"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: 1964 - "The Newport Folk Festival 1963"

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

The original programme and ticket order form for the Newport Folk Festival, 1963, scans by Manuel García Jara
For the 1964 Vanguard albums Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 and The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1, see below (Bob may also appear on The Evening Concerts Vol. 2)

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This sub-page for 1964 contains entries relating to the Vanguard releases covering the Newport Folk Festival, 1963. Detailed information about the cancelled 1964 Columbia album "Bob Dylan In Concert" is here. To return to the complete list for 1964, click the Back button on your browser window or here.

Bob Dylan In Concert

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

 Revised: 03 January, 2025.

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see bobdylan.com )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)

The relevant Vanguard stereo releases - the mono releases follow the same sequence

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (see below)
The Vanguard stereo albums VSD 79144 to VSD 79149 include all the officially released material from the Newport Folk Festival, 1963. The equivalent mono releases are Vanguard VRS 9144 to VRS 9149. These titles are:

VSD 79144: Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 (includes Bob)

VSD 79145: Blues At Newport: Recorded Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 (no Dylan)

VSD 79146: Country Music And Bluegrass At Newport: Recorded Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 (no Dylan)

VSD 79147: Old Time Music At Newport: Recorded Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 79145 (USA stereo) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 79146 (USA stereo) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 79147 (USA stereo) - picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 79148 (USA stereo) - front scan by Kenneth Robson (see below)

Vanguard VSD 79149 (USA - stereo) - picture from www.zerogsounds.blogspot.au (see below)

Vanguard VSD 79150 (USA stereo) - picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 79151 (USA - stereo) - front scan by Hans Seeger (see 1964)

VSD 79148: The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1 (includes Bob)

VSD 79149: The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 2 (may include Dylan)

I have been told there was also an album entitled The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 3 that did not include Dylan, but there is no evidence of its existence, and no possible catalogue number because the next consecutive Vanguard releases are:

VSD 79150: Mike Seeger [Mike Seeger] (no Dylan)

VSD 79151: Jack Elliott [Ramblin' Jack Elliott] (includes a Dylan contribution, see 1964)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Kenneth Robson and Hans Seegers for information and scans. Thanks to Harold Lepidus and Tim Dunn for information that four reel-to-reel tapes of the Newport Folk Festival 1963 including Bob and Joan Baez were being auctioned on eBay in Aug 2006. The Dylan performances available on Vanguard for this festival are Blowin' In The Wind, Ye Playboys And Playgirls (duet with Pete Seeger) and With God On Our Side (duet with Joan Baez). Also released on Vanguard are We Shall Overcome and This Land Is Your Land (ensemble performances on which Bob may be present). These tapes may contain other Dylan performances - more information required.

Live Acetate I, Columbia or Vanguard (?) (USA), late 1963/early 1964:

More details of these acetates are required! Are they mono or stereo?

R-0022 Blowin' In The Wind - performed live with Joan Baez and Peter, Paul and Mary at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963 (stereo version), released in 1964 on the Vanguard LP The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1, see below. If mono this would be R-0022M.

R-0024 Only A Pawn In Their Game - from the March On Washington, Washington, DC, 28 Aug 1963, included on the Folkways album We Shall Overcome (see 1964)
This has now been released on the Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music Europe 6LP limited edition 50th Anniversary Collection 1963, Dec 2013.

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - mono vinyl LP, Vanguard VRS-9144 (USA), Fontana TFL.6038 (UK), released early 1964:
Songs recorded at the Newport Folk Festival, Jul 1963.

Vanguard VRS-9144 (USA mono) - front scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VRS-9144 (USA mono) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VRS-9144 (USA mono) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VRS-9144 (USA mono) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VRS-9144 (USA mono) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VRS-9144 (USA mono) - inner sleeve scan by Gerd Rundel (same both sides)
NewportBroadsideUKFront.jpg (23385 bytes)
Fontana TFL.6038 (UK mono) - front scan by Kenneth Robson

NewportBroadsideUKBack.jpg (37873 bytes)
Fontana TFL.6038 (UK mono) - rear scan by Kenneth Robson

NewportBroadsideUKSide1.jpg (23803 bytes)
Fontana TFL.6038 (UK mono) - Side 1 with R-0020M, scan by Kenneth Robson

NewportBroadsideUKSide2.jpg (23502 bytes)
Fontana TFL.6038 (UK mono) - Side 2 with R-0311M, scan by Kenneth Robson

Vanguard VRS-9144 (USA mono) - Side 1 with R-0020M, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VRS-9144 (USA mono) - Side 2 with R-0311M, scan by Gerd Rundel

R-0020M Ye Playboys And Playgirls - with Pete Seeger, recorded at the "Topical Songs" workshop on 28 Jul 1963 (mono version)

Dot Records VDEP 34012 (France, 1965) - front of 7" mono EP, scan by Manuel García Jara
Ye Playboys And Playgirls has always been thought to have been recorded at the afternoon workshop on 27 Jul 1963, but sources such as Glen Dundas and Derek Barker (in Appendix 1 to his 2008 Chrome Dreams book "The Songs He Didn't Write: Bob Dylan Under The Influence") now think it took place on the following day. Lyrics on bobdylan.com here. This song was recorded at the Broadside offices in New York in Nov 1962, but this is the only known public performance. The Broadside performance is still officially unreleased, although it circulates amongst Dylan fans.

