Audio: International Album Releases (Regular)

Good As I Been To You

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The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3

This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular stereo Dylan albums. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections.

For releases of this album in CBS/Columbia multi-packs, see International Album Releases (Regular) - Multi-Packs.

The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration



If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 06 January, 2025.

US release, Columbia CK 53200, 3 Nov 1992.


Side 1: Frankie & Albert; Jim Jones; Blackjack Davey; Canadee-I-O; Sitting On Top Of The World; Little Maggie; Hard Times.
Side 2: Step It Up And Go; Tomorrow Night; Arthur McBride; You're Gonna Quit Me; Diamond Joe*; Froggie Went A-Courtin'.

One out-take from this album has been officially released:

This Old Man (R-0213) - from For Our Children, Walt Disney charity album to benefit children with HIV/AIDS, see 1991.

*Diamond Joe, live from "Jack Fate" and his band, from the unreleased soundtrack of the 2003 movie Masked & Anonymous (see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 2), is available to download from the Apple iTunes Online Music Store . This is a different song from the one on Good As I Been To You, thanks to Gil Walker for pointing this out. The version of Diamond Joe on this album can also be found in a performance by Ramblin' Jack Elliott on The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1, see 1964.

Thanks to Derek Barker for information in "Isis 180" that although the version of Diamond Joe on this album is either uncredited or credited as "Traditional, arranged Bob Dylan", it was in fact written by Baldwin "Butch" Hawes (husband of Bess Lomax Hawes and brother-in-law of Alan Lomax) in 1944 for a BBC radio programme called "The Chisholm Trail".

Bob performed Hard Times from this album at the "Willie Nelson Big Six-O Birthday Celebration" at KRLU Studios, Austin, TX, 28 Apr 1993, for the video release, see VHS & DVD 1990s Part 1.

Vinyl and Tape Releases

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia C 53200 (USA), Dec 1992:

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Columbia C 53200 (USA) - front scan by Anthony Perry

Many believe there was no US vinyl release of this album, but here it is! The record has red Columbia labels.

Sergio Mariano Romay has a copy bought by mail in Jun of 1993 as a subscriber to the Dylan magazine “On The Tracks” (Rolling Tomes, Inc.). It is still sealed, but has a hole punched through the sleeve (top left front, top right rear). Possibly this was done to cancel the bar code (with poor precision) and prevent it from being sold, as this was a promotional copy,

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

Columbia C 53200 (USA) - front with hole punched at top left, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia C 53200 (USA) - detail of front with hole punched at top left, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia C 53200 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia C 53200 (USA) - detail of rear (top right), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia C 53200 (USA) - detail of rear (bottom right), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia C 53200 (USA) - rear with hole punched at top right, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia C 53200 (USA) - detail of rear with hole punched at top right, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia C 53200 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia C 53200 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

"Good As I Been To You" - promo stereo cassette release, Columbia ACC 53200 (USA), Dec 1992:

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Columbia ACC 53200 (USA) - outside of insert, scan by Dag Braathen
This promo cassette release has a single-fold front insert. The cassette case is clear with white text.

Thanks to Dag Braathen for information and scans.

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Columbia ACC 53200 (USA) - inside of insert, scan by Dag Braathen
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Columbia ACC 53200 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Dag Braathen

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo cassette releases, Columbia CT 53200 (USA/Canada), Dec 1992:

Columbia CT 53200 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel
These cassette releases each have a three-fold front insert, virtually identical. The cassette cases are clear with white text, there are no paper labels. The text layout on the Canadian cassette is different from that of the US cassette.
Columbia CT 53200 (USA) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia CT 53200 (Canada) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CT 53200 (USA) - detail of rear of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia CT 53200 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia CT 53200 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia CT 53200 (Canada) - inside of insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CT 53200 (Canada) - detail of rear of cassette insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CT 53200 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia CT 53200 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Thanks to Gerd Rundel and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - promo stereo cassette release, Columbia 472710 4 (UK), Dec 1992:

Columbia 472710 4 (UK) - promo cassette insert, scan by Ian Woodward
This cassette has a white insert with just the track listing. The spine has "BOB DYLAN" typed plus just "ALBUM". The cassette itself has white labels with "BOB DYLAN" typed and no album title. Augie Krater thinks this cassette was made by a company called Tape To Tape Audio Duplication.

