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Another Side Of Bob Dylan

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The Times They Are A-Changin' 1964
The Times They Are A-Changin' (1964)

This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular stereo Dylan albums. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections.

Because of the length of this page, Another Side Of Bob Dylan CD releases are now here. For releases of this album in CBS/Columbia multi-packs, see International Album Releases (Regular) - Multi-Packs.

Bringing It All Back Home 1965
Bringing It All Back Home (1965)

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 03 January, 2025.

Original US stereo LP, Columbia CS 8993, 8 Aug 1964. Thanks to Peter Stone Brown for confirming this date (it was originally given incorrectly on bobdylan.com).

According to Columbia's recording studio session documents, as collated by Michael Krogsgaard in his series of articles on "Bob Dylan's Recording Sessions", this album was recorded on 9 Jun 1964 in one night! The front photograph was taken by Sandy Speiser, another Columbia staff photographer, who also took the photograph used in 2004 for The Bootleg Series Vol. 6: Live 1964.

For the mono release of this album, see Mono Album Releases.

This title is one of the fifteen Dylan albums released in Sep 2003 as a hybrid CD/SA-CD. This is playable both in stereo on an ordinary CD player and in enhanced stereo on an SA-CD player or a DVD player that also plays SA-CDs (Sony's higher range models all do this). Another Side Of Bob Dylan is also available on the SA-CD in 5.1 surround sound (a surprising choice since it's a solo acoustic album)!


Side 1: All I Really Want To Do; Black Crow Blues; Spanish Harlem Incident; Chimes Of Freedom; I Shall Be Free No. 10; To Ramona.
Side 2: Motorpsycho Nitemare; My Back Pages; I Don't Believe You; Ballad In Plain D; It Ain't Me, Babe.

Three out-takes from this album have been officially released as follows:

The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (1991): Mama, You Been On My Mind, recorded Columbia Studios, New York, 9 Jun 1964

Highway 61 Interactive Columbia/Graphix Zone CD-ROM (1995, now out of print): I Shall Be Free No. 10 - alternate take with extra verse (R-0242, see 1995)

The Bootleg Series Vol. 7 (2005): Mr. Tambourine Man - early 1964 version with Rambling Jack Elliott, sent to The Byrds so that they could cover the song, final version appeared on Bringing It All Back Home

Vinyl and Tape Releases

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia CS 8993 (USA), 8 Aug 1964, re-released late 1960s:
For the mono release of this album, see Mono Album Releases.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - front photo by Henry V. Bell
The first release of this album had a record with black "STEREO"/arrows logo round the bottom half of the record labels. The second release of this album had a record with white "STEREO"/arrows logo round the bottom half of the record labels. The labels of both of these releases had the word "NONBREAKABLE" printed to the left of the centre hole. The third release record labels were the same as those of the second release except that "NONBREAKABLE" was now missing.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of front, photo by Henry V. Bell (vertical bars below catalogue number only)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Stuart Moore (vertical bars above and below catalogue number)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - rear photo by Henry V. Bell

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel ("A" above track timings)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Henry V. Bell (first release - black "STEREO"/arrows logo)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Henry V. Bell (first release - "NONBREAKABLE")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Henry V. Bell (first release - black "STEREO" logo)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release - white "STEREO"/arrows logo, "NONBREAKABLE", no "MASTERWORKS")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release - white "STEREO"/arrows logo, no "MASTERWORKS")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release - white "STEREO"/arrows logo, "NONBREAKABLE", no "MASTERWORKS")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (alternate second release - white "STEREO"/arrows logo, "COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (alternate second release - white "STEREO"/arrows logo, "NONBREAKABLE", "COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (alternate second release - "NONBREAKABLE", second release is the same)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (alternate second release - "NONBREAKABLE", white "STEREO"/arrows logo, "COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (third release without "NONBREAKABLE" or "MASTERWORKS")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (third release without "NONBREAKABLE")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (third release)

Anton Wennbom has a copy of CS 8993 where the record has red Columbia labels with the "STEREO"/"360º SOUND"/arrows logos in black plus "NONBREAKABLE" with matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1E, Side 2 - XSM-77045-2F. Henry V. Bell has a copy of CS 8993 also with the "STEREO"/"360º SOUND"/arrows logos in black and matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1J, Side 2 - XSM-77045-2H.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information that the label design with white arrows was introduced in Jul/Aug 1965 (Bringing It All Back Home had labels with black arrows on original release in Mar 1965, and Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds still had labels with black arrows on original release in Jun 1965). Denis from PnP Records has a copy with labels with white arrows with "NONBREAKABLE" but without "MASTERWORKS" where the record has earlier matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1C, Side 2 - XSM-770445-1E. The rear sleeve of this copy has an "A" at bottom right, indicating it was fabricated by Columbia themselves at the Terre Haute, IN, plant, the same as the sleeve of Gerd Rundel's copy shown above.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Simon Blokker (top vertical bars missing)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Simon Blokker (top vertical bars on rear instead of front)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker ("S" above track times)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker ("GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY" upside down)

At the top left of the front sleeve of Anton Wennbom's copy there are vertical bars above the "STEREO/CS 8993" in an oval, but on Henry V. Bell's copy the vertical bars above the catalogue number are missing. Simon Blokker considers this just to be a printing error. He has a copy with the same feature, the top vertical bars are on the top of the rear sleeve, and "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY", which should be at the bottom of the front sleeve, is at the bottom of the rear sleeve but upside down. On this copy the rear sleeve design has clearly been pasted on to the sleeve. This sleeve has a "S" on the rear at bottom right - this indicates it was printed by the Columbia plant at Santa Monica, CA. The record labels are the third release with the "STEREO"/"360º SOUND"/arrows logos IN WHITE, "NONBREAKABLE" missing and without "MASTERWORKS".

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay ("4" below track timings)

Sergio Mariano Romay has two copies of the first commercial release. One of them has a “4” at bottom right below the track timings. The matrix numbers (stamped both sides) are: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1F, Side 2 - XSM-77045-1F. The "4" indicates that the sleeve was made by Imperial Packing Co., Inc. of Indianapolis, IN. The other has a “7” at bottom right above the track timings, and the matrix numbers (stamped both sides too) are: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1J, Side 2 - XSM-77045-2H. The "7" indicates that the sleeve was printed in Terre Haute, IN.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Jurgen Vreugdenhil ("5" above track timings)

Columbia CS 8905 (USA) - detail of rear, photo by Lance Jacobs (1964 release with "S")

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay ("7" above track timings)

Jurgen Vreugdenhil has a copy where the record has labels with the "STEREO"/"360º SOUND"/arrows logos in black and matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1F, Side 2 - XSM-77045-1C. The rear sleeve has a "5" at bottom right above the track timings. This indicates that the sleeve was made by Modern Album Finishing Co., probably at Terre Haute, IN. Lance Jacobs has a similar copy with a "S" at rear bottom right in the same position, indicating the sleeve was made by Columbia itself at Santa Maria, CA. The record has slightly later matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1G, Side 2 - XSM-77045-2A.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear with "DEMONSTRATION NOT FOR SALE" stamp, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Sergio Mariano Romay also has a second release copy with a red "DEMONSTRATION NOT FOR SALE" stamp on the rear sleeve, which also has a "7" at bottom right above the track timings. The record has labels with the "STEREO"/"360º SOUND"/arrows logos in white but "NONBREAKABLE" is still present. The matrix numbers of this copy (stamped both sides) are: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1AB, Side 2 - XSM-77045-2AA.

Hans Seegers alternate second release copy again has record labels with the "STEREO"/"360º SOUND"/arrows logos in white and "NONBREAKABLE" still present, but has "COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS" in the text at the bottom of the labels.

Sergio's copy of the alternate second release has record labels with the “STEREO”/”360º SOUND”/arrows logos in white and “NONBREAKABLE” still present, plus “COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS” in the text at the bottom of the labels (like Hans Seegers' copy). The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1AB, Side 2 - XSM-77045-2J.

Gerd Rundel, Jeffrey Schulberg and Jeremy Mayle have third release copies with the labels that have the "STEREO"/"360º SOUND"/arrows logos in white. On these labels the word "NONBREAKABLE" under the catalogue number to the left of the centre hole is omitted. The labels no longer have "COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS". Details of the stereo information on the front and back sleeves are shown above. Gerd Rundel's copy has a "A" at the bottom right of the rear sleeve (this also indicates that the sleeve was printed in Terre Haute, IN). Gerd's third release record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1L, Side 2 - XSM-77045-2J. Bob Stacy's copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1L, Side 2 - XSM-77045-2AC.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - mono sleeve front with stereo sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of mono sleeve front with stereo sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of mono sleeve front, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - mono sleeve rear with stereo sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of mono sleeve rear with stereo sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of mono sleeve rear, scan by Lars M. Banke ("7")

Lars M. Banke has a third release copy in a mono sleeve with a Columbia stereo sticker on the front sleeve, but also covering the spine with text “CS 8993” plus a small part of the rear sleeve. The rear sleeve has a "7" at bottom right, indicating that the sleeve was printed in Terre Haute, IN, as was Sergio Mariano Romay's copy above. The record labels (same as Gerd Rundel's above) no longer have "NONBREAKABLE" to the left of the centre hole and "COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS" is also missing. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044-1AB, Side 2 - XSM 77045-1AA.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - front photo by Ryan Grubb

Ryan Grubb has a copy in the sleeve without the vertical stripes above the catalogue number on the front sleeve and with third release record labels. The oddity is that the black text on Side 1 is missing - the record still plays the normal Side 1 tracks.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of front, photo by Ryan Grubb (vertical bars below catalogue number only)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - rear photo by Ryan Grubb

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 1 photo by Ryan Grubb (black text missing)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 2 photo by Ryan Grubb (third release, white "STEREO"/arrows logo, without "NONBREAKABLE")

Gerd Rundel has a copy of what was the last release with 1960s style record labels in 1969-70. These labels still have the "STEREO"/"360º SOUND"/arrows logos in white but now "CS 8993" to the left of the centre hole and the text to the right of the centre hole are in bold italics, plus "STEREO" under the catalogue number, the same design as for the first 1970s style record labels below. Gerd's 1969-70 copy again comes in a sleeve with “A” at rear bottom right (printed at Columbia, Terre Haute, IN) and the same characteristics as shown on Stuart Moore's detail scans above. The record of the copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044-1AC, Side 2 - XSM 77045-2AC.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release)

Like Nigel Harrison's 1969-70 Columbia US copy of John Wesley Harding, this album comes in a picture inner sleeve advertising Columbia colour posters, this time dated 1970. The reply address to send for posters is Columbia Records, Terre Haute, IN.
Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release, "CS 8993" in italics)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release, "CS 8993" in italics)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release, "CS 8993" in italics)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release - "A" at bottom right)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of inner sleeve front, scan by Gerd Rundel (1969-70 release - dated 1970, Terre Haute address at bottom right)

Thanks to Anton Wennbom, Jeffrey Schulberg, Henry V. Bell, Hans Seegers, Stuart Moore and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia CS 8993 (USA), early 1970s:

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (early 1970s release)
Stuart Moore's early 1970s copy of CS 8993 still has the front with the stereo/arrows logo but has 1970s style record labels with the Columbia logo in yellow round the edge. These labels have the same text layout with "CS 8993" in italics, etc., as Gerd Rundel's 1969-70 copy with 1960s style labels above.

