Audio: The Traveling Wilburys 1989

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Revised: 08 January, 2025

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see )

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Traveling Wilburys - "End Of The Line" - promo 7" and CD singles, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 7-27637 (USA)/PRO-CD-3364 (USA)/PROMO 1.036 (Spain), Feb 1989:

WilburysEOLUSPromo.jpg (20564 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 7-27637 promo 7" single (USA) - scan by Hans Seegers (same both sides)

WilburysEOLUSPromoCD.jpg (19173 bytes)
Warner Bros PRO-CD-3364 - one-track promo CD, scan by Hans Seegers

WilburysEOLUSPromoCDBack.jpg (18661 bytes)
Warner Bros PRO-CD-3364 - one-track promo CD, rear insert scan by Hans Seegers (there was no front insert)

WilburyEOLSpPromoFront.JPG (26588 bytes)
WB PROMO 1.036 (Spain) - front of sleeve (my copy)

WilburyEOLSpPromoBack.JPG (21518 bytes)
WB PROMO 1.036 (Spain) - rear of sleeve

WilburyEOLSpPromoLabel.JPG (21562 bytes)
WB PROMO 1.036 (Spain) - label (same both sides)

R-0337-2 End Of The Line (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on US and Spanish promo 7" singles (same both sides)

There was also a USA promo CD, PRO-CD-3364, shown above. Contrary to previous reports this song was released as a commercial 7" single in the USA, backed by Congratulations, see below.

The Spanish text on the rear of the WB PROMO 1.036 sleeve (my copy) mentions the death of Roy Orbison on 6 Dec 1988.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans of the US promos.

Traveling Wilburys - "End Of The Line"/"Congratulations" - vinyl and cassette singles, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros (USA/Canada), Feb 1989:

Wilbury Records 7-27637 (USA) - front scan by Stefan Haras
R-0337-3 End Of The Line (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on A-side of all formats of singles

R-0333-2 Congratulations (The Traveling Wilburys) - B-side on all formats of single

There was also a US cassette single, Wilbury Records 9 27637-4, with R-0337 and R-0333 on both sides. The Canadian 7" single did not have a picture sleeve, but came in a generic WEA 7" single sleeve.

Gil Walker has sent me details of a couple of internationally-released Jeff Lynne CD compilations which include R-0337. These are bootlegs, so are not listed here.

Wilbury Records 7-27637 (USA) - rear scan by Stefan Haras

Wilbury Records 7-27637 (USA) - A-side scan by Stefan Haras (R-0337)

Wilbury Records 7-27637 (USA) - B-side scan by Stefan Haras (R-0333)

Wilbury Records 92 76377 (Canada) - A-side in WEA sleeve, scan by Gerard Germano

WilburysEOLCasUSFront.jpg (43289 bytes)
Wilbury Records 9 27637-4 (USA) - cassette single in card sleeve (still sealed), front scan by Hans Seegers

WilburysEOLCasUSBack.jpg (44339 bytes)
Wilbury Records 9 27637-4 (USA) - cassette single (still sealed), rear scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records 92 76377 (Canada) - A-side scan by Gerard Germano (R-0337)

Wilbury Records 92 76377 (Canada) - detail of A-side, scan by Gerard Germano

Wilbury Records 92 76377 (Canada) - B-side scan by Gerard Germano (R-0333)

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information, and to Hans Seegers, Gerard Germano and Stefan Haras for scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "End Of The Line"/"Congratulations" - CD and 7"/12"vinyl singles, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros (West Germany/France/Australia), Feb 1989:

EOL7Front.JPG (38050 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - 7" single front sleeve (my copy), UK front sleeve W7637 is the same

As well as R-0337 and R-0333, the CD and 12" singles had an extra track:

R-0198     End Of The Line (The Traveling Wilburys) - extended remix on CD single (W7637CD) and 12" single (W7637T/921 165 0) There was also a "Limited Edition" 12" single (W7637TW/921 173 0) with a free sheet of stickers.

The UK 7" single W7637 had a solid centre, the West German/French 7" single 927 637-7 had an open centre and a different label design. Although there was a separate UK release, the copy sold to me in the UK was actually the West German release! Gerard Germano has a copy of the West German 7" single with a stamp from "Sociëteit Octopus", a music club in De Lier, Holland (thanks to Hans Seegers for information).

