Audio: International Album Releases - Various Artist Compilations 2003

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This is a separate multi-year list by release date of commercially-released Various Artist stereo compilation albums released in 2003 that have been referred to me but do not qualify for my Searching For A Gem list because they contain only Bob Dylan performances which are available on officially released Dylan albums. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo-only Various Artist compilation albums with Dylan tracks are now included in this list. Other International Albums and Compilations are now here:

International Albums: Regular Albums from Round the World - Index

International Albums: Regular Albums - Multi-Packs

Other International Compilations
International Compilations: Other Dylan-only Compilations from Round the World

Elh1.jpg (12572 bytes)
International Compilations: Dylan Album Tracks on Other Artist's Albums

US & International Singles & EPs

There must be hundreds of these albums from round the world! If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 06 January, 2025.

For earlier and later entries in this list, see the links above.

Various Artists - "Little Steven's Underground Garage Show #42" - 3 radio station discs, Renegade Nation (USA), original broadcast 17-19 Jan 2003, updated repeat 2 Mar 2003:

Picture from eBay found by Tim Dunn
This programme includes Baby Let Me Follow You Down by Bob Dylan and The Band from The Last Waltz, recorded live, Winterland, San Francisco, CA, Nov 1976. because this is a rarity, full details are in 2003.

The theme of this radio show was "Martin Scorsese", and the show also included Theme From "The Last Waltz" by The Band.

Thanks to Tim Dunn for finding this on eBay.

Various Artists - "Feelings: Le Canzoni Del Cuore - Emozioni Al Buio [Songs Of The Heart - Emotions In The Dark]" - compilation CD: De Agostini FEE21-2 (Italy), 2003:

De Agostini FEE21-2 (Italy) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Bob's contribution to this second Italian compilation in the De Agostini Feelings series is Most Of The Time from Oh Mercy. This compilation is dated 2002 on the rear insert but 2003 on the CD.

For more compilations in the Feelings series with Dylan tracks, see the 2002 and 2004 pages in this International Compilations list (links at top and bottom of this page).

De Agostini FEE21-2 (Italy) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

De Agostini FEE21-2 (Italy) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

De Agostini FEE-2-02 (Italy) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (2002)

De Agostini FEE38-2 (Italy) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (2004)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Gods And Generals Original Soundtrack" - Limited Edition of film soundtrack album with bonus DVD, Sony Classical SK 87891 (USA/Australia), 4 Feb 2003; Sony Classical/Sony Music Soundtrax S2K 87891 (Europe), 4 Feb 2003; Sony Classical SICP 376-7 (Japan), 16 Jul 2003; film soundtrack CD: Sony Classical/Sony Music Soundtrax SK 87891 (Canada), 2003;

Sony Classical/Sony Music Soundtrax SK 87891 (USA) - front plus sticker (CD plus bonus DVD, my copy)
Because these film soundtrack releases contain a Dylan rarity, full details are in 2003.

Sony Classical US promo - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (no front insert)

Warner Bros 7706-WBGODS 111503 (USA) - Oscar promo front scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Classical/Sony Music Soundtrax S2K 87891 (Europe) - front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (CD plus bonus DVD)

Sony Classical SICP 376-7 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Wil Gielen (CD plus bonus DVD)

Sony Classical/Sony Music Soundtrax SK 87891 (Australia) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (CD plus bonus DVD)

Sony Classical/Sony Music Soundtrax SK 87891 (Canada) - front of regular edition (no bonus DVD), scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Wil Gielen, Jack from Canada and Peter Oudejans for scans.

Various Artists - "The Very Best Of MTV Unplugged 2" - compilation CD releases, Warner Strategic Marketing WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany), 24 Feb 2003; Warner Music Australia 5046623832 (Australia)/Warner Strategic Marketing 5050466238320 (Brazil)/Warner Strategic Marketing 5046-62383-2 (Argentina), 2003:

WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany) - front of slipcase with sticker (my copy)

The European album, which was TV-advertised in the UK, was sourced from Germany. It comes in a card slipcase with a front sticker promoting previously unreleased performances. Bob's contribution is Like A Rolling Stone from the 1995 MTV Unplugged album, recorded "live" at the Sony Theater, New York, 18 Nov 1994. Bob didn't appear on the Vol. 1 album. Other artists included are Sting, Eric Clapton, REM, Tori Amos, Sheryl Crow, Rod Stewart and Elton John. As eight out of the sixteen tracks on this album are previously unreleased, it would have been a great opportunity also to have included one of the fine performances from Bob's MTV sessions on 17 and 18 Nov 1984 that weren't released on the 1995 album! Oh, well...

WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany) - rear of slipcase

WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany) - detail of rear of slipcase

WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany) - outside of front insert

Universal Music FA 20817 (Hong Kong) - front of slipcase, scan by Peter Oudejans (2004 -2CD set, this set is the same as CD2)

Warner Music Australia 5046623832 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

MTVUnpluggedBestUK2.jpg (19276 bytes)
WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany) - front insert scan by Hans Seegers

MTVUnpluggedBestUK2Rear.jpg (33337 bytes)
WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany) - reverse of rear insert

WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany) - CD

WSM 5050466-2383-2-0 (Germany) - detail of CD

Warner Music Australia 5046623832 (Australia) - detail of inside page of front insert booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Music Australia 5046623832 (Australia) - inside page of front insert booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Music Australia 5046623832 (Australia) - detail of inside page of front insert booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Music Australia 5046623832 (Australia) - rear of front insert booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Music Australia 5046623832 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Music Australia 5046623832 (Australia) - CD, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Strategic Marketing 5050466238320 (Brazil) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Warner Strategic Marketing 5050466238320 (Brazil) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Warner Strategic Marketing 5050466238320 (Brazil) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Warner Strategic Marketing 5046-62383-2 (Argentina) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Warner Strategic Marketing 5046-62383-2 (Argentina) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Warner Strategic Marketing 5046-62383-2 (Argentina) - promo CD scan by Peter Oudejans

The Argentine copy shown is a promo with "Disco Promocional Prohibida Su Vente [Promotional Record Sale Prohibited]" printed on the disc. There are no promo indications on the inserts.

This track also appeared on the 2004 Universal Music 2CD compilation The Very Best Of MTV Unplugged, released in Hong Kong, see the 2004 page of this Various Artists Compilations list. This CD is exactly the same as CD2 of that set.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Stuart Moore and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Very Best Of MTV Unplugged 2" - promo compilation CD-R/commercial compilation CD, Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan), 9 Apr 2003:

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - slipcase front with obi, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)
The promo CD-R shown comes in a CD single jewel case with a folded insert, blank on the inside. The commercial release comes in a slipcase with a gold obi with black and white text. The release date is "2003-04-09" (9 Apr 2003) and the price was ¥2,520 (¥2,400 plus sales tax). As well as the English language front insert there is a Japanese language booklet.
Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - slipcase rear with obi, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - slipcase front scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - slipcase rear scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - obi scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - unfolded promo insert scan by Wil Gielen (inside is blank)

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - promo CD-R scan by Wil Gielen

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - outside of unfolded Japanese language booklet, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Warner-Pioneer WPCR-11521 (Japan) - CD scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Thanks to Wil Gielen and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Canta Il Cuore [The Heart Sings] International Volume 3" - compilation CD: Donna Moderna DM0303 (Italy), Mar 2003 (?):

Donna Moderna DM0303 (Italy) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
This compilation CD was given away with a copy of Italian magazine "Donna Moderna [Modern Woman]", now missing, so the exact issue date cannot be determined. However, the catalogue number "DM0303" may indicate Mar 2003 (the most recent track on the CD is from 2000). A different Canta Il Cuore compilation, DM0201, is from 2002.