Thanks to Paul Prince, Stuart Moore and Michel Pomarede for information about a 1970s US release of CS 8993 on blue vinyl. This was in fact pressed privately by a Columbia USA employee at the Pitman, NJ, plant, and is not an official Columbia release, although as the advert on the right says, it is not a bootleg. It was advertised in "Rolling Tomes Catalog Twenty-Three", Fall/Winter 1992. "Rolling Tomes" catalogues were sent to subscribers of the US Dylan magazine "On The Tracks" and contained impressive lists of Dylan items for sale. For more details, see here .

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (early 1970s release)

Columbia CS 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Stuart Moore (early 1970s release, same text layout as 1969-70 release, "CS 8993" in italics)

"Rolling Tomes Catalog Twenty-Three" (USA) - front scan by Stuart Moore

"Rolling Tomes Catalog Twenty-Three" (USA) - inside page scan by Stuart Moore

"Rolling Tomes Catalog Twenty-Three" (USA) - CS 8993 blue vinyl advert scan by Stuart Moore

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia KCS 8993 (USA), mid 1970s:

Columbia KCS 8993 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This album was re-released in the mid 1970s as Columbia KCS 8993 with a record with 1970s style labels. The sleeve now had "KCS 8993" on front and rear. The text box at the bottom of the rear sleeve with track names and timings is now missing. The record labels also had catalogue number "KCS 8993".

David Christman's copy has the previous "CS 8993" front sleeve with a sticker with "STEREO KCS 8993" covering the old catalogue number on the front and spine. The rear sleeve is the new design with "KCS 8993" printed but also has a blocky "S" showing the sleeve was printed for the Columbia plant in Santa Maria, CA. The record labels are as shown. Columbia must have been using up old stock of the "CS 8993" front sleeves!

Columbia KCS 8993 (USA) - front with sticker, photo by David Christman

Columbia KCS 8993 (USA) - rear with sticker and "S", photo by David Christman

Columbia KCS 8993 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCS 8993 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCS 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCS 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCS 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCS 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hans Seegers and David Christman for information and pictures.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia JC 8993 (USA), mid 1980s:

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - front with stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel

This copy of the mid 1980s release has a sleeve which comes in the original shrink wrap with a “THE NICE PRICE” sticker and a record store price sticker for $3.99 on the front. The catalogue number on the front and rear sleeve is now just "8993". The spine has “PC 8993” while the record labels have “JC 8993”. The text at the bottom of the labels is "COLUMBIA (logo) MARCAS REG PRINTED IN U.S.A." (the same as the first "PC 8993" record labels below).

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - detail of front with stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia JC 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia JC 8993/PC 8993 (USA) - spine scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

The record of the copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044-2B, Side 2 - XSM 77045-2AH. Simon Blokker has a copy with the same sleeve and record labels where the record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044-2C, Side 2 - XSM 77045-2AJ.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia PC 8993 (USA), mid/late 1980s:

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Simon Blokker (mid/late 1980s release - "8993" on front, "PC 8993" on spine)
These releases come from the mid/late 1980s, with the catalogue number on the record labels now "PC 8993"..
Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - front photo by Senne Willems (mid/late 1980s release - titles in blue)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of spine, photo by Senne Willems (mid/late 1980s release - "KC 8993" struck through, "PC 8993" overprinted)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of front, photo by Senne Willems (mid/late 1980s release - "KC 8993" struck through, "PC 8993" overprinted)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of front, photo by Senne Willems (mid/late 1980s release - titles in blue)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker (mid/late 1980s release - "KCS 8993" remaining on rear sleeve)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker (mid/late 1980s release - "4")

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (mid/late 1980s release)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (mid/late 1980s release)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (mid/late 1980s release)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (mid/late 1980s release)

Sergio Mariano Romay's copy of PC 8993 comes in the same sleeve as Gerd Rundel's copy immediately above without a barcode. The record labels now have catalogue number "PC 8993" and are the same as those in the sleeve with the barcode immediately below, except for the bottom text, which is still "COLUMBIA (logo) MARCAS REG PRINTED IN U.S.A." (the same as the "JC 8993" record labels above). The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044-2C, Side 2 - XSM 77045-2AJ (identical to those of Simon Blokker's copy above).

Simon Blokker has a copy in a sleeve which has just "8993" on the front, "PC 8993" on the spine, but strangely still has "KCS 8993" on the rear. The rear sleeve has a "4" at bottom right, which indicates it was printed by Imperial Paper Box Corp. of Brooklyn, NY. Otherwise the rear sleeve looks the same as that of Hans' "KCS 8993" 1970s copy above, while the front sleeve looks like the "JC 8993" copy above without the stickers. The record has "PC 8993" labels as shown, and this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044-1AF, Side 2 - XSM 77045-2F.

Senne Willems has a transitional copy of PC 8993. Instead of the usual orange/brown track listing on the front the song titles are in blue. At front top left the "KC 8993" number underneath the word "STEREO" has been struck through and "PC 8993" has been overprinted underneath the logo. This procedure has been repeated on the spine. The record labels have the normal "PC 8993" catalogue number as shown for those of Sergio's copy.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay, Simon Blokker and Senne Willems for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia PC 8993 (USA), late 1980s, re-released 1990s; 180gm vinyl release, Columbia PC 8993 (USA), 2001:

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1980s and 1990s releases)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (all releases - same as JC 8993 above)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (late 1980s release)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1980s release)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (2001 180gm release)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of front sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (2001 180gm release)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1990s and 2001 releases)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1990s and 2001 releases)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1980s release)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (late 1980s release)

The album was re-released in the late 1980s, again as Columbia PC 8993. The rear sleeve now has a barcode. The record labels are the same as the first release of PC 8993 immediately above, but with different text at the bottom; "COLUMBIA (logo) ARE TRADEMARKS OF CBS INC".

The album was re-released in the 1990s with the same sleeve and a record with plain red labels with a white Columbia logo. The 2001 180gm release of Columbia PC 8993 was visually identical apart from the red sticker on the front sleeve.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo 180gm 45RPM 2LP set, Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA), Dec 2011, re-released 14 Oct 2016:

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - inside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - detail of outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - inner sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara (same both sides)

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara

Mobile Fidelity MFSL 2-379/Columbia 88697926771 (USA) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

This unique high quality recording is released on heavyweight 180gm vinyl playing at 45RPM, which means that it is a 2LP set that comes in a superb gatefold sleeve with ten photos on the inside. This is a limited numbered edition (this copy is #002589). The records have black labels and are in Mobile Fidelity sleeves. The tracklist is:

Side 1: All I Really Want To Do - Black Crow Blues - Spanish Harlem Incident
Side 2: Chimes Of Freedom - I Shall Be Free Nº 10 - To Ramona

Side 3: Motorpsycho Nitemare - My Back Pages - I Don't Believe You
Side 4: Ballad In Plain D - It Ain't Me Babe

The records have matrix numbers: Side 1 - MFSL 2-379 A-1 Kw@MoFi, Side 2 - MFSL 2-379 B-1 Kw@MoFi, Side 3 - MFSL 2-379 C-1 Kw@MoFi, Side 4 - MFSL 2-379 D-1 Kw@MoFi.

There is also a Mobile Fidelity hybrid SA-CD release of this album in stereo only, not 5.1 surround sound as on the 2003 Columbia hybrid SA-CD release, see here.

There will be a re-release of this album in Oct 2016, more information will be added when available.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information and to Manuel García Jara for further information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia CS 8993 (USA for export), 1964:

Columbia CS 8993 (USA for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke
Lars M. Banke has a copy of the first US release bought in Sweden with grey "CBS" stickers on the front and rear sleeve and shaped red "CBS" stickers on both record labels, which have the black "STEREO"/"360º SOUND"/arrows logos and "NONBREAKABLE" as above. The rear sleeve has the number "5" printed at bottom right, in the same position where the copy above has "A". The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1F, Side 2 - XSM-77045-2G.

Columbia CS 8993 (USA for export) - detail of front with "CBS" sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA for export) - detail of rear with "CBS" sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA for export) - detail of rear with "5", scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA for export) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA for export) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia CS 8993 (USA for export) - detail of Side 1 with "CBS" sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Stuart Allen from Australia has what looks like a a mid-1970s export copy of Columbia PC 8993. The sleeve looks like a mid-1970s issue with no song titles or timings at the bottom of the rear sleeve and catalogue number "KCS 8993". All references to "Columbia" have been blacked out with marker pen, and a transparent wrap-around sticker covers the logo at the top right of the front sleeve such that the catalogue number is changed to "PC 8993", and the same on the spine too. The record labels are similar to those of the Canadian export copy below in that a black ring obscures the outer label information, but in this case the black ring is printed on the label, rather than a sticker. The catalogue number on the record labels is "PC 8993". The record of this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1K, Side 2 - XSM 77045-2AG.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia/CBS CS 8993 (USA for export to Singapore), 1964/5; CBS/Sony CS 8993 (USA/Singapore), ca. 1975:

Columbia/CBS CS 8993 (USA for Singapore) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (US sleeve)
The rare 1960s album has an imported US stereo sleeve and possibly imported record but has unique red CBS labels with three logos that were probably printed locally. The rear sleeve shown has a "7" at bottom right, which indicates it was fabricated by Modern Album Finishing Company, probably at Terre Haute, IN. The record shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044 6335, Side 2 - XSM 77045 6336.

CBS had a record pressing facility in Singapore from 1967, so records after that were sourced locally. The second copy from around 1975 has exactly the same US sleeve with a "7" on the rear (a left-over from the 1960s?), but different record labels, this time with three CBS/Sony logos.

Columbia/CBS CS 8993 (USA for Singapore) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (US sleeve)

Columbia/CBS CS 8993 (USA for Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1960s release)

Columbia/CBS CS 8993 (USA for Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1960s release)

CBS/Sony CS 8993 (USA/Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1970s release)

Columbia/CBS CS 8993 (USA for Singapore) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1960s release - three CBS logos)

CBS/Sony CS 8993 (USA/Singapore) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1970s release - three CBS/Sony logos)

CBS/Sony CS 8993 (USA/Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1970s release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export), late 1980s (two copies):

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - front with "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - detail of front with "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - rear with three instances of "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - detail of rear with "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - Side 1 with ring of "Columbia" logos obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - Side 2 with ring of "Columbia" logos obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - front with "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - detail of front with "Columbia" and logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - rear with two instances of "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - detail of rear with barcode, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - Side 1 with ring of "Columbia" logos obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - Side 2 with ring of "Columbia" logos obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - detail of rear with two instances of "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 8993 (USA for export) - detail of rear with two instances of "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

These are late 1980s Columbia US releases sold for export. The catalogue number is "PC 8993". On both copies all instances of "Columbia" have been obscured very clumsily with black marker pen on the sleeve, including on the spine. The rings of "Columbia" logos on the record labels have also been obscured clumsily with black marker pen. The first copy was bought in Sweden and the black marker rings on the labels are very wide compared with those on the second copy. There is no barcode on the rear sleeve. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044 2C, Side 2 - XSM 77045 2AJ.

In the second case the copy was bought in Japan and there is now a barcode on the rear sleeve at top right replacing the Columbia logo, so "Columbia" is only obscured twice on the rear sleeve instead of three times. The record of this copy has later handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - PAP XSM 77044 G2D, Side 2 - D.AP XSM 77045 G2D.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo 4-track tape cartridge, Columbia 14 10 0308 (USA), 1967:

Columbia 14 10 0308 (USA) - top of cartridge scan by Hans Seegers
This is a very rare item! 4-track was a short-lived continuous tape format, quickly superseded by 8-track. It has only two "programs" per tape instead of four as in 8-track (see below). The cartridge is in green plastic, contained inside a black slipcase. I Don't Believe You and Ballad in Plain D are omitted! For 8-track cartridge releases, see below.