Carolyn Hester recorded the song as Playboys And Playgirls for Dot Records in 1965 on her live album Carolyn Hester At Town Hall Two. Emily Lacy's 2011 US album on her own label, Bob Dylan Songs By Emily Lacy, also includes a live performance of Ye Playboys And Playgirls.

Dot Records DS 16751 (UK, 1965) - A-side of 7" mono single, scan by Ian Woodward

Bob Dylan Songs By Emily Lacy - picture from www.amazon.com

R-0311M With God On Our Side - with Joan Baez, recorded during the morning workshop on 27 Jul 1963 (mono version)

With God On Our Side is now known not to be the performance from Joan's set at the evening concert on 28 Jul 1963 (R-0021), and also not the performance from the afternoon workshop on 26 Jul 1963 as originally stated here. The performance that I list as R-0021 was not actually released until 2005 - for video footage of this performance see both the 2005 US Columbia/Legacy DVD No Direction Home - Bob Dylan (see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 3) and the 2007 US Columbia/Legacy DVD The Other Side Of The Mirror: Bob Dylan Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963-1965 (see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 4). The performance released in 1997 on the Joan Baez Live At Newport CD is from 1964 (R-0253, see 1997). Thanks to Larry Crum and Bob Stacy for information. For a Vanguard France test pressing containing R-0311M, see 1966.

Gerd Rundel's copy comes in a thick card original Vanguard sleeve with a generic Vanguard inner sleeve (same both sides). The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - R4RM-4169- - 1A, Side 2 - R4RM-4620-1.

Thanks to Kenneth Robson and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Les Rois Du Folk Song [Kings Of Folk Song]" - mono vinyl LP, Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 18101 (France), 1965/66:

RoisDuFolkLP.jpg (26899 bytes)
Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - front with "Original Folk Song Collection" sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - front "Original Folk Song Collection" sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - front of "Original Folk Song Collection" catalogue, scan by Manuel García Jara

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - rear of "Original Folk Song Collection" catalogue, scan by Manuel García Jara

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9175 (France) - LP front scan by Manuel García Jara (also part of the "Original Folk Song Collection"

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - Side 1 with R-0020M, scan by Manuel García Jara

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (France mono) - Side 2 with R-0311M, scan by Manuel García Jara

This is Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 with a different title and sleeve, including R-0020M and R-0311M as above. This album was released by Amadeo under license of Vanguard Records and it is part of a collection of albums called "Original Folk Song Collection". All these records have on the front a distinctive circular sticker with a golden "sheriff star" on a black background. The rear sleeve has two folded-over flaps and a track list in English plus comments about each song in French (note the subtitle " enregistrés au Festival de Newport 1963": "recorded at Newport Festival 1963". This album includes a beautiful four-page catalogue of this collection: the front has notes written by the French folksinger Hugues Aufray (see Honourable Mentions); the rear has pictures of Ian and Sylvia and The Weavers; on the inside there are illustrations of albums from this collection, including Farewell Angelina by Joan Baez. The record labels are black with silver text.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - mono vinyl LP, Vanguard VRS-9144 (Australia), 1964:

Vanguard VRS-9144 (Australia, mono) - front scan by Stuart Moore
This record was pressed by the Astor Radio Corporation of Australia on behalf of Vanguard Records. The Side 2 record label has the Allan's logo (Allan's were the main Dylan song publishers in Australia in the 1960s).

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Vanguard VRS-9144 (Australia, mono) - rear scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VRS-9144 (Australia, mono) - Side 1 with R-0020M, scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VRS-9144 (Australia, mono) - Side 2 with R-0311M, scan by Stuart Moore

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - stereo vinyl LP, Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA), released early 1964, re-released early 1970s, 1975:

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1960s release)
R-0020 Ye Playboys And Playgirls - with Pete Seeger, recorded at the "Topical Songs" workshop, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 28 Jul 1963 (stereo version)
For the song dating see the comments for R-0020M above.

R-0311 With God On Our Side - with Joan Baez (stereo version), Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 27 Jul 1963 (morning workshop)
For the song dating and renumbering to R-0311 see the comments for R-0311M above.

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1960s release, second 1960s release and 1970s release are similar)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1960s release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - detail rear without copyright text, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1960s release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1960s release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1960s release)

Vanguard VSD-79144 (USA stereo) - front scan by Kenneth Robson (1970s release)

Vanguard VSD-79144 (USA stereo) - rear scan by Kenneth Robson (1970s release)

Vanguard VSD-79144 (USA stereo) - detail of rear with copyright text printed vertically, scan by Kenneth Robson (second 1960s release and 1970s release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - detail of rear describing Ye Playboys And Playgirls (R-0020), scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - detail of rear describing With God On Our Side (R-0311), scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1960s release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1960s release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1960s release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1960s release)

Vanguard VSD-79144 (USA stereo) - Side 1 scan by Kenneth Robson (early 1970s release)

Vanguard VSD-79144 (USA stereo) - Side 2 scan by Kenneth Robson (early 1970s release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - detail of front with title in orange and green, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1960s release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - detail of front with title in orange and brown, scan by Kenneth Robson (second 1960s release and 1970s releases)

The stereo versions of R-0020 and R-0311 also both appear on these other compilations: The Best Of The Newport Folk Festivals (1970), The Greatest Of Folk-Rock  (1975), and The Natural Sound (1976).