Thanks to Ian Woodward and Augie Krater for information and scans.

Columbia 472710 4 (UK) - promo cassette Side 1, scan by Ian Woodward

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo cassette release, Columbia 472710 4 (UK), Dec 1992:

Columbia 472710 4 (UK) - outside of insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472710 4 (UK) - inside of insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472710 4 (UK) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472710 4 (UK) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore

This release has a similar front insert to the USA and Canadian releases above, but with white text on the inside of the insert, where Froggie Went A Courtin' is wrongly shown as "Froggy" Went A-Courtin'. The cassette is black with red Columbia labels.

Thanks to Stuart Moore and Paul Shenton for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia 472710 1 (NL for Europe), Dec 1992:
This album was made by Columbia International in Heemstede, Holland and released in the UK and several other countries (but not Holland)!

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Columbia 472710 1 (NL) - front scan by Anthony Perry

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Columbia 472710 1 (NL) - rear scan by Anthony Perry

Columbia 472710 1 (NL) - detail of rear (upper right), scan by Anthony Perry

Columbia 472710 1 (NL) - detail of rear (lower right), scan by Anthony Perry

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Columbia 472710 1 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Anthony Perry

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Columbia 472710 1 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Anthony Perry

The record is in a plain white inner sleeve and has red Columbia labels. The catalogue number is "COL 472710 1" on the rear sleeve and just "472710 1" on the record itself. Hans Seegers has a copy where the record is pressed from green vinyl. Both the sleeve and the record are fake - the sleeve looks authentic but is of different material from the official release, and Columbia has never officially pressed LP records on coloured vinyl.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Anthony Perry for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo cassette release, Columbia 472710 4 (NL), Dec 1992:

Columbia 472710 4 (NL) - outside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 472710 4 (NL) - inside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 472710 4 (NL) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 472710 4 (NL) - cassette Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton

This release has a similar front insert to the UK release above, but without a tracklisting on the inside of the insert, like the US and Canadian inserts. The cassette is again black with red Columbia labels.

Thanks to Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

"Good As I Been To You" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain), Dec 1992:

CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - front scan by Arie de Reus
This album was made by Tecnodisco S.A., Madrid, for CBS/Sony Spain. The first copy shown was bought at Disco Sol, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, as shown on the gold foil rear sticker. The record has red CBS/Sony labels with the album title shown as "ACOUSTIC GOOD AS I BEEN TO YOU".
CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - rear with promo stamp at top left, scan by Ger Hemel

CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - rear promo stamp scan by Ger Hemel

CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - rear with record store sticker at top left, scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - record store sticker, scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - detail of rear (upper right), scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - detail of rear (lower right), scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony COL 472710 1 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Arie de Reus

Ger Hemel's promo copy has a black Sony Music promotional stamp on the rear sleeve. The front sleeve and record labels are the same as shown.

Thanks to Arie de Reus and Ger Hemel for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia 472710 1 (Greece), Dec 1992:

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Columbia 472710 1 (Greece) - front same as UK LP, scan by Anthony Perry

Columbia 472710 1 (Greece) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 472710 1 (Greece) - detail of rear (upper right), scan by Hans Seegers (same as Dutch release)

Columbia 472710 1 (Greece) - detail of rear (lower right), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 472710 1 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 472710 1 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

Greece had its own release with text in Greek script on the back of the sleeve. The record has red Columbia labels with a different design from the Dutch release. Like the Dutch release, the catalogue number is "COL 472710 1" on the rear sleeve and just "472710 1" on the record itself.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo cassette release, Columbia/Uzelli COL 472710 4 (Turkey), 1992:

Columbia/Uzelli COL 472710 4 (Turkey) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Lars M. Banke

This official release was manufactured and distributed in Turkey by Uzelli for Columbia Records. It has a folded insert. The cassette is clear with red text, there are no paper labels.