Program 1: All I Really Want To Do; Black Crow Blues; To Ramona; My Back Pages; It Ain't Me, Babel

Program 2: Motopsycho Nitemare; Spanish Harlem Incident; Chimes Of Freedom; I Shall Be Free No. 10

Columbia 14 10 0308 (USA) - end of cartridge scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 14 10 0308 (USA) - underside of cartridge scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo 8-track tape cartridges, Columbia 18 10 0308 (USA), 1968; Columbia House PCA 308 (USA), mid 1970s:

Columbia 18 10 0308 (USA) - top scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 18 10 0308 (USA) - end scan by Hans Seegers

8-track was a continuous tape cartridge format, with four stereo "programs" per tape. For a 1967 US 4-track release, which omits two songs, see above. The 1968 cartridge is in red plastic, contained inside a black slipcase. The mid-1970s Columbia House release had a blue slipcase and a black cartridge. The track order was rearranged to make all four programs of roughly equivalent length:

Program 1: All I Really Want To Do; To Ramona; I Shall Be Free #10
Program 2: I Don't Believe You; Motorpsycho Nitemare; It Ain't Me, Babe
Program 3: Chimes Of Freedom; Black Crow Blues; Spanish Harlem Incident
Program 4: Ballad In Plain D, My Back Pages.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Columbia House PCA 308 - end scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 18 10 0308 (USA) - underside scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia House PCA 308 - top scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia House PCA 308 - underside scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to T. J. Jenkins and André Wilbers for notifying me of a Discogs entry for Columbia 18 19 0308 with a different catalogue number and track order, including two split tracks.

Program 1: All I Really Want To Do; Black Crow Blues; Spanish Harlem Incident; Chimes Of Freedom (Part 1)
Program 2: Chimes Of Freedom (Conc'l.); It Ain't Me Babe; To Ramona; Motorpsycho Nitemare (Part 1)
Program 3: Motorpsycho Nitemare (Conc'l.); My Back Pages; I Shall Be Free No. 10
Program 4: I Don't Believe You, Ballad In Plain D.

If true, I would need new R-numbers for these two tracks. There no images for the entry that prove this revised tracklist, so I am not treating it as genuine.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo cassette releases, Columbia PCT 00308 (USA), 1970s (four variants), re-released early 1980s; Columbia PCT 08993 (USA), late 1980s:

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA), 1970s (four variants):

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 1)

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 1)

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 1)

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 1)

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variants 2A, 2B & 3 - inside is blank)
The first cassette release shown here dates from the late 1970s. The textured cassette is light grey and has white paper labels. The insert is longer than that of the later releases and other cassette releases listed on the inside include Bob Dylan At Budokan, released in the USA in Apr 1979.

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 2A
- "MADE IN U.S.A." at top right)

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 2A)

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 2B)

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 2B
- "MADE IN U.S.A." at top right))

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 3)

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release variant 3)

All three of the last 1970s cassette releases have a shorter insert without a barcode, blank on the inside.

The variant 2A textured cassette is light grey/beige with black text, there are no paper labels. The copy shown has "MADE IN U.S.A." embossed at top right of Side 1 (difficult to see!). The variant 2B textured cassette is the same as variant 2A but this time "MADE IN U.S.A." is embossed at top right of Side 2 (again difficult to see!).

The variant 3 cassette is smooth grey, not textured, and has no embossed "MADE IN U.S.A." on either side.

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA), early 1980s:

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (early 1980s release with barcode - inside is blank)

This cassette release has the same catalogue number "PCT 00308" and dates from the early 1980s. The insert now has a barcode and the reverse is again blank. The cassette is again light grey with black text, there are no paper labels. It has "MADE IN U.S.A." embossed on Side 1 at top right.

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (early 1980s release - "MADE IN U.S.A." at top right)

Columbia PCT 00308 (USA) - cassette Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton (early 1980s release - same as 1970s Side 2)

Columbia PCT 08993 (USA), late 1980s:

Columbia PCT 08993 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s release)

Columbia PCT 08993 (USA) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s release)

Columbia PCT 8993 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s release)

Columbia PCT 8993 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s release)

The late 1980s cassette release has a new catalogue number: "PCT 08993" on the insert and just "PCT 8993" on the cassette. The insert now has a barcode. The reverse of the insert is again blank. The cassette is transparent smoked grey with white text, there are again no paper labels.

Thanks to Augie Krater, Gerd Rundel and Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia CS 8993 (Canada), 8 Aug 1964, re-released 1967; Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada), 1970s:

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1964 release)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (1964 and 1967 releases)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (1964 release only)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 release)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Frank Pellegrino (1970s release)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1964 release)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1964 release - Mono catalogue number to left of logo)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1964 release - album title on three lines)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1964 release - "STEREO/360º SOUND" in black, "PRINTED IN CAN.")

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1964 release)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 release)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 release - Mono catalogue number missing)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 release - album title on two lines)

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 release - "STEREO/360º SOUND" in white, "MANUFACTURED BY COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA LTD.")

Columbia CS 8993 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 release)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release - album title on two lines)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada) - detail of Side 2, scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release - "MANUFACTURED BY CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.")

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Frank Pellegrino (1970s release)

The 1964 Canadian release of CS 8993 has a stereo/mono sleeve with "LITHO IN CANADA" printed vertically at bottom right of the front and "PRINTED IN CAN." on the record labels. The labels are the same style as the first US release with the "STEREO/360º SOUND" logos in black but have "PRINTED IN CAN." at the bottom. The 1964 copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1B, Side 2 - XSM-77045-1B.

The front sleeve of the 1967 Canadian release of CS 8993 no longer has the "LITHO IN CANADA" printed vertically at bottom right. "Mono-CL 2193" beside the Columbia logo at top right of the rear sleeve is also missing. The record labels are the same "two eye" style but now have the "STEREO/360º SOUND" logos in white and "MANUFACTURED BY COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA LTD." at the bottom.

The 1970s release, Columbia KCS 8993, has a new sleeve with Canadian manufacturing information in English and French on the rear. The record has the new style Columbia labels with Columbia logos in a ring round the circumference and "MANUFACTURED BY CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD." on the bottom edge. Columbia Records of Canada Ltd. was renamed CBS Records Canada Ltd. in late 1976, so this release is after then. Gerd Rundel's copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1A-2G, Side 2 - XSM-77045-1A-2HDK:.

There may be intermediate 1970s Canadian copies with the new style labels with Columbia logos in a ring round the circumference with "MANUFACTURED BY COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA LTD." on the bottom edge, and also on the rear sleeve.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel and Frank Pellegrino for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LPs, Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export), mid-1970s:

All these export copies are of the 1970s release with catalogue number KCS 8993.

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - first variants ("Columbia" logos on sleeve obscured with black marker pen):

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, first copy)
These Canadian 1970s releases were bought by Lars M. Banke in Sweden. All have the Columbia logos on the sleeves and record labels obscured. This is because Columbia traded as CBS in countries where the Columbia trade name was then owned by EMI.

There are two copies of the first variant, which has all the "Columbia" logos obscured with black marker pen on the front and rear of the sleeve. The record labels of the first copy have white ring-shaped stickers covering the Columbia logos. The record labels of the second copy have black ring-shaped stickers covering the Columbia logos.

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, first copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (all variants)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, first copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, first copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, first copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, first copy, white ring-shaped sticker)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, first copy, white ring-shaped sticker)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, second copy, black ring-shaped sticker)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, second copy, black ring-shaped sticker)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, second copy)

The third export copy is unusual in that there have been very little changes.

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, third copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of front with "Columbia" crossed out, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, third copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, third copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear with "Columbia" crossed out, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, third copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 1 with Columbia logos not obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, third copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 2 with Columbia logos not obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, third copy)

"Columbia” has been crossed out on the front and rear logos, but not at the bottom of the rear sleeve or on the record labels. The labels are the same as above, with the record company name shown as "CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.". The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044 1A 2G, Side 2 - XSM 77045 – 1A 2HDK.

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fourth copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of front with "Columbia" crossed out, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fourth copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fourth copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear with "Columbia" crossed out, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fourth copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 1 with red ring-shaped sticker obscuring Columbia logos, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fourth copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 2 with red ring-shaped sticker obscuring Columbia logos, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fourth copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear with one instance of "Columbia" crossed out, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fourth copy)

The fourth export copy was bought in Germany and has a very similar sleeve to the third. "Columbia” has been crossed out on the front and rear logos, and once at the bottom of the rear sleeve. The record labels have red ring-shaped stickers covering the ring of Columbia logos.

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fifth copy)
On this fifth copy bought in Sweden “Columbia” is not obscured with black marker pen on the front sleeve or at the bottom of the rear sleeve, but only in the upper right corner of the rear sleeve, where the entire square logo is blackened out. There are black ring-shaped stickers covering the Columbia logos on the labels.
Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fifth copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fifth copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 1 with black ring-shaped sticker obscuring Columbia logos, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fifth copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 2 with black ring-shaped sticker obscuring Columbia logos, scan by Lars M. Banke (first variant, fifth copy)

The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044 1A 2G, Side 2 -  XSM 77045 1A 2HD.

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - second variants ("Columbia" logos on sleeve obscured with gold stickers):

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, gold ring-shaped sticker)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, gold ring-shaped sticker)

The second variant has gold stickers on both front and rear of the sleeve but the "Columbia" details are not obscured at the bottom of the rear sleeve. The record labels have gold ring-shaped stickers covering the Columbia logos (the reflective gold stickers are difficult to scan).

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, second copy)

Lars M. Banke has a second copy of the second variant bought in Sweden that again has had the "Columbia" logos on the front and rear sleeves obscured with gold square stickers, this time a lighter gold. The Columbia Canada information at the bottom of the rear sleeve is not obscured. There is also a blue circular sticker over the open edge of the sleeve. On the record labels there are gold ring-shaped stickers over the ring of "Columbia" logos, again a lighter gold. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 77044 1A 2G, Side 2 - XSM 77045 – 1A 2HDK.

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front gold sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front blue sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear gold sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear blue sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 1 with gold ring-shaped sticker obscuring Columbia logos, scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 2 with gold ring-shaped sticker obscuring Columbia logos, scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, second copy)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (second and third variants - Columbia Canada information not obscured)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - third variant ("Columbia" logos on sleeve obscured with black stickers):

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (third variant)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (third variant)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (third variant)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (third variant)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (third variant, black ring-shaped sticker)

Columbia KCS 8993 (Canada for export) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (third variant, black ring-shaped sticker)

Lars M. Banke has a third variant of the 1970s Canadian release KCS 8993 bought in Scandinavia that this time has had the "Columbia" logos on the front and rear sleeves obscured with black circular stickers. Like the second variant copies, the Columbia Canada information at the bottom of the rear sleeve is not obscured. On the record labels there are black ring-shaped stickers over the ring of "Columbia" logos (same as the first variant, second copy).

