761 bytes)
Columbia 486936 2 (Australia) - front insert scan by Stuart Moore
TOOMAusInsideOld.jpg (31084 bytes)
Columbia 486936 2 (Australia) - inside scan by Stuart Moore (regular release)
TimeLoveDuoAusSlipcaseBack.jpg (30066 bytes)
Columbia 88697162052 (Australia) - rear of slipcase, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 88697162052 (Australia) - rear of slipcase with promo sticker, scan by Stuart Moore
TimeLoveDuoAusBack2.jpg (46294 bytes)
Columbia COL 512357 2 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore
TimeLoveDuoAusFront2.jpg (38070 bytes)
Columbia COL 512357 2 (Australia) - front insert scan by Stuart Moore
TOOMAusInsideNew.jpg (29293 bytes)
Columbia 486936 2 (Australia) - inside scan by Stuart Moore (this release)

Columbia 88697162052 (Europe) - Apple iPhone screenshot by Éamonn Ó Catháin

The Canadian and European 2CD sets come in a non-gatefold card sleeve with a pull-out card tray. The design is unusual in that the card tray can only be pulled part-way out to reveal the discs. (Stuart Sonshine informs me this is called a "sliderpack" and is used for all the North American "x2" releases.) The Canadian CDs themselves are unique in that they are orange instead of the original blue and green designs and both have the new catalogue number. The European CDs are the regular releases: Time Out Of Mind - Columbia 486936 2, "Love & Theft" - Columbia 512357 2.

The Australian 2CD set has the two CDs in regular jewel cases inside a card slipcase. The discs are also of a new unique white design with red and black text and there are minor changes to the front and rear inserts. Stuart Moore also has a promo copy with a "SAMPLE" sticker on the rear of the slipcase.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Tom Willems, Jack from Canada, Stuart Moore and Éamonn Ó Catháin for information and scans.

TimeLoveDuoAusCD2.jpg (18365 bytes)
Columbia COL 512357 2 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

"The Dylan Trilogy" - 3CD set, Columbia 88697203112 (USA/Canada/Australia), 8 Jan 2008:

DylanTrilogyUSFront.jpg (18488 bytes)
Columbia 88697203112 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com
This set in a card slipcase contains Bob's last three studio albums at the time of release, Time Out of Mind, "Love And Theft" and Modern Times.

Thanks to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for information and to Stuart Moore for scans of the Australian release, which is unusual in that while Time Out of Mind and Modern Times are the standard Australian releases, "Love And Theft" is the European release. Thanks to Jack from Canada for scans of the Canadian release.

TrilogyCanFront.jpg (25174 bytes)
Columbia 88697203112 (Canada) - front of slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada

TrilogyCanBack.jpg (32900 bytes)
Columbia 88697203112 (Canada) - rear of slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada

DylanTrilogyAusFront.jpg (26527 bytes)
Columbia 88697203112 (Australia) - front of slipcase, scan by Stuart Moore

DylanTrilogyAusBack.jpg (27580 bytes)
Columbia 88697203112 (Australia) - rear of slipcase, scan by Stuart Moore

DylanTrilogyAusSpine.jpg (20382 bytes)
Columbia 88697203112 (Australia) - bottom of slipcase, scan by Stuart Moore

"Bob Dylan x2: Another Side Of Bob Dylan/the Times They Are A-Changin'" - 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy 88697 29668 2 (USA), 21 May 2008:

Columbia/Legacy 88697 29668 2 (USA) - front of slipcase picture from Barnes & Noble web-site
Both CDs are in separate jewel cases inside a slipcase. Another Side of Bob Dylan is catalogue number Columbia CK 92402 (the remastered 2004 CD release). The Times They Are A-Changin' has catalogue number Columbia CK 94240 (the remastered 2005 CD release). For illustrations of both of these, see the individual album pages.

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information.

"The Bob Dylan 60s Collection" - 10CD boxed set, Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2 (NL), 20 Apr 2009:

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2 (NL) - front of box, scan by Tom Willems
This set in card sleeves was manufactured by Sony Music in Austria for the Dutch newspaper "De Volkskrant" to mark Bob's Apr 2009 shows in Holland. Because it includes the limited edition CD Live At The Gaslight 1962, it is also listed in 2009. Live At The Gaslight 1962 was originally released in 2005. The box also contains a 16-page booklet by Dutch author Martin Bril called "Een man uit de verte [A man from afar]". Sadly, Martin Bril died on 22 Apr 2009 from cancer. The rear of the box shows the ten albums included.
Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2 (NL) - rear of box, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2 (NL) - advert in "De Volkskrant", scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2 (NL) - booklet front scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/1 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/1 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/1 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/2 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/2 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/2 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/3 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/3 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/3 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/4 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/4 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/4 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/5 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/5 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/5 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/6 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/6 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/6 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/7 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/7 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/7 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/8 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/8 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/8 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/9 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/9 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/9 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/10 (NL) - front of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/10 (NL) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2/10 (NL) - CD scan by Tom Willems

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2 (NL) - spine of box, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Sony Music 88697 51773 2 (NL) - bottom of box, scan by Gerd Rundel

The 1960s album missing from the box is Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, 1967 (Holland had its own three Greatest Hits releases in the 1960s, see International Album Releases (Dylan-Only Compilations) 1960s). For the equivalent 2010 "De Volkskrant" 1970s Collection, see here.

L'Explosion Rock 61/66 (France, 2012) - 8 disc box and contents, picture from Hervé from France
Seven of these CDs (1 and 3-8) and the 2007 Newport DVD The Other Side Of The Mirror: Bob Dylan Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963-1965 were released in France in Mar 2012 in a card sleeve in an eight disc box called L'Explosion Rock 61/66, released to tie in with a Bob Dylan exhibition called "L'Explosion Rock 61-66" at the Cité de la Musique, Paris, France from 6 Mar 2012 to 15 Jul 2012, see International Album Releases (Multi-Packs) 2010s. For the DVD releases see VHS & DVD 2007-09.

Thanks to Hervé from France, Tom Willems, Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan: The Collection" - 3CD boxed set, Columbia/Legacy 88697559462 (USA), 29 Sep 2009:

Columbia/Legacy 88697559462 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com
This new boxed set includes Another Side Of Bob Dylan, Bringing It All Back Home and Highway 61 Revisited. Again, I assume the albums are the 2004 remastered releases.

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information.

"Bob Dylan 2CD: Two Original Albums" - 2CD set, Sony Music (catalogue number) (Austria for Europe), 5 Oct 2009:

Picture from www.amazon.co.uk
This set in a slipcase comprises Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde On Blonde. More information will be added when available.

"Bob Dylan 2CD: Two Original Albums" - 2CD set, Sony Music 8697594222 (Austria for Europe), 5 Oct 2009:

Sony Music 8697594222 (Austria for Europe) - front of slipcase, scan by Hans Seegers
This set in a slipcase comprises John Wesley Harding and Nashville Skyline.

The CDs are the stereo mixes from the 2003 SA-CD releases, John Wesley Harding is Columbia 512347 6 and Nashville Skyline is Columbia 512346 6. For illustrations of both of these, see the individual album pages.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information about this set and to Hans Seegers for further information and scans. Thanks to Ian Woodward for news that this set was re-released on 2 Nov 2010.

Sony Music 8697594222 (Austria for Europe) - rear of slipcase, scan by Hans Seegers

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.