Columbia/Uzelli COL 472710 4 (Turkey) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia/Uzelli COL 472710 4 (Turkey) - cassette Side 1 with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia/Uzelli COL 472710 4 (Turkey) - cassette Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo cassette releases, Sawiton 517 (Poland)/Tango Music T-274 (Poland), 1992:

Sawiton 517 (Poland) - outside of cassette insert

Both these cassettes are unauthorised, so full details are in Questionable Releases! Thanks to Lars M. Banke for the loan of the cassettes to scan.

Tango Music T-274 (Poland) - outside of cassette insert

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo cassette release, Columbia 472 710-4 (Australia), Dec 1992:

Columbia 472 710-4 (Australia) - cassette insert scan by Stuart Moore
This release was made in Singapore. This cassette insert is blank on the reverse. The cassette is in a clear plastic case with white text, there are no paper labels.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Columbia 472 710-4 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472 710-4 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo cassette release, Columbia/Sony/Pan Music 4CX 00119 (India), Dec 1992:

Columbia/Sony/Pan Music 4CX 00119 (India) - cassette insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Sony/Pan Music 4CX 00119 (India) - detail of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Sony/Pan Music 4CX 00119 (India) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Sony/Pan Music 4CX 00119 (India) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

This official cassette was manufactured and marketed by Pan Music of Bombay, India, on behalf of Columbia/Sony. The cassette insert is blank on the reverse and this copy has a packaging date of 2 Jul 1993. The cassette is in a clear plastic case with white text, there are no paper labels.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia 188.267/1-472710 (Brazil), Dec 1992:

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Columbia 188.267/1-472710 (Brazil) - front same as UK LP, scan by Anthony Perry

The spine of the sleeve reads: "188.287/1-472710   Columbia  Good as I Been to You  Bob Dylan  "Sony Music" - Marca Registrada - Ind. Bras. - C.G.C.  43.203.520/0001-04  -  SCDPPF 004/GB" -  (P) 1992 Sony Music Entertainment Inc. - DISCO Y CULTURA". The record has red Columbia labels and the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1- EL 188.287 A 1-472710 - A   (P) 1992, Side 2 - EL 188.287 B 1-472710 - B  (P) 1992. Renaud Depierreux has a promo copy with a sticker on the rear sleeve. The record has the same labels and matrix numbers as Hans Seegers' copy.

Thanks to Giorgio Zeolla for information and to Hans Seegers for further information and scans.

Columbia 188.267/1-472710 (Brazil) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 188.267/1-472710 (Brazil) - rear with promo sticker, scan by Renaud Depierreux

Columbia 188.267/1-472710 (Brazil) - rear promo sticker scan by Renaud Depierreux

Columbia 188.267/1-472710 (Brazil) - detail of rear (upper right), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 188.267/1-472710 (Brazil) - detail of rear (lower right), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 188.267/1-472710 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 188.267/1-472710 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo cassette release, Columbia 170.205/4-472710 (Argentina), Dec 1992:

Columbia 170.205/4-472710 (Argentina) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 170.205/4-472710 (Argentina) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 170.205/4-472710 (Argentina) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 170.205/4-472710 (Argentina) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

This cassette release has a folded insert with the song titles in Spanish on the outside and in Spanish and English on the inside. The cassette is light grey with red text, there are no paper labels. The song titles on the cassette are also in Spanish only.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - promo stereo cassette release, Sony/Columbia 8556-4 (Uruguay), Dec 1992:

Sony/Columbia 8556-4 (Uruguay) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Sony/Columbia 8556-4 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Sony/Columbia 8556-4 (Uruguay) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Sony/Columbia 8556-4 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 2 with promo stamp, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Sony/Columbia 8556-4 (Uruguay) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

This Sony/Columbia cassette release has a folded insert on textured paper that is blank on the reverse. The text is in English only (except for the copyright text, which includes “Made In Uruguay” in English). The insert has the Dolby System logo on the front and on the spine.

