"Searching For A Gem"

Video and DVD: Films & TV Series with Dylan Album Tracks - 2010-19

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This page collects song performances from regular Dylan albums on VHS video and DVD included in films and TV series from 2010 onwards (I'm ignoring any editing or talking over them). I would be grateful for any additional information on these items and other material to place here. Films are listed by date of original appearance (in theatres or on TV), not when the VHS video or DVD came out, often some years later. The last entry for which there was a VHS release appears to be 2005. For the audio soundtrack albums on which these songs often also appear, see International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations) 2010s. For films from this period with Dylan rarities, see VHS & DVD 2010s.

For a full Dylan filmography, see "Expecting Rain" or "TV Talkin'" . For informed discussion of all Bob's screen appearances, see C.P. Lee's well-received book "Like A Bullet Of Light  ".

Any scans that aren't credited are from my own collection or www.amazon.com.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Fight the much-hated artificial and anti-consumer DVD Region system by making your PC DVD drive and software or your stand-alone DVD player region-free! For more information, see Inmatrix . Everyone can play all CDs worldwide, and it should be the same for DVDs! Also see DVD Codes .

Some studios are fortunately realising that they can maximise sales of individual DVD releases by making them region-free instead of having to manufacture multiple region-specific copies- click on the picture on the right to see the text.

When Blu-ray titles were originally released they were region-free, but now they are also region-encoded, with North and South America as Region A, Europe/Australasia/Africa as Region B and Central Asia including China as Region C. This is a very retrograde step!

Revised: 07 January, 2025.

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see bobdylan.com )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)


"Parenthood" - NBC TV Series (USA), broadcast 2 Mar 2010 onwards:

Screenshot from NBC TV web-site
This new TV series based on the 1989 film starring Steve Martin and Mary Steenburgen has Forever Young by Bob Dylan and The Band from Planet Waves (the slow version) as its signature tune. The TV series soundtrack album including the Dylan song will be released in the USA by Scion Music Group on 5 Oct 2010.

Thanks to Kelly Revels for the information.

Scion Music Group US soundtrack album, picture from www.amazon.com

"Os Famosos E Os Duendes Da Morte [The Famous And The Dead]" - Warner Bros feature film released in Brazil 2 Apr 2010, DVD release: TBA:

OsFamososBraz.jpg (33541 bytes)
Picture from www.imdb.com
This Brazilian film features the music of Nelo Johann and also includes Mr. Tambourine Man from Bringing It All Back Home. (The main character is a Brazilian Dylan fan who uses "Mr. Tambourine Man" as a pseudonym.)

Thanks to Jairo Card for information.

"My Own Love Song" - feature film released in Apr 2010, DVD release: TF1 Video EDV 1035 (France), 18 Aug 2010:

French film poster from filmofilia.com
This film directed by French director Olivier Dahan and starring Renée Zellweger and Forest Whitaker contains 27 Dylan compositions, of which 16 are new. For more details, see VHS & DVD 2010s.
TF1 Video EDV 1035 (France) - front (my copy)

Renée Zellweger and Forest Whitaker - movie still from filmofilia.com

Madeline Zima from "Heroes" and Renée Zellweger - movie still from filmofilia.com

"Don't Act Hurt" - skateboard video released in USA, 27 May 2010, DVD release 2011:

US movie poster
This skateboard video from Joey Sinko includes four Dylan songs: Turkey Chase and Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, Slow Train Coming by Bob Dylan and The Grateful Dead from Dylan & The Dead, and Saving Grace from Saved.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information.

Picture from Stuart Moore

Picture from Stuart Moore

"True Blood Season Three" - HBO TV series broadcast in the USA from 13 Jun 2010, DVD/Blu-ray releases: HBO Studios (catalogue numbers?) (USA/UK), May 2011; "True Blood The Complete Series (Seasons 1 - 7)", DVD/Blu-ray releases: Warner Home Video/HBO Studios (catalogue numbers?) (USA/UK), 10 Nov 2014:

Season 3 US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

Season 3 US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

Season 3 UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Season 3 UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Seasons 1-7 UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Seasons 1-7 UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk


Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information that Episode 7, "Everything Is Broken", broadcast in the USA on 15 Aug 2010, contains Everything Is Broken from 1989's Oh Mercy. The TV series has previously used Beyond Here Lies Nothin' from 2009's Together Through Life in Season 2 and Death Is Not The End from 1987's Down In The Groove in Season 7, see below.

For the 2009 US TV series, see VHS & DVD (Items with Dylan Album Tracks) 2000s Part 2. For the 2010 soundtrack album, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2010).

Season 7 and Seasons 1-7 will be released by Warner Home Video/HBO Studios on 10 Nov 2014.

"This Time Tomorrow" - skateboard video released in USA, 2010, DVD release 2011:

Picture from Stuart Moore
This skateboard video from Chris Mulhern includes Isis from Desire.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information.

Picture from Stuart Moore

"Igualita A Mi [Just Like Me]" - Argentinean feature film released in Aug 2010, DVD TBA, 2011:

Film poster from www.amazon.com
This film directed by Diego Kaplan includes Simple Twist of Fate from Blood On The Tracks. Thanks to Freddy Ordóńez Araque for information that the artist is Argentinean Claudio Ledda, not Bob Dylan!

Thanks to Tricia Jungwirth for information.

"Howl" - feature film premiered in the USA, 26 Oct 2010 - DVD release: Oscilloscope Laboratories OSC 26 (USA), 4 Jan 2011:

US film poster
This film is a combination of an interview with Allen Ginsberg talking about his life and work, a dramatised section of the obscenity trial in San Francisco, CA, in 1957 with James Franco as Ginsberg, and an animated sequence of the poem itself.

This Wheel's On Fire by Bob Dylan and The Band from The Basement Tapes plays during the closing credits.

This performance is not included on the Lakeshore Records soundtrack CD, which features only the score by Carter Burwell.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information.

Oscilloscope Laboratories OSC 26 (USA) - US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

Lakeshore Records US film soundtrack CD, picture from www.amazon.com (no Dylan)

"Howl" by Allen Ginsberg, picture from www.amazon.com

"The Walking Dead - The Complete First Season" - AMC TV Series (USA), 31 Oct 2010 - 5 Dec 2010, DVD release: AMC/Anchor Bay Entertainment DV 22646 (USA), 9 Mar 2011; Blu-ray release: AMC/Anchor Bay Entertainment BD 22647 (USA), 9 Mar 2011:

US DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com
Thanks to Stuart Moore for information that Tomorrow Is A Long Time from Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. 2 was played during the closing credits of the final episode of Season 1 of this AMC zombie series. The series was shown originally on FX in the UK and is now being shown on Channel 5.
US Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.com

"London Boulevard" - feature film premiered in the UK, 26 Nov 2010 - DVD/Blu-ray releases: EIV (Entertainment In Video) (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 20 Mar 2011; EIV (Entertainment In Video) E18400 (Australia), 18 Jul 2011:

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk
The soundtrack of this gangster film starring Colin Farrell and Keira Knightley includes Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home. As far as I know, there is no film soundtrack album.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

EIV (Entertainment In Video)
E18400 (Australia) - unfolded DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

EIV (Entertainment In Video)
E18400 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

EIV (Entertainment In Video)
E18400 (Australia) - inside of  DVD case, scan by Stuart Moore


"The Bones Video" - Bones Wheels feature film released in Australia on 2 Jan 2011:

Scan by Stuart Moore
Thanks to Stuart Moore for information that the soundtrack of this skateboarding DVD includes Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid.

"Noruwei No Mori [Norwegian Wood]" - feature film released in Japan in Mar 2011:

Japanese film poster
The Japan-only compilation Fragile: Inspired By The Film "Norwegian Wood" includes Visions of Johanna and Temporary Like Achilles from. Blonde On Blonde. Of course, the Dylan song from that album most compared to the Beatles song is Fourth Time Around! The album also includes Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds and songs from Fleetwood Mac, Harry Nilsson, Van Morrison and Can. The film will be released in Japan on 11 Mar 2011, but may not actually contain any Dylan music.