R-0020 (stereo version) additionally appears on Folk Generation - The Vanguard History Of American Folk Music 1960/1978 (1993) and on Vanguard Sessions: Folk Duets CD (1998).

R-0311 (stereo version) additionally appears on the Joan Baez US radio station broadcast stereo vinyl LP The Robert W. Morgan Special of The Week Series III (1978) and in part on the 2007 US Columbia/Legacy DVD The Other Side Of The Mirror: Bob Dylan Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963-1965, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 4.

The first 1964 stereo release has the album title in orange and green on the front, the second 1960s release and the 1970s release have the title in orange and brown. The first 1960s record has 1960s black Vanguard "Stereolab" labels with silver text, the second 1960s record has new style yellow "Stereolab" labels with black text (this release is the rarest), and the 1970s record has gold "Stereo" labels with black text.

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - front with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)
This album was reissued again in the USA in 1975. It has the same catalogue number as in all previous releases even though Vanguard albums had had a new range of lower catalogue numbers since the early 1970s.
Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - front with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release - same as first 1960s release!)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

Vanguard VSD 79144 (USA stereo) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

The sleeve is noticeable in that it has the front used since the 1968 reissue (with the title in orange and brown) but it has the rear of the original sleeve of 1964 (without the copyright text printed vertically). The sleeve comes in the original shrink-wrap with a sticker saying "FACTORY SEALED FOR YOUR PROTECTION". The record has the new "marble" design of labels, first used by Vanguard in 1974. Other contemporary Vanguard albums also have this same design of labels: the 1975 US reissue of the 1972 compilation Greatest American Folksingers of the Sixties (see 1972) or The Essential Ramblin' Jack Elliott (see 1976).

Thanks to Kenneth Robson, Manuel García Jara and Olav Langum for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - stereo vinyl LP, Amadeo/Vanguard AVRS 9162 (Austria), 1964:

NBAusLP.jpg (26028 bytes)
Amadeo AVRS 9162 (Austria stereo) - front scan by Hans Seegers

This stereo album was released by Amadeo Österreichische Schallplatten AG [Amadeo Austrian Records] of Vienna, Austria, on behalf of Vanguard. It has a very fragile laminated sleeve with no spine text. The copy on right has been apparently signed by Tom Paxton, who contributes two songs to the album.

The record has dark red Amadeo labels and stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - C // VSTX 292, Side 2 - VSTX 293.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Amadeo AVRS 9162 (Austria stereo) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel

Amadeo AVRS 9162 (Austria stereo) - Tom Paxton signature scan by Gerd Rundel

Amadeo AVRS 9162 (Austria stereo) - front with Tom Paxton signature, scan by Gerd Rundel

Amadeo AVRS 9162 (Austria stereo) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Amadeo AVRS 9162 (Austria stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Amadeo AVRS 9162 (Austria stereo) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Amadeo AVRS 9162 (Austria stereo) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel

Amadeo AVRS 9162 (Austria stereo) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - stereo vinyl LP, Vanguard VSD 79144 (Australia), 1964:

Vanguard VSD 79144 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore
This Australian release comes in a mono sleeve (see above) with blue stereo stickers on the front and rear. The record was pressed by the Astor Radio Corporation of Australia on behalf of Vanguard Records. The Side 2 record label has the Allan's logo (Allan's were the main Dylan song publishers in Australia in the 1960s).

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Vanguard VSD 79144 (Australia) - rear scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VSD 79144 (Australia) - detail of rear, scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VSD 79144 (Australia) - detail of rear, scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VSD 79144 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VSD 79144 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VSD 79144 (Australia) - detail of Side 2 (Allan's logo), scan by Stuart Moore

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - stereo vinyl LP, Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy), 1978:

NBItalyLP.jpg (30397 bytes)
Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - front scan by Hans Seegers

This Italian release was made in Italy by Dischi Ricordi S.P.A. Hans Seegers' copy has what looks like a line of price stamps with "L 3500" on the left of the front sleeve. The record has an Orizzonte generic inner sleeve with pictures of contemporary albums from the 1960s and 1970s, most by Italian artists. The record of the copy shown has buff Vanguard labels and handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - ORL.8196.1, Side 2 - ORL.8196.2. In addition to these matrix numbers "15.3.78" is handwritten on each side – this must be the mastering date (15 Mar 1978).