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo cassette releases, Columbia PCT 8993 (Canada), 1970s; Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada), 1980s (three variants):

Columbia PCT 8993 (Canada), 1970s:

Columbia PCT 8993 (Canada) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release)
This release from the 1970s has a short insert and the cassette is light grey with yellow paper labels. "MADE IN U.S.A." is embossed at the top right of Side 2. This must be the first Canadian cassette release.
Columbia PCT 8993 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release)

Columbia PCT 8993 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1970s release)

Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada), 1980s (three variants):

Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada) - outside of front insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 1)
This first 1980s release has new catalogue number "WCT 8993". There is a short insert, blank on the inside. The cassette is light grey, with no paper labels. "MADE IN CANADA" is embossed in the middle of the top of Side 2.
Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 1)

Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 1)

Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada) - outside of front insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 2)
This second 1980s release again has a short insert, blank on the inside. The cassette is now black, again with no paper labels. There is a "CrO2" (chromium dioxide) logo on the insert and both sides of the cassette.
Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 2)

Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 2)

Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada) - outside of front insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 3)
This third release of "WCT 8993" must date from the late 1980s. The insert is longer and now has a barcode. It is still blank on the inside. The cassette is again black, also with no paper labels. The "CrO2" logo on the insert and both sides of the cassette is now absent.
Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 3)

Columbia WCT 8993 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 3)

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS SBPG 62429 (UK), Nov 1964, re-released 1964-65, 1967, late 1960s, mid-1970s:
I had previously stated that the UK release was also Aug 1964, but Peter Viney bought his mono copy on first release in Nov 1964, and thinks the stereo release would not have been earlier, because few people in the UK then owned stereo record playing equipment (I certainly didn't). Ian Woodward confirms this date. For the mono release of this album, see Mono Album Releases.

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - first release (Philips), 1964:
Another Side Of Bob Dylan was not only the last Dylan album, but also the last album by any artist, to be manufactured by Philips for CBS first. Philips pressings exist for both Bringing It All Back Home and Highway 61 Revisited, but these were made to meet extra demand, not pressed by Philips first.

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - Philips, front with stereo overprinting)

The first releases of this album have a custom "STEREO" sleeve, note the different placements of the "STEREO"/arrows logo on the front and rear sleeve from the US release. Gerd Rundel has a copy made by Philips with a paste-over rear sleeve. The record has orange CBS labels that can be identified as having been made for CBS by Philips. Record label details: Left of centre hole - "STEREO"/arrows logo central, "33" speed; Right of centre hole - top "SBPG 62429 (CS 8993)", central "Blossom Music", bottom "SBPG 62429 1Y" "RECORDING FIRST PUBLISHED 1964", Side 2 is the same with SBPG 62429 (CS 8993) top right of centre hole, "SBPG-62429 2Y" "RECORDING FIRST PUBLISHED 1964" bottom right of centre hole. The Side 2 label has an embossed stamp with "O/T1" just above the centre hole. Thanks to Morgan from Totally Vinyl for information this is a UK Purchase Tax Code (although some sources say the "O/T" code was discontinued on 10 Apr 1962, this cannot be correct as it appears on records until as late as 1965).

The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG 62429 1Y//1V420 11 1, Side 2 - SBPG 62429 2Y//1V420  1. The symbol "V" in Philips matrix numbers is an upside down triangle.

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - Philips, front with stereo overprinting)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - Philips)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - Philips)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - Philips)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - Philips)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 2, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - Philips)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 2, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - Philips, "O/T1" stamp)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - Philips, pasted rear sleeve)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - first release (CBS), 1964-65:

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - front photo by Henry V. Bell (first release - CBS, copy with variant 1 record)

There are three label variants of the first release made by CBS. The sleeve has three folded-over flaps on the rear and looks the same for all variants except for a different position of the "STEREO"/arrows logo on each front. The first release labels have just "33" as the playing speed instead of "33" on the subsequent releases.

Henry V. Bell's first variant has a pressing ring which is overlapping the CBS logo (like variant 3) and right of centre hole - top "SBPG 62429 (CS 8993)". The record has orange CBS UK labels but US matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1A, Side 2 - XSM-77045. It is possible that the records were pressed in the USA and then shipped to the UK without labels to be given UK style orange CBS labels. This seems a more plausible explanation than US stampers (also known as pressing plates) being shipped over to the UK to press a few copies.


CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - CBS, copy with variant 2 record)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - CBS, copy with variant 3 record)   

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - CBS, all variants)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Henry V. Bell (first release - CBS, all variants)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Henry V. Bell (first release - CBS, all variants)

CBS sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Henry V. Bell (first release variant 1 - CBS)

CBS sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Henry V. Bell (first release variant 1 - CBS)

CBS sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Henry V. Bell (first release variant 1 - CBS)

CBS sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Henry V. Bell (first release variant 1 - CBS)

CBS sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 2, scan by Henry V. Bell (first release variant 1 - CBS)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release variant 2 - CBS)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release variant 2 - CBS)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release variant 2 - CBS, small pressing ring)  

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release variant 2 - CBS)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 2, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release variant 2 - CBS)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release variant 3 - CBS)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release variant 3 - CBS, larger pressing ring)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release variant 3 - CBS)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release - CBS, all variants, rear sleeve with three folded-over flaps)

Gerd Rundel's second variant is different because the labels have a pressing ring which is inside the CBS logo and text right of centre hole - top "SBPG (CS 8993)". The "STEREO"/arrows logo is printed in the middle on top of the front. Peter Oudejans also has a copy with these second variant labels.

The third variant has a pressing ring which is overlapping the CBS logo (like variant 1) but text right of centre hole - top "SBPG (CS 8993)" (like variant 2). This copy has the song titles on the labels more narrowly spaced as both other variants. The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG-62429-A-1, Side 2 - SBPG-62429-B-1. 

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - first release (mixed Philips-CBS variants), 1964-65:


CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (both mixed labels copies, mono front)

Gerd Rundel has two copies of a variant of the first release with mixed CBS and Philips labels! They have the mono sleeve with three folded-over flaps and red "STEREO"/arrows stamps on the rear. At rear top right is just "BPG 62429" to the left of the CBS logo and no catalogue number underneath the logo.

The Side 1 label of the first example is the regular CBS label, but the Side 2 label is from Philips. First example record label details: Left of centre hole - "STEREO"/arrows logo central, "33" speed; Right of centre hole - top "SBPG 62429 (CS 8993)", central "Blossom Music", bottom "SBPG 62429 A" "(P) 1964", Side 2 is the same except for SBPG 62429 (CS 8993) top right of centre hole, "SBPG-62429 2Y RECORDING FIRST PUBLISHED 1964" bottom right of centre hole. This record has stamped CBS matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG 62429 A2, Side 2 - SBPG-62429-B-1.

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 1, mono rear with stamp)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 1, mono rear with stamp)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 1 - CBS)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 2, mono rear with differently placed stamp from first copy above)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 1 - CBS)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 1 - CBS)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 1 - Philips)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 2, scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 1 - Philips)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 2 - Philips)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 2 - Philips)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 2 - CBS)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 2, scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 2 - CBS)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (mixed label copy 2 - CBS) 

The second example with mixed labels has the red "STEREO"/arrows stamp placed differently on the rear sleeve. On this copy the Side 1 label is from Philips and the Side 2 label is from CBS! The playing speeds on both are still "33". The Side 1 label has written "SBPG 62429 (CS 8993)", with "SBPG-62429 1Y" and “RECORDING FIRST PUBLISHED 1964” below. The Side 2 label has "SBPG 62429" (CS 8993)", with "SBPG 62429 B" and "(P) 1964" below. The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-77044-1A (the US matrix number!), Side 2 - SBPG-62429-B-1 (UK CBS number).

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy with mixed labels, stereo front)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy with mixed labels, mono rear with printed "STEREO" logo)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear with Swedish record store sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy with mixed labels)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy with mixed labels, mono rear with printed "STEREO" logo and record store sticker)

The third example is from Lars M. Banke, who has a UK stereo copy with the same mixed labels as Gerd Rundel's second example (see details above). The sleeve looks like that of a first CBS release (see above) with the “STEREO”/arrows logo printed in black in the middle on top of the front. The rear sleeve has a black (not red) printed stereo logo at top left and three folded-over flaps. The matrix numbers are: Side 1 - SBPG 6242A2, Side 2 - SBPG 62429 B1. The record was bought in Sweden and has a sticker from a Stockholm record store at rear top right.

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - second release, ca. 1967 (two variants):

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (second release, mono front, both variants)
The second release record sleeve is the same as Gerd Rundel's listed second example of the 1964-65 releases (with red “STEREO/arrows” stamp and three folded-over flaps on the rear). There is no printer information. Like the CBS copies above, the catalogue number on both record labels is now "CBS Sbpg 62429". The record speed to the left of the centre hole is now “33”, but is in a different type face from that of the third release below. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG 62429 A2, Side 2 - SBPG-62429-B-1.
CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear scan by Gerd Rundel (second release, mono with red "STEREO"/arrows stamp above "BPG 62429")

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (second release, mono with red "STEREO"/arrows stamp above "BPG 62429")

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (second release variant with no folded-over flaps, mono with red "STEREO"/arrows stamp, centred)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear scan by Gerd Rundel (second release, "BPG 62429" on left, no catalogue number under CBS logo on right)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (second release variant, mono with red "STEREO"/arrows stamp, centred)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (second release, mono front, both variants)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (second release)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (second release variant, "62429" under CBS logo on right)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second release)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (second release)

Lars M. Banke has a UK stereo copy which looks like a late 1960s pressing. However, the sleeve is a mixture of the second and third releases: there are no folded-over flaps on the rear, but also no new stereo information at the bottom of the rear sleeve as for the third release below. The red "STEREO"/arrows stamp is centred at the top of the rear sleeve, not above "BPG 62429" as with Gerd Rundel's sleeve. The sleeve was printed by Ernest J. Day & Co. Ltd., and has "GB" printed vertically at bottom right. The record labels are not shown because they are the same as those of Hans Seegers' third release copy below with “33” in the same type face. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG 62429 A2, Side 2 - SBPG 62429 B1.

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (second release, no CBS or printer information, three folded-over flaps)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (second release variant, printed by Ernest J. Day, "GB" vertically at bottom right, no folded-over flaps)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - third release, late 1960s:

AnotherUKMonoFront.jpg (15751 bytes)
CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - front scan by Hans Seegers (third release, mono front)

The third stereo release of this album used the mono front sleeve but a different rear sleeve, no folded-over flaps and stereo record information has been added in a text box at the bottom. The record still has orange CBS labels. Record label details: Left of centre hole - "STEREO"/arrows logo top, "33" speed; Right of centre hole - top "Sbpg 62429 (CS 8993)", bottom "Blossom Music" "SBPG 62429 A" "(P) 1964", Side 2 is the same except for "SBPG 62429 B" bottom right of centre hole.

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear without sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (third release)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear without sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (third release)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (third release)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (third release)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (third release)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (third release)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 2, scan by Hans Seegers (third release, same layout as Side 1)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate third release)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate third release)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (third release - new stereo information text box)

The record of Gerd's alternate third release has a double pressing ring overlapping the CBS logo on the Side 1 label. The Side 2 label and sleeve looks similar to Hans Seegers' copy.

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - third release, late 1960s (rear sleeve variants):

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (third release variant 1)

All copies have the same mono front as Hans Seegers' copy above, but there are different rear sleeve variants of this release.

The first and second variant have a gold foil "STEREO" sticker at top right which is missing on the rear of Hans' copy. Additionally there is Ernest J. Day printer information to the right side below the stereo information text box of the second variant.

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (third release variant 1)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (third release variant 2)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (third release variant 2)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (third release variant 1)

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (third release variant 2 with printer information at bottom right)

Simultaneously there are also copies which could have a "STEREO" red rubber stamp as Lars M. Banke's second release copy above.

CBS SBPG 62429 (UK) - fourth release, mid 1970s:

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth release - variant 1)

Patrick Helfrich has two copies of the UK album with the same sleeve as the third release but with new style orange/yellow CBS labels, which must date from the mid 1970s. The labels still have "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the bottom. The records of both copies shown have stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429A, Side 2 - SBPG 62429B2. As can be seen, the variant 1 and variant 2 record labels are different, especially with the placement of the text elements to the right of the centre hole and also the placement of the centred song titles, much higher on the first variant. The catalogue number on the first variant labels is "Sbpg 62429" and "S BPG 62429" on the second variant labels.