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - 7" single front sleeve with stamp, scan by Gerard Germano

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - detail of 7" single front sleeve, scan by Gerard Germano

EOL7Back.JPG (20107 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - 7" single rear sleeve (my copy)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - detail of 7" single rear sleeve, scan by Gerard Germano

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - detail of 7" single rear sleeve, scan by Gerard Germano

EOL7LabelA.JPG (20443 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - 7" single A-side (variant 1 - R-0337)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - detail of 7" single A-side (variant 1)

EOL7LabelB.JPG (21371 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - 7" single B-side (variant 1 - R-0333)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - detail of 7" single B-side (variant 1)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - 7" single A-side scan by Ger Hemel (variant 1 - R-0337)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - detail of 7" single A-side, scan by Ger Hemel (variant 2 - text lower)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - 7" single B-side scan by Ger Hemel (variant 1 - R-0333)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 927 637-7 (West Germany/France) - detail of 7" single B-side, scan by Ger Hemel (variant 2 - text lower)

WilburysEOL7UKBack.jpg (18082 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637 (UK) - 7" single rear sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637 (UK) - detail of 7" single rear sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637 (UK) - detail of 7" single rear sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson

WilburysEOL7UKSideA.jpg (25268 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637 (UK) - 7" single A-side (R-0337), scan by Kenneth Robson

WilburysEOL7UKSideB.jpg (25504 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637 (UK) - 7" single B-side (R-0333), scan by Kenneth Robson

WilburyEOL12Front.JPG (37753 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637T (UK) - 12" single front sleeve (my copy)

WilburyEOL12Back.JPG (16250 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637T (UK) - 12" single rear sleeve (W7637TW is the same except for the catalogue number)

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Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637T (UK) - 12" single A-side (R-0198)

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Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637T (UK) - 12" single B-side (R-0333)

WilburyEOL12Front2.jpg (32880 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637TW (UK) - limited edition 12" single front sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637T (UK) - standard 12" single - detail of back sleeve with catalogue number, scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records 7.26737 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single front scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records 7.26737 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single rear scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records 7.26737 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0337)

Wilbury Records 7.26737 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single B-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0333)

WilburysStickers.jpg (34948 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637TW (UK) - sticker sheet with limited edition 12" single, scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637TW (UK) - limited edition 12" single - detail of back sleeve with catalogue number, scan by Hans Seegers

Ger Hemel has a copy of the West German 7" single where the black text is printed lower than on my copy.

The Australian 7" single was also exported to New Zealand.

Thanks to Kenneth Robson, Hans Seegers, Gerard Germano and Ger Hemel for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "End Of The Line"/"Congratulations" - 3" CD singles, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 27637-2 (USA); Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637CD/921 165-2 (West Germany); Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan), Feb 1989:

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 27637-2 (USA):

WilburysEOL3USFront.jpg (74351 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 27637-2  (USA) - 3" CD single in very long card packaging (still sealed), scan by Hans Seegers

The USA 3" CD single came in very long card packaging (Wilbury Records 9 27637-2). Inside the packaging there is a card sleeve into which to insert the CD.

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 27637-2  (USA) - front of card sleeve of 3" CD single, scan by Jack from Canada

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 27637-2  (USA) - rear of card sleeve of 3" CD single, scan by Jack from Canada

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 27637-2  (USA) - 3" CD single scan by Jack from Canada

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637CD/921 165-2 (West Germany):

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637CD/921 165-2 (West Germany) - 3" CD single in plastic wallet, scan by Gerd Rundel

The West German 3" CD single (Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637CD/921 165-2) came in a folded card sleeve inside a plastic wallet.

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637CD/921 165-2 (West Germany) - 3" CD single front scan by
Gerd Rundel

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637CD/921 165-2 (West Germany) - 3" CD single rear scan by Gerd Rundel

WilburysEOL3GerFront.jpg (65233 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637CD/921 165-2 (West Germany) - 3" CD single, outside of unfolded card sleeve, scan by
Gerd Rundel

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637CD/921 165-2 (West Germany) - 3" CD single, inside of unfolded card sleeve, scan by
Gerd Rundel

WilburysEOL3GerCD.jpg (25957 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W7637CD/921 165-2 (West Germany) - 3" CD single scan by Gerd Rundel

Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan):

WilburysEOL3JpnFront.jpg (34688 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan) - 3" single front of card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

WilburysEndLine3JpnFront.jpg (60748 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan) - front of "snap pack", scan by Wil Gielen (variant 1)

WilburysEndLine3JpnInside.jpg (50636 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan) - inside of "snap pack" (reverse of front) with instructions, scan by Wil Gielen (variant 1)

WilburysEndLine3JpnCD.jpg (44380 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan) - inside of "snap pack" (reverse of rear) with CD in tray, scan by Wil Gielen (variant 1)

Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan) - outside of 3" single "snap pack", scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan) - inside of 3" single "snap pack", scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

The Japanese 3" CD single (Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096) came in a standard card sleeve and a "snap pack".