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - alternate front scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8196 (Italy stereo) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - 8-track stereo tape release, Vanguard 79144-8 (USA), 1972:

Vanguard 79144-8 (USA) - front of slipcase with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara
This 8-track stereo tape release comes in a black slipcase. The tape cartridge is black with a single label. The sealed copy shown has a price sticker of $1.99 reduced from $4.98.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Vanguard 79144-8 (USA) - front of tape cartridge, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard 79144-8 (USA) - end of tape cartridge, scan by Manuel García Jara

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - CD release: Vanguard/King Record Co KICP 2112 (Japan), 21 Jun 1991:

Vanguard/King Record Co KICP 2112 (Japan) - 1991 CD release (front with obi), scan by Hans Seegers
This release has a green/white obi in the "Vanguard Newport Folk Festival Complete Collection" series with black and red text. The obi price is ¥2,300 (¥2,233 plus sales tax). The release date on the obi and rear insert is "91-6-21" (21 Jun 1991) and the withdrawal date is "91-11-30" (30 Nov 1991).

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Vanguard/King Record Co KICP 2112 (Japan) - 1991 CD release (rear insert), scan by Hans Seegers

Vanguard/King Record Co KICP 2112 (Japan) - 1991 CD release (obi), scan by Hans Seegers

Vanguard/King Record Co KICP 2112 (Japan) - 1991 CD release (front insert), scan by Hans Seegers

Vanguard/King Record Co KICP 2112 (Japan) - 1991 CD release, scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - CD release: Vanguard/FNAC 662127 (France), 1992:

Vanguard/FNAC 662127 (France) - 1992 CD release, front scan by Hans Seegers
Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. NewportBroadsideFrFront.jpg (24444 bytes)
Vanguard/FNAC 662127 (France) - 1992 CD release (front insert unfolded), scan by Hans Seegers

NewportBroadsideFrBack.jpg (36668 bytes)
Vanguard/FNAC 662127 (France) - 1992 CD release (rear insert), scan by Hans Seegers

NewportBroadsideFrCD.jpg (26068 bytes)
Vanguard/FNAC 662127 (France) - 1992 CD release, scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - CD releases: Vanguard VCD 77003-2 (USA/Germany), 1997:

Vanguard VCD 77003-2 (USA) - front (1997 CD release, my copy)

Vanguard VCD 77003-2 (USA) - outside of front insert unfolded (1997 CD release)

Vanguard VCD 77003-2 (USA) - rear insert (1997 CD release)

Vanguard VCD 77003-2 (USA) - CD (1997 CD release)

Vanguard VCD 77003-2 (Germany) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (1997 CD release)

Vanguard VCD 770003-2 (USA) - inside of front insert unfolded (1997 CD release)

Vanguard VCD 77003-2 (Germany) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (1997 CD release)

Vanguard VCD 77003-2 (Germany) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans (1997 CD release)

These 1997 CD releases have a single card as the front insert, folded twice. The German release was manufactured by ZYX Music on behalf of Vanguard Records.

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963" - CD release - Vanguard VCD 77003 (UK), 2005:

Vanguard VCD 770003 (UK) - 2005 CD release, front scan by Hans Seegers
The 2005 UK CD release was released for Vanguard by Ace Records, London.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

NewportBroadsideUK2Front.jpg (44546 bytes)
Vanguard VCD 770003 (UK) - 2005 CD release, front insert unfolded, scan by Hans Seegers

NewportBroadsideUK2Back.jpg (38656 bytes)
Vanguard VCD 770003 (UK) - 2005 CD release, rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

NewportBroadsideUK2CD.jpg (21512 bytes)
Vanguard VCD 770003 (UK) - 2005 CD release, CD scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1" - mono vinyl LP, Vanguard VRS-9148 (USA), Fontana TFL.6041 (UK), Vanguard VRS-9148 (Australia), His Master Voice MCLP.6175 (New Zealand), May 1964:
More songs recorded at the Newport Folk Festival, Jul 1963. Thanks to Hans Seegers for the various catalogue numbers and to Gord Pugh for the typo correction. The dark maroon mono US labels shown are very rare and are of the first US pressing. The Australian copy shown belonged to Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, which explains the stickers. The Side 2 record label has the Allan's logo in common with 1960s Australian CBS Dylan releases (Allan's were music publishers in Australia for Bob Dylan records between 1965 and 1969). The New Zealand release was manufactured by His Master's Voice (New Zealand) Ltd. (part of EMI) on behalf of Vanguard Records. The rear sleeve has three folded-over flaps.