Gerd Rundel has a copy in the third release sleeve above with the first variant record labels. The record of this copy has different stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG 62429 A4, Side 2 - S 62429 B3. Gerd has a second copy in the third release sleeve above with the second variant record labels. The record of this copy again has different stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - S 62429 B3.

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth release - variant 1)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth release - variant 1)

CBS Sbpg 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth release - variant 1)

CBS S BPG 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (fourth release - variant 2)

CBS S BPG 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth release - variant 2)

CBS S BPG 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth release - variant 2)

CBS S BPG 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Patrick Helfrich (fourth release - variant 2)

CBS BPG 62429 (UK) - fifth release, early 1980s:

CBS BPG 62429 (UK) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (fifth release)

This early 1980s stereo variant has the mono catalogue number “BPG 62429” on the record labels to the right of the centre hole. The sleeve is different from any other listed here: the rear has “62429” below the CBS logo but all other characteristics are the same as the "CBS 32034" sleeve below, including an "LC|0149" capsule at bottom right. These labels have some differences compared to other stereo albums with mono catalogue numbers: there is no "LC|0149" capsule, the mono catalogue number is also printed to left of the centre hole (above “STEREO”), and the format of the record speed "33 RPM". The record of the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S 62429 A 7 (handwritten), 32034 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS-S-32034 (stamped), CBS-S 62429 B6 (handwritten). "32034" was the new catalogue number introduced in 1982.

CBS BPG 62429 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (fifth release)

CBS BPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (fifth release)

CBS BPG 62429 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (fifth release)

CBS BPG 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (fifth release - "MADE IN ENGLAND" at bottom)

CBS BPG 62429 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (fifth release)

CBS BPG 62429 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (fifth release)

CBS BPG 62429 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (fifth release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerd Rundel, Henry V. Bell, Patrick Helfrich, Tim Prince, Lars M. Banke and Peter Oudejans for information and pictures.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 32034 (UK), 1982-83 (three variants); S CBS 32034 (UK), 1982-83 (two variants): S CBS 32034 (Ireland), mid-1980s (two variants):

CBS 32034 (UK), 1982-83 (three variants); S CBS 32034 (UK), 1982-83 (two variants):

CBS 32034/S CBS 32034 (UK/Ireland) - front scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

All Dylan albums were re-released in 1982 with new "CBS 32xxx" catalogue numbers, again with orange/yellow CBS labels. This album was re-released as CBS 32034 in a fully laminated sleeve.

CBS 32034/S CBS 32034 (UK/Ireland) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (all releases)

CBS 32034/S CBS 32034 (UK/Ireland) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

CBS 32034/S CBS 32034 (UK/Ireland) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (all releases)

CBS 32034/S CBS 32034 (UK/Ireland) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (all releases)

The catalogue number on the rear sleeve is just "32034" but is listed as "CBS 32034" on the record labels of variants 1-3 and "S CBS 32034" on the record labels of variants 4-5. All five records shown come in the same UK/Ireland sleeve, but the record label variants are confusing, with no logical progression from one to the next.

CBS 32034 (UK), 1982-83 - Variant 1:

CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

This variant is most probably the first from 1982 and the record labels have just "CBS 32034" as the catalogue number and "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the bottom. I don't have the record matrix numbers for this copy.

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - "MADE IN ENGLAND" at bottom)

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS 32034 (UK), 1982-83 - Variant 2:

CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2 - no text at bottom)

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2 - "MADE IN ENGLAND" in circumference text)

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2 - layout the same as variant 1)

CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

The labels of this variant with catalogue number "CBS 32034" have the same text layout as Hans' variant 1 label but this copy belonging to Gerd Rundel has “MADE IN ENGLAND” in the circumference text and no text at the bottom of the labels. The record of the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S 62429 A7 (handwritten), 32034 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS-S 62429 B6 (handwritten), 32034 (stamped).

CBS 32034 (UK), 1982-83 - Variant 3:

CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (variant 3)

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (variant 3 - CBS info at bottom)

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (variant 3 - "MADE IN ENGLAND" in circumference text)

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (variant 3 - layout the same as variants 1 & 2)

CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (variant 3)

The labels of this variant with catalogue number "CBS 32034" have the same text layout as Hans' variant 1 label but this copy belonging to Lars M. Banke has “MADE IN ENGLAND” in the circumference text and new CBS info at the bottom of the labels. The record of the copy shown again has matrix numbers: Side 1  - CBS S 62419 A7 (handwritten) 32034 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS S 62419 B6 (handwritten) 32034 (stamped).

I would place this as the last release of the five albums with "32034" as the catalogue number that still have orange/yellow CBS labels. Variants 4 and 5 (S CBS 32034) seem concurrent with variants 1 and 2 (CBS 32034).

S CBS 32034 (UK), 1982-83 - Variant 4:

S CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 4)

The record of Gerd Rundel's first copy with "S CBS 32034" on the labels has labels that again have "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the bottom. I can only assume that this variant must have been concurrent with that of variant 1!

S CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 4 - "MADE IN ENGLAND" back at bottom as variant 1!)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 4 - layout the same as variants 1 and 2 apart from the catalogue number)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 4)

The record of this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS-S-32034 (stamped), CBS-S-62429-A-6 (handwritten), Side 2 - CBS-S-32034 (stamped), CBS-S-62429-B4 (handwritten).

S CBS 32034 (UK), 1982-83 - Variant 5:

CBS 32034 (UK) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 5)

The record labels of Gerd Rundel's second copy with catalogue number "S CBS 32034" have several differences from those of the first copy (variant 4): the "LC|0149" capsule is positioned at top right above the album title and artist name; there are no stereo arrows to the left to the centre hole; "33 RPM" is positioned to the left to the centre hole above "Stereo"; and “MADE IN ENGLAND” is now in the circumference text on the right instead of at the bottom of the labels (as variant 2).The record of this copy comes in the CBS UK "NICE PRICE" "Surprise!" inner sleeve shown and has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS-S-62429-A-7 (handwritten), 32034 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS-S 62429 B6 (handwritten), 32034 (stamped) - almost the same as those of variant 2. I can only assume that this variant must have been concurrent with that of variant 2!

CBS 32034 (UK) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 5)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 5)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 5 - no text at bottom as variant 2)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 5 - "MADE IN ENGLAND" in circumference text
as variant 2)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 5 - different layout completely)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 5)

S CBS 32034 (Ireland), mid-1980s (two releases):

S CBS 32034 (Ireland) - Side 1 scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (first release)

There were also two Irish releases that used the UK 1982 sleeve, but where the records was manufactured in Ireland. Like UK record label variants 4 and 5, the Irish catalogue number is listed as "S CBS 32034" on the record labels. The record playing speed is listed as just "33". The record labels still confusingly have "MADE IN ENGLAND". On the first release copy shown this is at the bottom of the labels, on the second release copy shown this is in the circumference text to the right of the centre hole.

The copy of the first Irish record shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - CBS 32034 B3. The copy of the second Irish record shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 A5 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS-S-62429-B4 (handwritten), CBS 32034 B4 (stamped).

S CBS 32034 (Ireland) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (first release - "MADE IN ENGLAND" at bottom)

S CBS 32034 (Ireland) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (both releases)

S CBS 32034 (Ireland) - Side 2 scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (first release)

S CBS 32034 (Ireland) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (second release)

S CBS 32034 (Ireland) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second release)

S CBS 32034 (Ireland) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second release - "MADE IN ENGLAND" in circumference text)

S CBS 32034 (Ireland) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (second release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerd Rundel, Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff, Lars M. Banke and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 32034 (UK), 1984, S CBS 32034 (UK), late 1980s:

CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1984 release)

The 1984 UK release comes in the same 1982 UK/Ireland laminated sleeve as already listed above. It comes with a generic CBS “NICE PRICE” inner sleeve showing other contemporary artists. The red CBS record labels have a similar text layout to the first 1982 variant labels above, with catalogue number "CBS 32034". The record of the 1984 copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS-S-62429-A7 (handwritten), 32034 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS-S-62429-B4 (handwritten), CBS 32034 B4 (stamped).

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1984 release - CBS copyright info)

CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1984 release - "MADE IN ENGLAND")

CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1984 release)

CBS 32034 (UK) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel (1984 release)

CBS 32034 (UK) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1984 release)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1980s release)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1980s release - no CBS copyright info)

S CBS 32034 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1980s release -CBS copyright info after "MADE IN ENGLAND")

S CBS 32034 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1980s release)

The sleeve of the late 1980s CBS 32034 release is also identical to the other releases from the 1980s, but is now not laminated. The record labels are again red with the same text layout typeface as the 1984 release, except for the CBS copyright information is now on the circumference text on the right after "MADE IN ENGLAND" instead at the bottom of the label. The catalogue number is now "S CBS 32034". The record of the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S.C2429.A.1 (handwritten) 32034 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS 32034.B.5 (handwritten)

Thanks to Gerd Rundel and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo cassette releases, CBS 40-62429 (UK), early 1970s; CBS 40-32034 (UK), 1982, re-released late 1980s:
There was also a 1970s 8-track stereo UK release, CBS 42-62429 - scans required!

CBS 40-62429 (UK), early 1970s:

CBS 40-62429 (UK) - front scan by Henry V. Bell

CBS 40-62429 (UK) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Henry V. Bell

CBS 40-62429 (UK) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Henry V. Bell

CBS 40-62429 (UK) - cassette Side 1 scan by Henry V. Bell

CBS 40-62429 (UK) - cassette Side 2 scan by Henry V. Bell

This cassette release with the original catalogue number has a two-fold insert with a fascinating "Tape Collectors" promotion of cassette ownership on the inside. The address of CBS Records is 28 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8PB, which was the postal address of the company from when the "WC1X 8PB" postcode was introduced in early 1970 up to late 1973. However, the songs are credited to "Warner Brothers Music Ltd.", a credit not found on the LP record labels above until after the 1982 catalogue number change. I can only assume that Warner Bros. took control of the song credits for cassette releases while the LP song credits were still "Blossom Music". The cassette is buff-coloured with orange CBS paper labels.

CBS 40-32034 (UK), 1982, re-released late 1980s:

CBS 40-32034 (UK) - front of insert (first release), scan by Henry V. Bell

CBS 40-32034 (UK) - inside of insert (first release), scan by Henry V. Bell

The first release shown is from 1982 when the new CBS 40-32034 catalogue number was introduced and has a single fold insert and a light-grey cassette with black text printed directly on it, there are no paper labels. The outside of the insert has anti-counterfeiting printing on the rear flap. The cassette has the 1960s style CBS logo and is copyrighted 1964. The songs are again credited to "Warner Brothers Music Ltd."

The second release is in the "Nice Price" series, and has a wider two-fold front insert and a similar cassette. The CBS logo on the second cassette (my copy) is from the late 1980s.

CBS 40-32034 (UK) - front of insert (second release, my copy)

CBS 40-32034 (UK) - Side 1 (first release), scan by Henry V. Bell

CBS 40-32034 (UK) - Side 2 (first release), scan by Henry V. Bell

CBS 40-32034 (UK) - inside of insert (second release)

CBS 40-32034 (UK) - Side 1 (second release)

CBS 40-32034 (UK) - Side 2 (second release)

Thanks to Henry V. Bell for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK), 1999:

Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK) - front with sticker, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

The last UK vinyl release was in 180gm vinyl under licence by Simply Vinyl in 1999 - Hans Seegers' copy shown is still sealed. The album comes in a Simply Vinyl clear plastic wallet with two silver "Simply Vinyl" stickers. The record has orange labels.