Thanks to Harold Lepidus and Wil Gielen for information.

Sony Music SICP 2924 (Japan) - picture from hmv.co.jp

"The Music Never Stopped" - Essential Studios feature film released in USA in Mar 2011, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Senator (catalogue number?) (USA), 2 Aug 2011; Another World (catalogue number?) (UK), 2011:

Film poster from www.imdb.com
This film directed by Jim Kohlberg has three Bob Dylan songs: I Threw It All Away from Nashville Skyline, Desolation Row from Highway 61 Revisited and Mr. Tambourine Man from Bringing It All Back Home. The Rhino soundtrack album includes only I Threw It All Away. Other music in the film is from The Grateful Dead (who have six songs on the soundtrack album), The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

Thanks to Stuart Moore and Hans Seegers for information.

US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Rhino R2 527525 (USA) - film soundtrack album picture from www.amazon.com

"Elena" - Non Stop Studios feature film released in Russia in 2011, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Zeitgeist Films 95975 11463 (USA), 30 Oct 2012; New Wave Films (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 11 Feb 2013:

Zeitgeist Films 95975 11463 (USA) - front picture from www.amazon.com
Bob's contribution to the soundtrack of this film directed by Andrei Zvyagintsev is 'Til I Fell In Love With You from Time Out of Mind. As far as I know there is no film soundtrack album.

Thanks to Hilda Fernhout for information.

Zeitgeist Films 95975 11463 (USA) - rear picture from www.amazon.com

UK Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Film poster from www.imdb.com

"The Help" - Touchstone/Dreamworks feature film released in USA in Aug 2011, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Touchstone/Dreamworks (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 6 Dec 2011; Touchstone/Dreamworks Z1A BUA0175201 (UK), 12 Mar 2012; Buena Vista E15510 (Australia), 2012:

US DVD release - front picture from www.amazon.com
Bob's contribution to the soundtrack of this film directed by Chris Columbus based on the novel by Kathryn Stockett and set in Mississippi during the 1960s is Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, not from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, but from 2010's The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 - The Witmark Demos 1962-1964. The song is also on the Geffen soundtrack album, see International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations) 2011.
US DVD release - rear picture from www.amazon.com

US Blu-ray release - front picture from www.amazon.com

US Blu-ray release - rear picture from www.amazon.com

US film poster from www.imdb.com

Touchstone/Dreamworks Z1A BUA0175201 (UK) -
DVD release picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Geffen B0015854-02 (USA)  - film soundtrack picture from www.examiner.com

Screenshot with Allison Janney and Emma Stone from www.imdb.com

Penguin Books audiobook - picture from www.amazon.com (no Dylan)

Buena Vista E15510 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Buena Vista E15510 (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Buena Vista E15510 (Australia) - inside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Buena Vista E15510 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Thanks to Harold Lepidus, Stuart Moore, Hans Seegers and Bob Hudson for information.

"Hick" - Paramount US feature film premiered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on 10 Sep 2011, released in USA 11 May 2012, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Phase 4 Films (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 14 Aug 2011; Paramount Home Video DVD 9207 (Australia), 26 Sep 2012:

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

This film starring Chloe Grace Moretz and Blake Lively is full of Dylan songs! The soundtrack contains Suze (The Cough Song) from The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3; When the Ship Comes In (live) from The Bootleg Series Vol. 7: No Direction Home - The Soundtrack; One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) from Blonde On Blonde; Honey Just Allow Me One More Chance from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan; Farewell from The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 - The Witmark Demos 1962-1964. Suze is played at the DVD main menu and is background in a lot of the movie, and the cough part is played at the credits. Farewell plays totally through the credits as well. The movie was apparently on Netherlands TV in Jan 2013. In Spanish-speaking countries the film is called "Chica Peligrosa [Dangerous Girl]"! There is no US Blu-ray release and no UK DVD or Blu-ray release.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and the Australian DVD.

US film poster, picture from www.imdb.com

US DVD release, picture from Stuart Moore

US DVD release, picture from Stuart Moore

Paramount Home Video DVD 9207 (Australia) - DVD (my copy)

Australian Blu-ray release, picture from Stuart Moore

Australian Blu-ray release, picture from Stuart Moore

Paramount Home Video DVD 9207 (Australia) - front (my copy)

Paramount Home Video DVD 9207 (Australia) - unfolded insert (my copy)

Spanish DVD release, picture from Stuart Moore

Spanish DVD release, picture from Stuart Moore

"Bombay Beach" - documentary film released in USA in Oct 2011, DVD release: Focus World (catalogue number?), 3 Feb 2012:

Film poster from www.imdb.com
This documentary film from Israeli director Alma Har'el is not about India, but an impoverished community in Southern California on the shores of the Salton Sea. The soundtrack by Zach Condon features Series Of Dreams from The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3, Tomorrow Is A Long Time from Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II and Moonshiner, again from The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3. No soundtrack album is expected.

Thanks to "Isis" newsletter 158˝ and Stuart Moore for information.

Alma Har'el, director of "Bombay Beach"

Screenshot from "Bombay Beach"

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

"We Bought A Zoo" - Dreamworks feature film released in USA, 23 Dec 2011, DVD/Blu-ray releases: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 4 Mar 2012; (UK) 8 Oct 2012; 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 52215S5DO (Australia), 26 Dec 2012:

US DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com

UK DVD release - front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release - rear picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK Blu-ray release - front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK Blu-ray release - rear picture from www.amazon.co.uk

US film poster from www.imdb.com

US Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.com

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 52215S5DO (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 52215S5DO (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 52215S5DO (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Classical soundtrack album, picture from www.amazon.com (no Dylan)

Bob's contribution to the soundtrack of this film starring Matt Damon and Scarlet Johansson and directed by his friend Cameron Crowe is Buckets Of Rain from Blood On The Tracks. This does not appear on the film's Sony Classical soundtrack album, which is by Jónsi from the Icelandic group Sigur Rós.

The Australian DVD release was distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific Pty Ltd.

Thanks to Ralph Phippard and Stuart Moore for information and scans.


"History Detectives: Special Investigations (Season 10, Episode 1)" - PBS USA documentary broadcast in USA in 2012:

Screenshot from www.pbs.org
This episode was about a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar allegedly played by Bob at the Newport Folk Festival, 1965. Dawn Peterson inherited from her father who was a pilot who flew music acts in the 1960s. He said Dylan left this guitar on his plane, along with some handwritten lyrics. The programme examined the claim, which was disputed by Bob, and contains excerpts of these Dylan songs: Maggie's Farm; Like a Rolling Stone; On The Road Again; Maggie's Farm (repeated); Masters of War; The Times They Are A-Changin'; Tombstone Blues; Talkin' New York; Mr Tambourine Man.
Handwritten lyrics page, picture from T.J. Jenkins

Thanks to T. J. Jenkins and André Wilbers for information and picture.

"The Three Stooges" - Twentieth Century Fox feature film released in USA on 13 Apr 2012, DVD release: 20th Century Fox (catalogue number?) (USA), 17 Jul 2012:

Picture from www.examiner.com
A confessed Three Stooges fan, Bob has allowed Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues from Highway 61 Revisited to be included in the soundtrack of this film by the Farrelly Brothers.

No soundtrack album is reported as yet. Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information, for more details, see .