The cassette is white with white paper labels and blue text. Side 2 has the text “DIFUSION – Prohibida la Venta [BROADCAST – Sale Prohibited]”, rubber stamped in black ink. Again, the text is only in English (except the copyright text). “AGADU” (the name of the Uruguayan copyright organisation) is included on the paper labels. The folded card insert was printed in Uruguay by FIMASA and the cassette was made by WEL S.A. (like the Uruguayan releases of Down In The Groove, Oh Mercy, Under The Red Sky and Traveling Wilburys Volume One). The cassette can be opened, as there are five screws on Side 2.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - stereo 180gm vinyl LP release, Columbia 8718469530182/Music On Vinyl MOVLP427 (NL for Europe), 30 Dec 2011:

Columbia 8718469530182/Music On Vinyl MOVLP427 (NL for Europe) - front with sticker, scan by Wiebke Dittmer
This 2011 heavyweight 180gm vinyl release, not remastered as originally reported, was made by Dutch specialist company Music On Vinyl B.V. for Columbia. The front has a sticker with gold embossed text on the exterior clear plastic sleeve, not the record sleeve itself. The copy of the record shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 91133 1A MOVLP 427, Side 2 - 91133 1B MOVLP 427.

Copies of this Music On Vinyl release have turned up on eBay with blue and green vinyl - they are fakes!

Thanks to Wiebke Dittmer and Marc Kuszel for information and scans.

Columbia 8718469530182/Music On Vinyl MOVLP427 (NL for Europe) - front sticker scan by Wiebke Dittmer

Columbia 8718469530182/Music On Vinyl MOVLP427 (NL for Europe) - front picture from

Columbia 8718469530182/Music On Vinyl MOVLP427 (NL for Europe) - rear scan by Wiebke Dittmer

Columbia 8718469530182/Music On Vinyl MOVLP427 (NL for Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Wiebke Dittmer

Columbia 8718469530182/Music On Vinyl MOVLP427 (NL for Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Wiebke Dittmer

Columbia 8718469530182/Music On Vinyl MOVLP427 (NL for Europe) - Side 1 scan by
Marc Kuszel

Columbia 8718469530182/Music On Vinyl MOVLP427 (NL for Europe) - Side 2 scan by
Marc Kuszel

"Good As I Been To You" - remastered 180gm stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985438091 (Europe), 25 Aug 2017:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985438091 (Europe) - front with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985438091 (Europe) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985438091 (Europe) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985438091 (Europe) - front of download insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (code obscured)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985438091 (Europe) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985438091 (Europe) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

These copies have a front blue/black sticker with "We are vinyl". The album comes with an insert with an MP3 download code (code obscured).

Thanks to Gerd Rundel, Éamonn Ó Catháin, Stephan Weber and Ronald Born for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - 180gm SuperVinyl release, Mobile Fidelity MFSV 1-532 (USA), Nov 2023:

Mobile Fidelity MFSV 1-532 (USA) - LP front with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for news that Good As I Been To You is being released by Mobile Fidelity in the USA in association with Columbia in stereo in hybrid SA-CD and 180gm SuperVinyl formats. Both formats will be numbered limited editions of 5000 copies.

There is a gold stamped limited edition number on the rear sleeve at bottom left (obscured in the detail scan).

Mobile Fidelity MFSV 1-532 (USA) - LP front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Mobile Fidelity MFSV 1-532 (USA) - LP front scan by Gerd Rundel

Mobile Fidelity MFSV 1-532 (USA) - detail of LP rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (number obscured)

Mobile Fidelity MFSV 1-532 (USA) - LP rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Mobile Fidelity MFSV 1-532 (USA) - LP Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Mobile Fidelity MFSV 1-532 (USA) - LP Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for further information and scans.

CD and MD (MiniDisc) Releases

"Good As I Been To You" - CD release, Columbia CK 53200 (USA/Canada/Australia), 3 Nov 1992:

Columbia CK 53200 (USA) - front of long box, scan by Hans Seegers
As far as I know these releases are still on sale. Moise Potié's copy bought in Canada looks the same as the US release. The US release also came in a "long box".

