Audio: International 7" and 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1980-83

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This is part of a separate multi-year list by release date of international (now including the USA, which was once listed separately) promo and commercially-released stereo 7" and 12" singles that have been referred to me but do not qualify for my Searching For A Gem list because they contain only performances which are available on officially released Dylan albums. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know many are not included on any other Internet site. Special thanks to Hans Seegers for many of these items! Stereo promo versions of commercially released singles that were formerly listed in the Promotional Items sections of the yearly pages are now listed here. I would also like to include cassette singles here, but I don't have any, and none have been notified to me so far.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 01 January, 2025.


"Gotta Serve Somebody" - 12" "Special Club" single, CBS SDC 31 (France), Jan 1980:

CBS SDC 31 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This very rare "Special Club" France-only edition 12" single for DJs has the same track on both sides (the regular album version from Slow Train Coming). The reverse of the sleeve is blank except for the CBS France address, etc.

For 7" versions of this French single with Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking as the B-side, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS SDC 31 (France) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (B-side is identical except for text "FACE 2")

CBS SDC 31 (France) - detail of rear of sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (1980 date)

"Gotta Serve Somebody"/"Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking" - 7" promo and commercial singles, CBS 8134 (NL), 31 Dec 1979; CBS 8134 (France), Jan 1980; S CBS 8134 (UK), 18 Jan 1980:

GottaServeFrFront.jpg (22813 bytes)
CBS 8134 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers (commercial version)

Gotta Serve Somebody is mistakenly listed as being the 3:57 edited version issued on other worldwide singles (R-0148, see 1979), but it is in fact the 5:23 full album version! Thanks to Hans Seegers for notifying me of this error by CBS. However, Onno Mastenbroek informs me that his copy of the UK promo release of S CBS 8134 does indeed play the edited version (actually timed at 3:52). I've therefore added it to 1980. I assume the French and Dutch singles play the full album track.

Even though they had the same catalogue number as the Spanish single shown in 1979 with an edited A-side and Trouble In Mind as the B-side, these versions of CBS 8134 had the full album track as the A-side and Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking (album version) as the B-side. The UK singles (now also listed in 1980) had no picture sleeve and came in the generic CBS UK sleeve illustrated. The promo single is dated 18 Jan 1980.

CBS 8134 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers (jukebox version)

GottaServeFrBack.jpg (26979 bytes)
CBS 8134 (France) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

GottaServeFrTest.jpg (14897 bytes)
CBS 8134 (France) test pressing - label scan by Hans Seegers (correctly timed at 5:23)

GottaServeFrLabel1.jpg (21097 bytes)
CBS 8134 (France) - first A-side scan by Hans Seegers (incorrectly timed at 3:57)

CBS 8134 (France) - first B-side scan by Hans Seegers

GottaServeFrLabel2.jpg (28012 bytes)
CBS 8134 (France) - second A-side scan by Hans Seegers (incorrectly timed at 3:57)

S CBS 8134 (UK) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Gerard Germano (promo release)

S CBS 8134 (UK) - A-side scan by Gerard Germano (promo release)

S CBS 8134 (UK) - B-side scan by Gerard Germano (promo release)

S CBS 8134 (UK) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

S CBS 8134 (UK) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS 8134 (France) - second B-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 8134 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 8134 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 8134 (NL) - rear with German promo stamp, scan by Stefan Haras

CBS 8134 (NL) - detail of rear with German promo stamp, scan by Stefan Haras

CBS 8134 (NL) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (correctly timed at 5:23)

CBS 8134 (NL) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

There is a Dec 1979 French test pressing of CBS 8134 that correctly shows the timing of Gotta Serve Somebody as 5:23 - see US & International Stereo Singles & EPs 1979. The first French single has "injection" labels - in this case a thin brown plastic ring-shaped layer is injected into the record itself, and the text/graphics are cut out using a stamp so that the black vinyl underneath shows through, there is no paper label. The second has standard CBS orange/yellow paper labels.

Stefan Haras has a promo copy of the Dutch single intended for West Germany with rubber stamped text in German "Unverkäufliches Muster [Sample Not for Sale]" on the rear sleeve.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerard Germano and Stefan Haras for information and scans.

"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"- 7" stereo single, CBS 8333 (Italy), 26 Feb 1980:

KOHDItalyFront.JPG (34929 bytes)
CBS 8333 (Italy) - front (my copy)
This single has the live version of the song from Bob Dylan At Budokan as "Version Reggae" and the original version from the soundtrack album of Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid as "Version Originale"! It was released in Italy in conjunction with a TV series "Nel Crepuscolo Del Western [In The Western Twilight]".

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for pointing out that the original version is actually the A-side (CI CBS 8333-1N), and the Budokan version (CI CBS 8333-2N) is the B-side. The records of both Sergio's and my copies have the same handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1: CI 8333-1N  26-2-80, Side 2: CI 8333-2N  26-2-80. "26-2-80" (26 Feb 1980) is the mastering date, as usual in Italian matrix numbers. This single has therefore been moved from the 1979 stereo singles listing.