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

"The Newsroom Season 1" - HBO TV series released in USA from 24 Jun 2012, DVD/Blu-ray releases: HBO Home Video (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 22 Jul 2013:

Season 1 US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com
Thanks to Matthew Cianci for information that in the 8th episode of the first season of the HBO series "The Newsroom", Saved from Saved is played as the final scene blacks out and over the end credits. The episode is called "The Blackout Part I: Tragedy Porn", first broadcast in the USA on 12 Aug 2012.
Season 1 US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

Seasons 1-3 US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

"Savages" - Universal feature film released in USA on 6 Jul 2012, DVD releases: Universal (catalogue numbers?), 13 Dec 2012 (USA)/11 Feb 2013 (UK); Blu-ray releases: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment (catalogue numbers?) (USA/UK), 26 May 2015:
Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information about this Oliver Stone film from the novel by Don Winslow starring John Travolta, Taylor Kitsch, Salma Hayek and Blake Lively. The film is a thriller about drug dealers in the USA and Mexico, so the Dylan song is highly appropriate!

US film poster from www.imdb.com

This film includes Romance In Durango (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy) from Desire. The album version is 5:50, so thanks to Tim Dunn for confirming that this version is timed at 5:45 in the insert notes of the soundtrack album and at 5:43 on his CD player. This is therefore the edited version (R-0519), truncating the fade-out, which appeared on a 1976 Japanese 7" single as the B-side of One More Cup of Coffee, there timed at 5:44, see 1976, so the US Varčse Sarabande soundtrack album is listed in 2012. However, because versions of Dylan tracks that appear in films are almost always faded or talked-over, the film appearance cannot be classified as R-0519.

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

2015 US Blu-ray release, front picture from www.amazon.com

2015 US Blu-ray release, rear picture from www.amazon.com

2015 UK Blu-ray release, front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

US book release, picture from www.amazon.com

Varčse Sarabande soundtrack album (USA), picture from www.examiner.com

DurangoJpnFront.jpg (25130 bytes)
CBS/Sony 06SP 1 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1976 7" stereo single)

Romance In Durango segues into Black Diamond Bay on Side 2 of Desire, but has also appeared as a 5:50 stand-alone version on a CBS Spain stereo 7" single, see International 7" Singles & EPs 1977.

This film was released on DVD in 2012/2013 and on Blu-ray in both extended and theatrical versions in the USA and UK in 2015.

"Strike Back Season 2" - Cinemax TV series released in USA from Aug 2012, DVD/Blu-ray releases: HBO Home Video (catalogue number?) (USA); 2Entertain (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 2013:

Seasons 1-2 UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk
Thanks to Harold Lepidus and Éamonn Ó Catháin for news of two tracks from Tempest. Early Roman Kings is being used in the US TV advert promoting Season 2 of the Cinemax series "Strike Back", and Scarlet Town is used in the end credits after the Season 2 opening double episode.
Seasons 1-2 UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Season 2 US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

Seasons 1-4 UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Picture from www.amazon.com

"New Girl Season 2" - Fox TV series broadcast in USA from 25 Sep 2012 to 14 May 2013, DVD release: TBA:

Season 2 poster from www.imdb.com
The Fox US TV show “New Girl,” season 2, episode 18 featured Bob’s If Not For You from The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 in episode 18 "TinFinity", originally aired in the USA on 26 Feb 2013.

Thanks to Jim Paboucek for information.

Screenshot from www.fox.com

"The Motel Life" - Polsky Films feature film, USA, 16 Nov 2012; DVD and Blu-ray releases: Gaiam (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 3 Jun 2014, House (catalogue number?) (UK), 16 Jun 2014; Pinnacle Films/Rialto Distribution RIA152 (Australia), 2014:

US film poster, picture from www.imdb.com

US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

Screenshot from www.imdb.com

Book cover from www.amazon.com

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

Screenshot from www.imdb.com

Screenshot from www.imdb.com

Alternate book cover from www.amazon.com

Pinnacle Films/Rialto Distribution RIA152 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Pinnacle Films/Rialto Distribution RIA152 (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Pinnacle Films/Rialto Distribution RIA152 (Australia) - inside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Pinnacle Films/Rialto Distribution RIA152 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Bob's contribution to this film starring Emile Hirsch, Stephen Dorff and Dakota Fanning based on the novel by Willy Vlautin, is Girl From The North Country, the duet with Johnny Cash from Nashville Skyline. The film was first shown in Italy on 16 Nov 2012. There doesn't seem to be a UK Blu-ray release.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Silver Linings Playbook" - Sony Pictures feature film, USA, 21 Nov 2012; DVD releases: The Weinstein Company (catalogue number?) (USA), 30 Apr 2013, re-released 6 Dec 2015/Entertainment In Video (catalogue number?) (UK), 1 Apr 2013; Blu-ray releases: The Weinstein Company (catalogue number?) (USA), 30 Apr 2013; Entertainment In Video (catalogue number?) (UK), 1 Apr 2013; Roadshow Entertainment R-113636-9 (Australia), 2014:

US movie poster from www.imdb.com
Bob's contribution to this film starring Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence and Robert de Niro, directed by David O. Russell, is again Girl From The North Country, the duet with Johnny Cash from Nashville Skyline.
US 2013 DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com

US 2015 DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com

US Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.com

UK DVD release - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Roadshow Entertainment R-113636-9 (Australia) - DVD front scan by Stuart Moore

Roadshow Entertainment R-113636-9 (Australia) - DVD insert scan by Stuart Moore

Roadshow Entertainment R-113636-9 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Classical 88765413622 (USA) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

The song is also on the Sony Classical US soundtrack album released in the USA on 17 Nov 2012, see International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations) 2012.

Jennifer Lawrence won the 2012 Oscar Award for Best Actress for her role in this film.

Thanks to Harold Lepidus, Tim Dunn, Stuart Moore and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

"Bank Roll" - MagCo feature film first shown in the USA on 4 Dec 2012; DVD release: Cinema Epoch (catalogue numbers?) (USA/Australia), 17 Sep 2013:

Australian DVD release - scan by Stuart Moore
When shown at film festivals, this 2012 film included Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat from Blonde On Blonde, but all the songs were removed from the version screened in cinemas because the film makers hadn't cleared the rights. This 2013 DVD release may or may not have Bob...

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Australian DVD insert - scan by Stuart Moore

Australian DVD release - disc scan by Stuart Moore

"Not Fade Away" - Chase Films feature film, USA, 21 Dec 2012; DVD release: TBA:

US movie poster from www.imdb.com
The soundtrack to this David Chase film set in suburban New Jersey in the 1960s was compiled by Steven van Zandt. Bob's contribution is She Belongs To Me from Bringing It All Back Home. The soundtrack also includes a cover of Subterranean Homesick Blues by The Twylight Zones.

Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information.

Soundtrack album picture from www.amazon.com

"West Of Memphis" - Sony Pictures Classics feature film, USA, 25 Dec 2012; DVD release: TBA:

Film poster from www.rollingstone.com
Bob's contribution to the soundtrack of this film about the "West of Memphis Three", three Arkansas teenagers wrongly convicted of murder in 1994, is Ring Them Bells from Oh Mercy.

Thanks to Harold Lepidus and Robert Leopold Fischer for information.