Columbia CK 53200 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CK 53200 (USA) - detail of rear of long box, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 53200 (USA) - rear of long box, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 53200 (USA) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CK 53200 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CK 53200 (USA) - detail of CD with text, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CK 53200 (copy bought in Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia CK 53200 (Canada) - rear scan by Moise Potié

Columbia CK 53200 (Canada) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Moise Potié

Columbia CK 53200 (Canada) - inside of unfolded front insert, scan by Moise Potié

Columbia CK 53200 (copy bought in Australia) - detail of CD without text, scan by Stuart Moore

The copy shown which was bought in Australia has identical artwork to the US release - the only difference is that the text "DIDP 078291" to the lower right of the Columbia logo on the US CD is missing. The "DIDP" number (Digital Identification Popular) is a code used by Sony DADC (Digital Audio Disc Corporation) on CDs pressed in Terre Haute, IN, or one of their other CD plants in the USA, from 1983 onwards (Classical CDs had "DIDC"). It's not present on this CD, which probably means that it was either manufactured by Sony in Japan, or at another US CD pressing plant under contract from Columbia. Nowhere does it say it's an Australian release. For a CD which was manufactured in Australia, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerd Rundel, Jack from Canada and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - CD release, Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe), 2 Nov 1992:

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - first release:

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - front scan by Keith Schweiger

The front insert is a single folded card - there are no sleeve notes. The CD is silver and red with black and white text. Thed copyrigjht organisation is listed as "BIEM/STEMRA". The CD is in a black tray so the rear insert is blank on the inside. The rear insert in different from that of the "Nice Price" and misprint copies below.

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - front with double pack sticker, scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - rear insert (my copy, reverse is blank)

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - detail of rear insert (my copy - barcode in box, "CB 811"/"CDC")

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - CD (my copy)

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - outside of front insert (my copy)

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - inside of front insert

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - detail of CD (my copy - "BIEM/STEMRA")

This album was also released in a double pack with Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits.

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - "Nice Price" and misprint copies:

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - front with "Nice Price" sticker, scan by Keith Schweiger

Keith Schweiger has a copy with a "Nice Price" sticker and different codes from my copy in the boxes under the unboxed barcode on the rear insert (on my copy the barcode is in a box).
Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - front with misprint front insert and stickers, scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - outside of misprint front insert,
photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - front with misprint front insert without stickers, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - rear of "Nice Price" copy, scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - detail of rear insert of "Nice Price" copy, scan by Keith Schweiger (barcode unboxed, "CB 701"/"CDM"

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - rear insert of CD with misprint front insert, scan by Dag Braathen (same as
Keith Schweiger's with "CB 701"/"CDM")

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - reverse of rear insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton (copy with misprint front insert)

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - CD with misprint front insert, scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - detail of CD with misprint front insert, scan by Dag Braathen ("BIEM" only)

Dag Braathen has a "Nice Price" copy bought in Italy with a pink front design instead of blue, this must be a misprint. It has a rear insert with the same codes as Keith Schweiger's "Nice Price" copy. The CD has just "BIEM" as the copyright organisation instead of "BIEM/STEMRA" on my copy. Paul Shenton has a copy of the same misprinted release without front stickers. Paul points out that this copy has a clear CD tray with the front design repeated on the reverse of the rear insert in the correct colour. Paul's copy has the same rear insert with the unboxed barciode and CD with just "BIEM" as shown.

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - limited edition wooden boxed set:

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - limited edition wooden boxed set, scan by Hans Seegers (closed)

This album was also available in Europe in a limited edition wooden box, not authorised by Columbia but still collectable. The box contains the CD, a Hohner harmonica, a guide on "12 steps to play the Hohner" on folded paper below the harmonica, a plectrum with "BOB DYLAN" in gold on it and a "Certificate of Limited Edition". The copy shown is numbered 228 of 410.