NewEveMono.jpg (39915 bytes)
Vanguard VRS-9148 (USA mono) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Vanguard VRS-9148 (USA mono) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VRS-9148 (USA mono) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Vanguard VRS-9148 (USA mono) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

Vanguard VRS-9148 (USA mono) - front of order form, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VRS-9148 (USA mono) - rear of order form, scan by Gerd Rundel

Fontana TFL.6041 (UK mono) - front scan by Kenneth Robson

Vanguard VRS-9148 (USA mono) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VRS-9148 (USA mono) - inner sleeve scan by Gerd Rundel (same both sides)

Vanguard VRS-9148 (Australia mono) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VRS-9148 (Australia mono) - rear scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VRS-9148 (Australia mono) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard VRS-9148 (Australia mono) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore

Fontana TFL.6041 (UK mono) - rear scan by Kenneth Robson

Fontana TFL.6041 (UK mono) - Side 1 scan by Kenneth Robson

His Master's Voice MCLP.6175 (New Zealand mono) - front scan by Bill Hester

His Master's Voice MCLP.6175 (New Zealand mono) - rear scan by Bill Hester

His Master's Voice MCLP.6175 (New Zealand mono) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester

His Master's Voice MCLP.6175 (New Zealand mono) - Side 1 scan by Bill Hester (no Dylan)

His Master's Voice MCLP.6175 (New Zealand mono) - Side 2 scan by Bill Hester

Fontana TFL.6041 (UK mono) - Side 2 scan by Kenneth Robson

Gerd Rundel's US copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - R4RM-4545-1, Side 2 - R4RM-4546-1. The record is in a generic Vanguard inner sleeve also containing an order form to send off to purchase classical music albums from the Vanguard Bach Guild.

R-0022M Blowin' In The Wind - performed live at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963 (mono version)

R-0023M We Shall Overcome (Zilphia Horton/Frank Hamilton/Guy Carawan/Pete Seeger) - Bob performs with the Freedom Singers and ensemble at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963 (mono version)
Here this song's authorship is wrongly credited to the Freedom Singers - thanks to Alex Munro for clarification: "
Originally a traditional song "I Will Overcome", picked up by Seeger, passed to Hamilton and Carawan who somewhere along the line changed to "We Shall", and introduced it into civil rights protests. Seeger recognised power of change and adapted it. The Freedom Singers took it from there, leading to the incredibly moving performance at Newport. Truly the Folk Process in action." The Freedom Singers were Cordell Reagon, Bernice Johnson (later Bernice Johnson Reagon), Charles Neblett and Rutha Mae Harris.

This album also includes Ramblin' Jack Elliott singing Diamond Joe, recorded by Bob on Good As I Been To You (1992) and Mississippi John Hurt singing Stagolee, recorded by Bob as Stack A Lee on World Gone Wrong (1993).

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson, Stuart Moore, Gerd Rundel and Bill Hester for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1" - stereo vinyl LP, Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA), May 1964, re-released late 1964, 1975:

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA), May 1964, re-released late 1964:

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - front scan by Kenneth Robson

More songs recorded at the Newport Folk Festival, Jul 1963. This album has two live Dylan performances:

R-0022-2 Blowin' In The Wind - performed live with Joan Baez and Peter, Paul and Mary at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963 (stereo version)
For video footage of this performance see the 2007 US Columbia/Legacy DVD The Other Side Of The Mirror: Bob Dylan Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963-1965, VHS & DVD 2000s Part 4.

R-0023 We Shall Overcome (Zilphia Horton/Frank Hamilton/Guy Carawan/Pete Seeger) - Bob performs with the Freedom Singers and ensemble at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963 (stereo version)
See comments about the song's authorship above.

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - front with price sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Kenneth Robson ("VANGUARD STEREOLAB" - compare with 1975 release below)

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Kenneth Robson ("VANGUARD STEREOLAB" - compare with 1975 release below)

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - price sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - rear scan by Kenneth Robson

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - includes R-0022 and R-0023)

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - Side 1 scan by Kenneth Robson (second release - no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - Side 2 scan by Kenneth Robson (second release - includes R-0022 and R-0023)

Vanguard US inner sleeve front, scan by Kenneth Robson (rear is the same)

This album was released in May 1964 with black/silver "Stereolab" record labels, which were discontinued in Sep 1964. It was re-released after that with gold labels. Gerd Rundel's first release record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - R4RS-4547- - 1A, Side 2 - R4RS-4548-1. There is a price sticker of $2.00 on the front sleeve. The rear sleeve has "VANGUARD STEREOLAB" at top right and bottom right, and the company name is shown as "VANGUARD STEREOLAB CORP." at bottom right.

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA), re-released late 1975:

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - front scan by Kenneth Robson (1975 release - same as 1964 release)

Like other Vanguard albums (Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 above or Greatest American Folksingers of the Sixties), this record also was reissued in 1975 with this new "marble" design of labels. Although records of Vanguard at this period had a lower catalogue number, this one has again the original. The front sleeve is identical to that of the original 1964 release, but rear sleeve is different - see the details at top right and bottom right. At top right "STEREOLAB" has been replaced by "Recordings For The Connoisseur" and the word "Stereo" has been added to catalogue number, not present on the 1964 release because it was part of "STEREOLAB". At bottom right "VANGUARD STEREOLAB" has been replaced by "VANGUARD QUALITY CONTROL" and the company name is now shown as "VANGUARD RECORDING SOCIETY INC." at bottom right.

For the 1972 compilation Greatest American Folksingers Of The Sixties, see 1972.