Soundtrack album picture from filmmusicreporter.com


"Warm Bodies" - feature film first shown in the USA on 1 Feb 2013; DVD release: Lionsgate (catalogue number?) (USA), 4 Jun 2013; Entertainment One (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 17 Jun 2013; Icon Home Entertainment/Summit Entertainment IFS799WB (Australia), 2013:

US Blu-ray release, front picture from www.amazon.com

US Blu-ray release, rear picture from www.amazon.com

US DVD release, front picture from www.amazon.com

US DVD release, rear picture from www.amazon.com

US film poster, picture from www.imdb.com

US soundtrack album, picture from www.amazon.com (no Dylan)

Icon Home Entertainment/Summit Entertainment IFS799WB (Australia) - DVD front scan by Stuart Moore

Icon Home Entertainment/Summit Entertainment IFS799WB (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Icon Home Entertainment/Summit Entertainment IFS799WB (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

UK Blu-ray release, front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release, front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Thanks to Moise Potié for information about this "zombie romance" film containing Shelter From The Storm from Blood On The Tracks, not included on the 2013 Red River Entertainment film soundtrack album.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Beautiful Creatures" - feature film first shown in the USA on 14 Feb 2013 (UK/Australia 21 Feb 2013); DVD/Blu-ray releases: Warner Bros (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 21 May 2013; Entertainment In Video (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 17 Jun 2013; Village Roadshow/Warner Home Video R-113707-9 (Australia), 2013:

US DVD release, front picture from www.amazon.com
The soundtrack of this supernatural film includes Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home. The song appears about 7 minutes into the film played on a car radio. (The character played by Alden Ehrenreich is a rebel in his deeply conservative Southern town, so he reads Kurt Vonnegut and listens to Bob Dylan!) As far as I know, there is no film soundtrack album.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

US Blu-ray+DVD release, front picture from www.amazon.com

UK DVD release, front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK Blu-ray release, front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Village Roadshow/Warner Home Video R-113707-9 (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Village Roadshow/Warner Home Video R-113707-9 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

"Defiance Season 1" - Syfy TV series released in USA/UK 15 Apr 2013 to 8 Jul 2013, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Universal Studios (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 15 Oct 2013:

Picture from www.imdb.com
Scarlet Town from Tempest plays at the end of episode 4, "A Well Respected Man" of this Syfy science-fiction series, broadcast in the USA on 6 May 2013 and in the UK on 7 May 2013. Also, the title of episode 12, "Everything Is Broken", is taken from the Oh Mercy song, although the song itself is not used on screen.

"Defiance" has also been released as an online computer game, although I do not know if Dylan's music is used in that version, which includes regular content updates.

US Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.com

Canadian XBox 360 computer game - picture from www.amazon.com

UK PC computer game - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

"Le Week-End" - feature film first shown in the UK on 11 Nov 2013; DVD/Blu-ray releases: Curzon Film World (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 10 Feb 2014; Paramount Home Entertainment DVD 9576 (Australia), 2014:

UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.u

Paramount Home Entertainment DVD 9576 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Paramount Home Entertainment DVD 9576 (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Paramount Home Entertainment DVD 9576 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information that the soundtrack of this film about a British couple on a Paris weekend break contains Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans of the Australian DVD release.


"True Detective Season One" - HBO TV series broadcast in the USA from 12 Jan 2014, DVD release: HBO Home Entertainment (catalogue number?), (USA), 10 Jun 2014/(Europe), 9 Jun 2014:

US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com
Thanks to "Isis 173" for information that episode 1 of this series, broadcast by HBO in the USA and on Sky Atlantic in the UK, included a "full band version" of Rocks And Gravel from the sessions for The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. This is now determined to be a previously unreleased version. As this is a rarity, full details are in VHS & DVD 2010 onwards.
US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

"True Blood Season Seven" - HBO TV series broadcast in the USA from 22 Jun 2014, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Warner Home Video/HBO Studios (catalogue numbers?) (USA/UK), 10 Nov 2014:

Season 7 UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Season 7 UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Seasons 1-7 UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Seasons 1-7 UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

CBS 655358 7 (UK) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information that "Death Is Not The End", Episode 4 of Season 7 broadcast in the USA on 13 Jun 2014, contains Death Is Not The End from 1987's Down In The Groove. The TV series has previously used Beyond Here Lies Nothin' from 2009's Together Through Life in Season 2 (also on the second soundtrack album, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2010), and Everything Is Broken from 1989's Oh Mercy in Season 3, see above.

Season 7 and Seasons 1-7 will be released by Warner Home Video/HBO Studios on 10 Nov 2014.

For the 2009 US TV series, see VHS & DVD (Items with Dylan Album Tracks) 2000s Part 2.

"Boy Hood" - IFC feature film released in the USA on 18 Jul 2014, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Paramount (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 6 Jan 2015; Mongrel Media BRD 5477 (Canada), 6 Jan 2015; Universal Pictures UK (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 19 Jan 2015; Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DE5503 (Australia), 2015:

US poster picture from www.imdb.com

Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information that the soundtrack of this unique film by Richard Linklater, made with the same cast over twelve years, contains Beyond The Horizon from 2006's Modern Times. The song is also on the Nonesuch Records film soundtrack album Music From The Motion Picture: Boy Hood, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2014. Thanks to Moise Potié for scans of the Canadian DVD/Blu-ray two disc set.

US DVD release picture from www.amazon.com

US Blu-ray release picture from www.amazon.com

US soundtrack album picture from www.amazon.com

Mongrel Media BRD 5477 (Canada) - front scan by Moise Potié (DVD/Blu-ray 2 disc set)

Mongrel Media BRD 5477 (Canada) - rear scan by Moise Potié (DVD/Blu-ray 2 disc set)

Mongrel Media BRD 5477 (Canada) - DVD scan by Moise Potié

Mongrel Media BRD 5477 (Canada) - Blu-ray scan by Moise Potié

UK DVD release picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK Blu-ray release picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DE5503 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
DE5503 (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
DE5503 (Australia) - Ultraviolet download voucher scan by Stuart Moore (code obscured)

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
DE5503 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans of the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Australia Pty Limited Australian DVD release, distributed in New Zealand by Universal Pictures (Australia) Pty Ltd. It also contained the Ultraviolet download code (obscured in the scan). However, Ultraviolet ceased operations on 31 Jul 2019.

"Transparent Season 1" - Amazon Prime streaming TV series released in the USA on 26 Sep 2014, DVD release: N/A:

Picture from www.amazon.com
Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information about this ten episode TV series exclusively from www.amazon Prime. Episode 8, "Best New Girl", includes Oh, Sister from Desire, replacing the main title theme at the start and the end of the episode.

"Men, Women & Children" - feature film released in the USA on 1 Oct 2014, DVD releases: Paramount Home Entertainment (catalogue number?) (USA)/Paramount Home Entertainment 9791 (Australia), 2015:

US DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com
The soundtrack of this film includes Wigwam from Self Portrait. As far as I know there is no film soundtrack album.
Paramount Home Entertainment 9791 (Australia) - DVD front scan by Stuart Moore

Paramount Home Entertainment 9791 (Australia) - DVD insert scan by Stuart Moore

Paramount Home Entertainment 9791 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"St. Vincent" - Sony Pictures feature film released in the USA on 20 Oct 2014, DVD releases: Anchor Bay ZWC00735LIT (USA), 17 Feb 2015; Entertainment In Video (catalogue numbers) (UK), 30 Mar 2015; Blu-ray releases: Anchor Bay (catalogue number?) (USA), 17 Feb 2015; Entertainment In Video EBR 5253 (UK), 30 Mar 2015:

US poster picture from www.imdb.com
Thanks to Freddy Ordóńez Araque, Moise Potié and Tim Dunn for information that this film starring Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts and Chris O'Dowd includes Shelter From The Storm from Blood On The Tracks.
US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

Anchor Bay ZWC00735LIT (USA) - DVD front picture from www.amazon.com

Anchor Bay ZWC00735LIT (USA) - DVD rear picture from www.amazon.com

Entertainment In Video EBR 5253 (UK) - Blu-ray release front (my copy)

Entertainment In Video EBR 5253 (UK) - Blu-ray release rear

Entertainment In Video EBR 5253 (UK) - unfolded Blu-ray release insert

Entertainment In Video EBR 5253 (UK) - Blu-ray release disc

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Sony Classical 88875011072 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Bill Murray actually sings along with Shelter From The Storm during the closing credits! The Dylan song is also included on the Sony Classical film soundtrack album St. Vincent: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2014. Amusingly, the UK Blu-ray and DVD releases show Chris O'Dowd on the front and disc, but the US releases don't.

Australian flyer - front scan by Stuart Moore
Thanks to Stuart Moore for scans of a flyer advertising the film from Australian cinemas. Scans of the Australian DVD required.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for further information and scan.