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - limited edition wooden boxed set, scan by Hans Seegers (open)

Columbia 472710 2 (Austria for Europe) - certificate with limited edition wooden boxed set, scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for information about the box and to Hans Seegers, Keith Schweiger, Dag Braathen and Paul Shenton for further information and pictures.

"Good As I Been To You" - CD release, CBS/Sony 472710 2 (Spain), 2 Nov 1992:

CBS/Sony 472710 2 (Spain) - front scan by Keith Schweiger
Keith Schweiger also has a CD copy with "CBS/Sony" instead of "Columbia" which is from Spain. The CD was again made in Austria

CBS/Sony 472710 2 (Spain) - rear scan by Keith Schweiger

CBS/Sony 472710 2 (Spain) - CD scan by Keith Schweiger

"Good As I Been To You" - MiniDisc release, Columbia 472710 3 (Austria for Europe), 2 Nov 1992:

Columbia 472710 3 (Austria for Europe) - front scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia 472710 3 (Austria for Europe) - reverse of front, scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia 472710 3 (Austria for Europe) - rear insert scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia 472710 3 (Austria for Europe) - front of MiniDisc, scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia 472710 3 (Austria for Europe) - rear of MiniDisc, scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia 472710 3 (Austria for Europe) - detail of rear of MiniDisc, scan by Dag Braathen

This release was made in Austria.

Thanks to Dag Braathen for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - promo and commercial CDs, Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan), Dec 1992:

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Moise Potié
This CD has a blue/white obi with price ¥2,300. The front insert is a 32-page stapled booklet in English and Japanese including the song lyrics. The centre of the booklet is the illustration from the inside of the inserts of other releases, but unusually in colour. The promo release shown has a promo sticker on the rear insert and Japanese characters indicating a promo in the clear centre of the CD itself.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and to Moise Potié and Sonny Boy McFitzson for further information and scans.

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Moise Potié (commercial release)

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - obi scan by Moise Potié

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - CD scan by Moise Potié (commercial release)

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson (promo release)

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - detail of rear insert, scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson (promo release)

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - CD scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson (promo release)

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - detail of CD, scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson (promo release)

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - outside of unfolded front insert booklet, scan by Moise Potié

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - centre of unfolded front insert booklet, scan by Moise Potié

Sony Records SRCS 6580 (Japan) - pages 2-3 of front insert booklet, scan by Moise Potié

"Good As I Been To You" - CD release, Sony Music SMP 3117.2 (Hong Kong), Dec 1992:

Sony Music SMP 3117.2 (Hong Kong) - front
Unlike many Dylan CDs sold in Hong Kong this good quality release is definitely official, released by Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Thanks to Jim Siddy for information and scans.

Sony Music SMP 3117.2 (Hong Kong) - rear insert scan by Jim Siddy

Sony Music SMP 3117.2 (Hong Kong) - detail of rear insert, scan by Jim Siddy

Sony Music SMP 3117.2 (Hong Kong) - CD scan by Jim Siddy

Sony Music SMP 3117.2 (Hong Kong) - detail of CD, scan by Jim Siddy

"Good As I Been To You" - CD release, Columbia 472710 2 (Australia), 1990s:

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - outside of front insert booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - detail of rear insert, scan by Mark Bahlen

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - detail of rear insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - detail of inside page of front insert booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - inside of front insert booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - rear insert with promo stamp, scan by Mark Bahlen

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - detail of rear insert with promo stamp, scan by Mark Bahlen

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia 472710 2 (Australia) - detail of CD, scan by Stuart Moore

For a CD with the US catalogue number bought in Australia, see above. This release is different in that the artwork and the CD have the European catalogue number and the disc was manufactured in Australia by Disctronics. The insert does not have a country of origin. The Disctronics text is in red, not black as on other Australian releases. Mark Bahlen has a promo copy with a gold stamp on the rear insert.

Thanks to Stuart Moore and Mark Bahlen for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - CD release, Columbia 752.196/2-472710 (Brazil), 1991:

Columbia 752.196/2-472710 (Brazil) - front scan by Alexandre Froemming
This Brazilian CD release on the Columbia label was made by Sony Music Entertainment (Brazil) of Rio de Janeiro.