David McBride has a white label test pressing of the Simply Vinyl release. The album (not shown) is in a plain white card sleeve with white labels but it is accompanied by a letter from Simply Vinyl identifying it as a "Collectors Item Test Pressing" of which there are only 50 copies. Also included is a letter from the now defunct UK record collectors' magazine "Record Mart & Buyer" identifying this as a giveaway prize from their July issue.

Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK) - test pressing letter photo by David McBride

Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK) - "Record Mart & Buyer" letter photo by David McBride

Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK) - front sticker scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

Columbia 62429/Simply Vinyl SVLP 0078 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff and David McBride for information and pictures.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS S 62429 (NL), 1967-75; CBS 32034 (NL), 1982, re-released 1985; Columbia 32034 1 (NL), 1991:

CBS S 62429 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

This Dutch album has nine separate releases as listed below:

CBS S 62429 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

CBS S 62429 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

CBS S 62429 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1970 and early 1975 releases)

CBS S 62429 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1975 release)

CBS S 62429 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

CBS S 62429 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

CBS S 62429 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

CBS 62429 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1975 releases)

CBS S 62429 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1975 releases)

CBS 62429 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1975 releases)

CBS S 62429 (NL), 1967: the front sleeve has the CBS logo and tracklisting in army-green and two folded-over flaps. The record has orange CBS labels and the copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG 62429 A2, Side 2 - SBPG 62429 B-1.

CBS S 62429 (NL), 1969: the front sleeve has the CBS logo and tracklisting in light brown and no folded-over flaps. The rear sleeve has "NL PRINTED IN HOLLAND" printed vertically at the lower right. The record has orange CBS labels and the copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG 62429 A2, Side 1 - SBPG 62429 B-1.

CBS S 62429 (NL), 1970: the front sleeve has the CBS logo and tracklisting in wine-red and no folded-over flaps. The rear sleeve has "(Y)" (in a circle) right of the "STEREO" logo at the upper right, and "NL PRINTED IN HOLLAND" printed vertically at the lower right. The record has orange CBS labels and the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG 62429 A2 (stamped), Side 2 - S 62429-2 (written).

CBS 62429 (NL), early 1975: the front sleeve has the CBS logo and tracklisting in light orange and no folded-over flaps. The rear sleeve has "(Y)" (in a circle) right of the "Stereo logo" at the upper right, and "NL PRINTED IN HOLLAND" printed vertically at the lower right. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels and the copy shown has written matrix numbers: Side 1 - S. 62429-1-A-4; Side 2 - S. 62429-2.

CBS 62429 (NL), late 1975: the front sleeve has the CBS logo and tracklisting in light brown and no folded-over flaps. The rear sleeve has "(B)" (in a circle) right of the "Stereo logo" at the upper right, and "NL PRINTED IN HOLLAND" printed vertically at the lower right. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels and the copy shown has written matrix numbers: Side 1 - S. 62429-1-A-4, Side 2 - S. 62429-2.

CBS S 62429 (Spain for NL), also 1975:

CBS S 62429 (Spain for NL) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

CBS S 62429 (Spain for NL) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

CBS S 62429 (Spain for NL) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

CBS S 62429 (Spain for NL) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

CBS S 62429 (Spain for NL) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

CBS S 62429 (Spain for NL) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

CBS S 62429 (Spain for NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release - "MADE IN SPAIN")

CBS S 62429 (Spain for NL) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

The third 1975 copy has a sleeve that was printed in Holland as stated on the rear, and still has the STEREO/arrows logo on the front sleeve. The record has 1960s-style orange CBS labels, this time dated 1967. The record labels say "MADE IN SPAIN" in English, but have the logo of the Dutch copyright organisation "STEMRA" rather than the Spanish organisation "SGAE" so the album was intended for sale in Holland or another European country. The copy shown also has matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - S 62429 B3.

CBS 32034 (NL), 1982:

CBS 32034 (NL) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1982 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - detail of front sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (1982/85 releases, no logo!)

CBS 32034 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1982 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1982 release - "CB|211", "53" in circle)

CBS 32034 (NL) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel (1982 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1982 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1982 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1982 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1982 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1982 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1982 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1982/85 releases)

The front sleeve has no logo or catalogue number. The rear sleeve has the CBS logo at upper right with the new catalogue number "CBS 32034", but no longer has "NL PRINTED IN HOLLAND" printed vertically at lower right. "LC|0149" in a capsule is now at rear bottom right, with "CB|211" in a lozenge and "53" in a circle at rear top right. The rear sleeve has no folded-over flaps. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels. It comes in the original 1982 CBS “NICE PRICE” inner sleeve showing details of other CBS releases in the series. The record of Gerd Rundel's copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - S-62429-1 (handwritten) plus opposite 01-62429-1A1 (stamped), Side 2 - S-62429-2 (handwritten). This is still the old catalogue number. Wiebke Dittmer has a copy with matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-62429-2A-1, Side 2 - S-62429-2 (again still the old European catalogue number).

CBS 32034 (NL), 1985:

CBS 32034 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by G. Vittori (1985 release - "CB|231", "53" in circle)

CBS 32034 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1985 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1985 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1985 release)

CBS 32034 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1985 release)

The sleeve is the same as the 1982 release except that at rear top right it now has "CB|231" in a lozenge instead of "CB|211". The record has red 1980s CBS labels with CBS in white and the copy shown has printed matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-32034-1A-1, Side 2 - 01-32034-1B-1. G. Vittori from Italy has a copy with the same sleeve and record labels where the matrix numbers are: Side 1 - NL 01-62429-2A-1 A, Side 2 - NL 01-62429-2B-1 A.

Columbia 32034 1 (NL), 1991:

Columbia 32034 1 (NL) - front scan by Gerd Rundel

The 1991 Dutch release has a new sleeve with no logo on the front at top left and a barcode in the upper right hand corner of the rear. The record has red Columbia record labels and comes in a 1991 “Dylan Originals” inner sleeve with details of other albums in the series. The record of the copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-32034-1A-1, Side 2 - 01-32034-1B-1 (same as those of the 1985 CBS release).

Columbia 32034 1 (NL) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 32034 1 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 32034 1 (NL) - inner front scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 32034 1 (NL) - inner rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 32034 1 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 32034 1 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 32034 1 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 32034 1 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Wiebke Dittmer, Gerd Rundel and G. Vittori for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo cassette release, CBS 40-32034 (NL), 1982; Columbia 40-32034 (NL), 1990s (two releases):
There must have been an earlier Dutch cassette release with catalogue number 40-62429, scans required!

CBS 40-32034 (NL), 1982:

CBS 40-32034 (NL) - front scan by Tom Willems (1982 release)
These CBS and Columbia releases were all made in Holland.

CBS 40-32034 (NL) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Tom Willems (1982 release)

CBS 40-32034 (NL) - cassette Side 1, scan by Tom Willems (1982 release)

CBS 40-32034 (NL) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Tom Willems (1982 release)

CBS 40-32034 (NL) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Tom Willems (1982 release but "(P) 1978 ENSCHEDE")

CBS 40-32034 (NL) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Tom Willems (1982 release - "(P) 1967")

CBS 40-32034 (NL) - cassette Side 2, scan by Tom Willems (1982 release)

The insert of the first stereo cassette is dated 1978 although it has the new catalogue number of "CBS 40-32034" introduced in 1982. It has Dolby noise reduction and a similar folded insert to the second UK release above with a CBS "Nice Price" catalogue on the inside with text in English, French and German. The cassette is dated 1967, when the album was first released in Holland, and has a light-grey case with text in black, different from either of the two UK releases. There are no paper labels.

Columbia 40-32034 (NL), 1990s (two releases):

Columbia/CBS 40-32034 (NL) - outside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton (first 1990s release)

Columbia/CBS 40-32034 (NL) - inside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton (first 1990s release)

Columbia.CBS 40-32034 (NL) - detail of inside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton (first 1990s release - "(P) 1964")

Columbia 40-32034 (NL) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (first 1990s release)

Columbia 40-32034 (NL) - cassette Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton (first 1990s release)

Columbia 40-32034 (NL) - outside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton (second 1990s release)

Columbia 40-32034 (NL) - inside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton (second 1990s release, undated)

Columbia 40-32034 (NL) - detail of cassette Side 1, photocopy by Paul Shenton (first 1990s release - "(P) 1967" as 1982 release)

Columbia 40-32034 (NL) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (second 1990s release - "(P) 1967" as 1982 release)

Columbia 40-32034 (NL) - cassette Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton (second 1990s release)

The second stereo cassette is also dated 1967, and now has the Columbia logo, introduced in 1991. It has a much shorter insert of a different design, which still has the CBS logo, and may therefore have been introduced around 1987 when the cassette would still be CBS also (scans required!). The cassette is off-white with black text. The third stereo cassette now has a different Columbia insert and the cassette is now transparent smoked grey with silver text, identical to that of the first 1990s cassette.

Thanks to Tom Willems and Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS SBP-233161 (Australia), 1967 (three variants), re-released 1969 (two variants) and 1970s (two variants):
For the 1965 mono release of this album, see Mono Album Releases.

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia), 1967 (three variants):

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore (1967 release)
The front and rear sleeves of this album are virtually identical to those of the mono release with the differences shown. The 1969 front sleeve has a different "STEREO" logo at top centre than on the 1967 release, the 1970s release is the same. The 1969 rear sleeve has a text box at the bottom about CBS stereo records which is missing from the 1967 rear sleeve.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for the scan of the Allan's Australia sheet music for It Ain't Me, Babe. This promotes the cover versions by The Turtles plus Joe and Eddie!

All the 1960s records have orange CBS labels, the 1967 variants have the Australian music publishers Allan's logo, on the 1969 variants below it is missing. (Allan's were music publishers in Australia for Bob Dylan records between 1965 and 1969.)

AnotherSideAusStereoBack.jpg (39436 bytes)
CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - rear scan by Stuart Moore (1967 release - no text box at bottom)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

It Ain't Me, Babe - Allan's Australia sheet music, scan by Stuart Moore

Another Side Of Bob Dylan - Allan's Australia music book, scan by Stuart Moore

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (1967 release variant 1 with Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Stuart Moore (1967 release variant 1 with rectangular Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (1967 release variant 1 with Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 release variant 2 with Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 release variant 2 with Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 release variant 3 with Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 release variant 2 with rectangular Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 release variant 3 with square Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 release variant 3 with Allan's logo)

All the record labels shown have round the circumference at the bottom the text "MADE IN AUSTRALIA BY A REGISTERED USER OF THE TRADE MARKS" without a CBS copyright. This is because up to 1977 all Australian records were manufactured by the Australian Record Company (Pty) Ltd. (A.R.C.) on behalf of CBS.

Lars M. Banke has two copies of the 1967 release with the Allan's logo on the record labels). The first copy (variant 2) has the same shaped Allan's logo as Stuart Moore's copy (variant 1) but other text elements are in different type faces. The second copy (variant 3) has a square Allan's logo and the text elements are in different type faces again.

The matrix numbers of both records are: Side 1 - MX 146256 B  SBP-233161 1, Side 2 - MX 146256 B SBP-233161 2

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia), 1969 (two variants):

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - front with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (1969 release)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (1969 release)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1969 release without Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1969 release without Allan's logo)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (alternate 1969 release)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (alternate 1969 release)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1969 release - text box at bottom)


CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1969 release)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (alternate 1969 release)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of Side 2, scan by Hans Seegers (1969 release)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara (alternate 1969 release)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1969 and 1970s releases, different "STEREO" logo)

There are significant differences between the two 1969 record labels shown - Hans Seegers' copy has each track credited to "B. Dylan" where as the labels of the copy bought by Manuel García Jara's father in Auckland, New Zealand, in Nov 1969 have only one "B. Dylan" credit per side. (I assume CBS New Zealand imported copies from Australia to fill gaps in local production, see below.) The first 1969 record label has "CS8993" below the Australian catalogue number whereas the second has "CS 8993" with a space. Both Side 2 labels have Ballad In Plain D shown as just "Ballad In Plain". (It's correct on the 1967 label!) The record of the copy bought in New Zealand has matrix numbers: Side 1 - MX145255-C,  Side 2 - MX145256-B.