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release - no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release -"Recordings for the Connoisseur", compare with 1964 release above)

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release -"VANGUARD QUALITY CONTROL", compare with 1964 release above)

Vanguard VSD-79148 (USA stereo) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release - includes R-0022 and R-0023)

Thanks to Kenneth Robson, Gerd Rundel and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1" - stereo reel-to-reel tape, Vanguard VTC 1688 (USA), May 1964:

NewportUSTapeFront.jpg (29692 bytes)
Vanguard VCT 1688 (USA) - reel-to-reel tape, front scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. NewportUSTapeBack.jpg (28233 bytes)
Vanguard VCT 1688 (USA) - reel-to-reel tape, rear scan by Hans Seegers

NewportUSTapeReel.jpg (20122 bytes)
Vanguard VCT 1688 (USA) - reel-to-reel tape scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1" - stereo vinyl LP, Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy - stereo), 1978 (two variants):

NewEveItaly1978LP.jpg (41792 bytes)
Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - front scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

This 1978 Italian release was made in Italy by Dischi Ricordi S.P.A. It has catalogue number ORL 8197, while the 1978 Italian release of Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 above was ORL 8196. The records have buff Vanguard labels. There are two record label variants - the first has record speed "33 GIRI" to the left of the centre hole, while on the second the record speed is given as just "33 GIRI" and the text is in a different type face.
Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (both variants)

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both variants)

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both variants)

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1, "33 GIRI", no Dylan)

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1, variant 2 is similar)

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1, "33 GIRI", includes R-0022 and R-0023)

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - Side 1 scan by Ronald Born (variant 2, "33 GIRI", no Dylan)

Vanguard/Orizzonte ORL 8197 (Italy stereo) - Side 2 scan by Ronald Born (variant 2, "33 GIRI", includes R-0022 and R-0023)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Ronald Born for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1" - CD release - Vanguard/FNAC 662085 (France), 1992:

Vanguard/FNAC 662085 (France) - 1992 CD release, front scan by Hans Seegers
Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. NewportEveningFrFront.jpg (49322 bytes)
Vanguard/FNAC 662085 (France) - 1992 CD release (front insert unfolded), scan by Hans Seegers

NewportEveningFrBack.jpg (30656 bytes)
Vanguard/FNAC 662085 (France) - 1992 CD release (rear insert), scan by Hans Seegers

NewportEveningFrCD.jpg (25386 bytes)
Vanguard/FNAC 662085 (France) - 1992 CD release, scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1" - CD release - Vanguard VCD 77002 (USA), 1997:

NewportUSLongBoxFront.jpg (36325 bytes)
Vanguard VCD 77002 (USA) - 1997 CD release, "long box" front scan by Hans Seegers

The 1997 CD release also came in a "long box" in the USA, thanks to Hans Seegers for scans. My copy was bought in the USA in 1998 and did not have a long box.

This album was released on CD in Japan twice - scans required. (Thanks to Hans Seegers for information.)

NewportUSLongBoxBack.jpg (38373 bytes)
Vanguard VCD 77002 (USA) - 1997 CD release, "long box" rear scan by Hans Seegers

Vanguard VCD 77002 (USA) - 1997 CD release (crop of the original LP sleeve), my copy

Vanguard VCD 77002 (USA) - 1997 CD release rear insert (described as reissue of VSD 79148), my copy

Vanguard VCD 77002 (USA) - 1997 CD release, my copy

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1" - CD release - Vanguard VCD 770002-2 (Germany), (date?):

Vanguard VCD 77002-2 (Germany) - CD release, front scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux
Thanks to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for scans of the German CD release, distributed by ZYX-Music with a very different CD design.
Vanguard VCD 77002-2 (Germany) - CD release, unfolded front insert scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Vanguard VCD 77002-2 (Germany) - CD release, rear insert scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Vanguard VCD 77002-2 (Germany) - CD release, disc scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 2" - vinyl LP releases, Vanguard VRS-9149 (USA - mono), VSD 79149 (USA - stereo), May 1964:

Vanguard VRS-9149 (USA - mono) - scan by Hans Seegers of reproduction of LP sleeve on 1990 Japanese CD release
R-0607 This Land Is Your Land [incorrectly titled This Land Is My Land] (Woody Guthrie) - live with Pete Seeger and ensemble, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 28 Jul 1963 (stereo version)

R-0607M This Land Is Your Land [incorrectly titled This Land Is My Land] (Woody Guthrie) - live with Pete Seeger and ensemble, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 28 Jul 1963 (mono version)

Vanguard VSD-79149 (USA - stereo) - picture from zerogsounds.blogspot.au

Bob may be included in this performance. The sleeve notes say: "At the 1963 Folk Festival, Pete Seeger called on to the stage all the festival singers he could find, and led them in the singing of a song by another great contributor to American folk music, Woodrow Wilson Guthrie. The song was the inevitable one with which to conclude the Newport Folk Festival, Woody's Guthrie's This Land Is My Land, known to many as 'The American Folk National Anthem'." This was on 28 Jul 1963, and Bob had previously performed on stage that evening, with Joan Baez on With God On Our Side (R-0021, see note below), so he may be singing on this recording (he isn't one of the artists who sing a verse, but he may be in the chorus).
In fact, R-0021, the evening performance from 28 Jul 1963, was not actually released until 2005 on the No Direction Home - Bob Dylan DVD, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 3. The performance from the Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 album (see above) is now known to be from the morning workshop on 27 Jul 1963, and has been renumbered R-0311.