WilburysEOL3JpnBack.jpg (30731 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan) - 3" single rear of card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

WilburysEndLine3JpnCD2.jpg (22388 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan) - 3" CD scan by Gerd Rundel (all variants)

WilburysEndLine3JpnBack.jpg (68294 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6096 (Japan) - rear of "snap pack", scan by Wil Gielen (variant 1)

A snap pack was a uniquely Japanese design that was essentially a mini digipak, hinged at the top, with the CD in a plastic tray in a 6" x 3" pack on the rear flap. The lower half of the plastic tray could be snapped off in order to create a 3" x 3" digipak, although serious collectors prefer to leave the snap pack complete. There appear to have been two different designs of snap packs.

The tracks are listed as being from Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 25P2-2327 (CD), 23P1-2327 (LP) and 23P4-2327 (cassette). The "10" at the start of the catalogue number indicates the price of ¥1,000 (before the introduction of sales tax in Japan).

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Wil Gielen, Olav Langum, Jack from Canada and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Various Artists - "WEA Top Hits Selection February 1989" - promo compilation CD: Warner-Pioneer PCS-17 (Japan), Feb 1989:

Warner-Pioneer PCS-17 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen
R-0337-5 End Of The Line (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version from The Traveling Wilburys Volume One, see Wilburys 1988

This compilation was publicising the Japanese release of the album (Warner-Pioneer/Wilbury Records 25P2-2327) and the 3" CD single (Warner-Pioneer/Wilbury Records 10P3-6096), see above.

The front is a four-page insert in English and Japanese and there is an additional insert in English and Japanese that opens out to a larger size.

Warner-Pioneer PCS-17 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen

Warner-Pioneer PCS-17 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen

For a Nov 1988 release in this series with Handle With Care, also see Wilburys 1988.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "Back To Back Hits" - 7" single/"Backtrax" cassette single, Wilbury/Warner Bros 7-21867 (USA), 1989:

WilburysBackLabelA.jpg (23184 bytes)
Wilbury/Warner Bros 7-21867 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0328)

R-0328-12 Handle With Care (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on A-side of commercial 7" single

R-0337-6 End Of The Line (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on B-side of commercial 7" single

There is also a US "Backtrax" cassette single with the same two songs: (Wilbury Records 9 21867-4). It has the same two songs on both sides.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

WilburysHandle2CasUSFront.jpg (50701 bytes)
Wilbury/Warner Bros 7-21864 (USA) cassette single in card sleeve - front scan by Hans Seegers
WilburysHandle2CasUSBack.jpg (48863 bytes)
Wilbury/Warner Bros 7-21864 (USA) cassette single - rear scan by Hans Seegers
WilburysBackLabelB.jpg (23038 bytes)
Wilbury/Warner Bros 7-21867 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0337)

Various Artists - "Top 40 CD Sampler" - promo CD given away with "Hitmakers" magazine, Vol. 15 (USA), 20 Jan 1989:

HitmakersRear.jpg (36700 bytes)
"Hitmakers" - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

R-0337-7 End Of The Line (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on promo compilation CD

For a later CD in this series, see Wilburys 1990.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

HitmakersCD.jpg (28058 bytes)
"Hitmakers" - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "Top 40 CD Tune-Up #11" - radio broadcast CD, The Album Network (USA), 13 Feb 1989:

TuneUp11Front.jpg (26200 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers

TuneUp11Back.jpg (33530 bytes)
Rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

CD scan by Jack from Canada

Outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

R-0337-8 End Of The Line (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on radio broadcast CD

This radio station CD comes in a jewel case with a folded front insert. The rear insert is dated 13 Feb 1989.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Jack fom Canada for information and scans.

Inside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Tune-Up Rock #32" - radio broadcast CD, The Album Network (USA), 3 Apr 1989:

TuneUp32Front.jpg (32944 bytes)
Top 40 CD Tune-Up #32 - front scan by Hans Seegers
R-0334-4 Heading For The Light (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on radio broadcast CD

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

TuneUp32Back.jpg (54984 bytes)
Top 40 CD Tune-Up #32 - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "Promo-Disco Internacional No. 08 - Rock Star Special No. 1" - promo vinyl LP, WEA 6WP.1006 (Brazil), 1989:

RockStarSpecial1Front.jpg (11596 bytes)
WEA 6WP.1006 (Brazil) - front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0331-6 Last Night (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on  rare promo LP

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

RockStarSpecial1Label.jpg (28341 bytes)
WEA 6WP.1006 (Brazil) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (contains R-0331)

Traveling Wilburys/Oingo Boingo/REM/Karin White - "Promo-Disco Internacional No. 33" - 12" promo single, WEA 6WP.1033 (Brazil), 1989:

WilburysREMFront.jpg (23803 bytes)
WEA 6WP.1033 (Brazil) - front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0331-7 Last Night (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on side 1 of rare promo 12" single