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia), 1970s:

AnotherSideAusStereoFront.jpg (15988 bytes)
CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore (1970s reissue)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore (second 1970s reissue)

AnotherSideAusStereo2Side1.jpg (21706 bytes)
CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (1970s reissue)

AnotherSideAusStereo2Side2.jpg (19470 bytes)
CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (1970s reissue)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (later 1970s reissue)

CBS SBP-233161 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (later 1970s reissue)

The 1970s rear sleeve is the same as that of the 1969 releases. The records from the 1970s reissue have orange/yellow CBS labels. Ballad In Plain D is again wrongly shown on Side 2 as "Ballad In Plain". The second 1970s release labels have longer copyright text round the bottom of the label, but both releases credit the songs to "Allan's". A.R.C. changed its name to CBS Records Australia Limited on 17 Oct 1977, and after that date the longer bottom edge text includes the CBS copyright information. (Stuart Moore says that the label change may not have occurred till late 1978 or early 1979, Bob Dylan At Budokan from 1978 still does not have a CBS copyright nor does Masterpieces, Slow Train Coming from 1979 does have the CBS copyright.)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Stuart Moore, Peter Lindberg and Manuel García Jara for information and scans. Thanks to Stuart Moore for the scan of the Allan's Australia sheet music for the album.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS SBP 473161 (New Zealand), 1967; CBS SBP 474238 (New Zealand), 1974:

CBS SBP 474238 (New Zealand) - front scan by Bill Hester
Scans of the first New Zealand stereo release required! The release shown dates from 1974-75 as it has no "Albert" copyright logo on the labels. The songs are copyrighted to "Quaver". The sleeve and record were manufactured in New Zealand for CBS Records by Phonogram Limited (part of Philips, later PolyGram and now Universal). The record has orange CBS labels.

The album shown was bought at the Record Factory in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Thanks to Bill Hester for information and scans.

CBS SBP 474238 (New Zealand) - rear scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 474238 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 474238 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 474238 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 474238 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 474238 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 474238 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Bill Hester

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (Japan), 1968; reissues: CBS/Sony SOPL-223 (Japan), 1974; CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (Japan), 1976:
This album was not released by CBS in Japan before it was taken over by Sony in 1968.

CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (1968):

CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (Japan) - front with side obi, picture from Michel Pomarede
This first release comes with an orange side obi. The record has orange/cream labels with stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 50286 A1, Side 2 - 50286 B2. There is a 4-page lyric booklet

CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (Japan) - rear with side obi, picture from Michel Pomarede

CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (Japan) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (Japan) - side obi picture from Michel Pomarede

CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SONP 50286 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPL-223 (1974):

CBS/Sony SOPL-223 (Japan) - front with top obi, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPL-223 (Japan) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPL-223 (Japan) rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPL-223 (Japan) - part of booklet front, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPL-223 (Japan) - promo Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPL-223 (Japan) - promo Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPL-223 (Japan) - top obi scan by Hans Seegers

Hans Seegers has a copy of this with white promo labels as well as the commercial labels. The record is in a unique inner sleeve and has stamped matrix numbers SOPL-223 A/B. There is a black/brown-cream top obi and an 8-page booklet.

CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (1976, re-released early 1977):

CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

The record shown has orange/cream labels with stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 -  25AP-271A3  1B 6F, Side 2 - 25AP-271B1  1B 1A7. There is a dark red, white and black side obi and an 8-page booklet. The rear sleeve is the same as SOPL-223 except that it omits the catalogue number at the top right.

The early 1977 release has the same sleeve, record labels and booklet, but has a green, white and black side obi.

CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (Japan) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (Japan) - obi scan by Hans Seegers (early 1977 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (Japan) - part of booklet front, scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Michel Pomarede (early 1977 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan by Michel Pomarede (1976 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 271 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

I don't have details of the late 1977 release with a different obi listing the early 1978 Japanese tour dates (the tour from which Bob Dylan At Budokan was taken).

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Michel Pomarede for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS S 62429 (Spain), 1973, re-released 1975 onwards; CBS S 32034 (Spain), 1982; CBS/Sony S 32034 (Spain), 1991:

CBS S 62429 (Spain), 1973 (four variants):

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 releases)
Although it was not released in Spain until 1973, contrary to previous reports this album was not banned by the Franco regime in the 1960s. The first Spanish release of this album came out in 1973 and was pressed in very limited quantities. There was one problem with the Spanish censor - all tracks were authorised except "Chimes Of Freedom" because of the words "the mistitled prostitute". CBS successfully argued against the ban (see letter below right) and this album was released with some delay. Manuel García Jara believes that the first copies released may have had the word "prostitute" beeped out - if so this would qualify as a rarity of considerable value!

The sleeve was printed by Offset ALG, Madrid, and is dated "1973". The records were made in Spain by Discos CBS S.A. The song titles on the sleeve and the record labels are in English. There was a double-sided insert with the song lyrics in English, also printed by Offset ALG, Madrid, and dated "1973".

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 releases)

Letter from Discos CBS Spain, 30 Nov 1973, re Another Side Of Bob Dylan, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 releases)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 and 1975 releases)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 releases, vertical date "(E), Madrid, 1973")

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 releases)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 releases, date "1973")

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 releases)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release variant 1)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release variant 1)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release variant 1)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release variant 1, variants 2-4 have the same text, "FABRICADO EN ESPAÑA...")

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release variant 1 - “Depósito Legal …” present)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (1973 release variant 2)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (1973 release variant 2 - different line spacing)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (1973 release variant 2)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 2, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (1973 release variant 2 - “Depósito Legal …” missing)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1973 release variant 3)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1973 release variant 3 - "SGAE" on third line)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1973 release variant 3)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 2, scan by Lars M. Banke (1973 release variant 3 - "SGAE" on third line, “Depósito Legal …” missing)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1973 release variant 4 - centred song titles)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1973 release variant 4 - different line spacing)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1973 release variant 4 - centred song titles)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 2, scan by Lars M. Banke (1973 release variant 4 - "SGAE" on second line, “Depósito Legal …” missing)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 and 1975 releases - Discos CBS address "Princesa, 1 - Madrid 13")

All four records shown have orange CBS labels with publication date "1972". Manuel's variant 1 copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - S 62429 B5. Lars M. Banke has a variant 1 copy with labels exactly as shown, but the record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - S 62429 B3. Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff has a copy in the same sleeve with slightly different record labels, most noticeably the Side 2 label is missing the “Depósito Legal …” text to the right of the centre hole. Hanns Peter's copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - S 62429 B3 (the same as Lars' variant 1 copy). Lars M. Banke has a third copy in the same sleeve, but with different record labels again (variant 3). "SGAE" in a box to the right of the centre hole is on the third line of text below "(P) 1972 CBS, Inc.". The “Depósito Legal …” text to the right of the centre hole on Side 2 is again missing. The record's stamped matrix numbers are again: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - 62429 B3. Lars also has a fourth copy in the same sleeve with yet another label variant (variant 4). This is more like variant 2, but with centred song titles - variants 1-3 have continuous song titles. "Depósito Legal..." is again missing on the Side 2 label. The stamped matrix numbers of this fourth variant are again: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - 62429 B3.

There are three different Discos CBS addresses on the rear sleeves of Spanish albums (all shown here):

Jan 1970-Mar 1976: "Calle Princesa 1, Madrid-13"
Mar 1976-Nov 1980: "Avenida del Generalísimo 25, Madrid-16"
Nov 1980-mid 1990s: "Paseo de la Castellana 93, Madrid-16". This address later changed from "Madrid-16" to "
28046-Madrid" after a postcode change. It is actually the same building as before - in Nov 1980 "Avenida del Generalísimo" returned to its original name as part of "Paseo de la Castellana" from before the Franco era.

CBS S 62429 (Spain), 1975 onwards (three variants):

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (all 1975 releases)
The album was re-released in 1975 with the same catalogue number. The 1975 sleeve is almost identical to the 1973 sleeve except for the date on the rear bottom right of "1975" printed vertically in front of the printer's name, as shown below. The lyrics insert is the same as the 1973 release, still dated 1973. There are three record label variants, all with orange/yellow CBS labels, still dated "1972".

The first two variants come in the 1975 sleeve with the "Calle Princesa 1" address. The variant 1 labels are unique amongst Spanish albums in not having the arrows under "ESTEREO" to the left of the centre hole The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - S 62429 B3. What I've called the variant 2A labels have the arrows restored. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 A5, Side 2 - S 62429 B3.

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release, vertical date "(E) Madrid, 1975")

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1970s release)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1970s release - vertical date "(E) Madrid, 1975" now missing)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 release variant 1)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 release variant 1)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release variant 2A)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release variant 2A, other variants have the same circumference text, (P) date still "1972")

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 release variant 1 - no Stereo arrows on left, no line spaces on right)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release variant 2A)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 release variant 2B)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release variant 2A - Stereo arrows on left, lines spaced out evenly on right)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 release variant 2B - Stereo arrows on left, "SGAE" positioned lower on right with wider space above)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 release variant 2B)

CBS S 62429 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1970s release - Discos CBS address "Avenida del Generalísimo 25, Madrid-16")

The third variant (2B) comes in the "Avenida del Generalísimo" sleeve. There is also no "(E) Madrid, 1975" printed vertically in front of the printer's name (the office move took place in Mar 1976). These labels are similar to those of Manuel's copy with the Stereo arrows - however, to the right of the centre hole there is now no space between the "SGAE" box and "(P) 1972" compared with variant 2A.The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62429 A 0, Side 2 - S 62429 B3.

CBS S 32034 (Spain), 1982 (two variants):

The album was re-released in 1982 with a new catalogue number, CBS S 32034. The first 1982 release shown is unusual in that it is mispressed and has Side 2 of Slow Train Coming on Side 2 of the record - the label is correct! This is very rare as it was quickly withdrawn. The second 1982 release has labels with much longer text round the circumference. The front of the album is the same in both releases, and the same as the Dutch 1985 release of CBS 32034 shown above. The rear sleeve of the second 1982 release has "(PR)" below the catalogue number at top right. This stands for "Precio Redondo [Nice Price]". The second release has an inner sleeve with the song lyrics as above for 1973. The text at the bottom of the rear sleeves is also different, notably with an updated Madrid postcode for the Paseo de la Castellana address. Both sleeves were again printed by Offset ALG, Madrid. The records of both releases have orange/yellow CBS labels. The copies shown have handwritten matrix numbers as follows:

First 1982 release: Side 1 - 62429 - A ♦ 32034-A, Side 2: 32034-B O
Second 1982 release: Side 1 - 62429 – A ♦ 32034-A, Side 2 - 62429–B ♦ 32034-B.

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers (both 1982 releases)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (first 1982 release)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (second 1982 release)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (first 1982 release)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (second 1982 release)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (first 1982 release - shorter circumference text)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (first 1982 release, second 1982 release has the same text)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (first 1982 release - shorter circumference text, this copy is mispressed as Side 2 of Slow Train Coming, although Lars M. Banke has a copy like this which plays correctly)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (second 1982 release - longer circumference text)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (second 1982 release - longer circumference text, this copy plays correctly)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (first 1982 release - Discos CBS address "Paseo de la Castellana, 93 / Madrid 16")

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (second 1982 release - same Discos CBS address with new postcode "Paseo de la Castellana, 93 / 28046 - Madrid")

Confusingly Michel Pomarede has a copy of the second 1982 release in a variant sleeve without the "(PR)" below the catalogue number at rear top right as for the first 1962 release (as now does Lars M. Banke). The bottom of the rear sleeve is the same as shown immediately above for the second release sleeve.