Bob's contribution is Make You Feel My Love from Time Out Of Mind (1997).

Donna Moderna DM0303 (Italy) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Donna Moderna DM0303 (Italy) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

"Donna Moderna" (Italy) magazine, Sep 2020 - picture from Donna Moderna web-site (shown as example)

A recent front cover of the magazine is shown as an example - an actual cover from Mar 2003 does not appear to be online.

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Westerns" - promo compilation CD-R, Record Makers/Source 360 (no catalogue number) (France), Mar 2003:

Insert scan by Manuel García Jara

CD-R scan by Manuel García Jara

City Reading: Tre Storie Western by Air and Alessandro Baricco (Astralwerks, 2003) - front picture from

City Reading: Tre Storie Western by Air and Alessandro Baricco (Astralwerks, 2003) - rear picture from

Three editions of Alessandro Baricco's 1999 book City

This "Westerns" French promo compilation CD-R was released to promote the Mar 2003 album City Reading: Tre Storie Western by Italian author Alessandro Baricco and the French group Air. The City Reading album consists of Alessandro Baricco reading three stories in Italian from his 1999 book "City" with backing music by Air. As well as two tracks by Air from this album, the promo CD-R includes two album tracks from Bob: Final Theme from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid and As I Went Out One Morning from John Wesley Harding.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Heartbeat Love Songs" - 2CD set, Universal/Granada 068 551-2 (UK), 24 Mar 2003:

Universal/Granada 068 551-2 (UK) - front picture from (includes Bob)

Universal/Granada 068 551-2 (UK) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Universal/Granada 068 551-2 (UK) - CD1 scan by Hans Seegers

1988 2CD set, picture form (includes Bob)

Picture from (no Dylan)

Picture from (no Dylan)

This 2CD set of love songs used on the soundtrack of the 1960s-set UK ITV series "Heartbeat" (1991-2010) includes I Want You from Blonde On Blonde on CD1.

Bob's music has featured regularly in this 1960s set series, although it has only been included in two of the several soundtrack albums that have been released, other examples of which are shown right. For Heartbeat - Love Me Tender, also a 2CD or two cassette set, see the 1998 page of this Various Artists listing.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information that both Tell Me That It Isn't True and I Threw It All Away from Nashville Skyline featured in the episode broadcast on 22 Jan 2006. All Along The Watchtower (both Bob's version and the cover by Jimi Hendrix) have been used several times. Thanks to Bill Hester for finding this set. Thanks to Hans Seegers for further information and scans.

Various Artists - "Acoustic 3" - 2CD set, Echo/V2 Records ECV 23 (UK), 31 Mar 2003:

Acoustic3.jpg (34802 bytes)
Echo/V2 Records ECV 23 (UK) - slipcase front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

Bob's contribution to this 2CD set is She Belongs To Me from Bringing It All Back Home (track 6 on CD2). Other contributors to this set are Leonard Cohen, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Jeff Buckley, Lambchop, Ryan Adams, Oasis, Beth Orton, Dido and Eva Cassidy.

Hans Seegers' copy comes in a slipcase with a green front sticker listing artists including Bob. Jack from Canada has a copy with a different white sticker on the front of the jewel case. Bob is not mentioned on this one, which highlights Mad World by Gary Jules (a UK No. 1).

Echo/V2 Records ECV 23 (UK) - jewel case front with alternate sticker, scan by Jack from Canada

Echo/V2 Records ECV 23 (UK) - alternate front sticker scan by Jack from Canada

Echo/V2 Records ECV 23 (UK) - slipcase front sticker scan by Hans Seegers

Echo/V2 Records ECV 23 (UK) - front insert scan by Hans Seegers

Echo/V2 Records ECV 23 (UK) - slipcase rear, scan by Hans Seegers

Echo/V2 Records ECV 23 (UK) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Echo/V2 Records ECV 23 (UK) - CD2 scan by Hans Seegers

The two previous sets, Acoustic 1 and Acoustic 2, did not contain Dylan songs. For the associated 2004 set Best Of Acoustic, with Just Like A Woman, see the 2004 page in this International Compilations list (links at top and bottom of this page).

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information and to Hans Seegers and Jack from Canada for further information and scans.

Various Artists - "Gotta Serve Somebody: The Gospel Songs Of Bob Dylan" - CD releases: Columbia/Legacy CK 89015 (USA/Canada), 1 Apr 2003/Columbia COL 511126 2 (Europe), 24 Mar 2003;  Sony Music MHCP 8 (Japan), 21 May 2003; stereo cassette release: Columbia CT 89203 (USA), 1 Apr 2003:

Columbia/Legacy CK 89015 (USA) - Digisonics test CD, scan by David Plentus

Because this compilation contains a Dylan rarity, a new recording by Bob and Mavis Staples of Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking from Slow Train Coming, full details are in 2003.

For Mavis!, a 2016 Film First Co. US documentary film about Mavis Staples with Bob performing Blowin' In The Wind from 1963 and a Dylan interview, see VHS & DVD 2010s.

Columbia CK 89015 (USA) - front of digipak in shrink-wrap with yellow stickers, scan by Hans Seegers

DV001468634V (UK) - DVD front, picture from (2016 release

MVD Visual MVD0843D (UK) - 2018 DVD picture from Badlands web-site

Columbia CT 89203 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia CK 89015 (Canada) - front of jewel case, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia 511126 2 (Europe) - front of digipak
(my copy)

Sony Music MHCP 8 (Japan) - front of digipak with obi and sticker, scan by Wil Gielen

There is a 2018 DVD with the same title of Gotta Serve Somebody: The Gospel Songs Of Bob Dylan with an overlap of artists and songs, although it includes Bob performing When He Returns from the DVD with The Bootleg Series Vol. 13 - Trouble No More 1979-1981 (Deluxe Edition) instead of R-0602, and is therefore listed in Films & Videos with Dylan Album Tracks 2010s, not VHS & DVD 2010s.

Thanks to David Plentus, Wil Gielen, Jack from Canada and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Let Freedom Sing: This Land Is Your Land II" - compilation CD releases: Vanguard 79731-2 (USA)/Vanguard VCD 79731-2 (Germany), 11 Apr 2003:

Vanguard 79731-2 (USA) - front scan by Franck Faugere
Because this compilation CD contains two live Dylan rarities, full details are in 2003.

It also a cover of a Dylan song by Joan Baez.

Thanks to Bob Stacy, Franck Faugere and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Vanguard VCD 79731-2 (Germany) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Various Artists - "May Your Song Always Be Sung: The Songs Of Bob Dylan Vol. 3" - 2CD set: BMG 82876 50567-2/3LP set: BMG 82876 50567-1 (Germany), 26 May 2003:

BMG 8287650567-2 (Germany) - front of slipcase, scan by Gerd Rundel (commercial release)

Because this compilation 2CD/3LP set contains a Dylan rarity, full details are in 2003. The seven-track promo sampler also contains the rarity.

Thanks to Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff of BMG Germany for compiling this set and for the promo copies. Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scan.

BMG 8287650567-2 (Germany) - CD1 promo front insert (my copy)

BMG 8287650567-2 (Germany) - CD2 promo front insert (my copy)

BMG 82876 52712 2 (Germany) - front of card sleeve (promo sampler, my copy)

Various Artists - "Radio 2 Top 2000" - compilation 3CD set, EMI 7243 5971132 4 (NL), 2003:

EMI 7243 5971132 4 (NL) - front scan by Ger Hemel

EMI 7243 5971132 4 (NL) - front of booklet scan by Ger Hemel

EMI 7243 5971132 4 (NL) - inside pages of booklet, scan by Ger Hemel

EMI 7243 5971132 4 (NL) - rear insert scan by Ger Hemel

EMI 7243 5971132 4 (NL) - CD2 scan by Ger Hemel

This compilation 3CD set released in association with Dutch radio station Radio 2 comes in a double-width jewel case with front and rear inserts plus a booklet. Bob's contribution is Hurricane from Desire on CD2.