Australian flyer - rear scan by Stuart Moore

"Olive Kitteridge" - HBO TV series broadcast in USA on 2/3 Nov 2014, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Warner Home Video (catalogue numbers?) (USA/UK), 9 Feb 2015:

US TV poster, picture from www.imdb.com

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

US book, picture from www.amazon.com

UK book, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

This four part TV mini-series based on the 2008 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Elizabeth Strout stars Frances McDormand (who also appeared in Wonder Boys, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 1). It includes On The Road Again from Bringing It All Back Home in both episodes 1 and 2.

Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information.

"Lilyhammer Season 3" - Netflix streaming TV series released in the USA/UK from 21 Nov 2014, DVD release: N/A:

Screenshot from Netflix web-site
This series set in Lillehammer in Norway stars Steven van Zandt (of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band and writer of (Ain't Gonna Play) Sun City in 1985, see here). Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information that Hark The Herald Angels Sing from Christmas In The Heart is used in Episode 4, "The Mind Is Like A Monkey".

"Tomorrow's Worlds: The Unearthly History Of Science Fiction" - BBC TV series shown in the UK from 22 Nov 2014 to 13 Dec 2014, DVD release: N/A:

Screenshot from BBC web-site
Part 4 of this BBC2 series presented by historian Dominic Sandbrook, "Time Travel", contains an excerpt from The Times They Are A-Changin'.

"Men, Women & Children" - Paramount feature film released in the USA on 5 Dec 2014, DVD/Blu-ray releases: TBA:

US Blu-ray/DVD release, picture from www.imdb.com
Thanks to Tim Dunn for information that this film starring Jennifer Garner and Adam Sandler includes Wigwam, the version from The Bootleg Series, Vol. 10 - Another Self Portrait (1969-1971), also included on the Warner Bros film soundtrack album Men, Women & Children: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2014.
WB Records 545920-2 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com


"Foxcatcher" - Sony Pictures feature film released in the USA on 15 Jan 2015, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Sony Pictures (catalogue numbers) (USA/UK), 3 Mar 2015; Roadshow Entertainment R-115252-9 (Australia), 2015:

US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com
The soundtrack of this film starring Steve Carell, Channing Tatum and Sienna Miller includes This Land Is Your Land, the live version from Carnegie Recital Hall, New York, 4 Nov 1961, included on The Bootleg Series Vol. 7: No Direction Home - The Soundtrack, 2005. The song is also included on the 2014 Madison Gate Records soundtrack album Foxcatcher: Soundtrack from the Motion Picture, which is available on iTunes only, not as a CD.

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information and to Stuart Moore for further information and scans.

Roadshow Entertainment R-115252-9 (Australia) - DVD front scan by Stuart Moore

Roadshow Entertainment R-115252-9 (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Roadshow Entertainment R-115252-9 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

2014 Madison Gate Records film soundtrack album, picture from iTunes

"Gruber Geht [Gruber Goes]" - Allegro film released in Austria on 27 Jan 2015, DVD/Blu-ray releases: TBD:

Film poster from Gruber Geht Facebook page
This Austrian film based on the best-selling German language book by Doris Knecht contains two Dylan performances: Moonshiner from The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 [Rare and Unreleased] 1961-1991 and Red River Shore from The Bootleg Series Vol. 8 - Tell Tale Signs: Rare And Unreleased 1989-2006. There is also a cover of Born In Time from Under The Red Sky by Austrian singer Gustav (Eva Jantschitsch). There is no film soundtrack album.

Thanks to Robert Leopold Fischer for information.

Book front from Gruber Geht Facebook page

Gustav (Eva Jantschitsch) - photo from www.last.fm

"Positively Porco" - US documentary film directed by Bob Porco, to be released early 2015:

Screenshot from YouTube
The trailer for this film about the founder of the Gerde's Folk City club in Greenwich Village, New York, contains an excerpt from Everything Is Broken from Oh Mercy.

Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information.

"The Age Of Adaline" - Lakeshore Entertainment feature film released in the USA on 24 Apr 2015, DVD/Blu-ray releases: Lionsgate (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 8 Sep 2015; EIV (Entertainment In Video) EBR 5250 (UK), 14 Sep 2015; EIV (Entertainment In Video) EDV 5250 (UK) (UK DVD), 14 Sep 2015; Lionsgate Entertainment 64282SD (Australia), 2015:

US film poster, picture from www.imdb.com

Thanks to Fred Muller and Tim Dunn for information that the soundtrack of this film starring Blake Lively includes Simple Twist Of Fate from Blood On The Tracks. The song is also on the Lakeshore Records film soundtrack album The Age Of Adaline: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2015). As the story is about a woman born in 1908 who becomes immortal at the age of 29 through "a simple twist of fate", the song is very appropriate! Other artists include Ella Fitzgerald and Jefferson Airplane.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for further information and scans.

EIV (Entertainment In Video) EBR 5250 (UK) - Blu-ray
release (my copy)

EIV (Entertainment In Video) EBR 5250 (UK) - outside of Blu-ray release insert

EIV (Entertainment In Video) EBR 5250 (UK) - Blu-ray disc

EIV (Entertainment In Video) EDV 5250 (UK) -  DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

US Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.com

Lionsgate Entertainment 64282SD (Australia) - DVD front scan by Stuart Moore

Lionsgate Entertainment 64282SD (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Lionsgate Entertainment 64282SD (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

US DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com

Lakeshore Records LKS 344782 (USA) - US film soundtrack album, picture from www.amazon.com

"Paper Towns" - 20th Century Fox feature film released in the USA on 24 Jul 2015, DVD/Blu-ray releases: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 20 Oct 2015; 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 14 Dec 2015; 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 640085SDG (Australia), 14 Dec 2015:

US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

The soundtrack of this film contains Must Be Santa from Christmas In The Heart. The song is not included on the 2015 Atlantic film soundtrack album.
US Blu-ray+DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 640085SDG (Australia) - DVD front scan by Stuart Moore

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 640085SDG (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 640085SDG (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

US film poster, picture from www.imdb.com

US film soundtrack album, picture from www.amazon.com (no Dylan)

The Australian release was distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific Pty Ltd.

Thanks to Daryll Weisblott for information and to Stuart Moore for further information and scans.

"Mad Men: The Complete Collection Gift Set" - 23 Blu-ray/DVD set: Lionsgate (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 13 Sep 2015:

Mad Men: The Complete Collection Gift Set (23 Blu-ray/DVD discs) - picture from Republic Records web-site
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan was played over the closing credits of the final episode (episode 13) of Season One in 2008, and is now also included on the limited edition Mad Men: The Complete Collection Gift Set (23 Blu-ray of DVD discs). It is also now on the 2015 Republic Records TV series soundtrack album Retrospective: the Music Of "Mad Men", see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2015).

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information.

Republic Records soundtrack album - picture from www.amazon.com (CD)

"Steve Jobs" - Universal Pictures feature film directed by Danny Boyle, released in the USA on 23 Oct 2015, DVD/Blu-ray releases: TBD:

Film soundtrack picture from www.amazon.co.uk
Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information that the soundtrack album of this film directed by Danny Boyle and starring Michael Fassbender includes Shelter From The Storm from Blood On The Tracks, also included on the soundtrack album, which is released on Back Lot Music in the USA and Proper WS in Europe, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2015). The film also includes Rainy Day Women #12 & 25 from Blonde On Blonde, which is on the US soundtrack album but not the UK release, as well as Meet Me In The Morning from Blood On The Tracks, which is not on either soundtrack album.
Film poster picture from www.imdb.com

"The Bridge Season 3" - Swedish/Danish TV series broadcast Sep-Nov 2015 (Sweden/Denmark)/Nov-Dec 2015 (UK), DVD/Blu-ray releases: Arrow Films (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 21 Dec 2015:

UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk
Episode 5 of Season 3 of "The Bridge", broadcast in Sweden on 25 Oct 2015 and in the UK on 5 Dec 2015 includes Ballad Of A Thin Man from Highway 61 Revisited.
UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

"Rock The Kasbah" - Universal Pictures feature film directed by Barry Levinson, released in the USA on 23 Oct 2015, DVD/Blu-ray release: Universal 55166151 (USA), 21 May 2016; Sony Pictures DE6780 (Australia/NZ, 2016:

Universal 55166151 (USA) - DVD/Blu-ray combo release, picture from www.amazon.com
Bob's contribution to the soundtrack of this film directed by Barry Levinson and starring Bill Murray is Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, also included on the 2015 US Varese Sarabande film soundtrack album, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2015). The only planned home video release seems to be a DVD/Blu-ray/download combo which is thankfully region-free.