KOHDItalyBack.JPG (35647 bytes)
CBS 8333 (Italy) - rear

KOHD7ItalSideB.JPG (21770 bytes)
CBS 8333 (Italy) - A-side (Pat Garrett version)

KOHD7ItalSideA.JPG (21197 bytes)
CBS 8333 (Italy) - B-side (Budokan version)

Slow Train"/"Do Right To Me Baby (Do Unto Others)" - 7" promo and commercial 7" singles, Columbia 1-11235 (USA/Canada), Mar 1980:

Columbia 1-11235 (USA) - front scan by Sam C. Visser (promo and commercial releases)

Columbia 1-11235 (USA) - rear scan by Tom Willems (commercial release)

Columbia 1-11235 (USA) - A/B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release with white labels dated "Mar 31 1980", same both sides)

Columbia 1-11235 (USA) - A-side scan by Tom Willems (commercial release variant 1)

Columbia 1-11235 (USA) - A-side scan by Stefan Haras (commercial release, variant 2)

Columbia 1-11235 (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Because these singles contain a rarity on the A-side (4:15 edit of the full album version of 5:57), full details are in 1980. The US promo single also exists in versions with the A-side on both sides. There were two variants of the US commercial single. The Canadian single did not have a picture sleeve.

Thanks to Sam C. Visser, Tom Willems, Manuel García Jara and Stefan Haras for information and scans.

"Solid Rock" - promo 12" single, Columbia AS 798 (USA), May 1980:

Columbia AS 798 (USA) - 12" promo single, front scan by Patrick Helfrich (black sleeve)

This white label promo had Solid Rock from the Saved album on the A-side and Are You Ready? and What Can I Do For You? on the B-side. It was in a plain black or white card sleeve, cut out to show the record label, with a promotional sticker with the words "Three songs from 'Saved', Bob Dylan's forthcoming album" on the front and a gold promo stamp on the rear.

Columbia AS 798 (USA) - 12" promo single, sticker on front of sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia AS 798 (USA) - 12" promo single, stamp on rear of sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia AS 798 (USA) - 12" promo single, front scan by Jon McAuliffe (white sleeve)

Columbia AS 798 (USA) - 12" promo single, A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia AS 798 (USA) - 12" promo single, B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia AS 798 (USA) - 12" promo single, A-side photo from eBay (copy exported to Australia with ring of Columbia logos obscured)

Columbia AS 798 (USA) - 12" promo single, A-side in black sleeve, photo from eBay (copy exported to Australia)

Columbia AS 798 (USA) - 12" promo single, B-side in black sleeve, photo from eBay (copy exported to Australia)

Dag Braathen has found a copy for sale on eBay that was exported to Australia with the ring of Columbia logos round the labels obscured with black marker pen. It comes in the blaxck sleeve with the white front sticker and gold rear stamp.

For a 7" promo single with Solid Rock on both sides, see below. For commercial singles with an edit of Covenant Woman on the B-side, see 1980.

Information from Alan Hoaksey and Dag Braathen. Thanks to Hans Seegers, Patrick Helfrich and Jon McAuliffe for the scans.

"Solid Rock" - 7" promo single, Columbia 1-11318 (USA), 2 Jun 1980:

SolidRockPromo1.jpg (22586 bytes)
Columbia 1-11318 promo (first variant) - scan by Hans Seegers
This promo single came with two slightly different labels and had the title track on both sides. For the regular single with an edit of Covenant Woman on the B-side, see 1980.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

SolidRockPromo2.jpg (20708 bytes)
Columbia 1-11318 promo (second variant) - scan by Hans Seegers
SolidRockDemo.jpg (21168 bytes)
Columbia 1-11318 (USA) - demo single A-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Solid Rock"/"Covenant Woman" - 7" stereo singles, Columbia 1-11318 (USA/Canada), 2 Jun 1980; CBS BA 222711 (New Zealand), 1980:

SolidRock7A.jpg (22037 bytes)
Columbia 1-11318 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers
These singles contain an edit of the B-side (4:35 as opposed to 6:03 for the album version from Saved).

Because this is a rarity, for full details see 1980.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Bill Hester for information and scans.

Columbia 1-11318 (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (demo copy)

CBS BA 222711 (New Zealand) - A-side scan by Bill Hester

"The Goldmine Acetates" - eight Columbia Recording Studios Reference Recordings from the 1960s offered for sale in "Goldmine" magazine (USA), Jun 1980:

Because these acetates contained rarities, for full details see 1980.

"Saved"/"Are You Ready?" - 7" promo and commercial stereo singles, Columbia 1-11370 (USA/Canada), Jun 1980:

Columbia 1-11370 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)
Both tracks are the regular album versions.

