All the songs listed on this web-site are cross-referenced by song title in these
alphabetical pages.
This page contains all 1966 7" singles/EPs with Just Like A Woman. It has been separated from 1966 because of the length of that page. "Blonde On Blonde" album releases with rarities and the major 1966 Dylan 7" singles/EPs with rarities are now listed here:
If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to
existing entries, please let me know!
Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities -
see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the
dealers on my Trading page for assistance!
Revised: 01 January, 2025.
"Just Like A Woman"/"Obviously 5 Believers" - 7" mono singles, Columbia 4-43792 (USA), promo releases: early Aug 1966, commercial releases: 18 Aug 1966:
Columbia 4-43792 (USA) - acetates:
![]() US acetate of R-0323, sleeve scan by Arie de Reus |
![]() US acetate of R-0323, detail of alternate sleeve, photo by Zeroid |
R-0323 Just Like A Woman - edit of Blonde On Blonde album version (2:56): the complete second verse ("Queen Mary") is removed and the harmonica solo at the end is truncated (the album version is 4:56)
For appearances of R-0323 on a Columbia US Hall of Fame 7" single and a Japanese 7" acetate, see 1973.
Arie de Reus has a very rare 10" acetate of R-0323 with the studio session number of "NCO 83264" and timing of 2:56. The acetate has no label and chalk handwritten text in the centre. This is believed to have been Bob Johnston's personal copy and has "Johnston" written in ink at top right of the buff sleeve. "Zeroid" has another copy with the same label and different writing on the sleeve (by the same person).
Columbia 4-43792 (USA) - promo copies:
The labels of all these copies have "JZSP" to the right of the centre hole as part of the matrix number, and songs published by "Dwarf Music (ASCAP)". On all the copies with red text Bob Dylan's name under the centre hole is shown as "- B. Dylan -" with a hyphen on either side. "Produced by Bob Johnston" is on one line.
Robert Kornovich's white label promo of Just Like A Woman and Obviously 5 Believers on black vinyl with black text came in a brown Columbia Records sleeve. Hans Seegers says this sleeve was only used up to 1960, so it cannot be the original. This copy has two significant differences from the copies with red text: "Publisher:" is missing above "Dwarf Music (ASCAP)", and below the centre hole it just has "B. Dylan" under the song title, no hyphens on either side.
Columbia 4-43792 (USA) - commercial copies:
First variants - thick song titles:
These variants were probably released at the same time from different Columbia US pressing plants. Thanks to Manuel García Jara for pointing out a copy of Columbia 4-43792 (possibly variant 1C) for auction on eBay with a fake sleeve described as a "special limited edition picture sleeve".
Second variant - thin song titles:
Again, this variant was probably released at the same time as the ones above, but from a different Columbia US pressing plant.
Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-(SV)8 (USA), 6 Nov 2015:
Thanks to Arie de Reus, Hans Seegers, Sam C. Visser, Kenneth Robson, Robert Kornovich, Al Haug, Scott Neuman of, Zeroid, Manuel García Jara and Tom Willems for information and scans.
"Just Like A Woman"/"Obviously 5 Believers" - 7" mono single, Columbia 4-43792 (Canada), Sep 1966:
David Plentus' Canadian release of this single is in a generic Columbia Canada sleeve, see 7" Single Sleeves. Thanks to David Plentus for information and scans. |
"Just Like A Woman"/"Obviously 5 Believers" - 7" mono singles, CBS 2360 (NL), 2 Sep 1966:
Onno Mastenbroek has a copy of variant 3 of the Dutch single where the A-side is timed at 4:46 (R-0471, see below), not 2:56 as it says on the label (R-0323). Hans Seegers says this is the same for all these Dutch singles! Manuel García Jara has a copy of variant 3 where both the text on either side of the centre hole and the text below the centre hole is printed slightly lower. The detailed scans start at "THE" in the circumference text on the left and show the same portion of each label, so that the difference is noticeable.
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Just Like A Woman"/"Obviously 5 Believers" - 7" mono singles, CBS 2360 (West Germany), Sep 1966:
"Just Like A Woman"/"Obviously 5 Believers" - 7" mono singles, CBS 2360 (Sweden/Norway/Denmark), Sep 1966:
The records in all the Scandinavian singles are identical because they were pressed at the CBS plant in Oslo, Norway, and exported to Denmark and Sweden, where they were sold in country-specific sleeves.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Raoul Verolleman and Bill Hester for information and scans.
"Just Like A Woman"/"Obviously 5 Believers" - 7" mono singles, CBS BA-221325 (Australia); CBS BA 461109 (New Zealand); CBS SSC 704 (South Africa), Sep 1966:
These singles did not have picture sleeves. Stuart Moore's Australian copy has a "SAMPLE" promo stamp on the A-side only. The South African single does not have the country of origin on the labels.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Stuart Moore and Bill Hester for information and scans.