The Australian DVD release comes from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Australia Pty Ltd and was also distributed in New Zealand  by Sony Pictures (NZ) Limited

Universal 55166151 (USA) - rear of DVD/Blu-ray combo release, picture from www.amazon.com

Sony Pictures DE6780 (Australia/New Zealand) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Pictures DE6780 (Australia/New Zealand) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Pictures DE6780 (Australia/New Zealand) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Universal Pictures US film poster - picture from www.imdb.com

Varese Sarabande 302 067 373 8 (USA) - film soundtrack album, picture from www.amazon.com

Thanks to Tim Dunn and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Love The Coopers" - CBS Films feature film directed by Jessie Nelson, released in the USA on 13 Nov 2015; DVD/Blu-ray releases: Lionsgate (catalogue number?) (USA), 9 Feb 2016; eOne 65140SD (Australia), 2016:

Lionsgate US DVD/Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com
Bob's significant contribution to the soundtrack of this film directed by Jessie Nelson and starring Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Diane Keaton and Amand Seyfried (and Steve Martin as the voice of Rags the dog) is Girl from the North Country from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, If Not For You from New Morning and Buckets Of Rain from Blood On The Tracks, as well as a cover of Ring Them Bells from Oh Mercy by Sarah Jarosz.

Girl from the North Country, If Not For You from New Morning and the cover of Ring Them Bells are also included on the 2015 US Universal Music film soundtrack album, but not Buckets Of Rain, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2015.

Universal Music US film soundtrack album, picture from www.amazon.com

eOne 65140SD (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

eOne 65140SD (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

eOne 65140SD (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

CBS Films US film poster - picture from www.imdb.com

Jessie Nelson and Diane Keaton at the premiere of Love The Coopers, picture from Getty Images

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information. Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans of the Australian release.

"The Man In The High Castle" - Amazon Prime TV series, pilot broadcast Jan 2015, remainder of Season 1 (nine episodes) available on demand from Nov 2015, Season 2 (ten episodes) available on demand from Dec 2016:

Picture from Wikipedia
Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information that in Episode 6 of Season 2 of the Amazon Prime series "The Man In The High Castle", Talkin' New York from Bob Dylan can be heard under a lot of chatter, as though broadcast on a TV or radio in the background. The action takes place in an alternate 1962 in which the Allies lost World War 2 and is based on a 1962 novel by Philip K. Dick.


"Billions Season 1" - Showtime US TV series broadcast 17 Jan 2016 onwards; DVD releases: Showtime (catalogue number?) (USA), 8 Nov 2016; Universal Home Video (catalogue number?) (UK), 21 Nov 2016:

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com
Gotta Serve Somebody from Slow Train Coming was included in episode 11, "Magical Thinking", first broadcast on 11 Apr 2016.

For other tracks by or featuring Bob in Seasons 2, 3 and 7 of this series see below and VHS & DVD (Films with Dylan Album Tracks) 2020s.

Thanks to Hilda Fernhout for information.

UK DVD release, front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release, rear picture from www.amazon.co.uk

"Roadies Season 1" - Showtime US TV series broadcast Jun 2016 onwards; Blu-ray/DVD releases TBA:

US poster from www.imdb.com
Episode 10 "The Load Out" of Season 1 of this TV series directed by Cameron Crowe and starring Carla Gugino and Luke Wilson includes both Ring Them Bells, the original 1989 version from Oh Mercy, and Abandoned Love, the Desire out-take from Biograph. The season is available on streaming video from www.amazon.com.

Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information.

Picture from www.amazon.com

"Black-ish Season 3" - ABC TV series broadcast in the USA in 2016; Blu-ray/DVD releases TBA:

US poster - picture from www.imdb.com
Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid was included in "God", Season 3, Episode 2, broadcast in the USA on 28 Sep 2016. I can only find a Season 1 DVD, but the later seasons are available for streaming on Amazon Prime and other services.

Thanks to Hilda Fernhout for information.

"Unlocking The Cage" - HBO documentary broadcast in the USA in 2016; Blu-ray/DVD releases TBA:

Picture from www.amazon.co.uk
I Shall Be Released from Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II is in this last documentary by Don't Look Back director D. A. Pennebaker, available for streaming on Amazon Prime and other services.

Thanks to Hilda Fernhout for information.

"Bad Santa 2" - Broad Green Pictures film released 23 Nov 2016 - DVD/Blu-ray releases: Broad Green Pictures (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 21 Feb 2017;  Entertainment One (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 6 Nov 2017:

US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com
The soundtrack of this Christmas comedy contains Winter Wonderland from Christmas In The Heart.

For the 2017 Red Rock Entertainment film soundtrack album, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2017.

Thanks to Tim Dunn and Peter Oudejansfor information and scans.

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

German Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Red River Entertainment RRECD185 (USA) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

"Mars" - National Geographic US TV mini-series broadcast Nov-Dec 2016; Blu-ray/DVD releases TBA:

TV series poster from www.imdb.com
"Pressure Drop", Episode 3 of this drama-documentary TV mini-series from National Geographic directed by Ron Howard finishes with Shelter From The Storm from Blood On The Tracks over the closing credits. The series is accompanied by a National Geographic book "Mars: Our Future On The Red Planet" by Leonard David, but was actually inspired by the book "How We'll Live On Mars" by Stephen L. Petranek (TED Books, 2015).
2016 National Geographic tie-in book, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Original 2015 TED Books release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

"Manchester By The Sea" - Roadside Attractions/Amazon Studios feature film released in the USA on 18 Nov 2016; DVD/Blu-ray releases: Lionsgate (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 21 Feb 2017/Studiocanal (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 15 May 2017; Universal Pictures DF5829 (Australia), 2017; Paramount (catalogue number?) (Hong Kong), 2017:

US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

US/Canada DVD release, front picture from www.amazon.com

US/Canada DVD release, rear picture from www.amazon.com

UK Blu-ray release, front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK Blu-ray release, rear picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Universal Pictures DF5829 (Australia) - DVD front scan by Stuart Moore

Universal Pictures DF5829 (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Universal Pictures DF5829 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

US movie poster, picture from www.imdb.com

Hong Kong DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

The soundtrack of this award-winning film starring Casey Affleck and Michelle Williams includes Lily, Rosemary And The Jack Of Hearts from Blood On The Tracks. As far as I know there is no film soundtrack album.

Thanks to Hilda Fernhout and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Passengers" - Columbia Pictures feature film released in the USA/Europe on 21 Dec 2016; DVD/Blu-ray releases: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 14 Mar 2017/(UK), 8 May 2017:

US film poster, picture from www.imdb.com

US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

US Blu-ray release with "After Earth", picture from www.amazon.com

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

The soundtrack of this science fiction film starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt includes Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited. The film is set on a starship undertaking a 120 year voyage with the crew and passengers in hibernation. At the start of the film Chris Pratt's character is woken by a malfunction 90 years too early, so the words "no direction home" are very appropriate.