For a later 3CD compilation in this series with a Dylan track, see the 2006 page of this Various Artists Compilations list.

Thanks to Ger Hemel for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Bellissima" - compilation 2CD set: Prime Time PTM 5112432 (Italy), 2003:

Prime Time PTM 5112432 (Italy) - picture from
This 2CD set from Italy includes Lay, Lady, Lay from Nashville Skyline, track 5 on CD1. Scans required!

Thanks to John Willy Bakke for information.

Various Artists - "4 Classic- Los Éxitos Imprescindibles De Tu Vida [The Essential Successes Of Your Life]" - compilation 3CD set, El Diablo/Sony Music 8431905005869 EDD 061CD (Spain), 2003:

El Diablo/Sony Music 8431905005869 EDD 061CD (Spain) - front insert scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this 3CD Spanish compilation in a double-width jewel case is Positively 4th Street, the 1965 single released on album in the USA in 1967 on Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits but not on album in the UK until 1971 on More Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (CD2, track 13).
El Diablo/Sony Music 8431905005869 EDD 061CD (Spain) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

El Diablo/Sony Music 8431905005869 EDD 061CD (Spain) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

El Diablo/Sony Music 8431905005869 EDD 061CD (Spain) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

El Diablo/Sony Music 8431905005869 EDD 061CD (Spain) - CD3 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Haruki Mirakami - Soundtracks" - compilation CD, Kvadro KTL03-820 (Russia), 2003:

Kvadro KTL03-820 (Russia) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this set compiled by Japanese author Haruki Mirakami is two tracks: Blowin' In The Wind and Don't Think Twice, It's All Right from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.

For the third compilation in this series see the 2004 page of this Various Artists Compilations list.

Kvadro KTL03-820 (Russia) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Kvadro KTL03-820 (Russia) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Kvadro KTL04-924 (Russia) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (2004)

Haruki Mirakami - picture from Wikipedia

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Het Beste Uit De Top 60 Van De Jaren 60" - compilation 2CD set, EMI 7243 5 82949 2 7 (NL), 2003:

EMI 7243 5 82949 2 7 (NL) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this Dutch 2CD set compiled from the 1960s "Top 60" listings of radio station "Radio 2" Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited on CD2.
EMI 7243 5 82949 2 7 (NL) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI 7243 5 82949 2 7 (NL) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

EMI 7243 5 82949 2 7 (NL) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Legends II" - compilation 2CD set, EMI 7243 593788 2 4 (Australia), 2003:

EMI 7243 593788 2 4 (Australia) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this 2CD compilation in the EMI Legends series is Just Like A Woman from Blonde On Blonde on CD1.

For other compilations in the EMI Legends series with Dylan tracks, see the 2002, 2004 and 2005 pages of this Various Artists Compilations list.

EMI 7243 593788 2 4 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI 7243 593788 2 4 (Australia) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

EMI 7243 593788 2 4 (Australia) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Rock Platinum" - compilation 2CD set, Universal 981 211-1 (Europe), 2003:

Universal 981 211-1 (Europe) - slipcase front with French sticker, scan by Peter Oudejans

Universal 981 211-1 (Europe) - slipcase rear scan by Peter Oudejans

Universal 981 211-1 (Europe) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Universal 981 211-1 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Universal 981 211-1 (Europe) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Universal 981 211-1 (Europe) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Bob's contribution to this 2CD compilation is Hurricane from Desire on CD1. The set comes in a slimline 2CD jewel case inside a card slipcase. The copy shown has a French language sticker with the logo of TV station "RTL 2" on the front of the slipcase.

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Musicland03 - Pop Singles 1" - compilation CD, Specchio La Stampa (no catalogue number) (Italy), 2003:

Front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this compilation CD is On A Night Like This by Bob Dylan and The Band from Planet Waves. The text "NON VENDIBILE SEPARATAMENTE [NOT TO BE SOLD SEPARATELY]" on the rear insert leads me to suspect that like some of the other Italian CDs on this page, this was included with a magazine, now missing.
Rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Essential Collections" - promo compilation CD, Columbia/Epic/Legacy JSK 59596 (USA), 2003:

Columbia/Epic/Legacy JSK 59596 (USA) - front of promo card sleeve, scan by Peter Oudejans

This US promo compilation CD in a card sleeve is a sampler for the Essential series of compilations. It contains The Times They Are A-Changin' from the 1964 album of the same name and 2001's The Essential Bob Dylan.

Columbia/Epic/Legacy JSK 59596 (USA) - rear of promo card sleeve, scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Epic/Legacy JSK 59596 (USA) - promo CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Essential" - promo compilation CD, NMC Music (no catalogue number) (Israel), 2003:

Front scan by Stefan Haras
This Israeli promo compilation CD from NMC Music on behalf of Sony Music is a different sampler for the Essential series of compilations. It contains Forever Young (slow version) by Bob Dylan and The Band from Planet Waves and The Essential Bob Dylan.

Outside of unfolded insert, scan by Stefan Haras

CD scan by Stefan Haras

Columbia C2K 85168 (USA/Canada) - front with jewel case sticker (my copy)

The CD comes in a CD single slimline jewel case with a single folded insert.

Thanks to Stefan Haras for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Essential 70s" - compilation 2CD releases, Universal 06024 980 909-6 (NL)/Universal 980 909-6 (Australia/Argentina), 2003; Universal DARCD 3053 (South Africa), 2004:

Universal 06024 980 909-6 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Bob's contribution to this compilation is Hurricane from Desire, track 8 on CD1. The Dutch release has an 8-page booklet while the Argentinean release just has a four panel insert.

Universal 06024 980 909-6 (NL) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Universal 06024 980 909-6 (NL) - outside of front insert booklet, scan by Hans Seegers

Universal 06024 980 909-6 (NL) - inside pages of front insert booklet, scan by Hans Seegers

Universal 06024 980 909-6 (NL) - CD1 scan by Hans Seegers (includes Bob)

Universal 980 909-6 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Universal 980 909-6 (Australia) - reverse of front insert booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Universal 980 909-6 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

Universal 980 909-6 (Australia) - inside page of booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Universal 980 909-6 (Australia) - CD1 scan by Stuart Moore (includes Bob)

Universal 06024 980 909-6 (NL) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Universal 980 909-6 (Argentina) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Universal 980 909-6 (Argentina) - inside of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Universal 980 909-6 (Argentina) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Universal 980 909-6 (Argentina) - CD1 scan by Hans Seegers (includes Bob)

Universal 980 909-6 (Australia) - CD2 scan by Stuart Moore (no Dylan)

Universal DARCD 3053 (South Africa) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Universal DARCD 3053 (South Africa) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans

DARCD 3053 (South Africa) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Universal DARCD 3053 (South Africa) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Universal DARCD 3053 (South Africa) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Universal 06024 980 909-6 (NL) - detail of rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Universal 980 909-6 (Australia) - detail of rear insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Universal 980 909-6 (Argentina) - detail of rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Stuart Moore and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Essential Songbook: Songs Of A Generation" - compilation 2CD set, Sony Music 9811770 (Australia), 2003:

Sony Music 9811770 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore
This compilation 2CD set has Jokerman from Infidels on CD1.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Sony Music 9811770 (Australia) - inside page scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Music 9811770 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Music 9811770 (Australia) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Music 9811770 (Australia) - CD1 scan by Stuart Moore