These singles came in generic sleeves. The promo release has white labels with Saved on both sides and the commercial release has orange/yellow Columbia labels in two variants, the text layout of the first being the same as that of the promo release.

Columbia 1-11370 (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Columbia 1-11370 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release, same as A-side)

Columbia 1-11370 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, first variant)

Columbia 1-11370 (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, first variant)

Columbia 1-11370 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, first variant)

Columbia 1-11370 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, second variant)

Columbia 1-11370 (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, second variant)

Columbia 1-11370 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, second variant)

Columbia 1-11370 (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (demo copy)

Columbia 1-11370 (Canada) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (demo copy)

The Canadian single shown may have been used for demonstration purposes - it has a rubber stamped date of "SEP 22, 1980" on the B-side.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Saved"/"Are You Ready?" - 7" promo and commercial stereo singles, S CBS 8743 (UK), 20 Jun 1980; CBS 8743 (NL/Italy/France/Spain), Jun 1980:
Both tracks are the regular album versions.

S CBS 8743 (UK):

S CBS 8743 (UK) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

Thanks to Alan Hoaksey for information about the UK and NL singles. The UK singles did not have picture sleeves. The UK promo single has white labels with a date of 20th June 1980 on the A-side.

S CBS 8743 (UK) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

S CBS 8743 (UK) - A-side scan by Ronald Born (commercial release)

S CBS 8743 (UK) - B-side scan by Ronald Born (commercial release)

CBS 8743 (NL):
Saved7NLFront.JPG (29192 bytes)
CBS 8743 (NL) - front (my copy)
My Dutch single has a textured paper sleeve, similar to that of one variant of the Spanish singles below.

François Guillez has a copy with a promo stamp and sticker on the A-side and just a promo stamp on the B-side. This copy comes in a generic promo sleeve from a Dutch radio station.

Saved7NLBack.JPG (25826 bytes)
CBS 8743 (NL) - rear

Saved7NLLabelA.JPG (19891 bytes)
CBS 8743 (NL) - A-side

Saved7NLLabelB.JPG (21831 bytes)
CBS 8743 (NL) - B-side

CBS 8743 (NL) - A-side with sticker and promo stamp, scan by François Guillez

CBS 8743 (NL) - B-side with promo stamp, scan by François Guillez

CBS 8743 (NL) - promo sleeve scan by François Guillez

CBS 8743 (France):

CBS 8743 (France) - front with jukebox sticker, scan by Tom Willems
The French single also comes with a jukebox sticker. The record has brown injection labels, there are no paper labels.

CBS 8743 (France) - front jukebox sticker, scan by Tom Willems

CBS 8743 (France) - front scan by Tom Willems (commercial copy)

CBS 8743 (France) - rear scan by Tom Willems

CBS 8743 (France) - detail of rear, scan by Tom Willems

CBS 8743 (France) - detail of rear, scan by Tom Willems

CBS 8743 (France) - A-side scan by Tom Willems

CBS 8743 (France) - B-side scan by Tom Willems

CBS 8743 (Italy):

Saved7ItalyFront.jpg (25263 bytes)
CBS 8743 (Italy) - front (my copy)

The Italian single has the same tracks and catalogue number as the Dutch and Spanish singles, but a different front design (the picture that was used as the album's front sleeve in the USA from 1985, see International Albums (Regular) ). Thanks to Guiseppe Gazerro for this single! The Italian single has the date "25-6-80" (25 Jun 1980) handwritten in the vinyl on both sides.

Saved7ItalyBack.jpg (19743 bytes)
CBS 8743 (Italy) - rear

Saved7ItalySideA.JPG (22351 bytes)
CBS 8743 (Italy) - A-side

Saved7ItalySideB.JPG (23034 bytes)
CBS 8743 (Italy) - B-side

CBS 8743 (Spain):

CBS 8743 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

CBS 8743 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

CBS 8743 (Spain) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS 8743 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS 8743 (Spain) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS 8743 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

There are two versions of the Spanish sleeve, on glossy paper or matt textured paper.

Thanks to Francisco Lima for information and to Hans Seegers, Ronald Born, Tom Willems, Manuel García Jara and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Saved"/"Are You Ready?" - 7" promo single, CBS BA 222694 (Australia), Jun 1980:

Saved7AusPromoSideA.jpg (23126 bytes)
CBS BA 222694 (Australia) - A-side scan by Stuart Moore (promo release)
This single did not have a picture sleeve - scans of the commercial release required.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Intern1.jpg (11245 bytes)
CBS BA 222694 (Australia) - B-side scan by Stuart Moore (promo release)

"Salvado [Saved]"/"¿Estas Listo? [Are You Ready?]" - 7" promo and commercial singles, Columbia 23.186 (Argentina), Jun 1980:

Columbia 23.186 (Argentina) - promo single A-side scan by Hans Seegers
The promo version of this single has printed text "DISCO PROMOCIONAL PROHIBIDA LA VENTA" (promotional disc sale prohibited). It has solid orange Columbia labels with the Columbia name and logo in a ring around the outside of the label.