The other tracks are Just Another Day by Oingo Boingo, Stand by REM, and Super Woman by Karin White.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

WilburysREMLabelA.jpg (27903 bytes)
WEA 6WP.1033 (Brazil) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (contains R-0331)
WilburysREMLabelB.jpg (28096 bytes)
WEA 6WP.1033 (Brazil) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (non-Wilbury)

Various Artists - "Promo-Disco Internacional No. 46 - Rock Star Special No. 3" - promo vinyl LP, WEA 6WP.1046 (Brazil), 1989:

RockStarSpecial3Front.jpg (25246 bytes)
WEA 6WP.1046 (Brazil) - front scan by Hans Seegers
R-0334-5 Heading For The Light (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on  rare promo LP

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

RockStarSpecial3Label.jpg (26855 bytes)
WEA 6WP.1046 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (contains R-0334)

Various Artists - "Untitled" - promo 7" stereo EP, Virrey CPR-008 (Peru), 1989:

Virrey CPR-008 (Peru) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (contains R-0334)
R-0334-6 Dirigiéndose A La Luz [Heading For The Light] (The Traveling Wilburys) - album version on A-side of extremely rare promo EP

This white label 4-track promo EP was released by Virrey Records of Peru on behalf of WEA. It comes in a Virrey Records promo sleeve and has the album track from The Traveling Wilburys Volume One on the A-side. The other artists on the EP are Tiffany, Fleetwood Mac and The Escape Club. The song titles are translated into Spanish.

Manuel García Jara's copy is rubber-stamped with "ARIZONA COLT WESTERN BAR & DISCO" on each side of the EP. ("Arizona Colt" is also a 1966 Italian "spaghetti western" starring Giulano Gemma and directed by Michele Lupo.) This EP has the same promo sleeve as Hans' copy.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Picture from

Virrey CPR-008 (Peru) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (no Dylan)

Virrey CPR-008 (Peru) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers

Virrey CPR-008 (Peru) - A-side with rubber stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara (contains R-0334)

Virrey CPR-008 (Peru) - B-side with rubber stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Virrey Records (Peru) - generic promo sleeve scan by Hans Seegers

Tom Petty - "Off The Record Specials With Mary Turner, show 89-38" - 2 radio station LPs, Westwood One show W 89-38 (USA), 11 Sep 1989:

WilburySpecialsFront.jpg (21202 bytes)
"Off The Record Specials With Mary Turner" - generic front sleeve scan by Hans Seegers

This show had three selections from both The Traveling Wilburys Volume One (1988). All these songs were on Side 3.

R-0328-13 Handle With Care (The Traveling Wilburys)

R-0331-8   Last Night (The Traveling Wilburys)

R-0337-9   End Of The Line (The Traveling Wilburys)

All songs are partly talked-over, and Last Night is faded after 3:35.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Westwood One show 89-38 (USA) - cue sheet scan by Hans Seegers

Westwood One W 89-38 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Westwood One W 89-38 (USA) - Side 3 scan by Hans Seegers

"Up Close: Bob Dylan" - 2 radio broadcast CDs, MediaAmerica Up Close 89-23 (USA), broadcast 31 Oct 1989:
The interview segments with Bob come from an interview with Dan Neer which was recorded in October 1989, probably at the WNEW-FM radio station in New York (the program was produced by Neer Perfect Productions for MediaAmerica).

UpClose89CD.jpg (22698 bytes)
MediaAmerica Up Close 89-23 (USA) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

R-0336-2 Tweeter And The Monkey Man - from The Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1, see 1988 (Wilburys)

For information on other tracks from this show with Bob only, see 1989.

Thanks to Ole Lien, John Gaylor and Hans Seegers for all the information about these radio show CDs. For another Up Close show with Dan Neer featuring Bob Dylan and The Band in The Last Waltz, see 2002.

UpClose89Front.jpg (19941 bytes)
MediaAmerica Up Close 89-23 (USA) - front sleeve scan by Hans Seegers
UpClose89Back.jpg (23535 bytes)
MediaAmerica Up Close 89-23 (USA) - rear sleeve scan by Hans Seegers

"Rock '89: The Year In Review" - 5 radio station stereo vinyl LPs, Westwood One Show #R89SP (USA), broadcast week of 25 Dec 1989:

Westwood One Show #R89SP (USA) - cue sheet scan by Ger Hemel
This radio station 5LP set has a Traveling Wilburys track on Side 3. There are no sleeves, the five records and the cue sheet are just in a plastic bag.

R-0337-10 End Of The Line (The Traveling Wilburys)

Thanks to Ger Hemel for information and scans.

Westwood One Show #R89SP (USA) - Side 3 scan by Ger Hemel

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A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.