Various Artists - "The Story Of The Blues" - 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (USA/Canada); Columbia/Legacy 510728 2 (Europe), 3 Jun 2003:

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (USA) - front of sealed copy with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (USA) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (USA) - rear of sealed copy, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 66218 (UK, 1969) - original 2LP set without Bob, picture from

Paul Oliver book front picture from

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (USA) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (Canada) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (Canada) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy 510728 2 (Europe) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy 510728 2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (USA) - CD1 scan by Jack from Canada (no Dylan)

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (USA) - CD2 scan by Jack from Canada (includes Bob and Bob cover)

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (Canada) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Columbia/Legacy C2K 86334 (Canada) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob and Bob cover)

Columbia/Legacy 510728 2 (Europe) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Columbia/Legacy 510728 2 (Europe) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob and Bob cover)

Bob's contribution is Cry Awhile, the album version from 2001's "Love And Theft", as well as Johnny Winter's cover of Highway 61 Revisited, both bonus tracks on CD2. Other artists included are Charley Patton, Blind Willie McTell, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Bessie Smith, Leroy Carr, Robert Johnson, Bukka White, Sonny Terry, Brownie McGhee, and Joe Williams.

This set was originally issued in 1969 as a 2LP set without Bob, with track selection and liner notes by Paul Oliver to accompany his book of the same name. The 2LP set had 32 tracks, the expanded 2CD release has 42 tracks.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Jack from Canada and Peter Oudejans for information and scans (Hans' US copy shown is still sealed).

Various Artists - "Artist's Choice: Sheryl Crow - Music That Matters To Her" - compilation CD, Hear Music/Universal Music Special Markets 069493585-2 (USA), Jun 2003:

Hear Music/Universal Music Special Markets 069493585-2 (USA) - front of digipak (Hans Seegers' copy)
This album is one of a series of Artist's Choice albums created by Hear Music (a subsidiary of Starbucks Coffee). They are for sale at Starbucks Coffee Shops and on the Starbucks web-site to US residents only. This compilation was produced for Hear Music by Universal Special Markets. For an album chosen by Johnny Cash including a Dylan song, see below. For a 2005 album chosen by Joni Mitchell, see the appropriate page in this International Compilations list (links at top and bottom of this page).

Bob's contribution is Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, the album version from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.

Other artists selected by Sheryl Crow are The Band live with the Staples Singers, Carole King, Aretha Franklin, Emmylou Harris, Ryan Adams, Willie Nelson, James Taylor and Rod Stewart.

Hear Music/Universal Music Special Markets 069493585-2 (USA) - rear of digipak (Hans Seegers' copy)

Hear Music/Universal Music Special Markets 069493585-2 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information about this release and to Jack from Canada for the CD scan (Hans' copy is still sealed).

Various Artists - "Music From The Motion Picture 'Masked And Anonymous'"- film soundtrack album, CD: Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax (various catalogue numbers) (Worldwide); , Oct 2003; 2LP set: Classic Records/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax C2K 90618-1 (USA), Oct 2003:

Sony Music Soundtrax C2K 90618 (USA) - front of Limited Edition digipak, scan by Gerd Rundel

This film soundtrack album contains five Dylan rarities, with four more on the bonus CD in the limited edition. Full details are therefore in 2003.

Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 30C 90618 (USA) - front of CD long box, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 90536 (USA) -
regular CD front with sticker (my copy)

Classic Records/ Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax C2K 90618-1 (USA) - front of 2LP gatefold sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 512556 6 (Europe) - Limited Edition in digipak with SA-CD sampler and different sticker (my copy)

Sony Music Soundtrax SICP 430 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers (2003 release)

Sony Music MHCP 817-18 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Wil Gielen (2005 release)

Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 5129462000 (Australia) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 2 512556 (Brazil) - front with sticker, scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 2-512556 (Argentina) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CM0526 (Taiwan/China) - slipcase front scan by Hans Seegers

Baijia Records/Universal Music HDCD-236 (Taiwan) - front of slipcase with obi, scan by Peter Oudejans

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Alexandre Froemming, Wil Gielen and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Room Service 3" - compilation CD, Huh! Records huh 117/Festival Mushroom Records 336442 (Australia), 2003:

Huh! Records huh 117/Festival Mushroom Records 336442 (Australia) - picture found by Bill Hester
This very rare Australian release compiled by Simon Grigg, Peter Urlich and Martine Woodmason contains Lay, Lady, Lay from Nashville Skyline as track 22. Confusingly, Huh! Records released an album in New Zealand with the same name with catalogue number "huh 114" but with different artwork and a different tracklist not including Bob (shown for information). The artwork of Stuart Moore's copy makes no mention of Huh! Records.

For Room Service DeLuxe, a 2CD "Best of" the Australia/New Zealand Room Service series compilation also including Lay, Lady, Lay, see the 2009 page of this Various Artists Compilations list.

Thanks to Bill Hester and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Festival Mushroom Records 336442 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

Festival Mushroom Records 336442 (Australia) - front insert scan by Stuart Moore

Festival Mushroom Records 336442 (Australia) - page from front insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Festival Mushroom Records 336442 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

Huh! Records huh 114 (New Zealand) - picture from Simon Grigg's web-site (no Dylan)

Various Artists - "Artist's Choice: Johnny Cash - Music That Matters To Him" - compilation CD, Hear Music J110202/Sony Music Special Products A70334 (USA), Jun 2003; Columbia/Legacy CK 90712 (USA/Canada), 7 Oct 2003:

Hear Music J110202/Sony Music Special Products A70334 (USA)/ Columbia/Legacy CK 90712 (Canada) - front of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Hear Music J110202/Sony Music Special Products A70334/ Columbia/Legacy CK 90712 (Canada) - booklet page featuring Bob, scan by Jack from Canada

Hear Music J110202/Sony Music Special Products A70334 (USA)/ Columbia/Legacy CK 90712 (Canada) - outside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Hear Music J110202/Sony Music Special Products A70334 (USA) - rear of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Hear Music J110202/Sony Music Special Products A70334 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Jack from Canada ("Made in the USA")

Hear Music J110202/Sony Music Special Products A70334 (USA)/ Columbia/Legacy CK 90712 (Canada) - inside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Hear Music J110202/Sony Music Special Products A70334 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Hear Music J110202/Sony Music Special Products A70334 (USA)/ Columbia/Legacy CK 90712 (Canada) - rear of digipak with US/Canadian price sticker, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 90712 (Canada) - US/Canadian price sticker on rear of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 90712 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Jack from Canada ("Made in Canada")

Columbia/Legacy CK 90712 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

This album is another from the series of Artist's Choice albums created by Hear Music for Starbucks Coffee with a Dylan track. They are for sale at Starbucks Coffee Shops and on the Starbucks web-site to US residents only. Bob's contribution is The Times They Are A-Changin', the 1964 album version. Other artists selected by Johnny Cash are Bruce Springsteen, Hank Williams, Marty Robbins, Mahalia Jackson, Roberta Flack and Linda Ronstadt.

For an album chosen by Sheryl Crow including a Dylan song, see above. For a 2005 album chosen by Joni Mitchell, see the 2005 page in this International Compilations list (links at top and bottom of this page).

This album was later released separately by Columbia. The copy of CK 90712 was bought at an HMV store in Canada - the digipak was made in the USA and is the same as the US Hear Music release but with a US/Canadian price sticker, the CD was made in Canada.