"Just Like A Woman"/"Obviously 5 Believers" - 7" mono promo and commercial singles, CBS LL-987-C (Japan), 1 Nov 1966:
Wil Gielen's copy came in a generic green/yellow Columbia Records sleeve with Japanese text at the bottom of the rear side (see 7" Single Sleeves). The sleeve has the same Columbia Records logo that was used by EMI in the UK at the time. However, this may not have been the original sleeve for this single. Bizarrely, the record labels of Wil Gielen's copy each have a sticker over the CBS logo and a ring of tape covering the copyright information round the circumference of the label. The reason why this should have been done is obscure. Wil's copies of Subterranean Homesick Blues/She Belongs To Me (CBS LL-764-C, 1965, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965) and Rainy Day Women #12 & 35/Pledging My Time (CBS LL-928-C, 1966, see 1966 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35) also have the same stickers, so have come from the same source. Apparently similar taping has been found on items imported from Hong Kong, so these may have been exported from Japan to another Far East country. Sonny Boy McFitzson believes that these copies were actually bought after Sony Music bought CBS Japan from Nippon Columbia, so the stickers are to cover Nippon Columbia's trademarks.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Wil Gielen and Sonny Boy McFitzson for information and scans.
"Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat"/Just Like A Woman" - 7" mono single, CBS BA 30119 (Greece), 1966:
This Greek single in a generic sleeve has two tracks previously released as A-sides elsewhere in Europe, with Leopard-Skin Bill-Box Hat (R-0447) as the A-side, and Just Like A Woman (R-0471) as the B-side. At this time CBS records were distributed from Athens by a company called "Music-box". The Greek CBS sleeve therefore has the words 'Distributed by "Music-box" Athens' overprinted.
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Just Like A Woman"/"I Want You" - 7" mono
jukebox and commercial singles,
CBS 2426 (Italy), Sep 1966:
This Italian single has two previous A-sides!
![]() CBS xxJB 2426 jukebox singles (Italy) - front scan by François Guillez |
R-0471-2 Just Like A Woman - second 7" single edit (4:46), different from R-0323, 10 seconds shorter than the album version (4:56), with a earlier fade out R-0322-5 I Want You - slight edit 2:54 (full-length version
is 3:07), see
here There were four Italian releases: a commercial single and three different jukebox singles. JB 2426 had three label variants, only one of which is shown. François Guillez has a copy of JB 2426 in the cut-out sleeve shown. |
![]() CBS xxJB 2426 jukebox singles (Italy) - rear scan by François Guillez |
`![]() CBS 2426 commercial single (Italy) - front scan by Hans Seegers |
![]() CBS JB 2426 jukebox single (Italy) - B-side scan by François Guillez |
![]() CBS SDJB 2426 jukebox single (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers |
![]() CBS 2426 commercial single (Italy) - B-side scan by Kenneth Robson (R-0322, length shown as 2:57) |
Because they contain I Want You, these singles are also listed here.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Ronald Born, Kenneth Robson and François Guillez for information and scans.
"I Want You" - 7" mono EP, CBS 5769 (France), Sep 1966:
![]() CBS 5769 (France) - front with languette, scan by Hans Seegers |
This mono EP from Blonde On Blonde had I Want You and Obviously 5 Believers on the A-side and Just Like A Woman on the B-side. The French release has a "languette" (index tab) unique to France. For more information about languettes, see 1965. |
![]() CBS 5769 (France) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (Just Like A Woman is 4:52) |
The rear sleeve shows four other EPs by Bob Dylan released in France. On the second rear sleeve variant the third and fourth EPs are reversed!
I Want You is 3:01, so is not the 2:54 slight edit R-0322 (see 1966). Just Like A Woman is 4:52, so is not the 4:46 slight edit R-0323 listed here. This EP was released in West Germany under the title of Great New Sounds Vol. 1, see below.
Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.
"Great New Sounds Vol. 1" - 7" mono EP, CBS 5769 (West Germany), Sep 1966:
![]() CBS 5769 (West Germany) - front scan by Hans Seegers |
This mono EP from Blonde On Blonde had I Want You and Obviously 5 Believers on the A-side and Just Like A Woman on the B-side. I Want You is 3:10, so is not the 2:54 slight edit R-0322 (see 1966). Just Like A Woman is 4:52, so is not the 4:46 slight edit R-0323 listed here. The rear sleeve has the same information about 34 EPs as the second release of West German EP CBS 6279 in 1965 Mono 7" Singles & EPs. The previous EP listed on the rear sleeve, CBS EP 6020, contains Positively 4th Street and is listed here. Manuel García Jara has a copy with the same sleeve where both sides of the record play correctly but have labels from an EP called "The Best Of Dave Brubeck", CBS EP 5759! The four tracks are taken from the 1966 Columbia/CBS compilation album Dave Brubeck's Greatest Hits. This EP was released in France under the title of I Want You with the same catalogue number and front sleeve, see above. Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans. |
![]() CBS 5769 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (Just Like A Woman at 4:52) |
![]() CBS 5769 (West Germany) - A-side with "Best Of Dave Brubeck" label, scan by Manuel García Jara |
![]() CBS 5759 (West Germany) - front scan by Manuel García Jara |
"Bob Dylan" - 7" mono EP, CBS 5769 (Portugal), 1967 (three variants):
This EP was released three times with the same sleeve but slightly different labels. Only the first variant has "(P) 1967" at top left. The first two variants have "FABRICADO EM PORTUGAL [MADE IN PORTUGAL]" at the bottom of the labels, but the third variant (which may have been released later in the 1960s) has "FABRICADO EM PORTUGAL POR F.P.D. [MADE IN PORTUGAL BY F.P.D.]" at the bottom. "F.P.D." means "Fábrica Portuguesa de Discos" but the complete name of this company was actually "Fábrica Portuguesa de Discos da Rádio Triunfo", then known as just "F.P.D." and later as just "Rádio Triunfo".
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Stefan Haras and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
A Flying Pig production
Listings ©
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain
with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.