Information from Eduardo Gomez Kodela, further Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Columbia 23.186 (Argentina) - promo single B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 23.186 (Argentina) - commercial single A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 23.186 (Argentina) - commercial single B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan - "Saved"/Frank Zappa - "I Don't Wanna Get Drafted" - jukebox 7" single, CBS JC 15029 (Italy), 1980:

CBS JC 15029 (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

This white label jukebox single had Bob on the A-side only and a non-Bob B-side.

For the commercial version of this Italian single with Are You Ready? as the B-side, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS JC 15029 (Italy) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (no Dylan)

CBS JC 15029 (Italy) - jukebox strip scan by Hans Seegers

"What Can I Do For You?"/"Covenant Woman" - 7" promo and commercial singles, CBS BA 222733 (Australia), 23 Sep 1980:

CBS BA 222733 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release with date stamp)

CBS BA 222733 (Australia) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release with different date stamp)

CBS BA 222733 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release without date stamp)

CBS BA 222733 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS BA 222733 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS BA 222733 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Both tracks are the album versions from Saved. As far as I know this is the only international release of this single, which did not have a picture sleeve. The promo releases had white CBS labels while the commercial release had orange/yellow CBS labels.

One promo copy owned by Hans Seegers has the release date of "23 Sep 1980" stamped on the A-side. The promo copy owned by Manuel García Jara has a date of "24 Sep 1980" stamped on the A-side. All three promo B-sides are identical. The B-side is the full 6:03 version from Saved, not the 4:35 edit that was paired with Solid Rock, see above and 1980.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.


"4 Tracks From 'Shot Of Love'" - acetate 10" EPs, Columbia (no catalogue numbers) (USA/UK), 1981:

BS1-3USAcetate1.jpg (21247 bytes)
US acetate Side 1, scan by Arie de Reus
Because these acetates contain rarities, full details are in 1981.

Thanks to Arie de Reus for information and scan.

"Shot Of Love Sampler" - promo 12" single, Columbia AS 1263 (USA), Jul 1981:

ShotSamplerUS12PromoLabelA.JPG (22537 bytes)
Columbia AS 1263 promo 12" single (USA) - A-side (my copy)

This 12" single had the title track and Heart Of Mine on the A-side and Trouble plus Every Grain Of Sand on the B-side. All tracks are from the Shot Of Love album. It comes in a plain white sleeve with the gold embossed stamp shown below in the top left hand corner.

Thanks to Alan Hoaksey for information.

ShotSamplerUS12PromoLabelB.JPG (22878 bytes)
Columbia AS 1263 promo 12" single (USA) - B-side

Columbia AS 1263 promo 12" single (USA) - stamp on white sleeve

"Heart Of Mine"/"Let It Be Me" - 7" promo singles, CBS A 1406 (UK/NL/Italy/Spain); CBS BA 222856 (Australia/New Zealand), 3 Jul 1981:
This single was released in Europe and Australasia only. It was released before the Shot Of Love album on 12 Aug 1981.

CBS UK acetate of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers
Because these singles contain rarities (a 3:30 edit of the album track on the A-side and a non-album track on the B-side), full details are in 1981. They do not have picture sleeves.

This version of Let It Be Me is now included on CD2 of the 5CD Deluxe Edition of The Bootleg Series Vol. 16 - Springtime In New York 1980-1985. However the 2021 version is completely remixed, so this version remains a rarity.

HeartUKPromoA.JPG (29826 bytes)
CBS A 1406 (UK) - A-side of promo single (my copy)
 HeartUKPromoB.JPG (24518 bytes)
CBS A 1406 (UK) - B-side of promo single

Heart7SpSideA.JPG (24798 bytes)
CBS A 1406 (Spain) - A-side of promo release (R-0365)

Heart7SpSideB.JPG (23993 bytes)
CBS A 1406 (Spain) - B-side of promo release (R-0154)

CBS BA 222856 (Australia) - A-side of promo release, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0365)

CBS BA 222856 (Australia) - B-side of promo release, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0154)

CBS BA 222856 (New Zealand) - A-side of promo copy, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0365)

CBS BA 222856 (New Zealand) - B-side of promo copy, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0154)

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Heart Of Mine"/"Let It Be Me" - 7" commercial singles, CBS A 1406 (UK/NL/Italy/Spain)/CBS BA 222856 (Australia/New Zealand), 3 Jul 1981:

A1406A.jpg (22465 bytes)
CBS A 1406 (UK) - A-side of commercial single (R-0365), scan by David Plentus (injection "label")

CBS A 1406 (NL) - front scan by "Dante"

CBS A 1406 (Italy) - front scan by
Michel Pomarede
Heart7SpFront.JPG (53827 bytes)
CBS A 1406 (Spain) - front (my copy)

CBS BA 222856 (Australia) - A-side of commercial release, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0365)

CBS BA 222856 (New Zealand) - A-side of commercial copy, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0365)

These singles had a 3:30 edit of the A-side (R-0365) and the B-side is a rarity, so full details can be found in 1981.