Thanks to Tim Dunn and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Essentials X Star Box" - promo compilation CD, Sony SDCS 83001 (Japan), 2003:

Sony SDCS 83001 (Japan) - front insert scan by Wil Gielen
This CD was issued to promote two series of Sony compilations: the international Essential series (including The Essential Bob Dylan, see International Album Releases, 2001 and 2003) and the Japan-only Star Box series. Bob's contribution is a unique edit of Like A Rolling Stone, so full details are in 2003. The CD comes in a slimline CD single jewel case with a single-sided card insert.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scan.

Various Artists - "Sounds Of The Sixties: Love And Peace" - compilation 2CD set, Time-Life TL SCC/20 (Holland for Europe/Australia/New Zealand), 2003:

Time-Life TL SCC/20 (Holland for Europe/Australia/New Zealand) - front photo from eBay
Bob's contribution to this 2CD set is Don't Think Twice, It's All Right from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, track 1 of CD1. CD1 also contains four Dylan covers: The Times They Are A-Changin' by Simon and Garfunkel, Blowin' In The Wind by Jackie de Shannon, I Shall Be Released by The Band and It Ain't Me, Babe by The Turtles.
Time-Life TL SCC/20 (Holland for Europe/Australia/New Zealand) - rear photo from eBay

Time-Life TL SCC/20 (Holland for Europe/Australia/New Zealand) - CD1 photo from eBay (includes Bob)

Time-Life TL SCC/20 (Holland for Europe/Australia/New Zealand) - CD1 photo from eBay (no Dylan)

Although both the artwork and the CD were made in the Netherlands, the album was also sold in Australia and New Zealand.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information.

Various Artists - "Singers And Songwriters: Storytellers" - compilation 2CD set, Time-Life TL SSW/18 (NL for Europe), 2003:

Time-Life TL SSW/18 (NL for Europe) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this 2CD compilation is Watching The River Flow, the 1971 single later released on the double album Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II, on CD1.

For other albums in this Time-Life Singers And Songwriters series containing Dylan songs, see below and the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2010 pages of this Various Artist Compilations list.

Time-Life TL SSW/18 (NL for Europe) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Time-Life TL SSW/18 (NL for Europe) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Time-Life TL SSW/18 (NL for Europe) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Singers And Songwriters: Mavericks" - compilation 2CD set, Time-Life TL SSW/20 (NL for Europe), 2003:

Time-Life TL SSW/20 (NL for Europe) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this 2CD compilation is Baby Stop Crying from Street-Legal on CD1.

For other albums in this Time-Life Singers And Songwriters series containing Dylan songs, see above and below and the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2010 pages of this Various Artist Compilations list.

Time-Life TL SSW/20 (NL for Europe) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Time-Life TL SSW/20 (NL for Europe) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Time-Life TL SSW/20 (NL for Europe) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Singers And Songwriters: Protest Songs" - compilation 2CD set, Time-Life TL SSW/23 (Holland for Europe/Australia), 2003:

Time-Life TL SSW/23 (Australia) - front scan by Bill Hester

Bob's contribution to this 2CD set is Masters Of War from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, track 1 of CD1. Although both the artwork and the CD were made in the Netherlands, the album was also sold in Australia (this time New Zealand isn't mentioned).

Time-Life TL SSW/23 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Bill Hester

Time-Life TL SSW/23 (Australia) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Bill Hester

Time-Life TL SSW/23 (Australia) - CD1 scan by Bill Hester

Time-Life TL SSW/23 (Holland for Europe) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers

For other albums in this Time-Life Singers And Songwriters series containing Dylan songs, see above and below and the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2010 pages of this Various Artist Compilations list.

Thanks to Bill Hester and Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Singers And Songwriters: Pure & Simple" - compilation 2CD set, Time-Life TL SSW/24 (Holland for Europe/Australia), 2003:

Time-Life TL SSW/18 (NL for Europe) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this 2CD compilation is Shelter From The Storm from Blood On The Tracks on CD2.

For other albums in this Time-Life Singers And Songwriters series containing Dylan songs, see above and the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2010 pages of this Various Artist Compilations list.

Time-Life TL SSW/18 (NL for Europe) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Time-Life TL SSW/18 (NL for Europe) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Time-Life TL SSW/18 (NL for Europe) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Singers & Songwriters: Sound Of Silence" - compilation CD: Sony Music Media 033 079 5 (Germany), 2003:

Sony Music Media 033 079 5 (Germany) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this German single CD "Club Exklusiv" compilation is Sign On The Window from New Morning.
Sony Music Media 033 079 5 (Germany) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music Media 033 079 5 (Germany) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Very Best Of Singer/Songwriters" - compilation 2CD set, Universal/Sony Music 980 914-4 (Austria), 2003:

Universal/Sony Music 980 914-4 (Austria) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this 2CD compilation exclusive to Austria is Jokerman from Infidels as track 1 on CD2.
Universal/Sony Music 980 914-4 (Austria) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Universal/Sony Music 980 914-4 (Austria) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Universal/Sony Music 980 914-4 (Austria) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Acoustic Nights" - compilation 2CD set, Universal/Sony Music 9809144 (Argentina), 2003:

Universal/Sony Music 9809144 (Argentina) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
This compilation 2CD set with a completely different title and artwork is exactly the same as the Austrian set The Very Best Of Singer/Songwriters above.

It again has Jokerman from Infidels (which is not acoustic) as track 1 on CD2. The Austrian title is much more appropriate!

Universal/Sony Music 9809144 (Argentina) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Universal/Sony Music 9809144 (Argentina) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Universal/Sony Music 9809144 (Argentina) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Ultimate Singer/Songwriter Collection - Second Edition" - compilation 2CD set, WEA WVTD-60175 (Canada), 2003:

WEA WVTD-60175 (Canada) - front with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada

WEA WVTD-60175 (Canada) - front insert scan by Jack from Canada

WEA WVTD-60175 (Canada) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

WEA WVTD-60175 (Canada) - CD1 scan by Jack from Canada (includes Bob)

WEA WVTD-60175 (Canada) - CD2 scan by Jack from Canada (no Bob)

WEA WVTD-38998 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada (2000 release)

This set exclusive to Canada has Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home on CD1. For the first release in this series with Lay, Lady, Lay from Nashville Skyline, see the 2000 page of this list.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Folk Years: Simple Song Of Freedom" - compilation 2CD set, Time-Life/Sony Music R812-22/A2 59738 (USA), 2003:

Time-Life/Sony Music R812-22/A2 59738 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers (2003 2CD set)
This set was originally released in 2002 as part of an 8CD set called The Folk Years: A Singer And Songwriter Collection (CDs 7 & 8). Bob's contribution is on CD1 which has Boots Of Spanish Leather from The Times They Are A-Changin', along with Harry Belafonte's Midnight Special where Bob plays harmonica. As this is a rarity, full details are in 2002. CD2 contains Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds.

A 3CD set including all the material on this 2CD set was later released in 2005, see the 2005 page of this Various Artist Compilations list.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Time-Life 18857-P (USA)
- front of box, scan by Hans Seegers (2002 8CD set)

Time-Life/Sony Music R812-22/A2 59738 (USA - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers (2003 2CD set)

Various Artists - "Folk Heroes" - 2CD set, EMI Music France/Warner Strategic Marketing France 7243 584 424 2 7 (France), 1 Jul 2003:

EMI Music France 7243 584 424 2 7 (France) - front of slipcase with sticker (my copy)

EMI Music France 7243 584 424 2 7 (France) - front insert

EMI Music France 7243 584 424 2 7 (France) - rear of slipcase with sticker

EMI Music France 7243 584 424 2 7 (France) - sticker from front of shrink-wrap

EMI Music France 7243 584 424 2 7 (France) - guitar competition entry form

EMI Music France 7243 584 424 2 7 (France) - CD1 with Bob

Bob's contribution to this 2CD set is Don't Think Twice, It's All Right from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. The track selection is strange - inclusions such as Leonard Cohen, Simon & Garfunkel and Donovan are to be expected, but artists like REM, Norah Jones and Cat Stevens seem unlikely choices!