Thanks to Alexandre Froemming for information and scans.

Columbia 752.196/2-472710 (Brazil) - detail of rear of front insert, scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 752.196/2-472710 (Brazil) - rear insert scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 752.196/2-472710 (Brazil) - detail of rear insert, scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 752.196/2-472710 (Brazil) - outside of front insert, scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 752.196/2-472710 (Brazil) - CD scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 752.196/2-472710 (Brazil) - detail of CD, scan by Alexandre Froemming

"Good As I Been To You" - CD release, Columbia CDCOL K 3464 (South Africa), 1992:

Columbia CDCOL K 3464 (South Africa) - front scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CDCOL K 3464 (South Africa) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CDCOL K 3464 (South Africa) - rear insert scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CDCOL K 3464 (South Africa) - CD scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CDCOL K 3464 (South Africa) - detail of CD, scan by Keith Schweiger

This release was made in R.S.A. (Republic of South Africa) and has a folded front insert. The inside is the same as the European front insert above.

Thanks to Keith Schweiger for information and scans.

"The Complete Album Collection Vol. One" - 47CD boxed set, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691-92431-2 (USA), 5 Nov 2013/(Europe), 4 Nov 2013; USB stick, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88883-77314-5 (USA), 5 Nov 2013/(Europe), 4 Nov 2013:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691-92431-2 (USA/Europe) - front of CD box (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312JK33 (USA)/Europe) - front of card sleeve (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312D37 (USA) - CD37 (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312D37 (USA) - detail of CD37

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88883-77314-5 (USA/Europe) - top of USB box (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312JK33 (USA)/Europe) - rear of card sleeve (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312-37 (Europe) - CD37 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312-37 (Europe) - detail of CD37, scan by Manuel García Jara

This massive set is the latest in a series of "Complete Columbia Album Collections" featuring artists such as Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck and even Blue Oyster Cult. The CD version of the set includes 41 Dylan albums in card sleeves, 14 of which have been remastered for this project, plus a 2CD set of previously released non-album tracks entitled Side Tracks. The albums exclude all compilations and The Bootleg Series sets, but do include the deleted 1973 Dylan album, also see 1973, and the extra 2CD set Side Tracks includes one side of the 1971 single George Jackson (Acoustic version), R-0085, see 1971. The set is therefore listed in 2013. The set also includes a hard cover book with extensive new liner notes and previously unseen photos.

All the CDs come in card sleeves. The European sleeves are made of thicker card than the US sleeves, but they are otherwise identical, so are not shown. The catalogue number on the sleeve is "88691924312JK33" plus "DISC 37". This album has been remastered, so is the thirteenth Dylan album remastered for this project. The CDs are different in detail, the US Good As I Been To You CD has catalogue number "88691924312D37", whereas the European CD has catalogue number "88691924312-37". The European CD was made in the EU (probably Austria).

For more details of the set, see International Album Releases (Multi-Packs) 2010s.

Sony Music SICP 30581 (Japan) - front picture from CD Japan web-site
Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for news that the final set of albums in The Complete Album Collection will be released by Sony Music in Japan on 20 Dec 2014. Good As I Been To You will be SICP-30581. "All the albums feature high-fidelity Blu-spec CD2 format and the remastering from 2013 used in US/European The Complete Album Collection. They also include lyrics, new liner notes, and the original liner notes. This series is aimed to replicate the original albums, including attachments such as ad stickers."

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Good As I Been To You" - SA-CD release, Mobile Fidelity UDSACD2258 (USA), Nov 2023:

Mobile Fidelity UDSACD2258 (USA) - SA-CD front picture from Mobile Fidelity web-site

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for news that Good As I Been To You is being released by Mobile Fidelity in the USA in association with Columbia in stereo in hybrid SA-CD and 180gm SuperVinyl formats. Both formats with be numbered limited editions.

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The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3

Good As I Been To You

The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration
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A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.