Thanks to David Plentus, "Dante", Hans Seegers and Michel Pomarede for information and scans.

"The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar" - 10" acetates, Capitol for Columbia COL USO 50.4/COL USO 50.7 (USA), 27 Aug 1981:

Capitol for Columbia COL USO 50.4 (USA) - scan by Arie de Reus
These single-sided acetates were made for Columbia by Capitol. They have white generic labels with typed and handwritten text and are dated "27 Aug 81", "Groom" is misspelled "Grrom" on USO 50.4 but is correct on USO 50.7.

Thanks to Arie de Reus for information and scan and to Gerd Rundel for finding the second acetate on eBay.

Capitol for Columbia COL USO 50.7 (USA) - picture found by Gerd Rundel on eBay

"Heart Of Mine"/"The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar" - 7" promo and commercial singles, Columbia 18-02510 (USA)/CBS BA 222910 (Australia), Sep 1981:

HeartUSFront.jpg (23376 bytes)
Columbia 18-02510 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)
These singles had a 3:30 edit of the A-side (R-0365), so full details can be found in 1981.

The B-side was a rarity at the time, but was subsequently added to releases of the Shot Of Love album.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

HeartUSPromoBack.jpg (26754 bytes)
Columbia 18-02510 (USA) - rear of promo single, scan by Hans Seegers - the front of the promo single is the same as the regular single

Columbia 18-02510 (USA) - detail of rear of promo single, scan by Hans Seegers (printed promo text)

Columbia 18-02510 (USA) - rear of promo single, scan by Tom Willems (stamped promo text)

Columbia 18-02510 (USA) - detail of rear of promo single, scan by Tom Willems (stamped promo text)

CBS BA 222910 (Australia) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS BA 222910 (Australia) - A-side of promo single showing the 3:30 timing, scan by Hans Seegers (first copy)

CBS BA 222910 (Australia) - A-side of promo single showing the 3:30 timing, scan by Hans Seegers (second copy)

Columbia 18-02510 (USA) - A-side of promo single showing the 3:30 timing, scan by Tom Willems (regular label with stamped promo text)
HearUSPromoLabel.jpg (20710 bytes)
Columbia 18-02510 (USA) - label of promo single by Hans Seegers showing the 3:30 timing (same both sides)

Columbia 18-02510 (USA) - detail A-side of regular single, scan by Tom Willems (stamped promo text)

"Lenny Bruce"/"Dead Man, Dead Man" - 7" promo and commercial singles, CBS A1640 (UK), 11 Sep 1981:

Lenny7UKFront.jpg (24787 bytes)
CBS A1640 (UK) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Both tracks are the regular album versions from Shot Of Love. For singles with a live version of Dead Man, Dead Man from 10 Nov 1981, see 1989.

This UK single also exists as a very rare variation with the title on the sleeve misspelled as "Lennie". These were withdrawn before release when the mistake was discovered, but some copies "escaped" into the public domain, as the one from Michael Gray shown. The single inside is correct. No other countries have this variant because it was unintended!

CBS A1640 (UK) - front of promo copy with Capital Radio sticker, scan by Stefan Haras

CBS A1640 (UK) - proof artwork for withdrawn sleeve with "Lennie" misprint, front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS A1640 (UK) - proof artwork for withdrawn sleeve with "Lennie" misprint, complete scan by Hans Seegers

Lenny7UKBack.jpg (31568 bytes)
CBS A1640 (UK) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS A1640 (UK) - withdrawn sleeve with "Lennie" misprint, front scan by Michael Gray

CBS A1640 (UK) - withdrawn sleeve with "Lennie" misprint, rear scan by Michael Gray

CBS A1640 (UK) - proof artwork for withdrawn sleeve with "Lennie" misprint, reverse scan by Hans Seegers

CBS A1640 (UK) - proof artwork for withdrawn sleeve with "Lennie" misprint, rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS A1640 (UK) - rear of promo copy, scan by Stefan Haras

CBS A1640 (UK) - promo single A-side scan by Hans Seegers with stamped release date

Lenny7UKPromoA.jpg (27624 bytes)
CBS A1640 (UK) - promo single, A-side scan by Magnus Sjöberg

Lenny7UKPromoB.jpg (23755 bytes)
CBS A1640 (UK) - promo single B-side scan by Magnus Sjöberg

CBS A1640 (UK) - commercial single A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS A1640 (UK) - commercial single B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Hans Seegers has a unique proof copy of the artwork for the misprint "Lennie Bruce" sleeve - it is a single sheet of white card approx. 14" x 21½", with black printing and an annotated sheet of tracing paper in front, plus a cover sheet. The rear of the sheet is black with the "CS10" design shown - this is the name of the manufacturer of the card, not the printers, whose name doesn't appear.