The set is in a slimline 2CD jewel case inside a card slipcase. The rear insert is identical to the rear of the slipcase. The folded front insert has a tear-off postcard with a competition to win one of five guitars if you answer three questions correctly. The first is with which artist did Bob have "une relation amoureuse" - Joan Baez, Janis Joplin or Carly Simon?

Various Artists - "Championship Season Fall 2003" - 3CD promo set, Sony Music Entertainment 3SK 563050 (USA), Sep 2003:

This set includes tracks from all Sony's labels. The Dylan contribution is Like A Rolling Stone, probably from the remastered Highway 61 Revisited, see International Albums (Regular).

The insert is plain white with what looks like typewritten text.

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information.

Various Artists - "Legends" - compilation CDs: "Daily Mail"/Sony Music Special Markets (no catalogue number) (UK), 6 Sep 2003; "Ireland on Sunday"/Sony Music Special Markets (no catalogue number) (Ireland), 5 Oct 2003:

"Daily Mail" Legends (UK) - front of card sleeve (my copy)

"Daily Mail" Legends (UK) - rear of card sleeve

"Daily Mail" Legends (UK) - CD

"Ireland on Sunday" Legends (Ireland)- front of card sleeve, scan by Peter Oudejans

"Ireland on Sunday" Legends (Ireland)- rear of card sleeve, scan by Peter Oudejans

"Ireland on Sunday" Legends (Ireland)- CD scan by Peter Oudejans

This compilation CD in a card sleeve was given away free with the Saturday edition of the UK tabloid newspaper "Daily Mail" on 6 Sep 2003. It was manufactured for the newspaper by Sony Music Special Markets.

Bob's contribution is Just Like A Woman from Blonde On Blonde. Also on the CD is the cover of Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds.

There is no catalogue number on the sleeve or the CD itself. Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for the information that the Legends CD was also given away in Ireland with the newspaper "Ireland on Sunday" on 5 Oct 2003. Thanks to Peter Oudejans for scans.

Various Artists - "Martin Scorsese Presents: The Blues - A Musical Journey" - 5CD set, Hip-O Records B000039302 (USA), 9 Sep 2003:

Hip-O Records B000039302 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada
This boxed set is one of several blues compilations linked to a TV series presented by film director Martin Scorsese. For the 7DVD set of this series, see VHS & DVD Releases with Dylan Album Tracks 2000s Part 1. Bob's contribution to the DVD set, included in Episode 5, "Godfathers and Sons", directed by Marc Levin, is Maggie’s Farm, the electric performance from Newport, 1965, formerly R-0300, but which is no longer a rarity since it was released on The Bootleg Series Vol. 7 - No Direction Home: The Soundtrack, Sep 2005.

Bob's contribution to the CD boxed set is Highway 61 Revisited, the stereo album track, on CD4.

Thanks to David Plentus for finding this item and to Jack from Canada for scans.

Hip-O Records B000039302 (USA) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

Hip-O Records B000039302 (USA) - CD4 scan by Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Martin Scorsese Presents: The Blues - Godfathers And Sons" - compilation CD, Hip-O Records B 0000627-02 (USA), 9 Sep 2003:

Hip-O Records B 0000627-02 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This CD is another of the blues compilations linked to a US PBS TV series presented by film director Martin Scorsese.

Bob's contribution is Maggie’s Farm from Bringing It All Back Home. Information from the Hip-O Records web-site implies it's a live version, but it's actually the studio version. For the "Godfathers And Sons" DVD, which does include a live version of Maggie's Farm, part of the performance from Newport, 1965, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 2.

Hip-O Records B 0000627-02 (USA) - front sticker scan by Hans Seegers

Hip-O Records B 0000627-02 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Hip-O Records B 0000627-02 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to David Plentus for finding this item, to Tim Dunn for additional information, to Hans Seegers for scans of his sealed copy and to Jack from Canada for the CD scan.

Various Artists - "Music From The Motion Picture 'Wonderland' " - soundtrack CD, Epic/Sony Music Soundtrax 090661 (USA); Epic EK-90661 (USA/Canada); Epic/Sony Music Soundtrax 5136412000 (Australia), 30 Sep 2003; Epic EICP 509 (Japan), 18 May 2005:

Sony Music US promo insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Bob's contribution is Quinn The Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn), the live version with The Band from the 1969 Isle of Wight Festival released on Self Portrait.

For the film release, see VHS & DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks 2000s Part 1.

Peter Oudejans has a promo CD-R which comes in a clear plastic wallet with a paper insert.

Sony Music US promo CD-R scan by Peter Oudejans

Epic/Sony Music Soundtrax 090661 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

Epic/Sony Music Soundtrax 090661 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Epic/Sony Music Soundtrax 090661 (USA) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Epic EK-90661 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada (no sticker)

Epic EK-90661 (Canada) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Epic EICP 509 (Japan) - obi scan by Wil Gielen

Epic/Sony Music Soundtrax 5136412000 (Australia) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Epic/Sony Music Soundtrax 5136412000 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Epic/Sony Music Soundtrax 5136412000 (Australia) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Epic EK-90661 (Canada) - reverse of rear insert (under clear CD tray), scan by Jack from Canada

Epic EK-90661 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Epic EICP 509 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Wil Gielen

Epic EICP 509 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen

Epic EICP 509 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen (promo release)

Epic EICP 509 (Japan) - detail of rear insert, scan by Wil Gielen (promo release)

Epic EICP 509 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen (promo release)

Epic EICP 509 (Japan) - detail of CD, scan by Wil Gielen (promo release)

Hans' Seegers' US copy shown is still sealed - the sticker doesn't mention Bob.

The Japanese release has an eight-page folded insert in English and a 24-page stapled booklet in English and Japanese. There is a pink obi with white and black text, price ¥2,520 and date "05-5-18" (18 May 2005). The original release date is "03-9-30" (30 Sep 2003) and the withdrawal date is "05-11-17" (17 Nov 2005). The copy shown is a promo with a numbered promo sticker on the rear insert and the text "SAMPLE LOANED" in the clear centre of the CD itself.

Thanks to Tom Willems, Tim Dunn, Hans Seegers, Jack from Canada, Wil Gielen and Peter Oudejans for scans.

Various Artists - "Where We Live: A Benefit CD For Earthjustice" - compilation charity CD, promo releases: Higher Octave 70876 18094 2 (USA)/ Capitol/EMI JUSTICE 1 (UK); commercial releases: Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA), 30 Sep 2003; Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Canada); Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Europe); Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan), 29 Sep 2003:

Promo release: Higher Octave 70876 18094 2 (USA); Commercial releases - Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA); Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Canada):

Higher Octave 70876 18094 2 (USA) - front of card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers
(promo release)

Higher Octave 70876 18094 2 (USA) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers
(promo release)

Higher Octave 70876 18094 2 (USA) - CD scan by Hans Seegers
(promo release)

Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Higher Octave
72435 93659 2 3 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA) - front of insert, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA) - outside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA) - inside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA) - rear of insert, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Canada) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial release)

Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Canada) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial release)

Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Canada) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial release)

Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA) - outside of unfolded booklet, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Higher Octave 72435 93659 2 3 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

This benefit album in aid of the environmental charity Earthjustice is described as "a soulful collection of hard-to-find tracks", Bob's contribution is Watching The River Flow, the Jun 1971 single later included on Greatest Hits Vol. II/More Greatest Hits. For more information about Earthjustice, see their web-site .

