Video and DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 1970s

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This page collects song performances from regular Dylan albums on VHS video and DVD included in films in the 1970s (I'm ignoring any editing or talking over them). I would be grateful for any additional information on these items and other material to place here. Films are listed by date of original appearance (in theatres or on TV), not when the VHS video or DVD came out, often some years later. For the audio soundtrack albums on which these songs often also appear, see International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations).

For a full Dylan filmography, see "Expecting Rain" or "TV Talkin'" . For informed discussion of all Bob's screen appearances, see C.P. Lee's well-received book "Like A Bullet Of Light ".

All scans that aren't credited are from my own collection or Amazon.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

For a full Dylan filmography, see "Expecting Rain" or "TV Talkin'" . For informed discussion of all Bob's screen appearances, see C.P. Lee's well-received book "Like A Bullet Of Light ".

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Fight the much-hated artificial and anti-consumer DVD Region system by making your PC DVD drive and software or your stand-alone DVD player region-free! For more information, see Inmatrix . Everyone can play all CDs worldwide, and it should be the same for DVDs! Also see DVD Codes .

Some studios are fortunately realising that they can maximise sales of individual DVD releases by making them region-free instead of having to manufacture multiple region-specific copies- click on the picture on the right to see the text.

Revised: 05 January, 2025.

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see )

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Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)


I don't have any films with Dylan album tracks from before 1973 in the 1970s.

"Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid" - feature film directed by Sam Peckinpah, May 1973, VHS video: MGM/UA Home Video MV600159 (USA), MGM/UA Home Video UMV 10159 (UK), 1982, MGM/UA Home Video 31 512 (West Germany, VHS & Betamax), 1980s/Laserdisc: UMLV 10159, 1983:

patG2LD.jpg (36106 bytes)
Laserdisc of the original film: MGM/UA Home Video UMLV 10159 (USA), 1983 - scan by Michel Pomarede for Jean-Pierre Mercier
This film soundtrack is by Bob, for the film soundtrack album, see International Album Releases. Because it also contains music not on the album, full details are in VHS & DVD 1970s.

Thanks to Michel Pomarede for the scan.

1973 film soundtrack album


"Coming Home" - feature film released 1978, VHS releases: MGM (catalogue number?) (USA), 1978; Warner Home Video PEV 99302 (Australia), 1978; DVD releases: MGM 1003333 (USA), 2002/MGM (catalogue number?) (UK), 7 Jun 2004:

MGM 1003333 (USA) - DVD front scan by Jack from Canada
Bob's contribution to the soundtrack of this film starring Jane Fonda, Jon Voight and Bruce Dern is Just Like A Woman from Blonde On Blonde. As far as I  know there is no film soundtrack album. All the VHS releases of this film have now been deleted.

Thanks to Jack from Canada and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

MGM 1003333 (USA) - DVD rear scan by Jack from Canada

MGM 1003333 (USA) - DVD scan by Jack from Canada

UK DVD release, picture from

Warner Home Video PEV 99302 (Australia) - VHS front scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Home Video PEV 99302 (Australia) - outside of VHS insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Home Video PEV 99302 (Australia) - VHS tape scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Home Video PEV 99302 (Australia) - spine of VHS tape scan by Stuart Moore

"WKRP In Cincinnati: The Complete Series" - TV series broadcast in the USA from 1978-82, DVD release: Shout! Factory (catalogue number?) (USA), 28 Oct 2014:

Picture from Shout! factory web-site
Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information that the long-awaited DVD release of the complete 1978-82 US TV series WKRP In Cincinatti will be released for the first time in the USA by Shout! Factory today. Music rights problems meant that reruns of the show had to have generic music substituted and thwarted earlier attempts to release the series on DVD, but Shout! Factory have secured the rights to 90% of the original music, including two contributions from Bob. Thanks to Dag Braathen for information that the episode "Hold Up" (Series 1, Episode 5, 16 Oct 1978) featured Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited and the episode "Mike Fright" (Series 2, Episode 7, 12 Nov 1979) featured Gotta Serve Somebody from Slow Train Coming.


"More American Graffiti" - feature film released 1979, VHS: Universal Studios (catalogue number?) (USA), 3 Dec 1996/Universal Studios 0785083 (UK), 8 May 2000; DVD: Universal Studios (catalogue number?) (USA), 2 Sep 2003:
There is as yet no UK DVD release.

US VHS release
Bob's contribution to the soundtrack album is Just Like A Woman from Blonde On Blonde and Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited.

For the 1979 audio soundtrack album with these two tracks, see International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations).

Thanks to Freddy Ordoņez Araque for finding the widescreen edition US DVD. Thanks to Jack from Canada for information about and scans of the 2003 US two film edition with "American Graffiti", Universal 24223, which has a double-sided DVD in a digipak.

US DVD release

US two feature DVD release - front scan by Jack from Canada

US two feature DVD release - rear scan by Jack from Canada

US two feature DVD release - double-sided  disc scan by Jack from Canada

US two feature DVD release, detail of double-sided  disc - scan by Jack from Canada

US DVD release (widescreen edition)

UK VHS release

"The Wanderers" - feature film released 1979, VHS: Warner Home Video 22009 (USA), 3 Sep 2002; DVD: Warner Home Video (catalogue number?) (USA), 3 Sep 2002/Universal Pictures Video 8224345 (UK), 26 Jul 2004; 25th Anniversary DVD release: Orion Home Video/Force Entertainment FV 1528 (Australia), 16 Dec 2005:

Original US film poster

Warner Home Video 22009 (USA) - DVD front scan by Jack from Canada

WanderersUSBack.jpg (44358 bytes)
Warner Home Video 22009 (USA) - DVD rear scan by Jack from Canada
WanderersUSDVDDisc.jpg (22409 bytes)
Warner Home Video 22009 (USA) - DVD scan by Jack from Canada

Universal Pictures Video 8224345 (UK) - DVD release

US VHS release

Orion Home Video/Force Entertainment FV 1528 (Australia) - 25th Anniversary DVD release, front scan by Stuart Moore

Orion Home Video/Force Entertainment FV 1528 (Australia) - 25th Anniversary DVD release, outside of insert scan by Stuart Moore

Orion Home Video/Force Entertainment FV 1528 (Australia) - 25th Anniversary DVD release, disc scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Bros US soundtrack album - no Dylan

Cinephile UK soundtrack album - no Dylan

Bob's contribution to this film is The Times They Are A-Changin' although the song is not on the soundtrack album (Warner Bros in the USA, Cinephile in the UK). In the film the song plays on the soundtrack while an actor playing the part of Bob Dylan performs at Gerdes Folk City, Greenwich Village, New York.

As far as I know there is no UK VHS release in print.

The Australian Orion Home Video/Force Entertainment 25th Anniversary DVD release includes the Director's Commentary and the original Theatrical Trailer.

Thanks to Jack from Canada and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"The War At Home" - documentary film released 1979, DVD: First Run Features (catalogue number?) (USA) , 3 Sep 2002 (USA), 16 Dec 2003:

Picture from
This documentary about the Vietnam war includes When The Ship Comes In from The Times They Are A-Changin'.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information.

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A Flying Pig production

Listings Š 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included poster and VHS/DVD/laserdisc artwork remains with the various audiovisual companies and artists.