I've been told there was also an LP called The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 3, but Bob is definitely not on it. However, I've not been able to locate it, and the next catalogue number Vanguard VSD-79150 was used for a Mike Seeger album. Only Vol. 1 is available today as a US Vanguard CD. I was told the stereo performance R-0607 is now available on the 2005 Columbia/Legacy compilation CD The Essential Pete Seeger, but the live performance on that CD is actually from New York, 28 Apr 1962, not the Newport Folk Festival, 1963.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Harold Lepidus, Bob Stacy and Peter Stone Brown for information, to Tricia Jungwirth for finding the US stereo release, and to Hans Seegers for the US mono scan.

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: Vol. 2", - vinyl LP release, Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo), 1964:
These Japanese albums were manufactured by King Record Co., Tokyo, Japan, on behalf of Vanguard Records.

"The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: Vol. 1" - Vanguard SH-113 (Japan), 1964:

Vanguard SH-113 (Japan - stereo) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)
The Japanese album The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: Vol. 1 (Vanguard SH-113) has almost identical front artwork to the US and other releases but the tracklist (19 tracks!) is different and doesn't include any Dylan songs. It includes an insert with lyrics (not shown) and is included here for completion.
Vanguard SH-113 (Japan - stereo) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard SH-113 (Japan - stereo) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard SH-113 (Japan - stereo) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

"The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: Vol. 2" - Vanguard SH-114 (Japan), 1964:

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - front with obi, scan from eBay

All the Dylan performances from Newport available on Vanguard for this festival are on this album: Blowin' In The Wind (R-0022, Side 1, track 1), With God On Our Side (duet with Joan Baez) (R-0311, Side 1, track 2), Ye Playboys And Playgirls (duet with Pete Seeger) (R-0020, Side 1, track 3), We Shall Overcome (ensemble) (R-0023, Side 1, track 7), and This Land Is Your Land (ensemble) (R-0607, Side 2, track 7)!

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022. R-0311, R-0020 and R-0023)

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0607)

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard SH-114 (Japan - stereo) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding the Japanese release The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: Vol. 2 on eBay and Manuel García Jara for further information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts" - vinyl LP release, Hed-Arzi/Vanguard AN 67-60 (Israel - mono), 1964:

Hed-Arzi/Vanguard AN 67-60 (Israel - mono) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
This compilation was made by Hed-Arzi Ltd. in Israel for Vanguard Records. The sleeve was printed by United Artists Ltd., Israel. Although this album has the same front sleeve design as the well-known albums The Newport Folk Festival -1963. The Evening Concerts Vols. 1/2, it actually is exclusive to Israel, a unique album that includes all known Dylan performances at the Newport Folk Festival, 1963: With God On Our Side (with Joan Baez), Blowin' In The Wind and Ye Playboys And Playgirls together with This Land Is Your Land and We Shall Overcome as part of the ensemble. The album title on the front sleeve is The Newport Folk Festival - 1963. The Evening Concerts but Highlights From The Newport Folk Festival on the record labels. It has an exclusive tracklist taken from the albums Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 and from the two volumes of The Evening Concerts. The front sleeve has a different artist list matching the content. There are some mistakes on the rear sleeve and the record labels: With God On Our Side is just "God On Our Side", This Land Is Your Land is just "This Land", and Ian & Sylvia are listed as "Jan & Sylvia". The record has red labels, printed directly on to the centre of the vinyl, not made of paper.
Hed-Arzi/Vanguard AN 67-60 (Israel - mono) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Hed-Arzi/Vanguard AN 67-60 (Israel - mono) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Hed-Arzi/Vanguard AN 67-60 (Israel - mono) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Hed-Arzi/Vanguard AN 67-60 (Israel - mono) - Side 1 with R-0311M, R-0022M, R-0020M and R-0023M, scan by Manuel García Jara

Hed-Arzi/Vanguard AN 67-60 (Israel - mono) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Hed-Arzi/Vanguard AN 67-60 (Israel - mono) - Side 2 with R-0607M, scan by Manuel García Jara

R-0311M-2 With God On Our Side [incorrectly titled God On Our Side] - with Joan Baez, recorded at the morning workshop, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 27 Jul 1963, from Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963, see above (mono version)

R-0022M-2 Blowin' In The Wind - recorded live at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963, from The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1, see above (mono version)

R-0020M-2 Ye Playboys And Playgirls [titled just Playboys And Playgirls on the rear sleeve but correctly on the Side 1 record label]  - with Pete Seeger, recorded at the "Topical Songs" workshop, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 28 Jul 1963, from Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963, see above (mono version)

R-0023M-2 We Shall Overcome (Zilphia Horton/Frank Hamilton/Guy Carawan/Pete Seeger) - Bob performs with the Freedom Singers and ensemble at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963, from The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1, see above (mono version)