Stefan Haras has a correct promo copy with a Capital Radio sticker on the front sleeve. The record is the same as Hans Seeger's promo copy shown, with the same stamped release date on the A-side. Magnus Sjöberg's promo copy does not have a stamped release date on the A-side.

For Dutch and Spanish releases of this single with the same tracks and catalogue number but with Dead Man, Dead Man as the A-side, see below.

Thanks to Magnus Sjöberg, Hans Seegers, David Burgess, Michael Gray and Stefan Haras for information and scans.

"Dead Man, Dead Man"/"Lenny Bruce" - 7" promo and commercial singles, CBS A1640 (NL/Spain), 2 Oct 1981:

CBS A1640 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Both tracks are the regular album versions from Shot Of Love. For the UK single with the same tracks and catalogue number but with Lenny Bruce as the A-side, see above. The Spanish white label promo release comes in the same sleeve as the commercial single.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. Thanks to Francisco Lima for information about the Spanish release.

CBS A1640 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS A1640 (NL) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS A1640 (NL) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

DeadMan7SpFront.jpg (23548 bytes)
CBS A1640 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers

DeadMan7SpBack.jpg (29299 bytes)
CBS A1640 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

DeadMan7SpPromoSideA.jpg (25246 bytes)
CBS A1640 (Spain) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

DeadMan7SpPromoSideB.jpg (25231 bytes)
CBS A1640 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

DeadMan7SpSideA.jpg (24085 bytes)
CBS A1640 (Spain) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

DeadMan7SpSideB.jpg (23415 bytes)
CBS A1640 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

"Hombre Muerto, Hombre Muerto [Dead Man, Dead Man]"/"Amor Submarino [Watered-Down Love]" - 7" promo single, Discos CBS DEP-200 (Argentina), 1981:
This translation of "Watered-Down Love" causes amusement amongst Spanish speakers - "Amor Submarino" means "Underwater Love"! A closer translation of "watered-down" would be "diluido" (diluted). The Argentinean Shot Of Love album release, Discos CBS 20.251, has the same mistake.

Discos CBS DEP-200 (Argentina) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers
This single with orange Discos CBS labels was promo only and is very rare. It came in a generic sleeve.

Thanks to Eduardo Gomez Kodela for information, further Thanks to Hans Seegers and James Siddy for information and scans.

Discos CBS DEP-200 (Argentina) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Discos CBS DEP-200 (Argentina) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Jim Siddy

Discos CBS DEP-200 (Argentina) - B-side in generic sleeve, scan by Jim Siddy


"4 Test Pressings From 1962" - Columbia acetate (USA), which surfaced in May 1982:

As three of the four tracks were rarities, full details are in 1982.

"Do You Remember" - 7" single in retrospective series, CBS A 2351 (NL), 11 Oct 1982:

CBS A 2351 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This Dutch single has the first part of Hurricane as the A-side and Like A Rolling Stone as the B-side. Because the A-side is a rarity, full details are in 1982.

Information and scan from Hans Seegers.


"Infidels" - promo 12" EP, Columbia AS 1770 (USA), Nov 1983:

AS1770Promo.jpg (10359 bytes)
Plain black sleeve with stickers - scan by Hans Seegers
All four tracks are the regular album versions from Infidels - A-side: Man Of Peace; Sweetheart Like You, B-side: Neighbourhood Bully; I And I.

Alan Hoaksey reports there is a version where the sleeve has the LP cover picture - more information required!

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

AS1770A.jpg (20065 bytes)
A-side - scan by Hans Seegers
AS1770B.jpg (21106 bytes)
B-side - scan by Hans Seegers

"I And I"/"License To Kill" - 7" jukebox single, CBS (catalogue number?) (NL?), Nov 1983:

Jukebox strip scan by Sergio Mariano Romay
This CBS juke box strip was found inside a copy of Dutch single CBS A 3904 as below, with Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground as the B-side. Dag Braathen thinks that this was the intended B-side but no single with these tracks was ever sold commercially.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scan.

"I And I"/"Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground" - 7" singles, CBS A 3904 (NL/Italy), Nov 1983:

IandI-ItalyPromoFront.jpg (24541 bytes)
CBS A 3904 (Italy) - front scan by Hans Seegers
These singles had a rarity as the B-side, so full details can be found in 1983.