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information about this release and to Hans Seegers for scans of the US promo release, which came in a monochrome card sleeve, and the commercial release in a digipak (Hans' copy shown is still in the shrink-wrap). Thanks to Jack from Canada for more scans of the US commercial release, which includes a booklet and an inset with a form that enables the buyer to make a further donation to Earthjustice.

The Canadian commercial release comes in a CD jewel case.

CD-R and promo copies: Capitol/EMI JUSTICE 1 (Europe); Commercial release: Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Europe):

EMI (UK) - promo CD-R insert, photo by David McBride
David McBride's UK EMI promo CD-R comes in a clear plastic wallet with a paper insert. Stefan Haras' European promo CD comes in a card sleeve.
EMI (UK) - promo CD-R, photo by David McBride

Capitol/EMI JUSTICE 1 (Europe) - detail of rear of promo card sleeve, scan by Stefan Haras

Capitol/EMI JUSTICE 1 (Europe) - front of promo card sleeve, scan by Stefan Haras

Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Europe) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial release)

Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial release)

Capitol/EMI 724359318424 (Europe) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial release)

Capitol/EMI JUSTICE 1 (Europe) - rear of promo card sleeve, scan by Stefan Haras

Capitol/EMI JUSTICE 1 (Europe) - promo CD scan by Stefan Haras

Capitol/EMI JUSTICE 1 (Europe) - detail of promo CD, scan by Stefan Haras

The European commercial release comes in a CD jewel case.

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan):

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - front with promo obi, scan by Wil Gielen

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - promo CD scan by Wil Gielen

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - detail of promo CD, scan by Wil Gielen

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - promo obi scan by Wil Gielen

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - reverse of promo obi, scan by Wil Gielen

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - detail of promo obi, scan by Wil Gielen

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - rear with promo obi, scan by Wil Gielen

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - promo rear insert scan by Wil Gielen

Toshiba-EMI TOCP 66229 (Japan) - detail of promo rear insert, scan by Wil Gielen

Thanks to Wil Gielen for scans of a Japanese promo copy. There is a light blue obi with black text and price ¥2,548 and date "03-09-29" (29 Sep 2003). The reverse of the obi is white with text in Japanese explaining that this is a "COPY CONTROL CD", it cannot be copied to CD-R or to an MP3 player. There is a numbered promo sticker on the rear insert and Japanese characters indicating a promo in the centre of the CD itself. The front insert is an 8-page folded sheet, and there is a second insert in English and Japanese which folds out to a larger size.

Various Artists - "Steven Spielberg Presents 'Taken': Music From The Critically Acclaimed Event" - promo CD-R: Dreamworks DRMF 14254-2 (USA), commercial CD: Dreamworks B0001401-02 (USA), 21 Oct 2003:

Dreamworks B0001401-02 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Bob's contribution to this compilation from the Steven Spielberg produced science fiction TV mini-series is Man Of Constant Sorrow from his first album. The track is played during a 1962-set scene while characters look at the album sleeve and discuss it. See That My Grave Is Kept Clean is also played in the same episode, but not included on this album.

The promo CD-R came in a slimline single CD jewel case without inserts. For the 6DVD boxed set of the mini-series see VHS & DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks 2000s Part 1.

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information about this release and to Hans Seegers and Jack from Canada for the scans.

Dreamworks B0001401-02 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Dreamworks B0001401-02 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Dreamworks B0001401-02 (Canada) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

Dreamworks B0001401-02 (Canada) - inside scan by Jack from Canada

Dreamworks B0001401-02 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Dreamworks DRMF 14254-2 (USA) - promo CD-R scan by Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Beyond The Years" - promo compilation CD, Sony Music MHCP 150 (Japan), 22 Oct 2003:

Sony Music MHCP 150 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this 19-track compilation released in association with jeans manufacturer Levi Strauss & Co is All Along The Watchtower from John Wesley Harding, track 18. The obi has a price of ¥2,520 (¥2,400 plus sales tax) and release date "03.10.22" (22 Oct 2003). The withdrawal date is "04.4.21" (21 Apr 2004). The copy shown is a promo with a numbered sticker on the rear insert and "SAMPLE LOANED" in the centre of the CD.
Sony Music MHCP 150 (Japan) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music MHCP 150 (Japan) - obi scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music MHCP 150 (Japan) - rear insert with promo sticker, scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music MHCP 150 (Japan) - detail of rear insert with promo sticker, scan by Peter Oudejans ("633032")

Sony Music MHCP 150 (Japan) - promo CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music MHCP 150 (Japan) - detail of promo CD, scan by Peter Oudejans ("SAMPLE LOANED")

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Sold On Song: 40 Of The World's Greatest Songs" - compilation 2CD set, Sony Music TV/BBC WSMCD 155 (UK), 10 Nov 2003:

Sony Music TV/BBC WSMCD 155 (UK) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Bob's contribution to this 40-track set compiled in association with BBC Radio 2 is Blowin' In The Wind from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan on CD2. This set is in a slipcase with the identical design to the CD front and rear inserts.

Sony Music TV/BBC WSMCD 155 (UK) - front insert scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music TV/BBC WSMCD 155 (UK) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music TV/BBC WSMCD 155 (UK) - CD2 scan by Hans Seegers

Other artists include Simon & Garfunkel, Leonard Cohen, Elvis Costello and Van Morrison as well as contemporary British artists such as David Gray, Dido and Macy Gray.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Various Artists - "RS500 Super Audio CD Sampler" - 9-track compilation promo SA-CD releases: Rolling Stone (no catalogue number) (USA/Germany/Austria/Hong Kong), 20 Nov 2003:

"Rolling Stone" magazine Special Collector's Edition (USA), Nov 2003
Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for the information that Simple Twist Of Fate from the 2003 hybrid SA-CD release of Blood On The Tracks (see International Album Releases) is included on a promo SA-CD Sampler CD with a Special Collector's Edition of "Rolling Stone" magazine published on 20 Nov 2003 in the USA featuring "500 Greatest Albums of all Time".

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (USA) - front of card sleeve, scan by John Pruski (all releases)

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (USA) - rear sleeve scan by John Pruski (all releases)

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (Japan for USA) - SA-CD scan by John Pruski (variant 1)

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (Japan for USA) - detail of SA-CD, scan by John Pruski (variant 1 - "Manufactured in Japan by Sony")

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (Germany) - SA-CD scan by Stefan Haras (variant 2)

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (Germany) - detail of SA-CD, scan by Stefan Haras (variant 2 - "Manufactured in Germany by Sonopress")

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (Austria) - SA-CD scan by Peter Oudejans (variant 3)

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (Austria) - detail of SA-CD, scan by Peter Oudejans (variant 3 -"Made in Austria by Sony DADC")

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (Hong Kong) - SA-CD scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 4)

RS500 SA-CD Sampler (Hong Kong) - detail of SA-CD, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 4 - "Manufactured in Hong Kong by Viva SACD")

 Other artists include Elton John, Pink Floyd, Norah Jones and Herbie Hancock.

The SA-CD is in a card sleeve, and John Pruski's US copy was manufactured in Japan by Sony. Stefan Haras has a European copy in an identical card sleeve where the SA-CD was manufactured in Germany by Sonopress. Peter Oudejans has a second European copy in the same card sleeve where the SA-CD was manufactured in Austria by Sony DADC. Gerd Rundel has a fourth copy in an identical card sleeve where the SA-CD was manufactured in Hong Kong by Viva SACD.

For more information, see .