R-0607M-2 This Land Is Your Land [incorrectly titled This Land] (Woody Guthrie) - live with Pete Seeger and ensemble, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 28 Jul 1963, from The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 2, see above (mono version)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Newport Folk Festival 1963" - three 7" mono EPs, Fontana TFE 18009/10/11 (UK), 23 Apr 1965:
In the 1960s US Vanguard records were released in the UK on the Fontana label (part of the Philips group, later PolyGram, now Universal). The songs below were released on three EPs extracted from the Vanguard LPs above: Ye Playboys And Playgirls, With God On Our Side and Blowin' In The Wind. However, the three EPs were quickly withdrawn from sale because of legal problems with CBS Records (the then trading name of Columbia in the UK) who had licensed Bob's appearances on the LPs only. They now command high prices and I was very short-sighted to buy only TFE 18011 at the time!

Fontana TFE 18009 (UK) - front scan by Norman Barrett

Fontana TFE 18009 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Fontana TFE 18010 (UK) - front scan by Norman Barrett

Fontana TFE 18010 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Playboys.jpg (38264 bytes)
Fontana TFE 18011 (UK) - front (my copy)

PlayboysBack.jpg (33727 bytes)
Fontana TFE 18011 (UK) - rear scan by David Burgess

Fontana TFE 18009 (UK) - A-side with R-0311M, scan by Gerd Rundel

Fontana TFE 18009 (UK) - B-side scan by Gerd Rundel (no Dylan)

NewportUKEPBlowinSideA.jpg (23458 bytes)
Fontana TFE 18010 (UK) - A-side with R-0022M, scan by Gerd Rundel

Fontana TFE 18010 (UK) - B-side scan by Gerd Rundel (no Dylan)

PlayboysLabel.jpg (26803 bytes)
Fontana TFE 18011 (UK) - A-side scan with R-0020M as track 1 (my copy)

PlayboysSideB.jpg (26583 bytes)
Fontana TFE 18011 (UK) - B-side scan with R-0607M

R-0311M-3 With God On Our Side - with Joan Baez (TFE18009), recorded at the morning workshop, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 27 Jul 1963, from Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963, see above (mono version)

R-0022M-3 Blowin' In The Wind (TFE18010) recorded live at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963, from The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1, see above (mono version)

R-0020M-3 Ye Playboys And Playgirls  - with Pete Seeger (TFE18011), recorded at the "Topical Songs" workshop, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 28 Jul 1963, from Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963, see above (mono version)
This song has always been thought to have been recorded at the afternoon workshop on 27 Jul 1963, but sources such as Glen Dundas and Derek Barker (in Appendix 1 to his 2008 Chrome Dreams book "The Songs He Didn't Write: Bob Dylan Under The Influence") now think it took place on the following day. L
yrics on bobdylan.com here.

R-0607M-3 This Land Is Your Land [incorrectly titled This Land Is My Land] (Woody Guthrie) - live with Pete Seeger and ensemble (TFE18011), Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 28 Jul 1963, from The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 2, see above (mono version)

The copies shown of these three EPs have stamped matrix numbers:

TFE 18009: A-side - TFE18009 1E//1 V 420 11 1 ("V" is an upside down triangle), B-side - TFE18009 2E//1 V 420 11 1

TFE 18010: A-side - TFE18010 1E//1 V 420 11 6, B-side - TFE18010 2E//1 V 420 11 4 (John Richardson says his copy has the same numbers but ending in "5" and "3")

TFE 18011: A-side - TFE18011 1E//1 V 42011 4, B-side - TFE18011 2E//1 V 42011 2

I also have heard of a UK 3LP set called Newport Folk Festival, Fontana TLF 6038/6041/6042 which contains these four songs - more information and scans required! This name and content appear again in the early 1990s as the name of a Vanguard CD compilation, again more details required!

Thanks to Ian Woodward, Bob Stacy, Sam C. Visser, David Burgess, Norman Barrett, Kenneth Robson and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"With God On Our Side, Parts 1 & 2" - 7" (promo?) single, Columbia or Vanguard (catalogue number?) (USA), 1964:

This could be a split version of R-0311M (see above). I previously listed this just as R-0039, but to achieve consistency in the list I have now allocated a separate R-number to Part 2. I assume this is mono.

R-0039 With God On Our Side - Part 1: A-side (time?)

R-0594 With God On Our Side - Part 2: B-side (time?)

Fontana TFE 18009 (UK) - front scan by Norman Barrett (includes R-0311M)

Fontana TFE.18012 (UK) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Joan Baez only)

This seems to be a different split of the song (approx. 50-50) from that of the French Dylan-only CBS EP with R-0048/R-0595 (see 1966). Conflicting information is that this is a Vanguard single with a cover version by Joan Baez only! More information required. Shown is one of the Joan Baez 1965 Vanguard EPs with her cover version - see Honourable Mentions - Covers (Women Sing Dylan).

Ger Hemel says he saw a Joan Baez single containing With God On Our Side split over both sides in Breda in Holland in 1971, but unfortunately did not buy it then, and has not found a copy since.

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A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.