This track is now included on CD4 of the 5CD Deluxe Edition of The Bootleg Series Vol. 16 - Springtime In New York 1980-1985. It will be removed from the Rarities List if on the 2CD/2LP Standard Edition.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

"Union Sundown"/"Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground" - 7" singles, CBS A 3916 (UK/Spain), Nov 1983:

UnionUKFront.jpg (23294 bytes)
CBS A 3916 (UK), front scan by Hans Seegers (includes rarity)

UnionSpainFront.jpg (23859 bytes)
CBS A 3916 (Spain), front scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial copies)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), rear with promo stamp, scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), detail of promo stamp on rear, scan by Hans Seegers

Union Sundown T-shirt, photo from Gabriel Sola Berrozpe

CBS A 3916 (Spain), A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release, first variant)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release, first variant)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release, second variant)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release, second variant)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), blank B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release, both variants)

This single released in the UK and Spain had a different A-side, but the same rarity as the B-side, so full details can be found in 1983.

There were also two variants of a Spanish single-sided promo release of CBS A 3916 with only the A-side, which is not a rarity. For an unreleased double-sided acetate of this single with Licence To Kill as the B-side, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Union Sundown"/"Licence To Kill" - two-sided acetate, CBS (no catalogue number) (UK), Nov 1983:

A-side scan by Hans Seegers
This very rare double-sided acetate is unique in that it was not released commercially in this form. The B-side of this record (labelled "B45") was replaced by the Infidels out-take Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground (R-0156) and has indeed been crossed out. The replacement B-side on a separate acetate (labelled "B452") is also shown for completeness. For the commercial UK single, see 1983.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

B-side scan by Hans Seegers (crossed out)

Replacement B-side, scan by Hans Seegers (on a separate acetate)

"Sweetheart Like You" - 7" test pressing and promo single, Columbia 38-04301 (USA), 1983:

Sweetheart7USPromoFront.JPG (22549 bytes)
Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - front scan by Manfred Endtner (promo and commercial releases)

Sweetheart7USPromoBack.JPG (21343 bytes)
Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - rear scan by Manfred Endtner (promo release)

Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - promo label scan by Tom Willems (same both sides)

Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - promo letter picture found by Dag Braathen

Columbia test pressing (USA) - label scan by Tom Willems (other side blank)

Columbia test pressing (USA) - picture found on eBay by Gerd Rundel (same both sides)

This white label promo single with the album version from Infidels has a picture sleeve with the picture from the front of the Infidels album, and has the title track on both sides. Thanks to Dag Braathen for finding the picture of the US promo letter on

The first test pressing shown has handwritten text on a generic CBS New York label and is single-sided. Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding a second copy on eBay with no writing that is the same both sides. This pressing has matrix numbers: Side 1 - ZSS-171522-1A, Side 2 - ZSS-171522-1B. For the jukebox and commercial releases of the Columbia US 7" commercial single with Union Sundown as the B-side, see below.

Thanks to Manfred Endtner, Gerd Rundel, Tom Willems and Dag Braathen for information and scans.

"Sweetheart Like You"/"Union Sundown" - 7" jukebox and commercial stereo singles, Columbia 38-04301 (USA/Canada), 1983:

Sweetheart7USPromoFront.JPG (22549 bytes)
Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - front scan by Manfred Endtner (promo and commercial releases)
Both tracks are the regular stereo versions from Infidels.

The commercial single has the same front as the promo single. Hans Seegers has a jukebox copy with "DEMONSTRATION - NOT FOR SALE" stamped on the A-side and a jukebox strip.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manfred Endtner, Roland Hiss, Tom Willems and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - rear scan by Roland Hiss (commercial release)

Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (jukebox release)

Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - A-side scan by Roland Hiss (commercial release)

Columbia 38-04301 (Canada) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - jukebox strip scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 38-04301 (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 38-04301 (Canada) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 38-04301 (USA) - B-side scan by Roland Hiss (commercial release)

"Jokerman" - promo 12" singles, CBS 51.030/CBS Especial 620.074 (Brazil), 1983:
There were two different promo 12" singles from Brazil with Jokerman from Infidels on both sides!

CBS 51.030 (Brazil) - front scan from Hans Seegers

CBS 51.030 (Brazil) - rear scan from Hans Seegers

CBS 51.030 (Brazil) - label scan from Hans Seegers (same both sides)

CBS Especial 620.074 (Brazil) - front picture from Ulf Gyllenspetz

CBS Especial 620.074 (Brazil) - A-side picture from Ulf Gyllenspetz

CBS Especial 620.074 (Brazil) - B-side picture from Ulf Gyllenspetz

The first version shown above left has the picture from the inner sleeve of the Infidels album on the front of the sleeve, lyrics of the song on the reverse, and has identical black and white record labels on both sides.

The second version shown above right has the picture from the front of the Infidels album on the front of the sleeve and a rubber stamp with the words "EDIÇÃO LIMITADA" [LIMITED EDITION]. Usually these singles with the same track on both sides have two identical labels, but on this one the sides are marked as "A" and "B". Jim Siddy says this was a "private enterprise" release by some CBS Brazil staff members rather than an official Discos CBS Brazil release!

Information from Alan Hoaksey, Hans Seegers and Jim Siddy, pictures from Hans Seegers and Ulf Gyllenspetz.