Thanks to John Pruski, Stefan Haras, Gerd Rundel and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Essential Country Album" - compilation 2CD set, Columbia 5147732 (Ireland), Nov 2003:

Columbia 5147732 (Ireland) - front of set with sticker (my copy)
Bob's contribution to this set in Columbia's "Essential" series of compilations is I'll Be Your Baby Tonight from John Wesley Harding. The album also contains You Ain't Goin' Nowhere by The Byrds. This particular compilation is exclusive to Ireland!

Columbia 5147732 (Ireland) - outside of front insert

Columbia 5147732 (Ireland) - CD1

Columbia 5147732 (Ireland) - rear insert

Columbia 5147732 (Ireland) - inside of rear insert

Columbia 5147732 (Ireland) - inside of front insert

Columbia 5147732 (Ireland) - CD2

This is one of a series of "Essential" collections using the same artwork style marketed by Columbia, including Bruce Springsteen, Simon & Garfunkel, Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand:

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information about this release and the set! Thanks also to Éamonn Ó Catháin for news that the compilation has been reissued in a revised 2007 version that has no Dylan contribution.

Various Artists - "Rokkland 2003" - compilation 2CD set, Skifan PCD0305 (Iceland), 2003:

Skifan PCD0305 (Iceland) - front scan by Hans Seegers

"Rokkland" is the name of a rock show on Icelandic radio, and this is the third in a series of compilations by Icelandic label Skifan of songs played on the show. CD1 is "New Music" and CD2 is "Influential Music". Bob's contribution on CD2 is the 1965 single Positively 4th Street, later released in 1967 on Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, but here taken from The Essential Bob Dylan, 2000, as illustrated in the booklet. Other tracks on CD2 are by The Band, Buffalo Springfield, The Grateful Dead, Tim Buckley and Jeff Buckley.

Skifan PCD0407 (Iceland) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (2004)

Skifan PCD0305 (Iceland) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Skifan PCD0305 (Iceland) - front insert scan by Hans Seegers

Skifan PCD0305 (Iceland) - booklet excerpt scan by Hans Seegers

Skifan PCD0305 (Iceland) - CD2 scan by Hans Seegers

For Rokkland 2004 with another Dylan track, see the 2004 page of this Various Artist Compilations list.

Thanks to Guðni Már Henningsson for information about this album. For more information about Skifan, see their web-site . Thanks to Hans Seegers and Peter Oudejans for further information and scans.

Various Artists - "Deconstructed" - compilation CD, BMG 82876515782 (New Zealand), 2003:

BMG 82876515782 (New Zealand) - front scan by Bill Hester
Bob's contribution to this exclusive compilation manufactured and released exclusively in New Zealand is Shooting Star from Oh Mercy.

Thanks to Bill Hester for information and scans.

BMG 82876515782 (New Zealand) - rear insert scan by Bill Hester

BMG 82876515782 (New Zealand) - CD scan by Bill Hester

Various Artists - "Heroes" - compilation CD: EMI 7243 5 80946 2 (NL), 2003:

EMI 7243 5 80946 2 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Bob's contribution to this 18-track compilation is Shelter From The Storm, the album track from Blood On The Tracks (track 4). Other artists are John Lennon, David Bowie (who sings the title track), Jim Morrison/The Doors, Eric Clapton and Janis Joplin.

EMI 7243 5 80946 2 (NL) - front insert scan by Hans Seegers

EMI 7243 5 80946 2 (NL) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

EMI 7243 5 80946 2 (NL) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

This Dutch album has a different track selection and totally different artwork from the single CD and 2CD releases below. Hans Seegers says this Dutch release was made for the British, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch markets, although there was also a European release with the alternate artwork/track listing, see below.

For Heroes - The Anthems with another Dylan track, see the 2004 page of this Various Artist Compilations list.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Heroes" - compilation CDs: EMI/Virgin 72435 94329 2 (Canada); EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84971 20/VTDCD 527 (Europe); EMI 7243 5 96071 2 (Argentina), 2003:

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84971 20/VTDCD 527 (Europe) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

This revised compilation with the same title has a new catalogue number and completely new artwork. The CD now has 17 tracks instead of 18, five of which are new, which means six tracks from the first compilation have been omitted. Bob's contribution is still Shelter From The Storm from Blood On The Tracks, now track 13, plus a cover of A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall by Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music, track 16, new to this version.

This single CD compilation was also released in Canada and Argentina.

EMI/Virgin 72435 94329 2 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/Virgin 72435 94329 2 (Canada) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/Virgin 72435 94329 2 (Canada) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/Virgin 72435 94329 2 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84971 20/VTDCD 527 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI 7243 5 96071 2 (Argentina) - front scan by Hans Seegers

EMI 7243 5 96071 2 (Argentina) - front insert scan by Hans Seegers

EMI 7243 5 96071 2 (Argentina) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

EMI 7243 5 96071 2 (Argentina) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84971 20/VTDCD 527 (Europe) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI 7243 5 96071 2 (Argentina) - detail of rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers. Amen to that!

Various Artists - "Heroes" - compilation 2CD sets: EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29/VTDCDX 527 (Australia); EMI/Warner Music CDEMCJD (SWFD) 6089 (South Africa); EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29 (Taiwan), 2003:

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29/VTDCDX 527 (Australia) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

The revised 17-track compilation above was expanded to 35 tracks on two CDs and released in Australia, South Africa and Taiwan with the same artwork. The Taiwanese release has a wrap-around obi. Five of the six tracks from the 18-track compilation that were omitted from the 17-track compilation have been reinstated. Only Saturday Night by Dutch artist Herman Brood is missing from both the 17-track 1CD and 35-track 2CD compilations,

Bob's contribution is still Shelter From The Storm from Blood On The Tracks, now track 2 on CD2. The cover of A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall by Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music is track 5 on CD1.

EMI/Warner Music CDEMCJD (SWFD) 6089 (South Africa) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI/Warner Music CDEMCJD (SWFD) 6089 (South Africa) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI/Warner Music CDEMCJD (SWFD) 6089 (South Africa) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Dylan cover)

EMI/Warner Music CDEMCJD (SWFD) 6089 (South Africa) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29/VTDCDX 527 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29/VTDCDX 527 (Australia) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Dylan cover)

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29 (Taiwan) - front with obi, scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29 (Taiwan) - wrap-around obi scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29 (Taiwan) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29 (Taiwan) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Dylan cover)

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29 (Taiwan) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

EMI/Warner Music 7243 5 84972 29/VTDCDX 527 (Australia) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

For Heroes - The Anthems with another Dylan track, see the 2004 page of this Various Artist Compilations list.

Thanks to Alexandre Froemming, Jack from Canada and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Country Ballads - The Greatest Country Love Songs In The World… Ever!" - compilation 2CD set, Virgin 7243 5 91668 2 7/VTDCD 556 (UK), 2003:

Virgin 7243 5 91668 2 7/VTDCD 556 (UK) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

This grandly titled 2CD set includes Lay, Lady, Lay from Nashville Skyline, track 10 on CD1. It has an incredible 50 tracks, 24 on CD1 and 26 on CD2.

Virgin 7243 5 91668 2 7/VTDCD 556 (UK) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Virgin 7243 5 91668 2 7/VTDCD 556 (UK) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Virgin 7243 5 91668 2 7/VTDCD 556 (UK) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

For earlier and later entries in this list, see the links below.

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Other International Albums and Compilations are now here:

International Albums: Regular Albums from Round the World - Index

International Albums: Regular Albums - Multi-Packs

Other International Compilations
International Compilations: Other Dylan-only Compilations from Round the World

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International Compilations: Dylan Album Tracks on Other Artist's Albums

US & International Singles & EPs

A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.