"Billions Season 2" - Showtime US TV series broadcast 19 Feb 2016 onwards; DVD releases: Showtime (catalogue number?) (USA), 15 Aug 2017; Universal Home Video (catalogue number?) (UK), 13 Nov 2017:
The Australian release from Universal Sony contains both Seasons 1 and 2 on 10 discs.

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com
Visions Of Johanna from Blonde On Blonde was included in episode 9, "Sic Transit Imperium", first broadcast on 16 Apr 2017.

For other tracks by or featuring Bob in Seasons 1, 3 and 7 of this series see above and below plus VHS & DVD (Films with Dylan Album Tracks) 2020s.

Thanks to Hilda Fernhout for information.

UK DVD release, front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release, rear picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Australian DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com (Seasons 1 and 2)

"Song To Song" - Broad Green Pictures feature film released in the USA/Europe on 17 Mar 2017; DVD/Blu-ray releases: Broad Green Pictures (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 4 Jul 2017/Studio Canal (catalogue number?) (UK), TBA:

US film poster, picture from www.imdb.com
This film by Terence Malick set in the Austin, TX, music scene includes Rollin' And Tumblin' from Modern Times. As far as I know there is no film soundtrack album. A UK DVD release is planned, but there doesn't seem to be a planned UK Blu-ray release.

Thanks to Daryl Weisblott for information.

US Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.com

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

"The Dinner" - Icon Entertainment feature film released in the USA on 7 May 2017 and in Australia on 7 Sep 2017; DVD/Blu-ray releases: Lionsgate (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 8 Aug 2017; Icon Entertainment 85243SDG (Australia), 2018:

Icon Entertainment 85243SDG (Australia) - DVD release front scan by Stuart Moore

This film starring Richard Gere and Laura Linney includes Standing in the Doorway from Time Out Of Mind. It is based on the Dutch international best-seller "Het Diner" by Herman Koch, and is the third film version of the book, which was previously filmed in Dutch and Italian. The Australian DVD is from Icon Film Distribution Pty Ltd and distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific. In the UK the film is available to download from Amazon, but there does not seem to be a UK DVD release.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Icon Entertainment 85243SDG (Australia) - outside of DVD release insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Icon Entertainment 85243SDG (Australia) -  DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Liongate US Blu-ray release -  picture from www.amazon.com

Liongate US DVD release -  picture from www.amazon.com

Amazon Prime UK download - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Icon Entertainment 85243SDG (Australia) - inside of DVD release insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Atlantic Books UK 2012 paperback - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

"Les Fantômes D'Ismaël [Ismael's Ghosts]" - feature film released in France on 17 May 2017: DVD/Blu-ray releases: Magnolia Home Entertainment (catalogue number?) (USA), 3 Jul 2018; Arrow Academy (catalogue numbers?) (UK), 2018; Umbrella Entertainment (catalogue number?) (Australia), 2018:

French film poster from www.imdb.com

US film poster from www.imdb.com

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

UK Blu-ray release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Australian DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

This French-language film features star Marion Cotillard dancing to It Ain't Me, Babe from Another Side Of Bob Dylan. Only the UK seems to have a Blu-ray release.

Thanks to Hilda Fernhout for information.

"The Only Living Boy In New York" - Big Indie Pictures/Amazon Studios/Bona Fide Productions feature film released in the USA on 11 Aug 2017; DVD/Blu-ray releases (USA/UK): TBA:

US film poster, picture from www.imdb.com
The soundtrack of this film whose title comes from the Paul Simon song from Bridge Over Troubled Water includes the alternate take 8 of Visions Of Johanna from The Bootleg Series Vol. 7: No Direction Home, 2007, also released on The Bootleg Series Vol.12: The Cutting Edge, 2015 (CD5, track 1 of the Deluxe Edition, CD9, track 20 of the Collector's Edition). For the soundtrack album, see International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations) 2017.

There was a 2000 US TV movie with the same title, this is the 2017 feature film.

Thanks to Daryl Weisblott for information.

US film soundtrack album, picture from www.amazon.com

"The Vietnam War" - PBS 10-part documentary series (USA), 17 Sep 2017:

TV series picture from www.imdb.com

A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall and Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan and One Too Many Mornings from The Times They Are A-Changin' are included in the forthcoming The Vietnam War: The Soundtrack 2CD set, along with Masters Of War from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan by The Staples Singers. The Vietnam War, a new 10-part series directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick that will begin airing on PBS on Sept. 17, will be accompanied by two companion soundtracks to be released on 15 Sep 2015.

For the soundtrack album, see International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations) 2017.

Soundtrack album picture from www.amazon.com

The Vietnam War—Original Score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross will feature over 90 minutes of new, original music on 2CDs and 3LPs, written and recorded by Academy Award-winning composers Reznor and Ross. In addition, The Vietnam War—The Soundtrack includes many of the iconic songs representing the era, including 38 tracks on 2CDs chosen from the 120 tunes featured in the film. The soundtrack will include the Beatles; Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young; Rolling Stones; Bob Dylan; Jimi Hendrix; Buffalo Springfield; Simon & Garfunkel; Janis Joplin; Phil Ochs; The Temptations; Barry McGuire; The Byrds; Otis Redding; The Animals; Santana; Marvin Gaye; Nina Simone; The Temptations; Booker T. and the M.G.s; Pete Seeger and more.

Thanks to Fred Muller and Hermann Rechberger for information.

"Last Flag Flying" - Big Indie Pictures/Amazon Studios/Cinetic Media feature film released in the USA on 21 Nov 2017; DVD/Blu-ray releases: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (catalogue numbers) (USA/Canada/Spain), 2018; Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DJ5288 (Australia), 2018:

US poster - picture from www.imdb.com
This film directed by Richard Linklater and starring Steve Carell, Bryan Cranston, and Laurence Fishburne, is a sequel to the "The Last Detail", set in 2003, 30 years after the events of the first film. Both films are based on books by Darryl Ponicsán. It features Not Dark Yet from Time Out of Mind over the closing credits. The Dylan track is not on the soundtrack album, which just has music by Graham Reynolds. The film was released in Australia on 25 Apr 2018. There does not appear to be a UK DVD release although it is available for streaming from Amazon.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

US DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com

Canadian DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com

Canadian Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.com

Spanish DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com

Soundtrack album picture from www.amazon.co.uk (no Dylan)

Source book picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Australian flyer - front scan by Stuart Moore

Australian flyer - rear scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DJ5288 (Australia) - DVD front scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DJ5288 (Australia) - DVD insert scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DJ5288 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore


"Gotta Serve Somebody: The Gospel Songs Of Bob Dylan" - DVD release: MVD Visual MVD0843D (UK): 29 Jan 2018:

MVD Visual MVD0843D (UK) - 2018 DVD front picture from Badlands web-site
This compilation of videos of artists including Shirley Caesar and Aaron Neville performing Dylan gospel songs includes Bob performing When He Returns from the DVD with The Bootleg Series Vol. 13 - Trouble No More 1979-1981 (Deluxe Edition).

This DVD contains nine out of eleven video versions of the audio tracks from the 2003 US/UK compilation album Gotta Serve Somebody: The Gospel Songs Of Bob Dylan, Columbia USA/UK which included Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking, a duet with Mavis Staples, a new recording of the album track from Slow Train Coming (R-0602, see 2003).

The DVD also includes an animated video of Gotta Serve Somebody with audio from the album track from Slow Train Coming.