Lars M. Banke says "The 1982 Spanish pressings of Another Side of Bob Dylan are confusing because the copies in my collection differ from the ones on your website. I have four copies - two of them is the mispressing with Side 2 of Slow Train Coming. The records of all of them have the same stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62429 A 0, Side 2 - 32034 B 0. However, my first mispressing has labels with the long circumference text and comes in the sleeve which you call "second 1982 release" on the website. My second mispressing has labels with short circumference text, but comes also in the sleeve which you call "second 1982 release". My third copy - where Side 2 plays correctly - also has labels with the long circumference text, but comes in the sleeve , which you call "first 1982 release". My fourth copy - where Side 2 also plays correctly - has labels with the short circumference text and comes in the sleeve which you call "second 1982 release"."

CBS S 32034 (Spain), late 1980s/1990:

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1980s1990 release)
This Spanish release must date from the late 1980s or 1990 and has the same sleeve (front and rear) as the CBS/Sony S 32034 1991 release below, but the record labels still have “CBS”. These labels are red with black text except for “CBS” and the circumference text, which is in white. The text layout is exactly the same as that of the CBS/Sony release apart from the "SGAE" box to the right of the centre hole being slightly displaced).
CBS S 32034 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1980s1990 release)

CBS S 32034 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1980s1990 release)

The spine text is “CBS       ANOTHER SIDE OF BOB DYLAN         CBS 32034” (without the "S"). The record comes in a plain inner sleeve with a cut-out on one side only, and this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62429–A (stamped) plus 32034-A (faintly handwritten), Side 2 - 32034–B (stamped).

CBS/Sony S 32034 (Spain), 1991:

CBS/Sony S 32034 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1991 release)
After 1991, when other CBS releases worldwide became Columbia, Spanish CBS releases became CBS/Sony as in Japan for legal reasons. Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding this on eBay. The sleeve has the CBS logo on the rear and was printed by Offset ALG of Madrid. The record was again pressed by Tecnodisco SA of Madrid for Discos CBS. The copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62429-A (stamped) 32034-A (handwritten), Side 2 - 32034-A (stamped).

CBS/Sony S 32034 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1991 release)

CBS/Sony S 32034 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1991 release)

CBS/Sony S 32034 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1991 release)

CBS/Sony S 32034 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1991 release)

CBS/Sony S 32034 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1991 release)

CBS/Sony S 32034 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1991 release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Hanns Peter Bushoff for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo cassette releases, CBS 40-62429 (Spain), 1974, re-released 1980; CBS 40-32034 (Spain), 1982:

CBS 40-62429 (Spain), 1974, re-released 1980:

CBS 40-62429 (Spain) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980 release)

CBS 40-62429 (Spain) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980 release)

CBS 40-62429 (Spain) - detail of inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980 release)

CBS 40-62429 (Spain) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980 release "1974")

CBS 40-62429 (Spain) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980 release "1974")

CBS 40-62429 (Spain) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1980 release)

CBS 40-62429 (Spain) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1980 release)

The first cassette shown was released in 1980, although the cassette has a publication date and a Spanish copyright date of 1974 (I assume there is a 1974 release of CBS 40-62429 not yet shown). The address of Discos CBS S.A. is given as "Paseo de la Castellana 93, Madrid-16", where they moved in mid 1980, and the list of CBS cassettes on the inside of the insert includes 1979's Slow Train Coming. The cassette is of white plastic with orange CBS paper labels. The song titles are in English only on both the insert and the cassette labels.

CBS 40-32034 (Spain), 1982 (two variants):

CBS 40-32034 (Spain) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1982 release - variant 1)

The 1982 cassette has a new catalogue number of CBS 40-32034 and a shorter insert, the inside of the cassette insert now has just track titles and timings. There are two different outside insert variants: the first has orange text on the spine and the track names on the front are in green (like the earlier CBS 40-62429 release); the second has pink text on the spine and the track names on the front are also in pink. The cassette (same for both variants) is again of white plastic with orange CBS paper labels. Although the publication date bizarrely is "(P) 1972" (earlier than the 1974 release), the Spanish copyright date is "1982" (the new catalogue number CBS 40-32034 was introduced in 1982). The song titles are again in English only on both the insert and the cassette labels. The cassette insert now has the Spanish text "Antes de dar la vuelta a la cinta, déjela pasar hasta el final [Before you turn over the tape, let it play until the end]".

CBS 40-32034 (Spain) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1982 release - variant 2)

CBS 40-32034 (Spain) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1982 release - both variants)

CBS 40-32034 (Spain) - rear of CBS cassette, scan by Manuel García Jara (1982 release - both variants)

CBS 40-32034 (Spain) - detail of inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1982 release - both variants)

CBS 40-32034 (Spain) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1982 release - both variants "1972")

CBS 40-32034 (Spain) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1982 release - both variants "1982")

CBS 40-32034 (Spain) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1982 release - both variants)

CBS 40-32034 (Spain) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1982 release - both variants)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 62429 (Italy), 1975, re-released late 1970s:
For the 1966 and 1970 mono releases of this album, see Mono Album Releases.

CBS 62429 (Italy) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (all releases)
The Italian mono releases of this album have sleeves with three folded-over flaps. The rear of the 1975 stereo sleeve containing the record with orange CBS labels has two flaps, top and bottom. The rear of the late 1970s stereo sleeve containing the record with orange/yellow CBS labels has no folded-over flaps. All are dated 1975 and made by CBS-SUGAR. All copies shown have the same front sleeve. All the record labels are dated 1967.

CBS 62429 (Italy) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 and 1976-77 releases - two folded-over flaps)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 and 1976-77 releases - two folded-over flaps)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 and 1976-77 releases, late 1970s release is the same)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release - no flaps)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 release)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release - "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS SUGAR S.p.A." in circumference text)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 release)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976-77 release - actually Side 2!)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - detail of Side 2, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976-77 release - "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS SUGAR")

CBS 62429 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976-77 release - actually Side 1!)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release - now correct)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release - "SUGAR" missing)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release - now correct)

Lars M. Banke has a 1976-77 copy still in the sleeve with two folded-over flaps that now has orange/yellow CBS labels with "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS SUGAR" at the bottom. The labels on this copy are reversed so that Side 1 is actually Side 2 and vice-versa. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 1, Side 2 - S 62429 2. The orange/yellow CBS labels (now correct) can be dated to the late 1970s because the text "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS SUGAR" now just says ""MADE IN ITALY BY CBS", still aligned as if "SUGAR" were present. All record labels have an "SIAE" Italian copyright stamp on Side 1.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

CBS 62429 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1975 and 1976-77 releases - two folded-over flaps)

CBS 62429 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release still dated 1975 - no flaps)

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS 62429 (Portugal), 1975:

CBS 62429 (Portugal) - front scan by Lars M. Banke

This release was the first for this album in Portugal - it was prohibited in Portugal during the dictatorships of Dr. Antonio Salazar followed by Marcelo Caetano, which ended in 1974. The front of the album is the same as the Dutch LP above. The album was manufactured and distributed in Portugal by Radio Triunfo, LDA. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

CBS 62429 (Portugal) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 62429 (Portugal) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 62429 (Portugal) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 62429 (Portugal) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 62429 (Portugal) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers


CBS 62429 (Portugal) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS S 62429 (Greece), 1967(?), re-released 1975; CBS 32024 (Greece), 1985:

CBS S 62429 (Greece), 1967 (?), re-released 1975:

CBS S 62429 (Greece) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 and 1975 releases)
The first Greek release has a sleeve printed in Greece but the record was made in Holland and is the first Dutch release from 1967. Even though the record is from 1967, the album may be from the early 1970s - confirmation required.
CBS S 62429 (Greece) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 and 1975 releases)

CBS S 62429 (NL for Greece) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 release - Dutch record?)

CBS S 62429 (NL for Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 release - Dutch record?, "MADE IN HOLLAND")

CBS S 62429 (NL for Greece) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 release - Dutch record?)

CBS S 62429 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 and 1975 releases)

CBS S 62429 (Greece) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 and 1975 releases)

CBS S 62429 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release - Greek record)

CBS S 62429 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release - Greek record, "MADE IN GREECE")

CBS S 62429 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release - Greek record)

CBS S 62429 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1967 and 1975 releases - printer code "MT 4960")

The front of the first release is identical to that of the 1967 Dutch LP shown above. The sleeve is not laminated. The 1960s/mid-1970s Greek releases had a printer code "MT 49xx" on the rear sleeve at bottom right, Another Side Of Bob Dylan was "MT 4960". The copy of the record with Dutch labels shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - S 62429 1, Side 2 - S 62429 2. However, the equivalent 1967 Dutch record has stamped UK matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBPG 62429 A2, Side 1 - SBPG 62429 B-1. This means that the record may have been sourced from Greece but given Dutch labels!

The 1975 record was made in Greece and comes in exactly the same sleeve as the 1967 release. The record now has orange/yellow CBS labels. The copy shown has handwritten written matrix numbers Side 1 - S 62429-1, Side 2 - S 62429-2.

CBS 32024 (Greece), 1985:

CBS 32034 (Greece) - front with "Nice Price" CBS sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release)
The 1985 release now has a new catalogue number, CBS 32024, and the sleeve of the copy shown has a "Nice Price" CBS front sticker. The front of the 1985 release is unusual in that it retains the "STEREO"/arrows logo. The sleeve of the 1978 release is now laminated.
CBS 32034 (Greece) - front "Nice Price" CBS sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release)

CBS 32034 (Greece) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release)

CBS 32034 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release)

CBS 32034 (Greece) - detail of front sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (1985 release)

CBS 32034 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1985 release)

CBS 32034 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1985 release - "MADE IN GREECE")

CBS 32034 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1985 release)

CBS S 62429 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release - same as 1967 and 1975 releases, printer code "MT 4960")

Even though it now has catalogue number "CBS 32034" on the front and rear sleeve and record labels, the record of the 1985 release has handwritten matrix numbers with the old catalogue number: Side 1 - 01-S-A 62429 HPI, Side 2 - S-62429-2.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 32034 (Israel), 1985:

CBS 32034 (Israel) - front scan by Lars M. Banke

The front of this album is identical to the 1985 Dutch LP with this catalogue number above. The rear has exclusive text in Hebrew script at the bottom edge. The promo copy shown has a printed promo sticker with purple text on the rear to the left of the CBS logo (the commercial copy shown doesn't have it).

The record itself was made in Israel and has red CBS labels with matrix numbers: Side 1 - HP-ISRAEL 01-32034-A, Side 2 - HP-ISRAEL 01-32034-B.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

CBS 32034 (Israel) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 32034 (Israel) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial copy)

CBS 32034 (Israel) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy with sticker with purple text in Hebrew and English)

CBS 32034 (Israel) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 32034 (Israel) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers ("MADE IN ISRAEL")

CBS 32034 (Israel) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 32034 (Israel) - detail of rear with Hebrew text at bottom edge, scan by Hans Seegers

CD Releases

Because of the length of this page, Another Side Of Bob Dylan CD releases are now here.

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The Times They Are A-Changin' 1964
The Times They Are A-Changin' (1964)

Another Side Of Bob Dylan (1964)

Bringing It All Back Home 1965
Bringing It All Back Home (1965)

<- ^ ->

A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998- 2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.