"Jokerman"/"Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground" - 7" single, CBS 43560 (Brazil), Nov 1983:

JokerBrazFront.jpg.jpg (23623 bytes)
CBS 43560 (Brazil), front scan by Hans Seegers
This single had a fourth A-side, but the same rarity as the B-side, so full details can be found in 1983.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Tommy Lidgren for information and scans.

JokerBrazBack.jpg (23543 bytes)
CBS 43560 (Brazil), rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 43560 (Brazil), A-side scan by Tommy Lidgrean

JokerBrazLabel.jpg (25885 bytes)
CBS 43560 (Brazil), B-side with R-0156, scan by Hans Seegers

"Jokerman" - promo and commercial 12" singles, CBS BA 12083 (Australia), 1983:

CBS BA 12083 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS BA 12083 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS BA 12083 (Australia) - sleeve scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS BA 12083 (Australia) - detail of sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS BA 12083 (Australia) - A-side scan by Stuart Moore (commercial release)

CBS BA 12083 (Australia) - B-side scan by Stuart Moore (commercial release)

These singles, which came in a plain black sleeve, had Jokerman from Infidels on the A-side. On the B-side was Licence To Kill and the live version of Isis from the promotional 12" single Four Songs From Renaldo & Clara (see 1978), later released on Biograph (see 1985). This version of Isis was also used as the B-side of Jokerman 7" singles in 1984.

Information from Alan Hoaksey. Thanks to Hans Seegers and Stuart Moore for further information and scans.

"I And I"/"Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground" - 7" promo singles, CBS A 3904 (NL/Italy), Nov 1983:

IandI-NLFront.jpg (24500 bytes)
CBS A 3904 (NL), front scan by Hans Seegers

Because these singles contain a rarity on the B-side, full details are in 1983.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

IandI-ItalyPromoFront.jpg (24541 bytes)
CBS A 3904 (Italy), promo release, front scan by Hans Seegers

IandI-ItalyPromoBack.jpg (20677 bytes)
CBS A 3904 (Italy), promo release, rear scan by Hans Seegers

IandI-ItalyPromoFrontStamp.jpg (27833 bytes)
detail of above front picture, showing the pinholes of the promo stamp, scan by Hans Seegers

IandI-ItalyPromoBackStamp1.jpg (24104 bytes)
detail of above rear picture, showing the pinholes of the promo stamp, scan by Hans Seegers

"Union Sundown" - 7" single-sided promo singles, CBS A 3916 (Spain), Nov 1983:

UnionSpainFront.jpg (23859 bytes)
CBS A 3916 (Spain), front scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy)

The two Spanish promo releases shown here don't actually have a B-side although they come in the regular sleeve - the side is blank as shown on the label. For the commercial single with the Infidels out-take Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground (R-0156) on the B-side, see 1983. The A-side is the regular stereo track from Infidels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS A 3916 (Spain), rear with promo stamp, scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), detail of promo stamp on rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS A 3916 (Spain), A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release, first variant)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release, second variant)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), blank B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release, both variants)

"Union Sundown"/"Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground" - 7" commercial singles, CBS A 3916 (UK/Spain), Nov 1983:

UnionUKFront.jpg (23294 bytes)
CBS A 3916 (UK), front scan by Hans Seegers

Because these singles contain a rarity on the B-side, full details are in 1983.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

UnionUKLabel1.jpg (24755 bytes)
CBS A 3916 (UK), first commercial release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (paper labels)

UnionUKLabel2.jpg (20321 bytes)
CBS A 3916 (UK), second commercial release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (ochre plastic injection labels)

UnionSpainFront.jpg (23859 bytes)
CBS A 3916 (Spain), front scan by Hans Seegers (commercial copy)

CBS A 3916 (Spain), B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Sweetheart Like You"/"Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground" - 7" singles, CBS/Sony 07SP 765 (Japan), CBS BA 223121 (Australia); CBS BA 223 121 (New Zealand), Nov 1983:

SweetheartJpnFront.JPG (23778 bytes)
CBS/Sony 07SP 765 (Japan) - front of insert (my copy)

SweetheartJpnLabel2.jpg (20451 bytes)
CBS/Sony 07SP 765 (Japan) - B-side with R-0156 (commercial release, my copy)

SweetheartAusPromo.jpg (24418 bytes)
CBS BA 223121 (Australia) - B-side with R-0156, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

SweetheartAusLabel.jpg (22120 bytes)
CBS BA 223121 (Australia) - B-side with R-0156, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS BA 223 121 (New Zealand) - B-side with R-0156, scan by Bill Hester (promo copy)

SweetheartNZLabel.jpg (23654 bytes)
CBS BA 223 121 (New Zealand) - B-side with R-0156, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Because these singles contain a rarity on the B-side, full details are in 1983.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Bill Hester for information and scans.

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A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.