MVD Visual MVD0843D (UK) - DVD (my copy)

MVD Visual MVD0843D (UK) - outside of DVD case insert (inside is blank)

MVD Visual MVD0843D (UK) - front of insert

MVD Visual MVD0843D (UK) - rear of insert

Columbia 511126 2 (UK, 2003) - front of digipak (my copy)

2003 CD:

1. Shirley Caesar - Gotta Serve Somebody
2. Lee Williams & The Spiritual QC's - When You Gonna Wake Up
3. Dottie Peoples - I Believe in You
4. The Fairfield Four - Are You Ready?
5. Sounds Of Blackness - Solid Rock
6. Aaron Neville - Saving Grace
7. Helen Baylor - What Can I Do For You?
8. Chicago Mass Choir featuring Regina McCrary - Pressing On
9. The Mighty Clouds Of Joy - Saved
10. Rance Allen - When He Returns
11. Bob Dylan & Mavis Staples - Gonna Change My Way of Thinking (R-0602)

2018 DVD:

1. Arlethia Lindsey - Every Grain of Sand
2. Bob Dylan - When He Returns
3. Sounds of Blackness - Solid Rock
4. Shirley Caesar - Gotta Serve Somebody
5. Dottie Peoples - I Believe in You
6. Aaron Neville - Saving Grace
7. Helen Baylor - What Can I Do For You?
8. The Fairfield Four - Are You Ready?
9. Great Day Chorale - In the Garden
10. The Mighty Clouds of Joy - Saved
11. Chicago Mass Choir featuring Regina McCrary - Pressing On
12. Rance Allen - When He Returns

Tracks in italics are exclusive to that CD or DVD.

"Billions Season 3" - Showtime US TV series broadcast 25 Mar 2018 onwards; DVD releases: Showtime (catalogue number?) (USA), 25 Sep 2018; Universal Home Video (catalogue number?) (UK), Nov 2018:
The Australian release from Universal Sony contains both Seasons 1 and 2 on 10 discs.

US DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com
Handle With Care from The Traveling Wilburys Volume One was included in episode 8, "All The Wilburys", first broadcast on 13 May 2018. This is also listed in Traveling Wilburys 2018.

It's All Right, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) from Bringing It All Back Home was included in episode 9, "Icebreaker", first broadcast on 20 May 2018.

For other tracks by Bob in Seasons 1 and 2 of this series see above. For a Dylan track in Season 7, see VHS & DVD (Films with Dylan Album Tracks) 2020s.

Thanks to Hilda Fernhout for information.

UK DVD release, front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

"Stockholm" - Blumhouse Productions/Darius Films feature film premiered in the USA on 19 Apr 2018; DVD releases: Roadshow Entertainment (catalogue number?) (USA), 2019; Roadshow Entertainment R-126188-9 (Australia), 2019; "The Captor" - DVD release: Signature Entertainment (catalogue number?) (UK), 12 Aug 2019; "Die Stockholm Story: Beliebte Geisel [The Stockholm Story: Beloved Hostage]" - DVD release: Koch Media GmbH (catalogue number?) (Germany), 5 Dec 2019:

Film poster from www.imdb.com
This film about the 1973 Swedish hostage crisis that produced the term "Stockholm Syndrome" was premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York in Apr 2018 but didn't reach cinemas until Jun 2019. It was written, produced and directed by Robert Budreau and stars Ethan Hawke and Noomi Rapace. As well as four contemporary songs by Bob himself, Ethan's character Lars is a huge Dylan fan and sings multiple Dylan songs throughout the film. Bob's contribution is New Morning from the album of the same name, Tomorrow Is A Long Time from Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. 2 plus Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You and To Be Alone With You from Nashville Skyline. As far as I know there is no soundtrack album but New Morning is included on the YouTube trailer.
US DVD release - front picture from www.amazon.com

US DVD release - rear picture from www.amazon.com

Ethan Hawke and Noomi Rapace - Screenshot from IMDB

UK DVD release - front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

German DVD release - front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Roadshow Entertainment R-126188-9 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Roadshow Entertainment R-126188-9 (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Roadshow Entertainment R-126188-9 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

In the UK this film was released with the title The Captor and in Germany as Die Stockholm Story: Beliebte Geisel [The Stockholm Story: Beloved Hostage]. The Australian DVD was released by Roadshow Entertainment Australia in association with Bank Drama Film Ltd. and Chimney Group.

Thanks to Daryl Weisblott and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot" - Amazon feature film released in the USA on 15 Jul 2018 and in Australia on 27 Aug 2018, DVD release: Universal/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DK0333 (Australia), 2019:

Universal/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DK0333 (Australia) - DVD front scan by Stuart Moore

Universal/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DK0333 (Australia) - DVD insert scan by Stuart Moore

Universal/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DK0333 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

US Amazon release, picture from www.amazon.com

US film poster, picture from www.imdb.com

The soundtrack of this film has Maggie's Farm from Bringing It All Back Home.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Book Club" - feature film released in the USA on 18 May 2018; DVD/Blu-ray releases: Paramount Home Entertainment (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 28 Aug 2018; Paramount Home Entertainment GB148271OR (UK), 8 Oct 2018; Universal/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DJ9086 (Australia/New Zealand), 2018:

US film poster picture from www.imdb.com
Bob's contribution to this film starring Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen is If Not For You from New Morning. As far as I know there is no film soundtrack album. The Australian DVD release was distributed in New Zealand by Sony Pictures (NZ) Limited.

Streaming picture from Amazon Prime USA

Paramount Home Entertainment USA Blu-ray/DVD release - front picture from www.amazon.com

Universal/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DJ9086 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Universal/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DJ9086 (Australia) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Universal/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DJ9086 (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

Paramount Home Entertainment GB148271OR (UK) - DVD front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Paramount Home Entertainment GB148271OR (UK) - DVD rear picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Thanks to Hilda Fernhout and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Life Itself"/"La Vie En Soi" - Amazon Studios/Sky Cinema feature film released in the USA on 21 Sep 2018; DVD/Blu-ray releases: Universal Pictures (catalogue numbers?) (USA/UK/Hong Kong): 29 Apr 2019:

US movie poster from www.imdb.com

US DVD release - picture from www.amazon.com

UK movie poster from www.amazon.co.uk

UK Blu-ray release - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

UK DVD release - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Hong Kong DVD release - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

This film directed by Dan Fogelman and starring Oscar Isaac and Olivia Wilde has a soundtrack based on Time Out Of Mind and includes no less than six tracks from the album! Olivia Wilde's character Abby Dempsey is a huge Bob Dylan fan and has a daughter called Dylan, played as an adult by Olivia Cooke. The film includes Love Sick, Standing In The Doorway, Not Dark Yet, Trying To Get To Heaven, Make You Feel My Love, and Million Miles. There are also two covers of Make You Feel My Love, the first by Olivia Cooke and Diet Cig, the second by Alexander McCabe and Johnny Hager. There is also a cover of Not Dark Yet performed by Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer. As far as I know there is no film soundtrack album.

The film was released in cinemas in Japan on 22 Nov 2019.

Thanks to Daryl Weisblott and Sonny Boy McFitzson for information.

"Click And Collect" - BBC TV film broadcast in the UK on 24 Dec 2018; DVD/Blu-ray releases: TBA:

Picture from www.imdb.com
Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information that this TV Christmas comedy starring Stephen Merchant includes Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas from Christmas In The Heart.


"Nanatsu No Kaigi [Seven Meetings]" - Toho Films feature film released in Japan on 1 Feb 2019; DVD/Blu-ray releases (Japan): TBA:

Film poster picture from www.asianwiki.com
This film's Japanese title "Nanatsu No Kaigi/" is also translated as "Seven Conferences" but the title for English-speaking countries will be "Whistleblower". The theme song is Make You Feel My Love from Time Out Of Mind. The film is accompanied by a Dylan compilation unique to Japan and a limited edition 4-track stereo vinyl EP. As both contain a rarity, a live version of the title track, details are in 2019.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information.

Sony Music Labels SICP 31227 (Japan) - front with obi and sticker, scan by Jack from Canada

Sony Music SIKP 6 (Japan) - sealed front with sticker, scan by Colin Hindson

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A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included poster and VHS/DVD/laserdisc artwork remains with the various audiovisual companies and artists.